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Duskfire Glacier watch the eyeless gain control - Printable Version

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watch the eyeless gain control - Tezcacoatl - April 04, 2015

@Sen : Sorry this took me so long to get up. :(

Týrr drew in a deep breath, the morning tepid with it's warmth, the early sun concealed by thick, omnipresent clouds. The rapid warmth compared to the mild cold was not quite the adjustment it would have been had he still been back in Odinn's Cove. The Rekkr was inherently unsure about the place he remembered only as Seahawk Valley, though beyond the name 'Siku' he recalled nothing about the place other than he must have been there on his travels, and that it would have had to have fallen in the large time-line with so many missing pieces between leaving Coatl's Rise and waking up an amnesiac in Odinn's Cove. For the most part, Týrr's residence had moved from Duskfire Glacier to Frostfire Ridge, which was only the most logical move to him. It was close to where his heart lay, to the place that had been his rock and shelter in the chaotic storm he was still enduring, but it did not dishonor Tuwawi and Njal. It would have, perhaps, been easier to reclaim the Glacier but he could not bring himself to do it. He would have tried to recreate the dream of his Wildfire Queen and her estranged husband – it hadn't been his dream, and thus it felt more right to try to gather up those who had remained and not wandered elsewhere and attempt to convince them to follow him to the Ridge. He had fought and bled for the Glacier, and beside them and for that they would find sanctuary within the Ridge – if he could make it happen.

Persistence was not something that the lost Amazon lacked. Patiene was iffy, but he would find enough to make it happen and see to it that it was done right. The Ridge would be a tribute to the Glacier, but it would not be a re-creation. These were the clear cut rules he had set for himself, and those who agreed to stand behind him. He would see the Ridge thrive with life and if he did it right: a force to be reckoned with just as Coatl's Rise was. It was tempting to take ideas from what he remembered of his birth pack, though how he could alter them so they were not so hypocritical with him at the helm he was still unsure. The temptation of asking Manauia if she would lead with him was something he had played with for she knew best what ran a pack of Amazon's but he was not sure how open the Huntress would be to such a thing. 

She was a Huntress and an Amazon but would she be a good Ambassador? He didn't know. They did not talk much of Coatl's Rise for he was afraid it might try to spark a memory that wasn't ready to be known – and the resounding pain that shot through his head when he tried to pry frightened the Rekkr; so he had ceased trying. 

Týrr's wandering was not entirely aimless, instead he focused at present on taking stock of what was left of their caches, wondering if it would be better to take what he could and relocate it or if he should simply let it here. Untouched, nothing left but the ghost of a pack that had once stood so tall and proud upon these lands.

RE: watch the eyeless gain control - Sen - April 06, 2015

It's fine! c:

It was still something to get use to, the disbanding of the Glacier. It'd been the first pack she'd ever been apart of, and had been her home, even if she'd often had trouble admitting that to others and herself alike. Now that it was gone, though, she couldn't stop such a fact from drifting into her mind. The mountains she'd come from had been her place of birth, but Duskfire had been her home. Without it, her feelings conflicted with one another, leaving her with both the feeling of being lost, as well as the feeling of being free. Perhaps she really was both of those things, or maybe her personality was conflicting and trying to control her emotions. Either way, she couldn't quite stand it. Moment after moment since the pack become no more, she considered following after the distant trail of the grey man she'd fought, but why she was unsure. There was a certainty in her mind that he belonged to a pack, and perhaps they were searching for new members to join them. She could also just leave, continue on with a journey as a lone wolf once again. Many thoughts entered her mind, trying to ease her away from the place she'd always returned to, but no matter how convincing her mind tried to make it seem, she just couldn't get her legs to cross over where the borders use to lie.

The Glacier was the first place Sen had ever truly fought for. Her body had been scarred in order to protect the land, and then everyone just left as if such events had never taken place. What made it worst of all was the walking flame. She'd entered the pack and took the reins, and even lead them into a battle. Still, that seemed as if it hadn't been enough to keep her grounded, to keep her tied to them, because she'd gone. The woman with the coat and personality that resembled a raging forest fire had left them-and more specifically Sen—without a protected home. The dark lupine could harbor only one emotion towards the hot-heated ex-leader, and that was anger. Possibly some annoyance, too, but the anger seemed to engulf all, covering up any signs of other emotions. It never reached her eyes, however. Those amber orbs held only a clear view to the fact that she was feeling lost and slightly confused. They betrayed her inner thoughts and feelings, and that betrayal had slowly morphed into something she could not force away. It lingered and showed through, unwilling to be pushed away to the back of her mind.

Even then, as she made her way through the land with a rabbit clutched firmly between her jaws, her thoughts clouded her mind and her eyes. She had nowhere to go, but knew she could not stay on the land she use to belong to. It was not hers to walk upon and live on any longer. It was just a giant block of ice with no one there to take care of it, no one to truly protect it. Or so she thought, anyways. A brief glimmer of hope brightened up her sour mood when a familiar form came into view. She could not recall having ever heard his name, so if it'd been spoken in her presence she must not have been listening. Even without a name, she knew he had been a member of the Glacier. From what she could remember, he seemed closer to the eccentric woman than anyone else (aside from maybe Malachi, but he had disappeared without so much as a goodbye). Though she momentarily wondered if, by chance, he'd known where the woman had gone, she did not bother to ask. The deed had already been done, after all, and she felt as if no one could fix it. “Hey,” she stated as she grew closer, voice muffled by the poor bunny that lay limp within her maw. She kept a reasonable amount of space between them, uncertain of the male she'd never really gotten to know, then dropped the rabbit at her paws. “Is everyone finally returning to the Glacier?” It was wishful thinking, she knew, but couldn't help but hope in spite of that.

RE: watch the eyeless gain control - Tezcacoatl - April 11, 2015

It did not come as much of a surprise to Týrr to find himself within the proximity of approaching company. What did manage to garner the Rekkr's surprise, however, was that it was a familiar face. Granted, not a face he could put a name to but he knew her by sight and scent which in the Amazon Prince's mind was better anyway. The important thing about her was not that he knew her name but that he knew she had fought alongside him and the other scattered remains of the once proud Duskfire Glacier in battle. She had shed blood just as he had and that, ultimately, worked in her favor. The lack of surprise towards company over all was born simply because the Glacier was no more and he expected curious lone wolves, and perhaps even pack wolves, to investigate. He didn't like it — he didn't have to, but he could not bring himself to reclaim the Glacier, which admittedly opened up for potential conflict in the future if another had their eye upon it and if he could get the Frostfire Ridge claimed. 

Týrr watched the ebony woman as she approached him, a limp rabbit swinging jovially from betwixt her jaws. Her greeting was muffled by her meal which still hung from her mouth as her steps slowed to a cease before him. Crystalline blue eyes studied her as she laid her catch down by her front paws, velveteen ears the color of milk chocolate cupping forth at her inquiry. Her question brought with it a painful clench of his stomach. How he desired to tell her yes ...but he could not bring himself to commit to the lie. Tuwawi was missing and she had been the Matriarch of the Glacier; Duskfire Glacier served as little more than a tribute to them all now. A memory. A reminder. “No,” Týrr let out his breath in a soft exhale of air from his black, leathery nostrils. “I do not know where Tuwawi has gone,” And it killed him, but he could not linger in this place and pine for her. If she left to find Njal and rekindle her lost love then it was Týrr's own fault for hesitation, for missing any chance he might have had.

Even so, the consequence of what happened to the Glacier did not befall to his shoulders alone, though he did not, precisely, blame Tuwawi. It could be argued that he was still blinded by his infatuation with the wildfire queen and whether that was true or not ceased to matter now. “The Glacier has fallen,” The what could have been a great empire reduced to little more than rubble. Ruins. “and I am looking to claim the neighboring territory Frostfire Ridge.” He informed her, giving her the choice to either inquire or brush his words off. He wasn't going to beg, but the offer would present itself should it be wanted.

RE: watch the eyeless gain control - Sen - April 25, 2015

Sorry for making you wait so long. x-x”

The woman's face wanted to contort itself into a scowl, but she kept the expression from making an appearance. That was it, then. It seemed the ember of a woman had truly gone, and without telling a single soul of her whereabouts, no less. She wanted to be angry, but the wave of obvious relief that washed over her was something she could not fight off. With the leader gone, that meant the pack was truly disbanded, and the land most likely to never return to what it once was. It also meant, to Sen, that she would not need to make a decision. She no longer had to go over a list of the ups and downs to staying at the glacier after the battle with the sea wolves. Instead, she was given no choice at all, and simply forced out of the first pack she'd ever been apart of—as the other members had been, as well. Being a loner, officially, again brought forth an old sense of pure freedom, but with it also came the sense of loss. She was free to travel anywhere she so pleased once more, but no longer did she have a place to call her home. No longer was there a place for her to return to. “She abandoned us, then?” the dark being inquired, albeit rhetorically. “After taking us to war, she decides to vanish...” Maybe that was what being in a pack was about. There were risks, of course, but perhaps the end result of them all was an end to the reign of a leader. Unluckily for Duskfire, though, they hadn't been given a successor to start a new chapter. They'd just been, as Sen believed, abandoned.

Her ears perked up a bit at the mention of claiming a neighboring territory. She wondered, for a fleeting moment, why he didn't just reclaim the glacier, but then decided against asking. Surely, he had his reasons, and she didn't care too much as to what those reasons were. Sen was, however, mildly curious about the man's plan to lay claim to a new land. “What do you plan to do after you claim it?” she inquired, wanting to know what would come out of it. Would the male leave, as the female had, or stay and rule until his life was no more? Though she found herself wanting to be apart of a pack once again, to fill the empty hole that was the sense of belonging nowhere, she did not want to devote herself to something destined to fall to ruins. “Are you going to leave just as Tuwawi did?” The question was blunt and straightforward, but she couldn't care less about that. She needed to know before anything else, as his response could either make her curiosity rise further, or make it drop down below everything else.

RE: watch the eyeless gain control - Tezcacoatl - April 25, 2015

It's alright, dear! <3

Týrr did not delight in admitting that he had no idea what had happened to Tuwawi, if she had left to rekindle with Njal, or if she had simply just ...abandoned them. He did not want to consider the latter an option, and the urge to defend her honor was great within him — perhaps just as was his denial. The Rekkr's hackles bristled with discomfort when the ebony woman spoke in a blunt, rhetorical manner that Tuwawi had abandoned them. “There is no evidence that she abandoned us,” It seemed like the most logical assumption given all that had happened, but he wouldn't give up hope so easily. “I do not know in truth,” Týrr admitted humbly in the next moment, not knowing Sen enough to argue with her about it without potentially losing her to another pack. Or rather, an already established pack. Running to the nearest established pack and begging for a place there would certainly be easier but Týrr didn't beg; and believed that the result was well worth the effort put in. “Perhaps we could not speak of Tuwawi in such a manner?” The Rekkr asked, not unkindly. It was taking an effort to not to jump to Tuwawi's defense, and though he had defended her, he did not wish to be forced into action. He would not stand there and listen to another bad mouth Tuwawi, not ever but especially not while he mourned her absence which was still so raw to him. “Please...” Týrr added softly, before he let it drop and moved onto her next set of questions which still managed a dig at Tuwawi that made him wince slightly.

Still, Týrr supposed he could understand the frustration well enough. “I plan to rule it,” What else did one do when they claimed a pack? If she was looking to gauge if he would leave then she had succeeded. He had no intentions of finding the Ridge and leaving them. “I have no intentions of raising an empire and abandoning it,” Týrr told her simply, but truthfully. Frostfire would be his empire and until the day he drew last breath he would rule it for better or worse.

RE: watch the eyeless gain control - Sen - May 11, 2015

Perhaps, had the male not been looking to create a new pack, she would have acted negatively to his defending of the ember woman. The fact that she'd left was proof enough she'd abandoned them, in Sen's mind. No other proof was needed but that obvious thing that was her absence. She wanted to turn her nose up in response to his words, maybe even make a snarky comment, but she refrained from doing so. It was no easy task, but his want to create a new pack interested her slightly, and blowing her opportunity to be apart of such a thing was out of the question—for the time being, anyways. Her thoughts could change in the blink of an eye if she found herself not liking the place once it was founded. The woman was still not too sure of the man, not knowing him well or really caring enough to try and get to know him. What she didn't know, though, was that she actually shared something in common with him—the unwillingness to beg. It simply wasn't in her nature to beg for anything, no matter how badly she wanted it. Taking another route and keeping one's dignity was always a much greater accomplishment than acquiring whatever she was after in the first place. When the other wolf let out his 'please', she almost let a smirk slip across her maw and a comment out her mouth. Almost. He really didn't make it easy on her to keep her mouth shut, but she felt she'd been doing a good job so far. Instead of voicing a response, she shrugged, almost dismissively, feeling she already accomplished what she'd intended; which was to make her thoughts on the other woman's leadership known.

When her questions where answered, she noted how he'd given the correct answers, the ones she was looking for. She didn't known how trustworthy his word could be, but figured it would have to do for the time being. Sen would watch for a waver later on, to see if his word still held true, but for the time being she chose to let it go. “If you will not be leaving after it is claimed, then maybe I'll have to check it out,” she voiced, showing interest in her own way. “Better than having to find another place to go. I take it others from the Glacier might be there, too?” It didn't really matter to her whether they were or not. She hadn't gotten attached to anyone, hadn't befriended anyone. The only one who had sort of gained her tolerance more so than others was Scarlett, and she had left the pack quite a bit before it started to fall to pieces.

RE: watch the eyeless gain control - Tezcacoatl - May 14, 2015

Týrr did not and would not presume to tell Sen how to think, for as far as he cared she could think whatever she liked about Tuwawi. After all, it wasn't as if he had suspected that she was one of many that was left feeling slighted by the wildfire Queen's sudden and unexplained absence. Týrr had his theories but deigned not to share them because he did not want to giving false information based off of what he assumed, and because it stung to think of them. To voice them allowed would give them power over him. Crystalline blue eyes watched as the ebony woman offered him a dismissive shrug. Good. This meant they could talk of other things. Things that would take his mind off of Tuwawi, and things that indefinitely required most of his attention. “Promises can so easily become hollow things. I have no intentions to leave my empire, but instead of filling my intentions with empty words I will be honored to prove it to you.” Týrr understood her reluctance and her need to push the issue; besides, it wasn't as if the Rekkr could blame her. He, too, was miffed by Tuwawi's disappearing act though his betrayal and anger was easily trumped by the grief in his heart.

“To be honest there were not many of us to begin with and most of them have vanished to the wind,” Like Tuwawi, though he did not speak it aloud it had been implied with the way in which he trailed off. “I have been searching but for now I can only claim that myself and Manauia are the only ones from the Glacier,” Týrr spoke to Sen honestly, seeing no point in withholding the truth. He would not be the kind of King that lied to those loyal to him. “And you, if you agree to join me.” He added softly with a lofty shrug of his broad shoulders. The choice was her's: he would not push her either way.