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Rising Sun Valley Shierak Qiya - Printable Version

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Shierak Qiya - Rakharo - April 02, 2015

The Dotharan make their first appearance! @Tomahawk and @Lavakho should post first, but then I think it would be nice to have someone else joi us :D
This thread is set in the far east of RSV.

[Image: JP73eQg.png]

indentA constant feeling of freedom lingering around the Khal and his company had made Rakharo think it had been a good choice. Rhaesh Dahaan was full of dark memories that wouldn't allow him to have peace, and the constant reminder of his solitude left nothing but an inmense desire to leave all he'd ever known behind. All but the one that was still loyal to him.

indentHaving Lavakho by his side was comforting, he knew his brother would never leave his side if things ever got nasty again. He had been the only one worthy of his trust and the only true loyal member of his numerous Khalas. Everyone else had left his side, even his bloodfangs had turned their backs on him. Fear was a greater force than anything else in the world, and fear had plagued his people. Cowards, all of them. It was time to seek true power, it was time to gather people with guts. The ways of the Dotharan could be rough, but those who really had what it takes would make it far by Rakharo's side.

indentNew grounds were what the unbreakable Khal seeked, new lands to conquer. He knew he had what whas necessary to be a powerful patriarch, he had proven it once, and he was going to rebuild the strength he was once the leader of.

indentAccompanied by his loyal brother, and followed by the creature he'd claimed as his servant, Rakharo crossed mountains looking for the appropriate place to claim. Forests many and lakes by dozens, he'd seen an entire world of unknown wonders, but they all lacked what Rakharo was looking for. It was essential for the place they would settle down to be inhabited by the creatures they admired the most, they wouldn't be Dotharan without them. Bison. That's what they needed, but they hadn't found it. Rhaesh Dahaan was home for some of the largest herds of Bison in the known lands, and Rakharo wasn't going to settle for less, so it was yet another dissapointment to find nothing but dust again as they came across yet another forest. They walked down a hill to find a poorly-populated valley traversed by a dim creek. The Khal sniffed the air close to the soil, and with a hostile frown he kicked the rocks near the creek. There still wasn't the smallest sign of Bison. "Yth pok tenpiswo ihk wer thurkear." barked Rakharo irritated, looking bluntly at the rushing water.

RE: Shierak Qiya - Lavakho - April 02, 2015

So excited to get the ball rolling on this!

Lavakho's decision to accompany his brother to unknown lands was one made quickly, without hesitation, or much thought behind it.  However, that was the nature of most of Lavakho's decisions, as he had made it perfectly clear time and time again that he had little time for such frivolous things like reflection, or complex thought for that matter.  He would follow his brother to the ends of the earth, if that's what it took to prove his worth.

The walk from Rhaesh Dahaan had been a long and difficult one on the hulking wolf and his knees begged to buckle under the weight of his colossal body.  Though he was blessed with a frame built for combat, it certainly made travel difficult, especially over long distances.  However, dusk was approaching soon on the horizon and that meant the duo and their coyote captive would be stopping in due time.  Lavahko silently sighed internally at the sight of the sun beginning to set on the horizon.  So pretty.

His brother stopped, bringing the group to a screeching halt as he sniffed the air by a small creek.  Lavakho's murky orange eyes laid locked on the valley before him.  Everything was so much different from home and Lavakho found it's lack of bison utterly disturbing.  One hadn't been seen since they had departed from the plains of Rhaesh Dahaan, and Lavakho couldn't help but pine for home.  But this was home now, he resolved, and home would always be with his brother.  

Lavakho shared his brother's irritation.  Perhaps if they were to kept going west they would find a herd, but it was all still speculation and conjecture at this point.  "Si iaco isthasy,"  he grunted in response as he dropped to his stomach.  "Tlush tenamalo persvek wer nakit."

RE: Shierak Qiya - Tomahawk - April 02, 2015

Whee! I'm not quite sure how the wolves would treat Tomahawk, so I'm being vague here.

Tomahawk wasn't sure how she'd gotten separated from Bazi, Kaskara, and Scimitar, but it had happened. Maybe it had been subconscious, as she could never quite bring herself to see herself as an equal (even if she believed herself to be). Oddly enough, a large, brutish wolf she knew only as the Khal was her saving grace. He understood her in a way that nobody else had. He put her where she was supposed to be all along. She was to be their servant. Suddenly, Tomahawk's life had purpose, and she was there to fulfill it.

They spoke words she did not understand, but it did not matter. Tomahawk came up to Rakharo's flank and whined, curious to know what they were saying, what his intentions were.

RE: Shierak Qiya - Bassilth - April 02, 2015

Hope you don't mind me joining the fun

Bassilth hadn't gone to far from Duskfire Glacier, but she had traveled a good distance and was about to rest for the night when she heard a voice. Actually she heard two voices, and they were speaking a language Bassilth knew very little about. Quickly the female went looking for the source of the voices and soon found two wolves and a coyote. She kept her distance from the males who were much larger than herself, but offered then a smile to show she had no bad intentions. 

Bassilth's didnt know if these wolves spoke any English, but she did know they spoken language somewhat similar to her own. "Ahnok, vis hi mindoraan zey" she asked the two male wolves curious if they spoke the same language as her. She then looked to the coyote, and was wondering if she too spoke the language of the wolves, but didn't say anything. She waited to see the wolves reactions, and hoped they wouldn't attack her. 

RE: Shierak Qiya - Rakharo - April 03, 2015

Sorry for the weird post, I'm sleepy :s

[Image: JP73eQg.png]

indentWith a nod, Rakharo agreed with his brother on the course of action. He was sure there would be a Bison herd soon, he could feel it in his heart, the way it pounded wasn't normal. There still was terrain to cover if they wanted to reach a flatland, and by the geography of the place they chose to rest there seemed to be many more mountains to cross ahead. They would need to keep going forward and they would.

indentTomahawk came to his side with a whine and big eyes. Rakharo had forgotten that the girl wasn't familiar with his native language language yet, and it had been a pain in the ass from the moment he'd claimed her. He wasn't fluid in the common tongue, but he knew some words, he was able to comunicate what was necessary to his new servant. "We stop." he barked bluntly as he faced her with authority, "Rest with moon, walk with sun." to a native of the land, Rakharo would have seemed a little aboriginal, but in fact he was an eloquent speaker in his own language; it was just too different from the common tongue.

indentThe khal was about to turn away and look for an apropriate place to sleep for the night when yet another wolf with communicative differences came with questions. She had come too close without warning and being a nomad, Rakharo was territorial and protective of the space he occupied. His natural reaction was to turn around with hackles raised and a snarl, he looked big and powerful, and any pup would have peed their pants in fear. "Pok harkt mobi, vekikar." he hissed as his tail rose in the air. He looked at Tomahawk with inquiring eyes, "Understand?" he asked, still holding his aggressive expression.

RE: Shierak Qiya - Lavakho - April 03, 2015

Lavakho eyed the coyote captive from the ground with an expression of bewilderment as she whined at his brother's flank.  That fact that she accepted her place as a slave to the Dothran with little fuss (or bizarre exuberance, depending how you looked at it) was quite a curious case.  Never had the large male seen anything like it, one broken in so fast.  However, the language barrier between the two made communication impossible, forcing Lavahko to have to use his brother as a translator, much to his discontent.  She would eventually learn, but for the time being, Lavakho kept their communication to a minimum.  A dominant growl here and there, but nothing more.

He rose fast from the dirt as the intruder approached with her thinly veiled smile.  A move like that took bravery... or stupidity, and the colossal male couldn't exactly pinpoint which it was.  Perhaps both.  Lavakho joined his brother's side with ears pinned back and teeth barred.  "Stharl," he barked forcefully at the intruder, accompanied by a low and guttural growl.  

RE: Shierak Qiya - Tomahawk - April 04, 2015

@Rakharo Looks like Bassilth has gone inactive. Want to continue this?

Hawk shrunk back with the barked orders, deferring to the Khal. Her place—with, but not one of them—was that which she had always coveted, but it had taken her years to find it. Finally, though, she was comfortable. This was where she belonged. Not as one of them, but serving them. Somebody else then arrived, this one speaking in a tongue similar (but not quite equal to) the words her own Khal spoke. It was like hearing a garbled version of the language she was only beginning to understand, and she furrowed her brow.

When the Khal asked if she understood, Tomahawk replied with a shake of her head and a concerned whine. Was she supposed to understand? Would he be angry because she did not? While she had yet to incur any major physical punishment, she did not think it was out of the question. There were times when she was put in her place for misstepping, and she did not wish to step too far out of her boundaries.

RE: Shierak Qiya - Rakharo - May 07, 2015

Yeah we sould. Skipping her and narrating her exit so that we can continue.

Rakharo had little patience for strangers, specially those he didn't understand. And that white bitch talked a language so strange that Rakharo's forehead veins started pupming up thicker. And just to make things more fun, the slave that was supposed to be his translator seemed to have been spooked by some kind of ghost. She wasn't saying a word, which enfuriated Rakharo even further.

Luckily for the innocent Tomahawk, Rakharo decided to discharge his anger in the stranger, and with a sharp snap he chased the bitch away. He watched her run away with her tail between her thighs, and hith one last smoky huff, the golden Khal turned back to his subordinates. Specifically to the coyote.

"Wux geou yor wer Doth ooble. Si shilta ti guyya wux vorqir sva ve mrith batobot pothoc ehaism tikil throdenilt." he growled. Slaves were meant to serve, and the coyote would not be useful until she mastered the Doth tongue. She needed to make herself valuable or Rakharo would find a way to get rid of her.

omg I genuinely feel bad for how Rakharo is treating Tomahawk :(

RE: Shierak Qiya - Lavakho - May 13, 2015

While Rakharo chased the outsider away, Lavakho couldn't help but laugh at her trivial effort to communicate to the two Drojharkosi brothers.  It was a sad attempt indeed. It brought the quiet warrior great pleasure to see the outsider running away in fear, tail between her legs.  Fear had no place in the Dotharan and those who felt it didn't deserve the brothers' company.  

Rakharo had shifted his aggression toward the slave that they had captured.  Though she had not done her duty as a translator, Lavakho saw no reason to engage her angrily.  Back in Rhaesh Dahaan, Lavakho had grown close to many of the slaves, he was even friendly with most (in secret, of course).  However, slaves were slaves, and they must know their place, but this one seemed happy to serve.

"Isthasy, jaciv geou yor. Jaciv vucotic jacioniv goawy," said Lavakho, slowly placing himself between his brother and the slave. "Coi ui ti wer tairais ihk nomeno. Yth jalla nakta gethrisjir.".  

RE: Shierak Qiya - Tomahawk - May 16, 2015

Don't feel bad! She's meant to be a punching bag. ;)

"Yes," Tomahawk replied, shame laced deep in her voice as she lowered herself even further. Her ears splayed atop her head, licking her master's chin in deference. "Do better next time." Learning their tongue was a time-intensive process, and a skill that she fully intended to master. Time was of the essence, and she twitched her ears as she listened to the words they spoke, soaking them up and taking in what little meaning she could.

His brother spoke, though Tomahawk was surprised by his kindness. Were they not all supposed to treat her as a thing, not a wolf? The world had told her over and over again that she was not a wolf, and it was something she had learned to accept. At least this way, she could live among them.

RE: Shierak Qiya - Rakharo - May 18, 2015

This is Rakharo leaving the scene :P

The reaction of Lavakho, although morally correct, was not to have place against a Khal. Rakharo was indeed taking all his frustration out on Tomahawk, and she hand't done anything to deserve it, but a Khal had his right to put everyone in place and boss around if he wanted to. Lavakho needed to understand that although he was his closest friend, his kin and his second in command, he had a place beneath him that he needed to know how to occupate, and it wouldn't be the last time Rakharo would have to put someone in place.

"I said we stay for the night." Rakharo growled as an order, and immediately turned around to avoid any further aggressions towards his own blood. He needed to vent and it wouldn't be pretty if he did with so much company.

The Khal had plans for Tomahawk that he needed developed quickly. He knew the common tongue, or at least the basics of it, but he needed someone to master both the common and the Doth tongue in order to be able to rule a Khalas in a foreign place. Tomahawk was crucial for the wellfare of the Khalas, otherwise she would have been dismissed long ago.

RE: Shierak Qiya - Lavakho - May 28, 2015

Sorry for holding up the thread y'all
In his weak attempt to keep the peace, Lavakho had forgotten the task at hand. To stay. His comments were met with harsh resistance from his brother, however it was warranted as Lavakho had stepped far out of his place. The younger Drojharkosi hung his head in shame and sunk back into the ground. "I'm sorry brother," he apologized. As a whole, Lavakho was not the sort of man to ever say sorry. However, when it came to his brother, most of Lavakho's social norms went out the window.

Lavakho hung his face in the dirt as his brother turned away. Damn, he couldn't even look at him. "You," he called to the slave. "Tend to him." And with that, Lavakho settled into the dirt and prepared himself for the night.

RE: Shierak Qiya - Tomahawk - June 10, 2015

Final one for me! I'll have this archived. :)

She was commanded to tend to the Khal, and so she did. Tomahawk found her place near him, obediently waiting whatever command he thought she deserved. The coming months would throw the entire pack into a sort of chaos, and Tomahawk would be the cause of at least some of it.