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Blacktail Deer Plateau raspberry arizona tea - Printable Version

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raspberry arizona tea - Casmir - April 03, 2015

casmir was growing long and lanky, and had traded his loud crowing and babbling for more structured words. the side effect was that the child was rarely quiet, annoying even his mild-mannered mother and sister. today was no exception. "BURD!" casmir hollered at the low shadow of a sparrow. "MAMA I GO PLAY WIF BURD NOW!" he shouted, lunging out of the site and into the woods beyond.

RE: raspberry arizona tea - Eilidh - April 21, 2015

Can we bring this to present? :)

Casmir, as always, was yelling something. Usually it annoyed her, his babbling and screaming, but today it piqued her interest. Eilidh's ears swung forward at his retreating back and she scrambled to follow him. If there was a bird, she wanted to see! "Cas, shut it! You scare him 'way!" Eilidh caught up with her brother and turned her bright eyes this way and that, trying to find the bird her brother had been yapping about. Where was it?

RE: raspberry arizona tea - Casmir - May 01, 2015

yes i suck im sorry

instead of quieting down like Eilidh demanded, Casmir hooted loudly in her direction. "YOU NO TELL ME TO SHUSH, EEEEE-LAAAYYYY!" pouting, he made as if to smack her with one large forepaw, but tripped over the other and faceplanted in the dirt. snuffling away embarrassed tears, he glared at his sister, hoping she hadn't seen him. "Dah burd went DAT way," he explained grimly, gesturing with the offending paw. 

RE: raspberry arizona tea - Eilidh - May 05, 2015

Eilidh rolled her eyes very dramatically at her brother's words, and then stifled her laughter as he blundered into a somersault. She hid her glee when he rose, though, and instead bobbed her head. "Course he flew 'way!" she explained. "You scareded him! Les go see if we can fin' him!" She began to walk in the direction of the bird, pausing only to see if he would follow. Of course he would; Cas was her most devoted minion.

RE: raspberry arizona tea - Casmir - May 06, 2015

as much as Casmir liked to bully delicate Eilidh, he loved her in his own way, doted on the pale girl as only a brother could. and so, when she suggested they set off in search of the wayward avian, he fell into step with her. reaching out to nip her ear, he started when a sudden loud chittering sounded. whirling to and fro to locate the source of the noise, his eyes soon alit upon a fat and indignant squirrel.

"lookit, Eee-lay!" the boy hooted, adopting a dominant stance, tail flung high. "he is LOUD!"

of course, so was he.

RE: raspberry arizona tea - Eilidh - May 13, 2015

Eilidh smiled when he followed. She returned his nip with one of her own and set off. Only moments later he turned at the sound of chirping. Eilidh spun with him, her eyes turning toward her brother and his newest prey: a squirrel. She giggled at her brother's stance but watched the interaction carefully. She had seen these creatures from afar, but never so close. His tail flicked behind him as he watched the two pups, probably wondering if either of them had an acorn.

RE: raspberry arizona tea - Casmir - May 17, 2015

the squirrel stopped to stare at them and a new, unfamiliar feeling bubbled up in Casmir. pulling back his lips from his milk teeth, he lunged suddenly at the tree, a flurry of tiny hackles. unable to stop himself from giving a short bark at the trunk up which the squirrel had shimmied quickly, Casmir looked back at his sister. "I'ma get it and we eat it, okayyyy?" he purled to Eilidh, wondering what her thoughts on the matter were.

RE: raspberry arizona tea - Eilidh - May 19, 2015

Eilidh watch as her brother attacked the tree, scrabbling at the treebark, bellowing his intent toward the fleeing squirrel. Cas turned back toward her and suggested they eat it once he caught it, and she shrugged. "If you c'n climb it." She didn't know a single wolf who could climb trees, so she watched her brother in blatant amusement, wondering how long it would take him to give up.

RE: raspberry arizona tea - Casmir - May 24, 2015

puffing out his chest, Casmir strode toward the tree, feeling challenged by Eilidh's doubt in him. he tried to hop onto its lowest branch, nails scrabbling for purchase on the slick bark, and would have made it had not a sudden welter of leaves and twigs showered down atop him. startled, the boy dropped with a resounding thump onto his butt and wailed in bruised indignation.

RE: raspberry arizona tea - Eilidh - June 10, 2015

Though she laughed at her brother for trying to climb the tree and catch the squirrel, her heart leaped painfully when he crashed down from his attempt. She bolted forward and coddled him, licking and nudging his face, shushing him. "Oh Cas, it will be okay. There, there.." She crooned into his ear, nuzzling him gently, wanting him to know he was loved. Despite her attempt to get him to climb that tree, she loved her brother and never wanted to see him hurt. That was when she realized she would do anything to protect her family.

RE: raspberry arizona tea - Casmir - June 12, 2015

wanna wrap this up? i can start us another! <3

Eilidh's coddling attempts cheered Cas almost immediately; he clumsily licked her face and poked her with a forepaw. "wanna go get food at home?" he asked. there was guaranteed to be a bite to eat there, and no one would have to chase stupid squirrels or climb trees for it. he trundled a few paces in the direction of the den, then looked back at her.

RE: raspberry arizona tea - Eilidh - June 14, 2015

Eilidh smiled and nodded at her brother's suggestion. It would be hard to catch anything at their age (I mean, they were little more than roly poly pups!). And Momma and Pappa probably had something for them to eat, anyway! Why waste their energy on that? So she licked her brother's cheek and motioned for him to lead the way. Though she felt she was the leader of their group, she often would allow him or Constantine to take the lead, just to show them how.

RE: raspberry arizona tea - Casmir - June 20, 2015

they sauntered back, the sassy pair of them. once fed and groomed by their attentive mother, the two cubs joined one another in a joint attack upon brawny Connie, the aftermath of which left them all in a drowsy heap upon the ground in the summer heat.