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Redhawk Caldera winds from the southwest - Printable Version

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winds from the southwest - RIP Fox - March 31, 2015

Somebody Fox hasn't met! @Tiger @Orpheus @Sebastian

Fox had heard about the newcomers, but she hadn't actually met any of them. Their names, of course, were given to her by whomever had greeted them at the border, but those went in one ear and out the other. She'd never been particularly good with names, especially when it came to wolves she'd not yet laid eyes on. Today, she was hoping to fix that last bit and actually get to know some of her newer pack-mates. Mothering had taken up most of her time, but as the pups began to be weaned from her milk, she was gradually getting more freedom to go back to her usual ways.

Presently, she sat atop a large rock, simply enjoying the warm breeze as it filtered its way through her red fur. Peregrine was at home watching the kids, and she had stopped her patrol for a rest. Her hope was that either a) one of the newcomers would seek her out or b) she'd happen across them during her patrol. Neither had happened just yet, but it was only early afternoon, and she had plenty of time before she needed to head back.

RE: winds from the southwest - Sebastian - April 01, 2015

Sebastian was in a rather playful mood. He wished he had one of the youngsters to play with him. The male didn't know why but he felt like running and jumping around. He blamed the nice weather. It made him more gleeful. Plus he was really starting to feel at home in Redhawk Caldera. He and Elwood and taken down a doe and her fawn. They managed because of their awesome teamwork. The whole alpha family would have tons to eat because of them. Sebastian was proud that he could keep his promise to Peregrine. Sebastian made his way to the lake and then jumped in it.

The male decided he could use the refreshment and a bath. He hadn't been properly bathed since... he couldn't even remember. It felt good to have all the dried mud out of his fur. Coming from a cold place in Canada Sebastian was also shedding kilos of fur daily at the moment. It always took a long time for him to get into his summer coat. After he found he had done enough swimming he decided to make himself useful and go on a patrol. Yet, that patrol was quickly interrupted because he saw a red lady on a rock. Fox. It must be here. "Excuse me. Are you Lady Fox? Peregrine's wife?," Sebastian questioned as he approached her in a polite and submissive manner.

RE: winds from the southwest - RIP Fox - April 06, 2015

A stranger (or at least he was somewhere in that spectrum) approached and addressed her as "Lady Fox" of all things. Fox had a good chortle at that. "Just Fox," she replied, "And who does that make you? Mister Walrus?" She wasn't even sure if he'd get the joke, but it was the first gray animal that came to mind. It was a silly little thing, but ever since Fox had popped out kids, she couldn't help but constantly be on the lookout for more future names. Or nicknames for her current saplings (which was how "Dhole" had come about).

Fox shifted her weight ever-so-slightly between her feet, looking down upon her loyal(?) subject with dull grey eyes. She wondered what his back story was. Where had he come from? Where was he going? Did he plan on staying here, with Redhawk, for the rest of his days? Or was he more like the majority who seemingly came and went as they pleased? FitzDutiful was still the sole wolf who had left after saying goodbye.

RE: winds from the southwest - Sebastian - April 07, 2015

Sebastian bobbed his head when she wanted to be called by her name and not any other titles before it. The young male was glad that the pack was starting to appear more casual than he first thought it was. Sebastian let out a snort when he was called a Walrus. Probably because he was grey and big in size. "Sebastian," he returned. He caught her curious glance over him so he decided to reveal more about himself. "I am from a pack in Canada," he spoke. 

He remembered how everyone of that pack was dead now, well most of them were. Only his father wasn't and it was all his father's fault everyone was dead. Sebastian knew Peregrine didn't want any trouble caused by him, and he wouldn't dare to do such thing, but he had to confront his dad one day.

RE: winds from the southwest - RIP Fox - April 25, 2015

Either he had no sense of humor, or Fox just wasn't very good at jokes. She was going to bank on the former, and she rolled her eyes when all he did was offer up his actual name and something about a "canada." Really? Was he that dull? Perhaps she should have been thankful that there was a boring wolf in the ranks, but a part of her longed for the days of her youth (read: her couple of years) when there had been adventure and chaos around every corner.

Fox knew she couldn't just say, "See ya later, boring dude." She'd have to suck it up and deal with the banality of it all. "What’s a canada?" she asked, oblivious to the human lines drawn in the sand dirt and snow.

RE: winds from the southwest - Sebastian - April 25, 2015

Sebastian had no clue about the fact that the alpha found him boring he was just trying to polite. Everyone in this back seemed to have a sense of humor he wasn't getting, or not wanted to engage into because he didn't want to step on anyone's toes. Maybe he should relax a bit more but ever since he joined and Peregrine had been that strict with him... he was more cautious rather than casual. The grey male cleared his throat before he answered. 

"Well it is the name of the location I've lived before. But most wolves known it as the north," he returned, yet he didn't want to make it sound like he was lecturing the red female. Sebastian stood there, feeling a bit useless since he didn't know anything else to day to the female so high in rank. He didn't feel important enough to even talk to her really. Maybe this pack didn't take their ranks so seriously. "I should... do something useful."

RE: winds from the southwest - RIP Fox - May 01, 2015

Ah, the north. Fox had heard plenty about it, though she'd never been there personally. She was about to ask further, when Sebastian decided talking to her was not useful. "Not so fast, buddy. Getting to know your leaders is probably one of the most useful things you can do. If you're planning on sticking around, I'd appreciate at least getting a feel for what you're like. Doesn't mean we have to be besties, but having social skills is kind of a requirement around here." Granted, Fox wasn't usually so talkative, but his dismissive manner got her feathers ruffled, and she wasn't about to ignore that.

While Fox was quick to scold, she was just as quick to move on. She detested lingering on such things for any longer than absolutely necessary. "So, Sebastian of Canada, what took you away from the north?" Perhaps it was instinct. Maybe something bad had happened back home. Or perhaps he'd followed somebody here. Fox had heard all three stories (with slight variations), but she was happy to open the door to let him tell his story however he wished.

RE: winds from the southwest - Sebastian - May 02, 2015

Sebastian instantly felt scolded like a child. What was it with the two alpha's making him feel like some disobedient pup? Sebastian instantly sat back down and looked at the alpha female. His ears falling back with shame. "Ehm. Yes. Of course. I am just not used to this. My old pack was very different. In like not functioning and not being very social at all," he returned. Sebastian didn't want to tell her was that he was the one that killed his uncle/alpha. But it took some serious measures for him to do so. Sebastian still didn't regret anything and he wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing.

But then that dreadful question came. Maybe Peregrine hadn't told her the reason why he came here. Or maybe she wanted to hear it from himself. "Well like I said before my family pack wasn't functioning. After my mother's death, I traveled after my father in hope to find him. I know he is in the Black Feather Woods pack. But Peregrine told me not to create any drama or trouble... so I have been working hard for the pack instead," he spoke. Frankly he wasn't even sure if he wanted to see his father. Yes, he wanted to confront him for leaving them and just starting a new life but on the other hand he couldn't really blame the man for leaving...

RE: winds from the southwest - RIP Fox - May 05, 2015

Fox quirked a brow at that. How could a wolf pack not be social? It was in their very nature to be as much, and anything else was... well, like trying to explain color to somebody who'd been blind since birth. It just didn't make any sense to Fox, and she gave Sebastian a pointed look. A nearby pack, Blackfeather Woods, came up in conversation, and Fox tipped her ears forward at this. There had been a time when she would have jumped at the opportunity to stir shit up, but with her children now in this world, she couldn't take such risks. It seemed Peregrine had already covered that ground, though, and Sebastian seemed to have taken it to heart.

"If your pack wasn't 'like this,' what was it like?" Fox asked. The question of how a pack could not be social swirled around in her thoughts again. Even Swiftcurrent Creek had been social, and lords knew it had been dysfunctional for quite some time. It had always had its core members, though, and they had been close knit when they had been together. In fact, the one time Fox had felt that she didn't fit in—Blacktail Deer Plateau—she'd high-tailed it out of there as quickly as possible.

RE: winds from the southwest - Sebastian - May 06, 2015

Sebastian still needed to feel home here in this pack. He hoped that he would settle soon because everyone around here seemed to want to communicate and play even. The alpha female asked about his home pack and all he could think about was his poor mother. He wished she was still alive but he watched her die. Then the anger came. The anger he had for his father and what he did to them. Followed by the anger of what his uncle did. Even though Sebastian had his sweet revenge on his uncle by throwing him off that cliff Sebastian still hadn't really mentally processed it. He was still so angry.

Sebastian was quite the master of not showing it, or well, he tried. He really did. He didn't want the horrors that tormented him to brother others with. "It just didn't function after my father abandoned the pack which is why most members died," he spoke sounding surprisingly cold. "Including my mother. My uncle was a brute and the females in the pack were treated like slaves. My father should have never gone away."

RE: winds from the southwest - RIP Fox - May 16, 2015

Hope you don't mind me wrapping this up. Trying to get some of the old ones off my plate. :)

"Ah," Fox replied plainly. His story was not terribly uncommon. Bad things could happen when there was a leader upset. It often threw the pack into chaos. Fox had been there for plenty of that, but she'd managed to get out alive (and with minimal damage to others... or so she believed). There were times when she wondered what Bazi was up to. If Blue Willow was handling the plateau alright. But really, Fox cared about herself too much to worry herself over such things for too long. The past was the past, and those wolves were no longer a part of her life.

"I can assure you that Peregrine would do no such thing. And neither would I, for that matter. The both of us are committed to the caldera, and we hope that those who live here feel the same." That, of course, included Sebastian. Sure, he may be newer than some of the others, but he was expected to put in just as much effort as the rest of them. "Consider us your family now, Seb." Her tone was softer when she said this. Despite her hard attitude, Fox truly did care about each and every member of Redhawk. "I need to get back to the kids, but I’ll see you around."