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Blacktail Deer Plateau checking up - Printable Version

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checking up - Luke - April 03, 2015

going to assume this is set before his meet with Peregrine at the lake :) @Harlyn

It had been a few nights since Luke had dropped Harlyn off on Mordecai's doorstep, and his curiosity had gotten the best of him. He wanted to know how she had made out now that she had found the wolf she had been looking for, and since he was not far off from the plateau, he decided to pay her visit. He could not be sure she had stayed at the plateau, for all he knew her and Mordecai both may have struck off, but there was a reasonable possibility she had and he was willing to take a chance on it. As he neared borders, he tipped his head back and howled for Harlyn, his harmonic voice singing to her, asking that she come say hello, if she was around to hear it.

RE: checking up - Harlyn - April 03, 2015

Harlyn had wondered where Luke had slinked off to after he had reunited her with Mordecai.  She'd wanted to thank him.  Hell, she wanted to tackle him to the ground and shower him with hugs and gratitude.  But, he had vanished.  Which the druid couldn't fault him for - it had turned into a third wheel sort of situation rather quickly.  Still, she was eager to see him again.

Which is why she was up and trotting eagerly towards the borders of the Plateau the moment she heard his song upon the wind.  It took a little while to make it out from the depths of the territory and to the white wolf's presence, but her excitement didn't fail her in spite of the minutes that passed.  When finally, she was cantering eagerly up to him, a broad smile split across her muzzle.  It was just so good to see his blue nose!  "Luke!" she called out happily as she slowed to a trot, still closing the distance between them until she was near enough to plant a happy, friendly kiss upon his cheek, "How are you!  Where did you disappear to?  I'm so sorry, I didn't even see you go, I was so caught up in seeing Mordecai again!"

RE: checking up - Luke - April 03, 2015

Luke practically pranced in place as he spotted Harlyn coming through the trees, his tail beginning to wag excitedly (of course). She raced toward him and he bounded forward to meet her at the last few steps. "Harlyn!" As she bestowed a kiss upon his cheek he leaned into it and nuzzled her in return. Luke was very physical and affectionate by nature and though it was a small gesture on her part he greatly appreciated it. "I'm great! I've just been scouting around," he answered, drawing back from her to take a seat as his friendly gaze met hers. "You have nothing to apologize for, my dear, I snuck off so the two of you could have your privacy." He winked. "So how are things? You living here now?"

RE: checking up - Harlyn - April 04, 2015

Harlyn took a moment to simply enjoy the wolfy greeting from her blue-nosed friend, grinning broadly all the while.  Her ears perked as he explained his disappearance.  So he had left in order to give them some privacy.  Harlyn could have guessed as much on her own, but it was good to hear him say it and see that his regard of her hadn't at all soured.

Comforted, Harlyn settled easily into his presence, just as she had when they'd first met.  "Things are wonderful," the druid said with a soft nod, "It's so nice to feel at home again, I've missed it so much.  The loner life is not for me, my friend."  She gave a happy sigh, then settled her gaze curiosly upon his face.  "Do you think you'll settle down anytime?" she asked.  She didn't know too much about him and he certainly seemed like he enjoyed the lone wolf life.  But... he just didn't seem like the type of wolf that actually would.

RE: checking up - Luke - April 04, 2015

Luke had been delighted to assist his companion in reuniting with Mordecai, and now he was genuinely happy to know that things had gone well for since he saw her last. As he seated himself his tail swept the ground with each wag, and he chuffed very softly when she commented that the loner life was not for her. That made another thing the pair had in common as Luke felt the very same way, although he made the best of his current circumstances in the meantime. He used his lack of affiliation to explore widely and meet new faces.

"I am so glad to hear that you are happy," he said with a radiant smile. "The loner life is not for me either," he answered. "I will settle down when I find my place. Wherever that is," he laughed and grinned at her.

RE: checking up - Harlyn - April 05, 2015

His response came with the confident nonchalance that Harlyn had come to expect from him.  It brought a smile to her face, and a thought into her mind.  She pondered that thought for a moment then, wondering if it wouldn't be too much of a mistake to reveal her intentions to the blue-nosed troubadour.  Would it somehow get back to Mordecai before the time was right for her to make her move?  Would Luke even be willing to commit himself to a dream she wasn't even certain yet the gods would make a reality for her?

"I hope your place turns out to be my place as well someday," Harlyn decided to say finally, a smile upon her muzzle, "Has anything yet caught your eye at all?  Sparked your interest just a bit maybe?"

RE: checking up - Luke - April 05, 2015

Luke was thoroughly warmed when Harlyn that she would like to share a place with him sometime, and the cadence of his tail wagging increased. For the past year and a half Luke had been on his own, traveling south from his natal pack. Most faces he had seen he had not seen again, and so it had been that long since the blue-nosed wolf had formed friendships with the potential to last and grow. It filled him with a deep contentedness, and convinced him that somewhere in the confines of his expansive park was indeed his new home.

"As long as I'm near the water I'm pretty happy," he grinned. "I have seen a lot of nice places but no, I just haven't found the spot. I suppose it would help if I knew what I was looking for exactly," Luke laughed because it was true that he did not have something specific he was searching for and had not even decided if he wanted to join an existing pack or start his own. "What about you? Any future plans or are you just staying here at the plateau with Mordecai?"

RE: checking up - Harlyn - April 06, 2015

Harlyn cocked her head slightly to the right - intrigued by his immediate comment.  So, he was a lover of the water?  She pondered this fact as he continued to explain what it was he was looking for.   Part of her (okay a lot of her, but she felt guilty for it!) was pleased to hear that he hadn't found anything yet that spoke to him in that way.  At the same time, it was a shame - he was such a friendly, considerate, and truly wonderful creature.  He deserved to find his place - his home, and a family.

As though he'd read her mind, the next thing out of Luke's mouth was a question about her future plans.  Harlyn's ears slipped backwards and she looked away for a brief moment, a guilty smile flashing across her muzzle.  She shut her eyes for a second before peeking back at him.  "Well... Can you keep a secret?" she asked, biting her lip.  She knew already the answer, but it felt good to ask for dexterity purposes at least.

RE: checking up - Luke - April 07, 2015

A secret? Luke was intrigued, his gaze focused unwaveringly on her face. What sort of secret could she possibly want to tell him? He could only guess that it had something to do with her plan for the future (since she did not answer that question before asking if he could keep a secret) and why she had come back to find Mordecai. He leaned in and whispered his response, "of course." He smiled. No one was around, but it was a reflex of sorts to whisper when discussing secrets. He looked expectantly at her, eager to know this secret. Luke was a curious creature and could hardly stand the anticipation.

RE: checking up - Harlyn - April 12, 2015

Just as she'd expected, her query caught the interest of the blue-nosed wolf.  She smiled at the discretion with which he responded - leaning in and whispering as though any moment someone was about to stumble upon them.  To be honest, Harlyn appreciated it despite how unnecessary it likely was.  She couldn't bear it if Mordecai got wind of her intentions before she was ready to tell him.

"I've always wanted to be alpha," Harlyn said finally, "I have always wanted the honor of leading, of guiding my packmates, shaping their lives and protecting them.  I want the joy of being a mother, and to be the wife of a good, strong man who will lead at my side."  Mordecai came to her mind then, but she held that confession back for just a moment, eager to see the look upon her friend's face before she shared more. 

RE: checking up - Luke - April 12, 2015

She had his full attention, and his silver eyes never strayed from her face as he listened to her speak, a grin spreading across his face as she explained her wish to lead along side a strong mate, with an entire pack and pups of her own to guide and protect. It was a common dream, and one that many wolves chased. Luke himself had been urged to disperse by his mother, and in truth, he had only clung to his natal pack out of grief. It had been in his blood since he was but a pup to strike out and find his own way, he just needed a little push when his stubborn unwillingness to let go of the past threatened to hold his paws from ever taking another step forward.

"That's beautiful," he replied, still speaking in a hushed voice as his tail softly wagged. Because this had been told to him in secret, Luke assumed Mordecai did not know of this plan, the apparent reason Harlyn had sought him out. "I cannot blame you for wanting that. I take it you are here to steal Mordecai away, then? Whisk him off to start your own pack somewhere?" he gave her a playful wink.

RE: checking up - Harlyn - April 13, 2015

Harlyn felt as though her heart might burst at Luke's sentiment.  She knew well that it was the goal of many to call themselves alpha, but in truth, she felt herself rather different from them.  There were many who wanted the title for the power or for the glory.  Harlyn wanted it only for altruistic reasons - to be a role model and a teacher to her packmates, to guide and protect them, and to contribute to their future with her own perfect little babies.  It was actually quite arrogant of her to think as she did about her future leadership, but the druid certainly didn't see it that way.  It was her heart and her gods that guided her, and thus there could be no fault found in her way.

The druid felt heat rising to her cheeks when her friend brought up Mordecai.  She glanced away, embarrassed for a moment before she remembered herself and turned back to Luke with a confident power in her expression and tone.  "I don't know if what I feel for him is love, to be honest," she admitted, only the tiniest hint of guilt to be found hidden in her voice, "But he is the one that I want at my side.  I didn't realize it until I was given the life I've always wanted with someone else and found it to be.. empty and lonely.  Mordecai is... He is strong and he is kind, and... I don't know how to describe it exactly, but there's an element of his spirit that just calls to me."

She sucked in a breath for a moment, simply picturing his handsome face in her mind.  "The things that I want aren't worth having if he isn't there," she said finally, sighing almost wistfully before she turned her gaze back to Luke, "Do you think I'm crazy?"  Though Harlyn truly believed herself to have lived her entire life the way the gods had intended for her to, she couldn't help but think that perhaps in this matter at least she wasn't just being a foolish little schoolgirl with a crush on the boy who had once shared his crayons with her, hoping so desperately that he'd done so because he wanted her to notice him too.

RE: checking up - Luke - April 13, 2015

Luke was nothing if not a patient listener, and held his tongue as his companion spoke more of her wish, of how she felt of Mordecai, and all the while his warm attentive expression did not shift from her. When she asked if he thought she was crazy he stepped forward and gave her muzzle a companionable lick. "Not at all," he reassured, his tail gently wagging. "It sure sounds like love though," he grinned, more playfully than anything. To him the sentiments she expressed were not the sort usually reserved for friends, and lust began and ended around the hips.

"I think you need to go for it," he commented next with confidence. This was Luke's specialty, he was not one to tiptoe around and think to much before acting. It sounded like she knew what she wanted, so in his mind it was time for her to give it a shot. Why wait? "Even if you two are just friends." He winked again, but he genuinely believed that though it was traditional for a mated couple to form a pack there was no reason two friends couldn't.

RE: checking up - Harlyn - April 13, 2015

Harlyn closed her eyes as her friend gave her a reassuring kiss, soaking in the warmth and affection in that gesture.  When her dark lids slipped back to reveal the vibrant flames beneath, she set those smoldering cinders upon Luke's sweet smile, her ears cupped forward to catch his words of encouragement.

She snorted very gently and rolled her eyes despite herself when the alabaster minstrel called it 'love'.  Harlyn was inclined to believe him for she had always been quite free with her affection.  But when she spoke of love, she actually spoke of something much deeper and more meaningful than what others usually defined.  True love to her meant soulmates.  Love was something she gave freely and as often as she could, but real love?  That was something Harlyn was more guarded about.

"I want to," she admitted with a smile, "I want to so much, but I'm worried that he'll be overwhelmed and pull away...   I don't want to scare him."

RE: checking up - Luke - April 13, 2015

Luke nodded thoughtfully, understanding his companion's reservation though it did not change his opinion on what she should do. Perhaps Luke was just a bit impatient (for how patient he could be in some situations). He'd rather throw it on the table and work from there rather than stew on it and be left to wonder. Would Mordecai feel less overwhelmed in the future anyway? Unless she planned to somehow ease him into the idea the blue-nosed wolf was doubtful. And who knew, perhaps Mordecai would be delighted for the prospect of a fresh start. Ultimately, Luke did not prefer to wait because one never knew what was around the corner, or if one would even get a chance to look around said corner.

"Or he might be thrilled, with the same dream as you," Luke offered. "I understand though," he amended, not wanting to make Harlyn feel pressured by his enthusiasm and encouragement. "Not everyone does things the way I do."

RE: checking up - Harlyn - April 13, 2015

Harlyn could certainly appreciate her friend's opinion on the matter.  In all other things, she was just as blunt and impetuous with her feelings or opinions.  She had never in her life hesitated to share her dreams of leading a pack with anyone who had asked - in fact, she had done just that with Torvald only to shortly after become his mate and alpha female.  But it hadn't been what she'd wanted - what she wanted was Mordecai and she knew there that she was swimming in far more delicate waters.  She truly didn't know what his reaction would be if she simply spelled it out for him - would he agree to settling with her for the rest of his life, or would he succumb to the wims of his more carefree side?

Harlyn smiled at Luke's comment, but instead of thinking of a way to respond to it, another thought entirely came to her mind.  "I would love it so much if you came to join us," she said suddenly, only to catch herself seconds after with the realization that there were a few 'ifs' she needed to define, "If things truly turn out the way that I hope them to... Luke, I haven't known you for too long but I owe so much to you for helping me find Mordecai.  And.. I so want to be a part of the home you've dreamed of - you are truly a wonderful creature."  She gave him a sincere smile, so full of affection.  She spoke then with her heart upon her tongue, hoping that he would realize such was the case with her sincerity.

RE: checking up - Luke - April 13, 2015

Luke's wagging tail picked up in cadence when she not only expressed that she'd like if he joined them but complimented him, calling him a wonderful creature despite not having known him long. He was thoroughly warmed, and a broad bright grin lit up his face. "Awww," he breathed softly, and he moved to drape his neck across hers, embracing her unreservedly. "Thank you," he said as he drew back and his eyes met hers. "I was joyed to have helped you find Mordecai, and I'd be honored to join you. I just have one condition." The blue-nosed wolf gave her a devilish smile, pausing for the effect of letting her wonder for a few moments what terms he might have.

When he answered, a chuckle followed. "You just have to settle near water."

RE: checking up - Harlyn - April 13, 2015

Her companion shared such wonderful sentiments in response to her request, that he be a part of her future.  She canted her head though when he spoke of one singular condition to his commitment.  One moment lingered between them when Harlyn wasn't certain what to expect, but once he lent words to it, the druid was quick to share a smile of relief.

"Oh, Luke," the druid said with a gentle laugh, "I wouldn't dream of claiming a land that didn't have some sort of water source.  What sort of alpha would I be if I claimed a land devoid of any hydration?"  But more than that, she too loved bodies of water and desired for some impressive source to find its home within her own territory.

RE: checking up - Luke - April 14, 2015

"I think you'd be a thirsty Alpha," the white wolf quipped, gently bumping his shoulder against his companion and sharing a soft laugh with her. It was true that she would be unwise to settle in a place that did not provide for all of her pack's needs - food, water, and shelter - but it was also true that not just any source of hydration, as she called it, was suitable for Luke, and he explained himself further to her. "I am no better or any worse at hunting than the next wolf," he began, "but I am second to none at fishing, and I can eat fish until it comes out my ears. I also love to swim. So a little spring or pool, while great for drinking,just won't do for me," he grinned as his tail never ceased its pendulum movements.

At last it seemed Luke had tentative plans now. So long as she founded her pack somewhere to his liking, he would join his friend, and he was excited at the thought. The blue-nosed wolf longed for stability, for a place to dig his den, collect his antlers and fur. A place to call home.

RE: checking up - Harlyn - April 17, 2015

Harlyn laughed aloud at Luke's response.  It felt so good to get her plans off of her chest, finally.  She'd been alone in her thoughts and desires for so long.  It was liberating to be able to share them with someone else at long last.  Now, if only she could share all of this with Mordecai... That was the next and greatest challenge.

Luke's words set fire to the druid's imagination.  She settled down upon her haunches, her head slipping slightly to one side.  "I agree with you completely," Harlyn admitted with a wistful smile, her eyes drifting to some far off spot past his alabaster shoulder, "I want our pack to be deep in a forest with a big, wide river running right through the center.  I want to be surrounded by tall trees and mountain walls, to be safe and secure between them.  With a beautiful view at one edge of sprawling wilderness."

RE: checking up - Luke - April 17, 2015

Luke listened with closed eyes and a smile, picturing in his mind the territory his companion described that she dreamed of for her pack: a forest sheltered by monumental trees and mountain slopes, divided by a broad river and offering a view of the expansive wild. She was speaking his language, and he ushered a soft mmm with a gentle bob of his head. "I like the sound of that," he confirmed verbally, giving Harlyn an approving grin.

The blue-nosed wolf shuffled close to Harlyn's side and leaned against her. "You find this place and you'll be stuck with me," he chuckled. Yes, the place she described had all he could ever ask for, a protected home with a river that would surely support his fishing and swimming habit. And if he could surround himself with other wolves like Harlyn and Mordecai, all the better. He was excited by the prospect, and hoped that Mordecai would be open to Harlyn's dream whenever she decided to speak to him about it.

RE: checking up - Harlyn - April 27, 2015

Harlyn laughed at Luke's comment.  "I have no problem with that," she replied with a smile, "Actually, that just makes me all the more determined to find it."  In Luke, she was certain she'd found a truly loyal companion, and a very dear friend.  It made her heart warm with joy knowing that he would choose her and Mordecai to follow and make a home with.  It was all she'd ever wanted, to provide such a place to wolves just like him - to be a leader to whom such loyalty would be freely given.

"So tell me," Harlyn asked, moving the conversation along perhaps even towards a fun activity, "What can your future alpha do for you today?  A hunt?  Perhaps join you for a swim?  Or just a nice stroll?" 

RE: checking up - Luke - April 28, 2015

Luke's tail might soon fall of if it did not stop wagging, but it simply could not be contained when he was feeling so joyous and warm. His delight was only furthered (if that were possible) when his future Alpha presented three options, all of which were hard to deny but one in particular was decidedly more so. With a beaming grin, Luke replied, "how about we stroll down to the nearest water hole and have a swim?" to which his companion agreed, and the pair set off side by side.