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Blackfeather Woods The Future Is My Greatest Fear - Printable Version

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The Future Is My Greatest Fear - Ohen - April 10, 2015

Ohen didn't really know what to do anymore. He had been hunting and filling up the cache's like normal, but he noticed something. The cache's were not filling up like they use to, almost as if someone wasn't pulling their weight anymore. He also noticed that he no longer saw Burke around anymore, and he knew that the older male was a hard worker, so perhaps he was the reason why the cache's were low.

Today the ebony male slowly walked along the borders and so far it had been a extremely boring walk. Ohen stopped and sat down by a hollow log, when he noticed a caterpillar crawling on the wood. The dark male stuck his paw out and let the fuzzy little bug crawl on him. At first Ohen was enjoying the tiny creature on his paw, but all of a sudden he felt a pinch and the dark male shook his paw furiously. The caterpillar landed a few inches away as Ohen examined his paw. 

Once the dark male realized that it was the caterpillar that had caused his pain he growled at it before licking it up and eating it. Ohen immediately tried to spit the fuzzy creature out of his mouth as it was one of the worst tasting creatures he had ever eaten. After a few seconds of spitting everywhere Ohen slowly got the horrible taste off his tastebuds. He just hoped nobody was around to see him, as he probably looked like a fool spitting all over the place. 

RE: The Future Is My Greatest Fear - DeadLusa - April 11, 2015

Decided to throw Lusa in! Excuse her being such a butt XD

  Unfortunately, the dark devil was there to watch as he spat around like a madman. She had decided to take a patrol around the borders, hopeful to find a unlucky soul. Instead she had caught the scent Ohen, and decided to follow his tracks.

  Her eyes glinted with amusement as she watched from afar. She hadn't seen him eat the little fuzzy creature, so she had no idea what the fuss was about. A bark came out of her mouth. "Having fun buddy?" She chuckled and hopped out into the open, revealing herself completely. "Watcha' eat? Dirt?" She sneered and held her tail up with confidence. It was the perfect time to play with prey.

RE: The Future Is My Greatest Fear - Ohen - April 19, 2015

Ohen growled as he heard Lusa's voice. He turned to face her, but showed no emotion on his face. The ebony male wasn't in the mood to have his tail chomped on again. Instead, he just smiled at her. Ohen stopped his spitting, but could still faintly taste the horrible caterpillar on his tongue. "No, I ate this terrible bug" he said and paused for a brief moment. "You should really try some" he said as a grin appeared on his face.

Now that Ohen knew how badly the fuzzy creature tasted, he would torture Lusa with them. Stick them in her food, make them bite her, and put them in her den where they can crawl in her ears. That last idea sent a shiver down Ohen's back, as it really freaked him out about how a bug can travel in his ear. The ebony male waited to see what Lusa would say, and would make sure to find more of these caterpillars, but just not eat them this time.

RE: The Future Is My Greatest Fear - DeadLusa - April 19, 2015

Sorry for the short post!

  Her ears folded back onto her skull and her nose wrinkled in disgust. "I'd rather not eat any kind of bug, thank you." She had never tried a bug before and never will intend to. She'd rather stick to the usual diet of meat. And it was obvious he didn't enjoy it. The spitting around exclaimed plenty..