Wolf RPG
Redhawk Caldera what the hell have you been doing - Printable Version

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what the hell have you been doing - OG Magpie - March 30, 2015

@Elwood perhaps?

She was wondering if maybe she was just simply... embarrassed. It was like Magpie to be a bit flaky, but it wasn't like her to be so avoidant of company. She was a bonafide extravert, thrived in the company of others, but perhaps her baptism by fire in the Caldera had affected her far more than she realized— amongst the Corvidae, she was well-liked and outgoing. Hell, even here, she was generally outgoing... but the "well-liked" aspect was questionable. It had thrown her into a sort of identity crisis, waking feelings of insecurity she wasn't really used to.

But her concussion was healed, and so were her various bumps and bruises. Even her ankle no longer bothered her, though it would occasionally ache depending on the weather.

"So, enough is enough," she proclaimed aloud, emerging from her flower-marked den in the caldera's forest. Not quite ready to interact with her pack mates— at least, not without contributing something to their overall wellbeing— Magpie trotted to the pack's outer claim. Idiot rabbits had formed a network of warrens this way, and while it wasn't a particularly impressive feat of gamekeeping, the yearling was an excellent rabbit-slayer.

Before long, two filled her mouth, and she began her trot back to the caches; after she filled one with her offerings, she'd set off to socialize, determined to integrate once and for all.

RE: what the hell have you been doing - Elwood - March 30, 2015

Roving the borders was a mindless task, usually, but it was something that needed to be done. So it was easy for Elwood to daydream as he meandered along the edge of the territory, with the wilderness sprawling out from one shoulder and the caldera's squat peak rising from the other. Sometimes he thought of his sister; others, he wondered whatever had happened to Somnia. Today, though, his musings were about the future.

He couldn't help but picture the little family that he hoped he and Finley would have one day -- that day was probably far off, but he felt pretty sure that they both wanted it eventually. Visions of puppies danced in his head, until he was drawn back to the real world by the sight of Magpie ahead of him. He hadn't seen Fox's sister since the rather awkward pack bonding activity, but his curiosity was drawn by the two hares hanging from her mouth.

"Hey!" he called, the little grey pups evaporating from his mind, "you've got a mouthful there!" Immediately, he wondered where she had found them and if there were others to be had. Where there were two rabbits, there had to be more.

RE: what the hell have you been doing - OG Magpie - March 31, 2015

Magpie slowed as she was hailed, turning her head toward the voice, rabbits still clutched in her jaws. The heady scent of prey had kept her from smelling the male before he neared her, and she supposed she was so determined to (finally) carry her weight around here that she wasn't really listening for the telltale sounds of company. Quickly realizing it was a pack mate— Elwood— she stopped with a sweep of her tail in greeting. She dropped her prizes on the ground at her feet a moment later so she could speak.

"We've been blessed with an entire warren of these moronic creatures over that way," she motioned towards the pack's edges with her snout. "They're probably not good hunting for the time being, since I scared them into a panic," the yearling continued. She was convinced they'd still be there tomorrow, though; they had built an entire warren, and Magpie doubted they'd abandon it too quickly... particularly because she had purposefully left it intact.

RE: what the hell have you been doing - Elwood - March 31, 2015

The black-and-white she-wolf allowed the carcasses to slip to the ground so that she could speak, informing Elwood that she had retrieved them from a warren not far from their current location. He suddenly remembered that he had hunted from likely the same burrow with Somnia some time ago, and while he was eager to see if he could round up a few more, Magpie suggested that she had wreaked too much havoc on her own. She was right; the rabbits would be frazzled and on their guard, making it difficult to entice them back out of the underground tunnels.

"I'll have to check that out later, then," the gamekeeper replied, making a mental note to return in a few hours and scope things out. Even if it wasn't the same den that he and Somnia had terrorized, it would still be good to get it on his radar.

Gesturing at the two lifeless hares that now rested at Magpie's feet, he asked, "Were you taking those to a cache? I can help, if you want." While he would have preferred participating in the hunt himself, he was happy to help her with storage -- and then, maybe, she would want to go for round two, if they could find suitable prey.