Wolf RPG
Totoka River who wouldn't wanna be me - Printable Version

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who wouldn't wanna be me - Luke - April 09, 2015

Luke's exotic meal of squid, though he found the texture to be strange, had been delicious, but the saltiness had created a thirst he could not ignore. Following his nose, he made his way to a river that ran into the sea. His first taste proved salty itself, for he had taken a drink too near the sea where the colliding waters mixed into a brackish drink. So he moved upstream, and drank at length the fresh water. His blue tongue slipped out to gather any water that clung to his chin and lips when he had finished, and then he glanced around. His belly was full, he was no longer thirsty, and he wasn't tired. So it seemed like a fine time to him to break out into song, and as he strolled along the river his entrancing voice serenaded anyone nearby.

"And the sun is shinin', and this river keeps windin', through the prettiest country. My troubles behind me, I'm alive and I'm free, who wouldn't wanna be me!"

RE: who wouldn't wanna be me - Kitus Volun - April 13, 2015

So where was he going? That question didn't appear in Kitus' mind. It was simple really, the world was always changing why should he remember where he has been? He rather rediscover than remember but there were some things that were impossible to forget.

Moving along his way a singing voice was heard along the river Kitus came to. He listened carefully to the wolf on the opposite side of the river. Alright maybe he'll sing too but that didn't mean he wanted to be that wolf on the other side. Kitus did his best to follow along the rhythm enough though he did not know the song itself. He came up with his own words to it.

"Then there is no whining, and no crying, though confident I'll try, I will only be me who I am to be." He sang. Maybe it went well with the song or not that didn't really matter, there was a wolf he hadn't met before. What kind a wolf was he? Perhaps he was a confident wolf with a free will. He wasn't sure yet but it would seem that this wolf's heart is bent towards the good side.

RE: who wouldn't wanna be me - Luke - April 13, 2015

Luke turned his head as soon as his ears caught the singing of another voice, and a delighted grin swept across his face as his silver gaze fell on the other male walking the opposite river bank. It did not matter at all that the lyrics he sang were not the ones Luke was about to sing next, the blue-nosed wolf was just glad for the company and to see have another sing along with him.

"Nice!" he shouted out, and without hesitation he leaped into the water and swam across, sending a shower of cold droplets into the air as he reached the other shore and shook himself relatively dry. "Name's Luke," he introduced himself with a nod. "Always nice to meet a fellow singer," he grinned. Had he not had to swim across he probably would have kept on singing himself for a bit, but singing was not the easiest of tasks with water sloshing around your lips. "What else you got?" he queried with a wag of his tail, genuinely interested in hearing the male sing some more if he would.

RE: who wouldn't wanna be me - Kitus Volun - April 13, 2015

The male with strange blue colors didn't seem to hesitate at all to cross the river just to meet him. Kitus simply watched, he found it interesting enough. This meant Luke was one that enjoyed company or maybe he just like the fact that Kitus could sing too. Yes Kitus could sing but he didn't really feel like he should. It wasn't the time to sing from the heart. The thought did bring up an unforgetable song but it really wasn't his to sing.

"Well hello there, had a nice swim?" He said with a snickering expression. "Kitus here, I don't really have anything to sing right now but it's nice to know there are others who can sing. Anyway perhaps you can tell me something about the territory? It's my first time setting foot around here."

A wolf could lead to other wolves. Kitus was more interested in what and how Luke would share information. It was always best to find out how each heart acts.

RE: who wouldn't wanna be me - Luke - April 13, 2015

"Always a nice swim," Luke replied with a grin. Even cold water was not enough to deter the arctic hybrid, whose coat was insulated enough that the cold was seldom a bother. "Nice to meet you, Kitus," he commented next, and though the sentiment was genuine he was a bit disappointed he would not be regaled with another song. The blue-nosed wolf was about to sing again himself, but his the other male had a question for him, and it was one that Luke did not have much of an answer to.

"I haven't been around here long myself. I can tell you that there's a pack on the plateau," he gestured toward the Blacktail pack, "one at the caldera further southeast, and one in a dark wood full of crows that should be avoided." It was not much but perhaps it would be helpful. "Are you looking for something specific?" Luke queried.

RE: who wouldn't wanna be me - Kitus Volun - April 14, 2015

"No, I'm only being cautious about meeting packs. So it's best to know if it's too dangerous to approach them. As loners it's like a rabbit entering a wolf's den. But that doesn't mean it's impossible to make it out of there." Kitus did want to meet packs but he wasn't dumb enough to just walk into a pack territory and just see how it goes. He knew he would be at a disadvantage.

Then he thought about something, maybe it could work. "Do you think you could sing your way into any pack?" He asked. It was a half joke but he also wanted to try that to see what happens. Each pack may react differently so it would still be just a gamble. But now Kitus was wanting to try it, just to see if it could work or not.

RE: who wouldn't wanna be me - Luke - April 14, 2015

Luke nodded in response as Kitus clarified what he was looking for. "It's wise to be cautious. My friend was attacked by wolves from the dark wood I mentioned, but not all packs are going to be like that." Luke was not even sure how near to the pack borders Mordecai had been, but it did not matter. If the pack had members that were willing to attack others so readily (or so it seemed) it would be unwise to travel too close to their lands, where they had an excuse to attack.

At Kitus' next question, the blue-nosed wolf laughed softly. "I bet I could," he grinned, and he genuinely meant it. Luke was confident and knew that he naturally got along well with others, having proven that over and over again each time he met a new face. "If they don't like my singing, I'll take it as a sign they are not the sort of wolf I want to associate with."

RE: who wouldn't wanna be me - Kitus Volun - April 16, 2015

If Luke managed to meet a couple packs without struggles then Kitus left encourage to walk into their territory and see how things go. It did seem like a good season to test out a pack. Kitus didn't really want to be alone, he wanted to see packs and maybe take part in one. Singing his way in sounded more interesting as he thought about it. He should really give it a try.

"Wouldn't they be special if they didn't like your singing. Hate can be just as strong as love I believe, but I'm pretty sure it's the same thing." He said. In way it was something he learned from experience. He can't really prove it but it was guesses he was going to stick with. "A reaction means they noticed you, I think that's better." He said with a grin.

RE: who wouldn't wanna be me - Luke - April 16, 2015

Luke chuckled. "Real special," he agreed, for he knew that he had an entrancing, harmonious voice, and it would be rare for someone to find it a displeasure to the ears. Most were content to sit and listen to him, and the odd few were happy to join in.

"I have no problems getting noticed," he winked. If it were not his blue nose, tongue, and pads catching someone's attention than it was his exceptionally sunny nature. Many were optimistic and outgoing, but Luke had taken those traits and made a lifestyle out of it. He literally went where the wind blew him and the river carried him, as he often told others, was seldom concerned about anything, and was always ready to try something new or do something different on a whim.

"So how long you been a lone wolf for?" he asked.

RE: who wouldn't wanna be me - Kitus Volun - April 18, 2015

It was true that any wolf could notice Luke easily. He'd stand out no matter where he was. In a serious pack he doubted that he would be able to stay for long. Looking special only leaves you with the special treatment. If he didn't mind that then it was completely fine. Kitus did compare himself to that. It's clear reactions will likely be different but which was the best? That was something he had no answer to but maybe he could find out soon enough.

"Oh, not long. I recently decided to go my own way. Nothing special." He said. It wasn't really a lie but there was a unique reason he left but it wasn't something he could easily share. He had to move on. "I don't count on staying a lone wolf for long. Surviving on your own during hard seasons could be difficult. A challenge like that is unnecessary. Did you pull through winter on your own?" He asked.

RE: who wouldn't wanna be me - Luke - April 18, 2015

Luke bobbed his head to the wolf's answer. Like Luke he had decided to go his own way, and also like Luke he did not intend to stay a lone wolf for too long. Though where the blue-nosed wolf was drawn more to pack life for the social aspects, the other fellow was more concerned about the hardships of a solitary life, and rightfully so. Luke's biggest qualm with winter was the frozen waterways barring him from using his best food-procuring talent, and though he had managed fine thus far he understood that the next winter might not be so easy on him. This was true for all lone wolves.

"It's been about a year and a half for me," Luke shared. "I managed fine as you can see but I am a pack wolf at heart. I've enjoyed my freedom but I miss the company. You're right though, it's a challenge to live on your own." Luke had prepared himself for winter by caching a lot of extra fish and small game and being conservative about how much he ate, but it was a lot of work and he would have much preferred to spend the cold months in the security of a pack.

RE: who wouldn't wanna be me - Kitus Volun - April 20, 2015

Kitus never imagined someone being able to survive on their own for long. In a way Kitus was used to having someone always nearby. He could always have help if he needed, he was never alone. So far he only hunted small, later on it won't be enough or he won't be lucky. There would lots of hardships for him to take on if he stays alone for too long. He wasn't sure if he was capable of pulling through that.

"I see you have the survival talent. I'm not sure if I do though but as long as I find a welcoming pack I don't need to know if I do have that talent. If there is an easier way to live then why not take it?" He said. That could be the words of a lazy person but at the same time that lazy person is happy. Can't complain if it's possible for things to get worse. Wish for the best, avoid the worst!

RE: who wouldn't wanna be me - Luke - April 21, 2015

"A bit of talent and a bit of luck I think," Luke winked. It was fortunate for them that he found plentiful prey and was able to set it aside before the winter descended, and it was further good fortune that the winter had not been too harsh. Sometimes it did not matter how skillful a wolf was, a bit of bad luck could set a fellow back enough to kill him. In a lean winter a lack of prey or a missed kill could spell death for a lone wolf, and there was always the risk of debilitating injuries. Having talent upped your odds but it did not guarantee your survival.

Luke chuckled. "You like the path of least resistance eh?" he said good-naturedly. "I don't blame you. More time to have a bit of fun if you aren't struggling to see the next sunrise."

RE: who wouldn't wanna be me - Kitus Volun - April 23, 2015

"Exactly. A life that remains fun and harmless, who wouldn't want that?" Kitus knew a few who wished that but life as unfair as it is does not grant that for everyone. He was the type to be watchful of change but there are things that came too fast, too soon. If only he had known what to do at the time then just maybe..

There was no point feeling down about the past. He had to focus on the future and then who knows what will happen. He still has hope that he would see that light again but he felt like he needed to prepare things before that.

"With spring there is bound to be beautiful sites to share. I wonder if I'll see one before finding a pack." He said. Knowing nice areas can always be helpful. It can leave you happy even when you are alone. That nice peaceful feeling when the sun is out and the wind is calm. Makes you just want to relax.

RE: who wouldn't wanna be me - Luke - April 24, 2015

Thanks for the thread!

"A stick in the mud," Luke shook his head and smiled. There were those that did not seem to have any inclination toward fun at all, whether it had been developed or it was a trait they had been born with. The blue-nosed wolf tended not to associate with such creatures if he could help it, preferring instead to be surrounded by those that contributed to him feeling good about and content with the world.

"Only one way to do that," Luke said, "just gotta keep moving! I've explored quite a bit of this area but there's still a lot I haven't seen. It's a good way to run into folks too who might be looking to recruit. I think that's what I'll do actually," he paused, "get back to some exploring. Best of luck to you!" With a wave of his tail and nod of his head, Luke jogged down the river further, humming and swaying to a song in his mind.