Wolf RPG
Emberwood if you want to find love - Printable Version

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if you want to find love - Mateus - April 05, 2015

Her ears flickered, hesitant eyes keeping a keen watch as the trees grew thick around her. The new leaves were springing from their buds, a wash of fresh green after the decayed colours of winter. Unknown smells drifted towards her path, confusing the young wolf as she sank lower to the ground. Three steps, a pause, a careful glance, three steps, a pause, a careful glance...the cycle continued until the uneasy knot in her stomach began to lessen. The many scents of wolf were aging, none fresh enough to send the newly packless pup scattering back from where she had come and the tantalizing smell of prey was enough to keep anyone moving forward.

Mateus had little clue as to where she had ended up. It had been a long, lonely time since she abandoned her home. To her tired mind it seemed like forever. Despite her sharp skills, hunting had become a greater challenge than she ever would have believed. Without the help of her family bringing down large prey was out of the question. Even chasing down a rabbit had become difficult, their speed outdoing even her own darting legs. Scraps had become her savior in the days between kills, the powerful huntress reduced to nothing better than a scavenger, a carrion crow. Her lack of accomplishment had left a bitter taste in her mouth. Undeterred by her string of failures, Mat had continued on her quest for adventure. She was too young to be content with living out her life in the safety net that was home. Day in, day out, the same occurrences, nothing exciting!  This new world, away from everything she had ever held dear, seemed to whisper to her heart, promising her it contained the key to all her wishes.

Her mind wandering, Mateus forgot her cautious meander, the small wolf instead striding lightly with an air of confidence. The air around her was filled with possibility, the trees towering above her head providing her with enough cover to make her feel secure in her unknown surroundings. Nose dropping to the floor, she began to sniff in earnest. Separating each scent came easily to her, her mind putting names to some while others were simply labelled as wolf. Her russet-streaked sides heaved with each deep breath she drew into her lungs, exhaling quietly. Yellow eyes narrowing, she set out in hot pursuit of a family of mice. 

my first post here, I hope it's okay! 

RE: if you want to find love - Saēna - April 06, 2015

With her mind set on the ridge, two days ago, Saena descended back into the lowlands and headed for the Sunspire Range. She'd made up her mind to find Wynter and Reek and tell them where she was hoping to set up a claim with the hope that they would check it out and agree. Even if it wasn't exactly the prettiest territory in the world, the view was nice and it was daunting enough to make a lone wolf think twice about tackling it if it was doused in the urine of pack wolves. By no means was it inaccessible—all of its sides were equally exposed—but still, its steep slopes would serve them well, she thought.

She'd yearned to stay there, but she knew she had to find those few who had pledged themselves to her cause already and direct them to the ridge. At present, Saena was padding quietly among the newly budding trees of the Emberwood. She'd spent a little time here, but nothing major. The forest was nice, thickly packed and with a good-sized lake somewhere in its centre, but it didn't call to her the way the ridge did. Maybe it was the red-tailed hawks who frequented the skies above it, but there was just something about that place.

Saena put her thoughts behind her as the fresh scent of mouse droppings crossed her nose. Her stomach twisted hungrily and, deciding that her quest could wait, she prowled through the thick undergrowth hot on the trail, leaving snatches of her hair on grasping twigs. At some point, her path was sure to intersect with Mateus', but for right now, Saena wrongly thought she was the only hunter in the woods.