Wolf RPG
Bearclaw Valley Where are my friends? - Printable Version

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Where are my friends? - Scarlett - April 05, 2015

Scarlett realized she hadn't ventured much outside Bearclaw valley after they settled here. She had been rather comfortable with her living arrangements. Scarlett was a bit worried though, because she hadn't seen @Néa or any of her other pack members in a long time. She was rather active thought the whole valley they called home. It could be they went exploring but it unsettled her to not see any sign of @Rhythm @Outcry and @Normandy. She wondered what the others were doing because now Scarlett felt lonely and that wasn't something she wanted to feel.

She howled for her fellow pack mates wondering if anyone was close to her. Scarlett could use a chat. Or maybe some socialization. Maybe she should go visit Crëyr or Meldresi. Although she had seen Meldresi recently she felt like she needed a friend. Maybe she should check on Osprey, or Koda and Kesuk. Scarlett wadded through the lazy river, howling once more, which echoed through the whole valley. 

RE: Where are my friends? - Rhythm - April 18, 2015

Rhythm sat on a rock looking over the valley. She was glad she could call this place home. It was a gorgeous place to live. She had taken some time to go out on her own for a little though. She needed some time to adjust to her new surroundings. Also to explore. She preferred to do that on her own. Just because it was easier to only have to watch over the safety of herself and not so much of others.

A howl rang out twice over the valley. the voice belonged to the gorgeous Alpha Scarlett whom Rhythm had begun to get close to. She considered this wolf a mentor and a friend. The cry seemed lonely. Rhythm took a moment to consider her options and decided it would be time for her to rejoin her packmates and become of some use to them. 

She began the short journey to where the alpha was. As she got closer she spotted the fae wading through the river. She approached the edge and let out a friendly yip. "Hello Scarlett," she lowered er head slightly in the Alpha's direction "Sorry i haven't been around a lot lately. I went on an adventure of sorts. Through the territory and a little of the area surrounding," she sat at the edge not daring to enter the cool waters. She didn't feel like getting wet today.

RE: Where are my friends? - Scarlett - April 18, 2015

Yaay! :D

Scarlett sat by the water when she heard someone approach. Her loneliness seemed to vanish a bit when she spotted the grey wolfess that joined their ranks. Scarlett was glad to see that she was still part of their little family. She was already worried about Néa who she hadn't seen in a long time now. Too long. That thought made the female sad once more. If she couldn't even keep track of Néa how on earth was she ever going to be a good mother to her own kids, when she got them. "Hey Rhythm. Good to have you back. I missed you," she admitted and smiled kindly. 

Scarlett then nosed through her fur for a moment. "A lot of wolves have been leaving lately and I was afraid you left us too. Kove and I can't be a pack together and I would hate to give this place up," Scarlett added. A soft hum cam of her lips then. "But luckily you didn't. I do wonder though if you might have seen Néa. I am afraid she left too. I don't understand. She would never leave right..? What if something happened?," She whispered. Now she was feeling a little bit paranoid if Tuwawi was killing the wolves of her pack. Oh no. That would be bad. 

RE: Where are my friends? - Rhythm - April 18, 2015

Rhythm smiled as the white fae greeted her with a smile. "I missed you too," she said brushing against the alpha's coat. Then she glanced straight at the Alpha when she brought up how many wolves had been leaving and that she had been worried Rhythm had left too.

"Me, never. You have my loyalty until the day I die Scarlett. I swear on the moon," she stated assuring the wolf she had no plans of leaving the valley unless forced to do so. Her ears twitched and she thought for a moment. She hadn't recalled seeing the young female who Scarlett seemed so very close too. "No, I'm afraid i haven't seen Nea on my travels," she paused for a moment "How long has she been gone?" she questioned with a tilt to the head. 

She gave Scarlett a reassuring glance "You know perhaps she just went off to explore. I'm sure shes alright and shell come back when she feels ready to join us all again," she smiled. "Everyone needs a break sometimes, right." she stated and brushed into the fae again hoping to cheer her up even the slightest. Rhythm didn't see a reason to be worried but she would keep a close eye out for the fae who seemed to have disappeared.

RE: Where are my friends? - Scarlett - April 18, 2015

Scarlett's tail wagged gently when she was told she was missed too. Rhythm tried to calm her and it was really nice to have someone tell her that it would be okay. After meeting the black female in the swamps she felt rather drained from her ever lasting kindness and happiness. Wonder why that happened.. For now she decided to listen to Rhythm's soothing words. "It is quite alright. I am sure that you are right all along. She is a yearling now. The time to explore further than your own home I get it," Scarlett spoke but still there was some doubt there. 

"I am not sure what trades you want to pursue but if you happen to be on exploration and meet loners feel free to recruit them. I trust your judgement and then you can work towards the trade Outrider," she advised. Scarlett then looked around, licking her lips. She was less tempted to leave Bearclaw Valley after everything that happened at Duskfire. It only seemed now that she was getting the after effects from what happened. A soft sigh left her lips. Maybe she would need to take some lessons in defending herself even though she disliked fighting. "How was your exploring?," she then questioned. 

RE: Where are my friends? - Rhythm - April 18, 2015

Rhythm had a peaceful gaze as the white alphess seemed to relax slightly. "Yes, like i said everyone needs an adventure sometimes," she restated hoping that would just give the fae one last moment of reassurance.

Scarlett brought up the topics of trades which Rhythm had in fact spent quite a lot of time thinking about. She had some ideas but when Scarlett brought up Outrider Rhythm looked slightly shocked. Why hadn't she thought about this as an option. Perhaps not a first choice but certainly this was an option for her. She was happy to hear that Scarlett trusted her judgement.

 "You know of all the things i thought of pursuing i hadn't thought about Outrider. The ones i had considered were caretaker or counselor," she said with a small tilt of her head. "I'm glad to hear you trust my judgement and im going to try my damndest to keep it that way," she let out a small chuff.

"My exploring, it was uh fine. I didn't run into much while i was away just sort of wandered. It was nice. Believe it or not i didn't leave the territory much. If I did it wasn't far." She was trying to decide if she ought to mention the black wolf she had run into on the outskirts of the territory. She didn't trust that wolf one bit.

"I did run into one wolf. I didn't like her very much. I'm pretty sure she was lying to me. But hey what can you do. I think though if she does come back and i catch her. She's in for it," Rhythm let out a small growl. She couldn't stand wolves lying to her and thinking that she wouldn't be smart enough to notice. If there was one thing Rhythm was good at it was figuring out the truth. One way or another.

RE: Where are my friends? - Scarlett - April 18, 2015

Scarlett was pleased she helped Rhythm along the way on getting her trades. She saw it as vital importance that members of her pack had their own little tasks they had interest in doing. If the grey girl liked to explore then she would be perfect for transporting messages and recruiting members. Scarlett had no doubt about that. "Of course, Rhythm. I'm sure you will do a fine job. You are kind and polite which I like to show to others, yet it seems you have a keen eye from right or wrong." This was confirmed with the girl's next statement. 

Scarlett frowned about hearing about a wolf Rhythm ran into. "What was the coloring of this female?," Scarlett was instantly alarmed if Tuwawi was on her heels Scarlett definitely would need some defense lessons. She grew even more paranoid. What if she was killing the others. That thought had crossed her mind before. "Good to know you are protecting these lands. I would help if I knew about fighting."

RE: Where are my friends? - Rhythm - April 18, 2015

Rhythm blinked. "I'm afraid your wrong on that point. I can't fight that well. The female was black she blended in with the dark fairly well. I found her a the main entrance to the valley," Rhythm stated recalling the encounter she had with the wolf she figured was lone.

 "The wolf told me her name was Echelon, she said she was the leader of a pack. she smelled like a lone though. I brought up the fact that someone that day had been chasing off our meal. She denied it but I'm almost 100% sure she was lying. I sure hope she doesn't stay in the area long." Rhythm mentioned as she became slightly more annoyed. 

That wolf was anything but a friend to her. A rival or an enemy would be a better way to describe it.Such an arrogant wolf. Liked to brag.

RE: Where are my friends? - Scarlett - April 19, 2015

Scarlett was relieved when she heard about a black female. At first she thought that her name was Meldresi but she wouldn't be unkind to one of her packmates right? But then Rhythm told hr the name of the female and that was one she hadn't heard before. "We will keep the guards on sharp," Scarlett returned. Who was she kidding? She only had Raziel and Kove as a guard and sometimes there was no one standing guard. Scarlett sighed softly. Oh well. They really should have more members. 

"I haven't seen or heard anything so she must have left. I'm glad. I like this valley calm. If only it wasn't so calm that I grow lonely. Hopefully Kove and I get young soon. That would make things more alive I believe," she then smiled. Scarlett was always a fan of girl talk. She even got the dark priestess of BFW to gush over a male. "How about you? Did you meet a nice male on your adventure?," Scarlett asked with a giggle. 

RE: Where are my friends? - Rhythm - April 19, 2015

Rhythm was glad to see that she had managed to calm the alpha once again. She as worried that she had made the white fae think the intruder mightve been someone she knew. So Rhythm had cleared it up with a name ad a pack or lack of pack in this case.

"Trust me i'll be keeping a close eye on the borders as well, especially as it seems are numbers have deteriorated significantly. What happened to all our wolves?" she asked with a stern look. You don't join a  pack only to leave weeks later for reasons that she doubted were good. 

Rhythm smiled at Scarlett's mention of pups. "Yes that surely would add some livelyness to this place. I wouldn't mind having a few pups running around here," she laughed a little. Young wolves were something she enjoyed. They were fun to be around and also to teach. Although that required patience. A lot of it.

She gave Scarlett a teasing glance when she mentioned her perhaps running into a male wolf on her travels. "Haha no unfortunately no male wolves," she giggled as she toyed with the thought in her mind. Someday it wouldn't kill to find someone to settle down with. She liked the idea of having someone there as a friend or someone you could trust with anything. Pups too. She wouldn't mind the idea of having a few young ones of her own. For now though she would remain a loyal companion to those who remained in Bearclaw Valley.

OOC: You have no idea how ironic that question was xD On my actual travels in Spain i did get a boyfriend. xD One of the boys who was on the trip with me asked me out while we were there :P

RE: Where are my friends? - Scarlett - April 19, 2015

Haha go you!!! :D I hope the distance isn't too far.

Scarlett was glad to hear that Rhythm was willing to protect their borders too. Scarlett herself would be useless by standing by the border. But luckily they had other wolves to do that. The red eyed female shrugged when Rhythm asked why the others were leaving. "Outcry, Néa, Normandy and Shiba.. they all disappeared," She returned sadly. "Shiba I can understand. I might have chased her out, but the others.. they vanished. I am mostly worried about Néa. She is my adoptive daughter and she is just... gone. Not a trace. I am worried the alphess who kicked me out if Duskfire is behind it."

Scarlett let out a long sigh. She shouldn't be too sad but she saw the wolves that joined as a family and now they were gone. It was a big loss to take on. Scarlett had to smile a bit when the girl in front of her hadn't met any males. "Well maybe one day a handsome male will join," she chuckled. "Or! Raziel! Do you like him?"

RE: Where are my friends? - Rhythm - April 19, 2015

OOC: He was o the trip with me. He lives in canada and goes to my school. Distance aint far xD 

Rhythm gave a concerned look towards the alphess. "Why do you think that?" she questioned not knowing what reason the Alphess from duskfire could have to take Scarlett's adoptive daughter. She wasnt aware of any rivalry between the two of them. Whatever it was she hoped what Scarlett said wasn't true.

Rhythm chuckled when Scarlett had brought up Raziel. Sure he was handsome but shed only really talked to him once. "He's handsom ill admit," she chuffed. "I don't really know him that well though," she finished the thought at that. Perhaps if she got to know him a bit better. She would like him. Who knows.

RE: Where are my friends? - Scarlett - April 19, 2015

Ooooh haha. I thought you caught a Spanish guy >D

Scarlett looked at Rhythm and then shook her head. "I don't know. She was manic and really.. crazy. That pack was everything to her and I heard rumors of it being gone. I am not sure how that must have affected her. After I left it seemed to go down hill for that pack," she sort of explained. A soft sigh left her lips. "She was really mean. I might be a bit scared of her Rhythm. But I haven't scented her. Maybe i am turning a bit crazy myself," she ended in a mutter. 

Scarlet then chuckled. "I had some thing with Raziel once, before Kove. Raziel and I weren't a match in the end but he is a very nice guy. Such a gentle man but also very traditional." Scarlett was still a bit weirded out by how badly he wanted to be her brother now. She was still getting adjusted to that. "You should get to know him!," she then urged. Maybe they would make a nice match. 

RE: Where are my friends? - Rhythm - April 20, 2015

"You know after hearing that, i would be scared. I don't think your crazy," Rhythm said with a worried glance over to the edge of the valley. She hoped this wolf Scarlett spoke so fearfully of would not cause them any trouble. From what she understood. This wolf was dangerous. 

"You had something with Raziel?!?" Rhythm was shocked at this news. She thought Kove was the only wolf that ever had Scarlett's eye. She wasn't aware that in fact there had been another wolf. Clearly not the right wolf but still another.

"He does seem pretty nice, although i really would have to get to know him better. I hardly know anything about him right now," she stated thinking for a moment about the what ifs. She doubted anything would form but just what if. Rhythm let out a soft chuckle when Scarlett seemed so eager for her to get to know him. "We'll see," was all the silver pelted girl had to say.

RE: Where are my friends? - Scarlett - April 21, 2015

Scarlett nodded seriously when Rhythm said something about finding it scary too. The red eyed girl nodded softly. "It is. I don't know where she is at now. But...," she shrugged. "I hope she won't bother us." The topic was quickly disregarded to something more fun to talk about. She chuckled when Rhythm's eyes almost comically widened. Scarlett did had something with Raziel but not really ever official.

"We liked each other yes. And there was some cuddling and kisses but before it became official Raziel vanished and I thought he rejected me. Kove had always been there and after I ran into him I realized how great Kove was. I started liking him but I wasn't sure he was liking me back. Eventually it turned out he did like me too and we got together. When we started this pack Raziel returned but he accepted it and wants to be my brother," she explained. Scarlett agreed with Rhythm getting to know him first. "Yes, lets do that first. Because then you know for certain if you want to spend your life with someone."

RE: Where are my friends? - Rhythm - April 21, 2015

Scarlett seemed not to want to talk anymore about this wolf who could potentially stir up trouble in the future and Rhythm was ok with this. The topic was becoming increasingly dark and Rhythm prefered the more entertaining topics such as previous wolf relationships. So rhythm sat there and listened intently while Scarlett talked about what happened between her and the silver pelted wolf Raziel. 

"He just dissapeared?" she said tilting her head. She couldn't understand why any wolf would just do that. It must have hurt her. Rhythm was glad however because Kove and Scarlett were like a match made in heaven. They were perfect for each other. 

"At least you have Kove, that's all that matters right. You found someone you love and would risk your life for. Would you have done that for Raziel had he stuck around?" she asked thinking perhaps fate had something to do with why Scarlett ended up with Kove and not Raziel. She believed that even if Raziel had stuck around Scarlett still would have ended up with Kove. She could be wrong however.

"I agree though. You should meet the wolf before deciding you wanted to spend your life with someone," she said in response to Scarlett's statement. 

RE: Where are my friends? - Scarlett - April 22, 2015

Scarlett nodded slowly. "Later I learned it was a family emergency. But to my defense I didn't know. I knew Kove before I met Raziel,' she admitted. "But yeah after he left my crush on Kove began. We are quite the match, and he means the world to me, you ahem no idea." Scarlett pondered over that idea if she would have been with Raziel would she have been with Kove. "I don't know. Interesting question. I really liked Raziel but... I didn't feel good enough for him. I got jealous of my best friend because he was talking to her. He... I didn't like myself how I was with him now I look back on it. With Kove I can be myself and I don't get jealous because I trust him. He would never do anything to hurt me. Ever."

Scarlett chuckled softly. One definitely need to get to know a wolf before going into a mateship. Something like that was meaningful and not something to be broken. At least Scarlett was traditional like that. Her white fur gleamed. She was really happy with Kove. And she felt at home with him. "All I can say is that you know once you meet that person. They do something to do. Something good."