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Blackfeather Woods Sharing is Caring - Printable Version

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Sharing is Caring - Sebastian - April 07, 2015

Sebastian cautiously trotted away from the Caldera. He knew he was allowed to leave their pack's lands but it still felt strange to leave the borders. He could basically be seen as a lone wolf again, he wasn't sure how much he sniffed of his new pack. He had been there for two weeks and he couldn't even handle his curiosity to check this Black Feather back. He would tell his father what he did wrong! The tank like male moved closer to the dark frosted, feeling out of place. The charcoal male started to slow down when he got closer. He wouldn't trespass, his alpha told him not to create drama. 

Sebastian decided that he should just walk very close to their border to get a peek. Maybe, if he was lucky, then he might run into his father patrolling. That would be ideal. What he didn't know was that his father was recovering from having a bloat attack.

RE: Sharing is Caring - Damien - May 03, 2015

@Sebastian sorry for the wait! I can spree today if you can :D

The situation with Burke wasn't the one that was most concerning in Blackfeather Woods. Potema, the snow princess, and Damien's sister had been attacked by some unknown monster just a few days ago, and she had been too close to death for comfort. Damien was furious, he had a responsibility of taking care of his younger siblings and he hadn't done it well so far. But as long as Burke wasn't patrolling the borders as he should the wardens of the dark forest would have a hard time keeping intruders away. They needed more people, and that's when the warriors came in, wasn't it?

Damien had made a decision. He would help the wardens patrol the pack's edge, and he would keep those damn intruders away. There was still something lurking the woods, the thing that had attacked Potema, and Damien wouldn't allow it to do it again.

But what was odd, and that he didn't expect, was seeing Burke already at the borders doing the rounds. Wasn't he at the den? Sleeping? And taking care of Potema?

"You should be in the den, Burke. Mommy said you... " but then the scent of the male drifted to his reach, and he knew it wasn't Burke. "Wait. You're not Burke..." he barked, and finished with a growl as his hackles raised. This was too weird.

RE: Sharing is Caring - Sebastian - May 03, 2015

@Damien, I will be online today! @Damien @Damien @Damien 

Sebastian had not really thought about the fact that if he would run into anyone else of the pack. He just wanted to get a glance of the forest. The large male jumped when suddenly a black youngster appeared before him. He raised his hackles too and his tail. Sebastian did have his tail. The youngster talked about his father! He had to know more. "I am not. I am Burke's son," he spoke. He then swallowed thickly because was this one of Burke's younger sons? Oh that would be bad! Why would his father have time for this morsel and not for him. Sebastian instantly grew jealous.

"And you are?," he asked then. "I came to look for my father. I want to talk to him." Sebastian had to find a way to get Burke alone and then he would somehow find the courage to kill him too. Just like his uncle and burke's brother. His pale eyes stayed on the dark wolf pup. 

RE: Sharing is Caring - Damien - May 03, 2015

Damien's fears were confirmed. Burke was still deep within the woods, and he was out there, alone, and facing an adult wolf that turned out to be Burke's own son. But was he really Burke's son? He had the looks, and his eyes were completely identical. Was there a reason for him to lie?

Wait. Was that a tail?

"Mehrunes..." the pup said. He didn't want to give away his first name to someone he didn't trust. He was faithful to the secretiveness of his religion, he was faithful to mephala and his mother. "Why do you want to see him?" the pup questioned. He wasn't going to let the male in the forest for any reason, not even if he was actually Burke's son. He carried the scent of others in him, and Damien wasn't stupid.

RE: Sharing is Caring - Sebastian - May 03, 2015

Sebastian snorted when the pup give him that name, along with the other sentence. He would have no effort to defeat this pup and head into Black Feather Woods. But.. Luckily for this black pup Sebastian was far more respectful to others compared to his father. "I need him because of private matters," Sebastian returned to the youngster, raising his head in the same manner as Burke did at times. He wanted the pup out of the way. 

"It is not like you are family anyways. So why don't you be a good boy and fetch my father. Make yourself useful," Sebastian spoke. Okay that wasn't very respectful, maybe he didn't have the respect if he was loosing his temper. The larger male raised his chin. Not knowing that if he wold fight his father now he had a chance of winning. 

RE: Sharing is Caring - Damien - May 09, 2015

Damien growled instantly when the stranger told him to make himself useful. He didn't like the way this wolf was talking to him, and he was getting pissed off by his presence. He was at his doorstep, insulting him and telling him to do things like a slave. Damien Mehruned was no slave. He was a prince, the shadow prince of Blackfeather woods, and he wouldn't let this bastard treat him otherwise.

"I am not a boy. I am a prince." the pup growled and snapped his jaws at the wolf that he had decided now was an intruder. "And you aren't Burke's son... I am, and I want you to leave now." well, Burke had kinda spent more time with him anyways, hadn't he?

Damien was impulsive, probably too much for his own sake, and the decision he made afterwards was probably one he would regret, but he did it anyways. He lunged forward to attack the grey male, running at full speed to charge right at the male's chest. He would sink his teeh deep in Sebastian's skin if he had a chance.

RE: Sharing is Caring - Sebastian - May 11, 2015

I couldn't help but reply to this. Haha <3

Sebastian's whole world stopped when the pup spoke about him being Burke's son. He might even felt his heart break. Surely he wanted to confront his father but deep down he wanted to do that to finally get his approval. To have the wolf he looked up to tell him he did good... Now Burke had father some children and this one seemed very attached to their shared father. That meant his dark pup was his.. half-brother. 

That Bitch. She lied. It had to be her. She telling Sebastian that his father was a loyal pack member. Yeah sure. He didn't believe it for a moment. Of course she would have said that if he was the father of her young. Sebastian jumped away just in time. He could have easily bitten down in the pup's flank but he was so in shock and upset that he was played like that, that he didn't. Sebastian also didn't want to be like his father. 

He walked back to put some distance between them. "Bet Burke doesn't even love you or spend time with you." He didn't do that with him after all. "He isn't a good father. I don't even want him to me my father!" This was lie. "I want to talk to him! Now, Prince Pup," he huffed. 

RE: Sharing is Caring - Damien - May 16, 2015

Damien, as the little lier he was starting to become, was also making a lot of stuff here, just to get on Sebastian's nerves, but still many of it was true, making the lies more easily credible. He was getting good at it, just like a true Dark Brother would do, and the way his own mother did. That was what Mephala taught the world and what her biggest weapon was.

The moment Sebastian jumped away from Damien's reach, the night child growled again, frustrated. He thought he had him, but the older male was faster. "He does. He's training me to be a warrior, and he always takes me and my siblings hunting. He's a great father..." the pup growled again, making emphasis in the part he mentioned his siblings, and still holding his aggressive position just like burke had taught him. "And he doesn't want to be your father! So get out of here on Sithis' name!"

RE: Sharing is Caring - Sebastian - May 16, 2015

Sebastian's ears fell to the side. He even had time to care for this young male, AND his siblings? Sebastian felt like he was kicked in his stomach. What had been so wrong about him for his father to hate him so much. Surely he was bitter and wanted to prove to his father he was good enough but having this youngster tell him his father is a great dad to him hurt deeply. He remembered looking from the den at the grey male and how strong he was. 

"You are awfully small to be a Rochester," he then spat. The male probably looked like his mother. She had a black coat like him... He couldn't remember if she hat silver eyes. Maybe she had. "You are a disgrace," he just added and stepped more back, it was clear the large younger male was hurt. Not doing so well at looking as calm and collective ad Burke could. 

RE: Sharing is Caring - Damien - May 18, 2015

Sorry if the reply is a bit short... I've been writing all day and my energy is starting to drain out D:

Sebastian's insults got him yet another growl from the Melonii -not Rochester- pup. He Wasn't small, he was in growth, and Sebastian wasn't that imprwessive himself either... Well, he was imposing and all, but Burke looked better than him. Even though he didn't... Y'know.. Have a tail...

"That's not what dad says... What did he say to you? Why didn't he mention you before? Huh?" he returned, staring coldly with his freezing white eyes at Sebastian's merely blue ones.

RE: Sharing is Caring - Sebastian - May 18, 2015

All good <3

Sebastian's face fell when the pup asked him what his father said to him. He didn't want to but tears welled up in his face. As honest as he was, the brutal honesty that Burke had too, he replied. "He-- He never spoke to me," Sebastian admitted then. "He was always too busy." 

Now he felt scolded by a pup. Great. Sebastian tried to blink his tears away. He trusted his mother and his mother told him he was Burke's son. Even his markings matched. Why did his father hate him so much? Ignored him and never spoken a word to Sebastian in his life? What had he done wrong?

RE: Sharing is Caring - Damien - May 21, 2015

Wrap up?? <3

And thus, the conversation with Sebastian became Damien's first therapy session. If only he was a therapist, he would have probably told the Rochester to man up and spit on his father's memories, they were of no use for him and would consume him slowly until he killed himself on guilt. But damien was no therapist, so the only thing that he could think of saying was:


Yeah... Pussy. Damien said it with despice, and a little bit of pitty preceded by a sharp "Pfft..."

"He always has time for me, so clearly he doesn't want you near him. So do me a big favor and crawl back to your hole where you can cry and not be a pain in my ass." he finished him off with a last growl, and turned around to walk away from the scene, totally deciding it was too boring and not important for his life. He ran into the forest, and made sure to tell some adult that there was a stranger at the borders that wanted t steal their food, and most importantly, never saying a word about this to Burke. He wouldn't have cared either way.

*points at avatar*
He made me. I swear. And I didn't say no D:

RE: Sharing is Caring - Sebastian - May 25, 2015

Yes! Sorry! I looked over it.

Sebastian growled, wanting to attack him. But that would make him as bad as his father. The large grey male just bared his teeth and then turned away from the black pup. He wanted to call something back to the teenager but he couldn't. He couldn't think of anything because he felt so humiliated. The tank of the male then turned around and ran away. He wasn't like his father... But he did wanted--- He just---.

Sebastian started to run faster and faster. He wanted to get away from that dark place. He should never return there. He shouldn't confront his dad. That would probably mean his death.