Wolf RPG
Rising Sun Valley Once you have accepted your flaws, nobody can use them against you. - Printable Version

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Once you have accepted your flaws, nobody can use them against you. - Raezho - April 06, 2015

@Azzaro  Mild PP,will edit if you mind

The golden-blond warrior was on an adventure. Him and his brother had just left their fatherlands. The adventure was one word...awesome. He had never ventured so far away from their lands. Often, he found Azzaro staring at him with disapproval. Raezho had never payed much attention to his brother's opinion about him. He knew Azzaro thought he was childish and reckless. Raezho didn't mind much, e was definitely reckless. He could be childish at times, but not much.

The lands they were traveling on were strange and unknown to him. He had never seen so much trees.  He barely knew the names for them. Oak and birch were common, so were spruce. But many others he didn't. There was a down side to it though, there were none of the bison they hunted or plains they had grown use too. Raezho missed the plains and the endless open sky. He loved hunting in the tall grass(for pokemon). He often came across new creatures, like some bug or some bird.

A butterfly fluttered in front of him, and Raezho instinctly swiped a paw forward. The butterfly fluttered away from reach, making Raezho growl and leap forward. As the butterfly fly out of reach, on top a rather top branch. Raezho groaned. He wanted to catch it. He turned back, Azzaro and the few slaves they still had. He stared at the remaining slave's ribs, obviously showing through it's skinny pelt. It probably wouldn't last long. Guilt flashed through him. The slaves were loyal creatures. They deserved better.

RE: Once you have accepted your flaws, nobody can use them against you. - Azzaro - April 06, 2015

[Image: LR3AH2c.jpg]

azzaroWhile his dear brother thought of their journey as a brilliant and awesome adventure, the dark furred Dotharan was worried. So far they still hadn't sighted any plains that had even one Bison herd in it, elk and deer could fulfill their hunger, but only for a while. As trueborn Dotharan warriors, only Bison could truly fill them up, and give them the feeling of contentment. Those animals were also what they worshipped, living in a land without those creatures was...unthinkable. And Azzaro would never have it, he doubted he would be able to live in a forest, it felt suffocating, the thick canopies covering the sky from his view, the tall trees blocking his path. It felt weird and abnormal to the wolf who was born to travel on open lands, with the wind in his fur and grass tickling his sides. 

azzaroLost in his thoughts, it was only when his baby brother, Raezho leapt forward, trying to chase a butterfly did he wake up from his depressing thoughts. He rolled his eyes at the golden Ezok and spoke, "Opsola ornla ti tepoha nakora." A gleam of bittersweet amusement decorated his gaze, he did not elaborate on what he meant, Raezho's childish behavior or the decision to leave their fatherland. The Dotharan was not one to admit personal things easily, unless the situation called for it, or he truly thought he had done wrong. It was Drakhavo's trait, and now it was his son's.

azzaroThen a thump sounded and the Dotharan knew what it meant, it had happened many times already and the sound was already a familiar one to the two brothers. He gazed briefly into his brother's identical eyes before his ivory gaze alighted on the thin, ragged form of their last coyote slave. Azzaro could see it was close to dying and so he crouched next to it, showing a rare show of gentleness and spoke softly in a gravelly yet pleasant tone, one that was used often to lure others to sleep. "Ssifisv, rhello, loyal katima. wux tepoha served algbo." 

azzaroThe coyote blinked, spoke a few words, mostly of thanks before its soul departed, leaving its ragged body behind. Now only one slave remained, a loyal one, a captured wolf from another land. 

RE: Once you have accepted your flaws, nobody can use them against you. - Raezho - May 19, 2015

So I'm at school, sitting in lunch asa (which i don't get why it is an asa consider it's an *after* school activity) And I decided it's time to reply to this. @Azzaro Also extra sorry it's short, i'm suppose to be editing O_O

He watched sadly as the butterfly fly out of his reach, and into the sky. For a moment, he wished he was the butterfly, being able to spread out wings and fly wherever they want. But he was a wolf and he had long legs instead of wings. Sad. He glanced around. The tree towered over him, making him instantly wish that he was in the plains again. They were buffalo wolves, they were born to live in the open, instead of being trapped into a forest. Faintly, behind him, he heard Azzaro said that father would not approve.

Rolling his eyes, Raezho ignored his brother's comment. Continuing forward. He had barely took a couple of steps before a familiar thump was heard from behind them. Turning around, he glanced at their last coyote slave, by the name of Rhello. Shaking his head, he watched as Azzaro said his words, before pushing back. Raezho stood frozen until the coyote died, leaving them with a single slave left, a loyal wolf from other lands.

RE: Once you have accepted your flaws, nobody can use them against you. - Azzaro - June 12, 2015

The childish nature of Raezho was annoying yet endearing at the sametime, and on the arduous journey, it often brought a smile to the stressed Ezok's lips, reminding him of the good old days back in Rhaesh Dahaan, where their father Drakhavo would train them in the skills of a Lajak. Firmly correcting the mistakes they made and often chastising them gently when they grew too bored to concentrate and play fought each other instead. But their father was gone now, and they were alone. They had to make all the decisions that their father once made for them, it would be hard but Azzaro was sure they would make it through.

The light in Rhello, the coyote slave's eyes dimmed and vanished entirely, dead. Deciding that they weren't just going to leave it behind for the scavengers to eat, Azzaro grabbed Rhello's scruff and dragged it into a nearby abandoned badger den where he pushed the body inside. Finding a rock, he rolled it over the den and kicked earth over it. It was not a burial, the Ezok simply wished to preserve the body for sometime as respect for the slave's loyalties, in the end, he would still be eaten.

"Yth tepoha ekess nakta gethrisjir," Azzaro said firmly, eyes landing first on his brother then on the last slave they had, a male captive wolf named Edavro.