Wolf RPG
Firestone Hot Springs I Am Your Echo - Printable Version

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I Am Your Echo - Bindi - March 31, 2015

Going to use this for gamekeeper

Bindi had given up her search for Minxy, and returned to the mountain. She only spent a few hours back in Silvertip territory before leaving again. She had been tracking some deer for awhile, after multiple failed attempts of killing one of them. She gave a groan as her nose scanned the ground for the deer's scent and eventually Bindi found a doe separated from the rest of the herd. This was her last chance at a good fresh meal, before she would have to head back home.

The midnight wolfess made sure the doe couldn't hear or smell her and Bindi slowly approached her prey. Her golden eyes locked on the creature's neck and Bindi stopped when the doe looked at her. Luckily the stupid creature went back to being careless and the obsidian girl continued to creep forward, ready to kill once more.