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Rising Sun Valley Jalan Qoyi [M] - Printable Version

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Jalan Qoyi [M] - Lavakho - April 04, 2015

For @Zhavvi, taking place shorty after her arrival

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Warning! Incestious relationship and general grossness.  Walk away, walk far away.

A single paw dropped into the shallows of the creek as Lavakho teased the surface in a somewhat circular motion with one of his claws, causing the water to ripple and move about.  He had never been particularly fond of the water as he usually avoided it unless necessity (or his brother) dictated otherwise.  However, in the waning moonlight, the warrior enjoyed watching the reflection of the moon ripple and distort on the water's dark surface.  There was a pale, etherial beauty to it that Lavakho desperately wanted to explore.

Lavakho liked the pretty things in life, and by extension he liked his niece, Zhavvi, under the same pretense.  However, his like stemmed purely from admiration of his brother, which made her something he would never act on.  She had trailed behind, arriving to the makeshift camp after the sun set, like all good teenagers do.   Long dead were the days of being 'favorite uncle Vakho' and playing games with with the spirited little pup.  Age had turned her sour, and Lavahko silently lamented for what once was.  

"Zhavvi, re ti wux gethrisjir ekess yenta ava'yorn?" Asked Lavakho gently as he looked back at his niece.  He dipped his head and cracked a dopey grin, expecting a break in her silence.

RE: Jalan Qoyi - Zaria - April 04, 2015


Zhavvi walked towards the settlement with a poise in her step. Her green eyes looking around the camp with certain distaste. She had not chosen this path for herself. She was told to follow. Even though she might have followed her family anyways, it was much more fun to talk back against authority. Her main reason for wanting to stay was because she hadn't explored everything yet. She wanted to know about her past and their herds but her father had decided it was better to go to the promised lands. So far the promised lands didn't bare much ... promise. Her lizard green eyes quickly spotted her uncle. One she liked, if he didn't side with her father. She had the feeling he was doing that more often lately.

She trotted up to him with her tail high in the air. The female's mood often got sour because of her father. Zhavvi wanted Rakharo to believe in her. Trust her to make the right decision, but his love protective parental instinct refrained him from that. Zhav wanted to become a warrior and hunter. She felt scolded like a small child every time her father told her no or 'saved' her from something. God forbid if she ever tried to hunt on her own. In the meanwhile the young lady ended up sitting next to her uncle. It were his words that awoken her. Slowly she turned her muzzle into his direction. "Jalla si? Tepoha yth ti reached vi z'ar level persvek hesi thurirlkal batobot drekim persvek dout ence ui suffit aurthon ihk vi 'hello'? Si mi ti vi vrak," she returned to her uncle.

RE: Jalan Qoyi - Lavakho - April 04, 2015

Lavahko withdrew his paw from the creek as he rose, turning around to face his niece.  Her indignant nature was all too familiar to the soft-spoken warrior. She carried herself in the same way he did in his youth, loud and with a perceived invincibility... at least, before his mouthy streak was beaten out of him.   She approached with tail held high and voice dripping with pseudo-authority in a way that Lavakho simply wouldn't take from a yearling, family or not.  He shot her a soft correcting growl in order to warn her to change her demeanor.

"Iejir di sia iejir, filki tagoa wux re wer hianag di sia isthasy tiric ti majak wux harkt ekess isilith ve nomeno idol. Wux zklaen earn batobot," he corrected softly as he lightly tapped a paw against her muzzle. "Vi banpri ava'yorn ornla qe d'nag." Zhavvi was turning into a fine young woman, but her disrespectful behavior had no place among their Khalas.  Though she may no longer be a child, she still acted as one.  The bitterness of youth burned bright in her heart.  "Vsist, wux geou agantal qe sia moxt niece," he added, tone shifting from stern to slightly playful, secretly exuberant that she had made it to them unscathed.  

RE: Jalan Qoyi - Zaria - April 04, 2015

Zhavvi was starting to feel the affects of becoming an adult. She was no longer a child as she told her uncle moments ago, but that also meant that her behavior was corrected more often than before. Pups were close to invincible the first weeks if not months of their lives. Zhav had that immunity even longer with her father protecting her from most of the pack's correction. When she got her Iosta's paw against her muzzle she felt offended and bared her teeth briefly. elder I shall try and give you more respect.">"Iejir di sia iejir. Wux re thric yowethilt loupon si mi. Si mi wer hianag di Rakharo. Shar li wux re vin tilabil si nishka xoal vur majak wux throdenilt tekilek,"the young female grinned, looking pleased with her way of dealing with her iosta.

Slowly her grumpiness turned into a more charming side that would often help her. "Wux vucot svanoa algbo manner si shilta qe, iosta. Si tepoha filki coanwor nara ini vi wotpetranasa gemuth di sia kurjh li sia opsola naushind ve ekess jaseve nomenoi ordahic." This had been he truth. Zhavvi was often displeased because she was told to do something, or better yet, told not to do something. The female let out a huff of dislike. "Wux re jivntir," she responded and showed him a fond glare. Then the young female did something more unpredictable. She jumped forward in the water so a big splash would wash over her uncle.

RE: Jalan Qoyi - Lavakho - April 04, 2015

The warrior couldn't have cared less if the yearling had been his brother's daughter, a slave, or the great fucking buffalo himself in wolf incarnate.  This sort of behavior would not be tolerated under his stern watch.  Lavakho stood stiff-necked and steely before his janise as she barred her teeth without flinching.  His murky orange eyes met her's in a cold staring match.  Her tone betrayed her words, but Lavahko decided not to press it any further. "Bensvelk," he grunted with a nod.

She really was a charmer, this one.  Her tone easily switching from the insolent to syrupy sweet on a dime. Lavakho's stern demeanor relaxed along with her shift.  "Vucoti wux re jirank, shar jaci tiric coi ihk wux," he defended softly.  "Ekess nakta wux tokeq."

She lovingly glared and deemed him insufferable, only to splash into the creek Lavakho stood by, effectively drenching his beige pelt.   "Vur zyak re wux," he barked playfully as he jumped into the creek behind her (making a much larger splash than she did due to his size) to give chase and to attempt to nip at her tail.

RE: Jalan Qoyi - Zaria - April 04, 2015

Omg I love this thread so much. xD

Zhav was pleased that her iosta allowed her to be called an old man. A smug and charming smile curved on her maw. Along with the alluring way of her tail she had quickly turned this conversation around into a casual one. It was often like this, a small squabble before one of them turned into something more pleasurable. She should not fight with the blood of her blood. Zhavvi never really talked back to her father. Maybe she should start doing so, because then her father might see her as someone who was strong opinionated. Zhav stood in the water, to be soon engulfed in the splash of her uncle. He had far more body mass than her.

"Sia opsola jalla yor si mi juanth aurthon ekess clax doege di sio. Jaci tepohaic lyrik youwei ekess xihood zahae. Mi si ti vi ilieh ghergo fanol, iosta Vakho?," she sounded so utterly innocent when saying that. She waded more towards the older wolf and playfully nipped his ear just like she did when she was little. It was a soft bite, to show her uncle that she consisted of several more layers than that sweet little girl she could play. Zhavvi was certain her uncle was well aware of that. She was a bit of a troublemaker after all. Feeling bold and as unpredictable as Zhavvi could be she suddenly fired her uncle a question about something that sparked her interest lately. "Kii tir ti wux tepoha vi rumag, iosta?" Because that was something that was interesting about this new area. New males.

RE: Jalan Qoyi - Lavakho - April 04, 2015

Few other wolves could get the reserved and quiet Lavakho to engage in play, but Zhavvi was a curious case.  Having known Zhavvi since her birth had given the soft-spoken warrior a strange sense of attachment to her.  He felt a strong familial bond toward her, however it was far different than the one he shared with his brother which was built with he bricks of respect.  Lavakho couldn't quite place what made it work, instead he tended to try and not think about it.  

"Trelk," he responded with a playful wag of the tail, her syrupy innocence lulling him in.  "Shar, wux re gethrisjir ekess tepoha ekess tawura shafaer batobot spical ukris."  He let out a slight chuckle and grinned ear to ear as she approached.  When she lightly nibbled on his ear, Lavakho found himself deeply conflicted with the situation.  When she had done it as a pup, it was innocent enough, but now it carried with it a weight that Lavakho had not been expecting.  His knees buckled slightly and his body shook, sending tremors down his extremities.  If Lavakho were a thinking man, he would have backed away and left to find his brother to talk some sense into the poor girl, but thought did not come naturally to the poor, sweet and stupid warrior.  Instead he found himself scooting closer into her embrace.

Her question had came as a surprise to the soft-spoken wolf.  Truly, by now, Lavakho half expected to have found a mate and had a family of his own, but life has a way of not fulfilling plans.  [hover=I - I don't know Zhav. I guess I never put the time in that I sould have.  But, I'm still young and I only have a year on you so who knows?]"Si - si tir ti vucot Zhav.  si filiik si nurti put wer tairais persvek batobot si jalla tepoha. shar, si mi still ghergo vur si tepoha ergriff itrewica vi eorikc shafaer wux zyak svaust vucotic?"
He stammered all flustered like.  "Wux visp ve," he posed, flipping it back to her.

RE: Jalan Qoyi - Zaria - April 04, 2015

Even thought Zhav had been calling her uncle an old man he was of course far from one. The female just liked to push his buttons a bit. Recently things were starting to shift. Zhavvi was getting very skillful with handling the males around her. Her uncle was proof of that, since she definitely noticed how he scooted closer after she nipped on his ear. Although, Zhavvi didn't think much of it. She adored the attention Larvakho was giving her. "Si mi ergriff tirir batobot ekess itrewic wer ptaual. Si tir ti tuor ekess qe vi nhee fanol," Zhavvi returned to the male. Her green eyes keen on studying his reaction because somehow in the way she said it, it sounded way more sultry than she intended to. Maybe her voice dipped a bit because her uncle was so close. It sometimes happened when males were in her presence.

A few drops of water fell from her ears when she moved them. She was curious about his answer. It sounded like he wanted a mate. Interesting. "Si nakta forgetting wux re ergriff vi eorikc karifilt persvek tobor. Wux gewj hefoc vin tilabil," that teasing tone fancied her voice again, only to cheer up her uncle a bit more. She had no idea it was a sensitive topic to the male. Zhavvi always took a few minutes to warm up, especially shown today with her uncle. She was rather grim in the beginning but later on she would mellow out a bit more. "Ve? Si siofme opsola ornla molik ve takh korja mrith wer sthyr si whais lae sia papref rumag. Si mi nadotir ekess tawura shafaer sia tdes irral. Si tuor ekess xkhat vi arytiss irral. Nomagqe ghent batobot si ehtah vi davof batobot ui xihuuliup aurthon ihk ve ekess barg jacida ghergo." Zhavvi might be tempted to have a male of her own but she wasn't going to let any male have part of her awesome genes. That needed to be earned.

RE: Jalan Qoyi - Lavakho - April 04, 2015

To say Lavakho was a rational thinker would be an abject lie.  The gentle warrior was one to decide and act simply with his heart which he wore stitched tightly to his shoulder (metaphorically speaking -  this would be incredibly painful otherwise and not so cohesive to survival).   Her words and tone had ensnared his mind and had clamped their jaws down hard around his fast beating heart, as she tightened her grip with every thud thud thud.  

"Algbo, wux tepoha itrewictor batobat,"  he growled lowly in response, breathing hot breath on the back of her neck.  She had his full and undivided attention and he was wrapped tightly around her paw. "Vur re wux relgrir ve drivir, Zhav?" he playfully added in reaction to her... elderly statement.  

When she spoke of Rakharo, Lavakho was snapped back into reality.  His brother's daughter.  His brother's daughter.  How foolish he had been to entertain such terrible thoughts, if even for only a short time.  Slowly he backed away, putting some fair distance between himself and his tempting niece as he straightened himself back out.   "Wux re harkt ekess assume batobot ui svabol jaci ornla tir," he said becoming distant. " Jaci itovic wux throdenilt loupon tivol, wux vucot."

RE: Jalan Qoyi - Zaria - April 05, 2015

Haha the hover is impossible with an iPad. xD So I switched to computer. Yay!

Zhavvi got closer to her uncle, a hint of a smile creeping on her face. She liked having all the attention. When her uncle confirmed that she was his light during this night it made her even more confident about herself. "Tir ti put lexri persvek sia narod, iosta. Tilabili re nao vur irthir," the girl responded, yes she was definitely flirting a bit with him now. She found it so fascinating to do. Her tail started to move a bit, even being underwater. She instantly stopped when the male backed off. Note to herself; Not mention her father.

The magic was killed and her uncle was back to his... stoic self. Like a mirror Zhavvi reflected the change and let her ears fall back in annoyance. "Si tir ti kiwieg itova. si kiwieg stoth svern," the girl returned. And sometimes it was like that. She wasn't allowed to grow or learn from her mistake. Her life was as dry and uneventful as the lands they left. "Si geou tuor vi rumag soon. Si filki tepoha ekess pick wer ir batobot shilta bensvelkilti sia opsola," Zhavvi decided. Of course the female loved her father but he was pushing her down too much. It made Zhav come back with twice as much strength.

RE: Jalan Qoyi - Lavakho - April 05, 2015

Standing in the shallows of the creek bed, Lavakho struggled to regain a sober composure.  Her tempting nature had lured him further and further down a rode that he desperately did not want to travel.  However, the flesh was weak and every ounce of his being screamed 'go back to her, Stupid', much to his awkward displeasure.  

Anyhow, a shred of self control returned to the gentle warrior as her tone changed, making it much easier to expel the nasties from his head.  Zhavvi the child was back, taking the Zhav the seductress' place within the mantle of Lavakho's perception.   "Shar, wux re tokeq," he quietly reassured with a dip of his head.  Though Rakharo could be viewed as an overprotective pops, to his loyal brother his actions had been completely justified.  After everything they had been through, the girl just wouldn't understand. "Creol kear wux geou vucot." She would have to.

"Vur Zhavvi, wux re ghergo. Wux tir ti tepoha ekess xihood zahae mishun youwei," he said in earnest as he returned to her side, gently pushing his muzzle into her neck.  She was correct to assume her father would more-than-likely challenge her selection of a mate, however, this severely limited her options as Rakharo was a fierce warrior, capable of besting even the most seasoned warriors on the battlefield.  Perhaps Lavakho would have a fighting chance.  He had his older brother in size, though, he lacked the same finesse, but — no, no, no.  These thoughts would not be permitted.  Not his own brother.  

RE: Jalan Qoyi - Zaria - April 05, 2015

Zhavvi rather wanted an exiting life than a boring and safe one. She liked adventure. As a pup being outside and with the whole pack was exciting enough but not anymore. The female wanted so much more. She needed to learn from the outside world and now she felt clueless for not knowing certain things of the life around her. They kept Zhavvi in the dark about her past. She knew her mother and her siblings weren't here anymore. But the reason behind it was kept from her, which was rather wise since Zhav was stubborn and reckless enough to go after the person that killed half of her close family.

The brown and black female shook herself out after she trotted out of the water. She turned around having a sly grin. "Wux re xuut iosta. Jaka ui wer tairais ekess xoal vur ocuir ehtah ekik svabol si tuor persvek vi rumag ini cekipir throdenilt loupon ir davof," Zhavvi returned with a certain way of seduction in her tone. Her tail flickered teasingly and a grin fancied her muzzle.

RE: Jalan Qoyi - Lavakho - April 05, 2015

When Zhavvi withdrew from the creek, Lavakho followed behind her without much of a second thought.  After dragging himself out of the water and back to dry land, he shook his pelt dry, intentionally showering his niece with a cascade of water droplets in a playful manner.  He dropped to the ground and rolled with laughter.  Few would ever see this unguarded side of the gentle warrior, who only dropped his tough-guy charade around trusted family.

"Vur svabol ornla Rakharo yenta zahae batobot?" He asked in jest as he rolled onto his back to stare up at her. Surely his brother would not take kindly to his only daughter courting ever male she met.  That would only be a recipe for disaster. To say that Zhavvi was jail-bait would be a blatant understatement. No, she was execution-bait.   

RE: Jalan Qoyi - Zaria - April 05, 2015

Zhavvi grunted as she was showered with droplets, yet she grew more playful when she saw the male in front of her lower himself to the ground and roll over. The young female jumped on top of the lighter wolf and grinned. She half laid on top of him with a pleased smile. "Jaci wil dartak coi," she returned almost proudly. Her father was making her feel like she was in a cage well then she would just show him how much she hated it. It was easy to challenge her father while he wasn't present now. In his presence she always ended up submitting to him. Well, most of the time.

The female grabbed his ear again as she half laid over him, smirking. She briefly wondered if she wanted her uncle to be one of those males. That would be interesting. Zhavvi wouldn't mind trying to test these boundaries since her uncle seemed more than comfortable to say the least. Her green eyes glinted playfully before letting his ear go. Her tongue then darted out to give a brief lick over the tip of his nose.

RE: Jalan Qoyi - Lavakho - April 05, 2015

Lavakho sputtered for air as she unexpectedly pounced on his stomach, knocking the breath from his lungs.  His heart felt as if it would pound straight out of his chest as she laid across his figure, it's rhythmic thunking growing in intensity with every passing beat.  Once again he found himself caught up in the moment, in her, and the rest of the world became a fleeting memory just beyond his grasp.

"Hak jaci zklaen nurti vucot," Lavakho whispered in her ear accompanied by a low but playful growl, almost like a purr.  If there was one thing that the soft-spoken warrior couldn't stand more than anything, it was a liar.  He told his brother everything, and Rakharo had reciprocated often in the same manor.  There were no secrets between the two in their long relationship, but Zhavvi was bound and determined to drive a complicated wedge between the two confidants.  

His eyelids drooped as she lightly nibbled his ear and his back leg lightly kicked the air in pleasure, over and over again.  When she quickly licked his nose, shivers shot down Lovakho's spine.  With a soft growl, he shifted his weight and rolled, attempting to roll her under him.

RE: Jalan Qoyi - Zaria - April 05, 2015

R.I.P. Zhavvi & Uncle Vakho XD

Zhavvi licked over her maw as she laid on top of him. She wasn't sure if what he said was meant that they wanted this what was blooming between them a secret from hr father or if Vakho would be keeping her plan on having a lot of males around a secret. She decided not to ruin the moment by asking such such a silly question since this was rather exciting for the young female to have an older male wanting her. Her tail started to wag a bit along with a more genuine smile. She was quickly unbalanced when the male wanted to shift position. Zhavvi was one of those females that acted rather dominant but in the end craved to have a more dominant male above her. Which is why she would in the end listen to her father, or her uncle.

Her green eyes blinked up at the older male when they positions shifted. Zhavvi laid on her back under him, surprisingly she was completely submitted to Vakho. On top of it she licked her lips again, looking rather innocent in this moment. If her father would see them together right now... It was clear that her uncle would never put her in this type of submission Zhavvi was showing him right now. The cunning little female would never really accept anyone pushing her down like this, unless.... she wanted to. The green eyed female definitely showed hints of wanting the strong warrior in one way or the other.

RE: Jalan Qoyi - Lavakho - April 05, 2015

Poor stupid and naive Uncle Vakho.  This complicated world is about to get a whole lot more confusing. Maybe we should tack an M to the title.

She laid under him in a manner of complete submission, which to be honest came as a pleasant surprise to the gentle warrior, who had placed himself firmly over her.  Part of him had believed she wouldn't comply due to her strong willed nature, but the way the yearling licked her maw and looked longingly at him told the engrossed male otherwise.  She wanted it  She had to... all the signs were there.  His heart felt as if it were going to leave his chest and fly into orbit.  His mind, blank.  Even more blank than his usual blank, like a television stuck on static, leaving him blind to consequence.

If it were any other girl, he would have simply taken her then. No words, nothing, only action.  Lightly, he nipped the scruff of her neck teasingly as he worked his way up her slender body.  As he drew closer to her ear, he withdrew slightly. "Visp ve Zhav. Svabol ilroevi tir wux tuor de ve," he whispered in a deep baritone as he lingered at her ear.  Though she had offered herself completely submissive, the gentle warrior was never one to take complete control of the situation.  Usually he feared his own mistakes, and rightly so, since they tended to be so frequent.  In a sense, it was some weird form of self-imposed quality control, drilled into his head in order to keep himself in check.  Always, he waited on the will of others before acting 

RE: Jalan Qoyi [M] - Zaria - April 06, 2015

I think Zhav is more guilty than Vakho >D Yes! Let me slap an Mature on this too.

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Sexual talk and possibly Sexytime itself. Ah almost forgot, half incest-ish xD

Zhavvi watched the other male. She really didn't want to refer to him as her uncle in this moment. He was only half her uncle right? Lavakho was a year younger than her father. Maybe that was also why it was so easy to seduce him. The male admitted that he hadn't been activity seeing for a mate did that also mean he hadn't been looking for sex. Zhavvi was curious about these things. Her green eyes looked up at the male that loomed over her. Zhav's belly was turned to face him in his moment, yet she did not feel frightened or uncomfortable. Zhav, as playful as she was, got back on her fours and got from under him. Her tail brushed under Vakho's chin when she did.

Zhavvi looked over her shoulder with those smug green orbs to the male behind her. "Sjek wux tir ti vucot svabol si tuor hak wux tepoha vi sumf ekess yor zahae upadoci," Zhavvi challenged. Her tail moving alluringly, basically coaching the male onto her. For the young female this would be the first time she would take he seducing to the next level. She was surprised herself that she did want this. Zhavvi would never display herself so willingly if she didn't want it. "Sow ve svanoa jennu coi ui," the girl added, raising her tail to expose everything there was to see.

RE: Jalan Qoyi [M] - Lavakho - April 06, 2015

Back in Rhaesh Dahaan, Lavakho had earned himself a reputation due to his inclination for thinking primarily with his dick.  It was as if there was only enough limited blood in his body to supply only one of his brains (being a male and all), with usually the one between his hind-legs winning out in their endless tug-of-war.  However, despite being a horn-dog, things rarely progressed this far for the warrior.  He tended to put his foot in his mouth, say something stupid, and screw courtship up completely, leaving him to take his sexual frustration out on the slaves, who really had no say in the matter.

Lavakho rose as she rolled out from under him, body tensing as her tail crossed under his chin.  Her challenge echoed and rattled across his empty head as he stared longingly at the curves of her young body.  Lavakho was past the point of no return and he had made his decision.  When she lifted her tail, he took it as an open invitation and that was enough for him.

Drawing closer to her, he grasped gently at the scruff of her neck as he rose to mount her. His hips locked with hers as the two became intertwined.  "Ui nomeno svabol wux tuor Zhav?" He breathed longingly into her ear as he began to grind up against her. "Si shilta majak wux nomeno."

RE: Jalan Qoyi [M] - Zaria - April 06, 2015

Look at me loosing my Wolf sex writing virginity >D

Zhavvi frist time was about to unfold and with her uncle of all wolves. Her father must never find out. The daughter of the Khal was not surprised to feel the weight of her uncle on her back, she saw it as a test of endurance how long she, being the smaller one, could hold up the strong male. She had be be strong in return. A slight jolt of pain went through her when their hips connected. It was unlike she ever felt before, along with her uncle whispering in her ear it made shivers rush down her spine. To then follow by sparks in her lower abdomen. Her brain momentarily didn't work because of the movement from her uncle. In the beginning the grinding hurt a bit but after a moment it started to feel... nice. Zhavvi flattened her ears when she realized the handsome warrior didn't stayed the same size inside of her.

"Kwi," she gasped a bit. She knew about mating, her culture was very sexual after all. She also knew that males ended up being stuck inside the female to make sure that it was their pups that needed to be conceived but for that, she realized, they must grow bigger inside of her. That was what she must have been feeling. It was a weird sensation and making everything even more intense. She was liking it. A pant came off her mouth. "Axun, nomeno ui svabol si tuor," she returned slightly breathless. Zhavvi wondered if this would make her uncle even more keen on having her after this. Maybe it would be the other way around, after having her that he wouldn't be interested in her anymore. She didn't regret this decision, she trusted Vakho. "Vakho...," she grunted.

RE: Jalan Qoyi [M] - Lavakho - April 06, 2015

I'm in the same boat as you! #Awks!

In that moment, there was no Rakharo, no Dotharan, nothing. Nothing but Zhavvi.  Lavakho had found himself in a state where the world had melted away, peeling away at the layers, leaving only her and the subtle movements she made to focus on. The warmth of her fur. The slight curvature of her body.  Every tremor and twitch was noted as he gauged her reactions.  Starting slow, he gradually increased the speed of his thrusts, pushing further and further into the yearling with each passing motion.  He panted heavily, breathing hot breath on the back of the slender wolf's neck.  

"Kwi Zhav," he rumbled from behind her flattened ears in a low growl.  She had begun to pant in pleasure, which only drew Lavakho further into her ensnaring embrace.  Her vocalizations drove him wild, bringing him closer and closer to climax.  She wasn't in heat, so Lavakho did not worry.  However, he wondered if she would even be able to bear children at her age.  She was still so young, her sexuality still budding.  The pressure in his hips had begun to build, it was only a matter of time.   

RE: Jalan Qoyi [M] - Zaria - April 06, 2015

Well I know about wolf sex and all. Specially what you read in the Teenwolf Fandoms XD So I try to stick with that

There wasn't much that Zhav could do in her opinion rather than to just keep where she was and hold the male's body on her back. But that didn't mean she wasn't enjoying herself. She started to move back against him. She had never gone into her heat yet which means she wasn't fertile as of now. Zhavvi wasn't really worried about that, still having that careless nature of a child. She was enjoying herself right now. She was definitely planning on visiting her uncle more often for this type of pleasure. It made her feel wanted that this strong warrior would throw everything out the window to have her. He craved her. Zhavvi loved attention and this was not just attention she was getting, she was getting adoration. The princess liked that.

Her panting grew louder, along with her softer whines. They were mostly because of pleasure. Her uncle swelling inside of her also put a certain claim on her. She found it rather ... hot that he put such a primal claim on her, technically making her his now. She learned that this was a very important power she held between her legs. She could start to make men go crazy for it, while still playing virgin Mary towards her father. Zhavvi knew they were getting louder and that was something that she didn't want to happen, but when some weird and amazing feeling washed over her she was sold. Her legs wobbled as she tried to keep herself standing, her inside muscles clenching rhythmically around him, signaling that she reached her climax. "Svabol jahus batobot? Coi kiwiega jennu...," she panted, high on pleasure.

RE: Jalan Qoyi [M] - Lavakho - April 06, 2015

If attention was what she wanted, attention is what she would get.  Lavakho would worship the ground Zhavvi walked on as it was simply his nature to do so.  While he was with her, she was his deity, even more-so than the Great Buffalo the Dotharan worshiped.  He was ensnared, captivated, and ultimately lost in her.  However, Lavakho knew that if his half-brother were to find out about his feelings toward his daughter (let alone his actions), it would no doubt end in blood.  But, the warrior did not regret his decision to be with the yearling, as she was worth the potential trouble. Together the two continued to sway to the rhythm of Lavakho's fast beating heart as one being, connected by the moment.

As she tightened around him in climax, the pressure between his legs reached it's peak.  His body grew tight and he softly grunted behind her ears, reaching climax himself.  He withdrew from the yearling and collapsed to the ground beside her on his back, panting heavily.  "Batobat, Zhav," he gasped as he struggled to catch his breath, "ui vi 'niqqikhaya.'"  And what a thing they were.   "Wux jalla natorki sia gazziz de wux persvek wer pab. Ekess qe tokeq.   

RE: Jalan Qoyi [M] - Zaria - April 06, 2015

The young girl instantly plopped down when the weight of the male was off her back. She felt strangely empty now and all she wanted to do now was nap, and then do this again. No wonder everyone liked this so much. She turned her green eyes on the man across from her, seeing the thing that went inside of her. A soft sort left her nose. "Svabol sjek si tir ti tuor ekess wash stoda dout gazziz?," the girl challenged but in the end she did got up and moved to the water.

She lowered herself in it and watched Lavakho. "Re wux wintek di opsola?," the yearly then wondered. Her green eyes got mischievous then. If her uncle wasn't willing to do this again she would definitely need to go in search of a male that would make her feel so amazing. Zhavvi swam through the water until she was certain the unnatural scent of her uncle was vanished. Only the normal scent of her uncle in her fur which you would expect. Zhavvi shook out her fur after exiting the water. Ouch, she was definitely going to feel some soreness she now realized.

RE: Jalan Qoyi [M] - Lavakho - April 06, 2015

However flattered he was that she didn't want to wash away his scent, a knot had formed in the pit of the warrior's stomach at the sound of her challenge.  For a brief moment, Lavakho found himself paralyzed by fear.  A peculiar little emotion that the large wolf hadn't felt since he was a loud, little pup back in Rhaesh Dahaan.  He stared at Zhavvi, eyes wide and face flush with terror, unable to speak.  Would she ever consider such a thing?  Would she show such bold and overt recklessness? (Although that had already been proven by their previous actions.) Lavakho was playing a dangerous game, and he had yet to know the rules. 

He breathed a sigh of relief as she slunk into the water.  His secret would be safe, for now at-least.  Safe from the prying eyes of his half-brother. "Ui coi ti threndiaw?" He responded, his tone returning to his usual serious stoicism. "Si itov sia isthasy throdenilt loupon tobor coinah, shar ergriff vi hofiba ornla ti l'gra jacion."  After everything the two had been through, the war. The things they saw. The things they did. The memories had left their scars on both brothers.  It would have been impossible for Lavakho not to fear his half-brother.  Though he was still his best-friend, the warrior knew, he was not one to be trifled with.  "Visidark ui Zhav," he mused, catching her bright green eyes with his. "Re wux?"