Wolf RPG
Neverwinter Forest settling light - Printable Version

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settling light - Ivev - March 31, 2015

[ooc]for [url=http://wolf-rpg.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=1031]@Charon[/url]

Ever since the temperatures began to warm, things had been slowly shifting into place, like a momentous glacier finally touching the dark bay water. Settling into a pack, exploring and sifting through her surroundings, making the foundations for friends... It was just as beautiful as the continuous turn of the moon. And with her leg impeding her less and less each day, Ivev had taken to reclusing herself in the wild to enjoy the silent beauty of it all.

She had wandered from the northern faces of the Spine, entering a meadowed woodland touched by the green of spring. Sometimes the wolf would stop and rest her leg for awhile, all the while soaking in the pleasantly hot sun (in comparison to the previous months) and sniff out some of the plants that were beginning to re-leaf. Presently she found herself in an ever thickening wood, with the heat of the day gone and replaced by the cool shadows as the trees above formed an interlocking canopy. Small insects buzzed about her ears, fading as the air grew cooler farther into the forest. Small patches of sunlight glowed on the floor, illuminating a pretend trail through the trunks that likely led nowhere.

RE: settling light - Charon - April 06, 2015

Charon had never before been to Neverwinter Forest, and he enjoyed the exploration. He also enjoyed the warming weather -- it had never been as warm as it was now, to him, for he had been born in fall. The speckled youth made his way through the forest on this pleasant day, eagerly greeting and welcoming the many insects that buzzed around -- they were new and interesting, too -- and sniffing the flowers -- he'd never smelled this many smells before!

The youth was following a trail of lights when suddenly he noticed another wolf. He halted and stared for a moment, for he had been so immersed in his adventures and the beautiful world around him that the thought of another wolf approaching had not occurred to Charon. Then he said, "Hi, are you adventuring too?" It sounded kind of stupid, he realised in hindsight, but the youth hoped that the adult wouldn't mind, or that she was cool like Osprey and she actually had been adventuring.

RE: settling light - Ivev - April 13, 2015

Ivev had heard the stranger rather than smelled him first- so she was caught even more off guard when the young creature emerged from the forest shadows. He had a striking pelt of speckled tan on a coat of white, like a whorled conch that had washed up on the sea and left him with dark, sea blue eyes. Her eyes peered at him closely, studying him for a moment. Did his unusual appearance signal something? An omen?

The arctic female tilted her tail in greeting, a small smile haunted the return to what he had said.
Yes, I was exploring the forests. This one has different trees than the one in my home. With cottonwoods, oak, alder, and other types, the Neverwinter Forest had its different mix of pine and plants.
Am I intruding on your pack? she added, ears flicking slightly. Ivev wanted to be respectful, and would leave rather that create that horrible conflict she had done in Noctisardor. 

RE: settling light - Charon - April 14, 2015

The wolf seemed startled as Charon came into view, though he didn't understand why. The wolf soon confirmed she was adventuring as well. Trees interested Charon, as a Naturalist; he had once heard interesting stories about trees in Ravensblood from Scarlett. "You should see the giant fireproof trees in Ravensblood Forest sometime," Charon said, "Near the coast." He wasn't usually all for helping others, but it just popped into his mind that this wolf, if she enjoyed these different trees, might enjoy the sights in Ravensblood too; if she wasn't from there, anyway.

When she asked if she was intruding on his territory, Charon felt confused, for he was pretty sure this was a neutral territory. With a surprised expression on his face Charon answered, "Uh... No. I think this place isn't anybody's. I live in Stavanger Bay, it's near the coast." Which explained why he knew a forest near the coast. Charon then continued, "I'm Charon. I'm a Naturalist and I'm working to be a Warden and Chronicler. Do you wanna hear like a cool story about Stavanger Bay or something? 'Cause I could tell you one, if you wanted, or if you've got any questions about the pack." Charon looked at the stranger, hoping she'd share her name in turn and hoping that she would be eager to receive a story. If she liked adventuring, then surely she had to like stories too.

RE: settling light - Ivev - April 20, 2015

Fireproof? she echoed in thought, an image forming in her mind. Ivev imagined these 'fireproof' plants to be coated in some sort of substance to keep the flames away, like moss or a liquid that would help protect the trees. Perhaps she would go one day, to see for herself.

Head nodding, she spoke again. I've heard of the coast- sometimes, wolves will come down and explore inland. Though I don't think anyone from your pack has come to the Spine. He continued to speak, and she smiled at the mention of what he was interested in.
I would love to hear a story, Ivev replied.   I don't know if I have any questions about your pack, but have you heard any stories or lore from your packmates? Perhaps he had heard some from his own relatives- this male looked young enough to have been born into the coast and not joined them as a dispersal wolf.

RE: settling light - Charon - April 23, 2015

"Yeah, they're giant because they resist fire. Neat, huh? You won't miss 'em, just look for the giant trees that stick out above everything else." Charon decided not to press the matter too much; if the wolf wanted to check them out, she could do so herself. He wasn't a tour guide, after all, just a Naturalist, Warden and Chronicler.

With interest, Charon listened to this wolf, who apparently was from 'The Spine'. Charon didn't know where that was, and he thought it was pretty rude that the wolf hadn't even introduced themselves. The wolf said she would love to hear a story and that she hadn't met many wolves from the Bay so far, but Charon instead said: "It's pretty rude not to introduce yourself when someone introduces themselves to you, y'know. I've never heard of your pack, either." Charon left a little space so that she could introduce herself and say a little tidbit about her pack, and then, whether or not she had shared anything in the end he answered the Spine wolf's questions: "Well, one of my packmates taught me about dragons. Do you know what dragons are like? They're like lizards -- have you ever met a lizard? -- and then they're really big and got wings. Not all of them are unfriendly, but most of them want to scorch everyone in sight, which they can, because they breathe fire."

Charon and Ivev talked only a short while longer about fantasy creatures and stories, and then Ivev left, since she had to get back to her pack. Charon looked around the area with curiosity, figuring he could do to explore a bit longer now that he was here, anyway.

RE: settling light - Shiv - May 17, 2015

Hope you don't mind me throwing Shiv into this! :D

The Neverwinter forest was only but a short jaunt from the Heartwood and, for two similarly large forests, they were both quite different. The proximity of the two woodlands was a blessing for Shiv who, as much as she adored her home, needed to stretch her wings every so often. For her exercise today she decided to head to the coast, riding the thermals in the air before descending into the thick boughs of the dark forest that sprawled out from the mountain beside it.

It didn't take long for the magpie to find herself some company, spotting a slim, white wolf weave her way through the trunks. Shiv tailed her for a distance though didn't reveal herself, before retracing her steps, bored and frustrated with the pressing silence of the forest. Where the Heartwood was alive with various chitters and chatters of other critters, this forest seemed empty and bleak. In an attempt to liven the place up, Shiv warbled her own loud, obnoxious song, landing on the soft earth and strutting around the base of a tree, unaware of her freckled friend lurking only a short distance away.

RE: settling light - Charon - May 17, 2015

not at all, thanks for saving this thread :D

Charon loitered around the place where he'd shortly met Ivev, sniffing about the territory and searching for cool places, but he found nothing special thus far. Not until he heard a screeched song from a place nearby. He knew that voice, from... Well, somewhere! It didn't take long for Charon to trim his memory, because he hadn't met that many birds up close and personal in his lifetime. With an excited wag of his tail, Charon called out, "Shiv!" and started to jog towards the place he heard the magpie's calls from.

"Aw, man, it's been like, forever! How are you?!" the freckled adolescent asked, his tail wagging excitedly as he saw Shiv strutting about the base of the tree. Whatever she was doing, she was sure livening the place up!

RE: settling light - Shiv - May 18, 2015


Shiv! The bird stopped in her poking and prodding of the twisted roots of the tree, straightening up with a surprised tweet. It was the second sign of life the forest had to offer, and she immediately stared to scour the land in front of her, trying to determine the source of the sound. She, too, struggled to remember where she knew that voice from — such a happy, boyish voice that she knew she had heard somewhere before...

Suddenly, Charon came bursting into the scene, and Shiv spun around upon realising that the voice hadn't come from behind the tree. His tail was a blur and his blue eyes alight with excitement, and the magpie couldn't help but share his glee. Taking off from the ground in a flurry of dirt and twigs, she flew towards him and landed upon his shoulder, singing a loud, off-key song all the while.

"Charon is so big!" she exclaimed, staring down at the white fur beneath her. She groomed it with her beak idly as a mother would, making soft sounds in her throat. "Eating lots of crabs, yes?"

RE: settling light - Charon - May 19, 2015

Charon's tail wagged and ears were folded back in untamed excitement as Shiv landed on his shoulder. It felt like forever since he had seen his bird friend; the last time had been when he'd met that other bird, UV, the one with the shiny feathers. When Shiv said that he had grown a lot and he must've eaten a lot of crabs, he chuckled, though did not disclose that he had eaten only very little crabs (they remained a challenge, especially compared to other small prey).

"Maaan, how have you been? I was just telling this wolf some stories when I ran into you - you're way better than that boring ole' wolf!" Charon meant the words: he'd rather spend time with Shiv than with most other wolves, because Shiv was cool, even now that he was, in his own mind, all grown up. Charon giggled ticklishly when Shiv's beak touched his skin while she groomed his fur.

The boy and the bird spent some time together before each going their own separate ways again, and Charon returned home with a broad smile on his face at having seen his bird friend again.

fading here since this is so old! ty for saving it <3