Wolf RPG
Duck Lake take it to reality - Printable Version

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take it to reality - Rhanno - April 10, 2015

It wasn't too startling for Rhanno to wake and find his captive missing — in fact, it happened often. The masked menace took every chance he could to distance himself from his elderly "father", and yet he always saw fit to return no matter how many times he escaped. Rhanno didn't really blame him. He was a young wolf, dumber than most his age — according to his totally not biased view — and now that they were in foreign lands, it was all the more important to stay by someone who actually had experience, who knew how to survive.

And so, after awakening from his nap with Zoratto nowhere in sight, the man yawned and revelled in the pleasant silence. The boy would return; he always did. If he did not, well, Rhanno was an excellent tracker.

Slowly, the wolf stretched out his limbs and rose, shaking out his dusty pelt before heading in the direction of the glittering lake. The beauty and the greenery surrounding it was lost on him, as he only saw it's usefulness as a good place to quench his thirst.

RE: take it to reality - Nanuk - April 17, 2015

Her hunt had brought her south, after meeting the wolf in the barren land. Unfortunately, the creature's stomach continued to rumble, her pursuit of prey having failed. It was one of the only issues with being a loner in her eyes; hunting with a pack was generally much easier. Of course, losing out on food had put her in a spectacular mood, and you could tell by her posture and the mohawk of partially raised fur along her spine, a perpetual snarl twisting her features. Yeah. She was in a great mood alright. 

While it wasn't her favorite meal, the vision of a lake meant fish or fowl. Both made their homes there, so which ever was easiest for her large form to catch. The lake, if it was fresh water, would also provide something to drink, something she was bad about remembering that she needed until she was borderline dehydrated. 

But of course, there was another wolf. Another loner. Her hackles raised a fractional amount higher, gold eyes dark with suspicion. Loners rarely had any honor, and were just as bad as pack wolves when it came to snatching up her meal. It didn't help that she couldn't move as fast as other, smaller wolves, but this guy was a damn cripple. She could take him, no problem. 

Brushing by the cripple, Kroc reached the water, her head lowering so that she could lap up a drink, eyes watching for her prey. Her ears, however, swiveled to pinpoint the old man, and her eyes would cut to him should he come too close. Then again, within 100 feet was too close for the branded warrior. 

RE: take it to reality - Rhanno - April 19, 2015

While his senses weren't as great as they used to be, Rhanno had yet to completely lose them, and so flicked an ear as he heard faint but heavy footfalls heading in his direction. He didn't turn to face whoever they belonged to, confident in his ability to defend himself and — perhaps foolishly — unafraid of the denizens of this new land. Besides, his damned deevdru had wandered off plenty of times and had not gotten himself killed...yet. The man's ears swivelled towards the stranger, though, keenly aware of the others presence now as he continued to drink.

A sudden pale form moved into his vision, and he would be lying if he said that he wasn't taken aback by the stranger. A massive brute, though a particular fragrance clung to her coat, the unmistakeable scent of female. Rhanno made no outward reaction to her unexpected appearance except for his gaze tracing her movements as she, too, made for the lake. He remained where he was, raising his head slightly to regard the female, the slightest of grins tugging at the corner of his lips.

RE: take it to reality - Nanuk - April 21, 2015

Lifting her head from the cool water of the lake, Kroc caught sight of the cripple still standing there, smiling at her like he was a fucking moron. Perhaps he was. Perhaps he'd gone senile in his old age and didn't know how to leave others alone. If she had to teach him, she'd be pissed, though she'd do it anyway. Kroc liked her space and this one seemed like he was going to be stupid about it.

Wet lips lifted, revealing teeth that had seen plenty of blood and bone, a low and resonating growl given as her gold eyes narrowed. "The fuck're you grinning about, grandpa?" She pointed out his age, his frailty in comparison to her own, a nod towards the fact that she could bring him down with ease if he decided to push her. Hungry and travel-worn, Kroc was not in the damned mood to mess around with some old crotchety fool and her attitude stated as much for her.

RE: take it to reality - Rhanno - April 30, 2015

Just like Zoratto, she was feisty, quick to anger. Her sudden aggressiveness reminded him of his wife, who he had left behind with Navi — who, truthfully, he loved more — while he and his captive scouted the new lands. Eshinni had been as equally hostile, at least in her younger years, and Rhanno had been drawn to that. As a Dotharan, it was in their nature to admire strength and...feistiness. Although he hadn't understood what she had said (however, he knew the word grandpa, Zoratto had used it plenty of times), he could tell her intentions by the raised ridge of fur along her back and by the flashing of her teeth.

With a roll of his shoulders, he finished his drink and raised his head, casting her an almost dismissive glance before looking beyond her at the trees that lined the lake. He didn't think about heading towards them, though, much too interested in the stranger now. She looked strong and no one smell stood out from the rest — she was a loner. Perhaps one that he could recruit? The idea didn't seem likely, though, what with her current disposition and the obvious language barrier. "Si hefoc astahi iba," he said with an amused hum, knowing full well she wouldn't understand the language of the Dotharan. "Name Rhanno," he then greeted with his basic grasp of the common tongue.

RE: take it to reality - Nanuk - May 03, 2015

He babbled at her, the language spilling out of his mouth one that was unfamiliar to her. It made her sneer, a malignant quality to her gaze as they regarded each other. When she was a pack wolf, Kroc was the epitome of a good pack wolf; loyal, hardworking, protective, you could go on and on. When she was a loner, the same was true. Her aggressive tendencies were more prominent, harsher, and she was much more likely to try and harm another if they came too close or bothered her at the right time. Now was one of those times.

Her lips crinkled as those bared teeth became more prominent, ears slicked back against her head. With no qualms over attacking an old codger, the longer the bastard stood there, the shorter her fuse became. "And?" She snapped, obviously not caring all that much, teeth clicking together at the end of the short, verbal response. Taking a very deliberate step forward, Kroc's head lowered, her posture stiff and violent now. There was no submission here, no dominance. Just the bad attitude of the large female who was now threatening action if he didn't back the fuck up.

RE: take it to reality - Rhanno - May 19, 2015

Sparring pits? ;D

Her curt response caused Rhanno to release a chuff of laughter, largely uncaring towards her quickly rising anger. He had fought larger beasts than her. Granted, she was rather massive wolf, with a figure that the man couldn't help but regard with a certain amount of respect and admiration. Muscles were pulled taut underneath her smooth coat of grey, scars making themselves known in a number of places. He let his eyes linger upon the strange marking on her hindquarter before looking back to her flaring eyes.

It was obvious of her intentions if he chose to stay where he was — and so that was exactly what he did. The man spun to face her fully then as she stepped towards him, rolling his own burly shoulders and thrusting his ears forward with a lowered skull, dark eyes locking onto her own. He allowed her to make the first move, for if it was a spar she wanted, a spar she shall have.

RE: take it to reality - Nanuk - May 19, 2015

Sure! Do we want to make this a quick, aggressive spar? Maybe whoever does the most damage in 5 rounds?

Spar Thread: http://wolf-rpg.com/showthread.php?tid=9409 (I initially posted the wrong thread link in there so I can post the correct one my next turn)

She watched his demeanor change, watched the situation escalate and a feral grin stretched to display those teeth of hers, long and deadly as a wolf's teeth should be. She didn't give him a chance to change his mind, instead leaping forward to slam into him head on, teeth aiming for anywhere she could possibly reach. Had she had more distance, she could have put more speed to her weight, making it a crushing blow but as it were, she sought to ground him now, to put him in a vulnerable position. 

RE: take it to reality - Rhanno - June 09, 2015

Sorry for the wait! And for sure :D

It didn't take long for the fiery stranger to accept his challenge. Without hesitation, she leapt forward, fangs bared and ready. He snarled back with ears flattened and hackles bristled, knowing he hadn't any chance to move out of the way of her barrelling charge. Instead, the man braced himself for impact, tensing his shoulders in hopes she wouldn't knock him straight into the lake's frosty waters.

As the solid figure of the other wolf slammed into him, he quickly realised he had underestimated her force, and was forced roughly to the ground. With another snarl, the elder snapped at her muzzle, aiming to add some more scars to her collection.

RE: take it to reality - Nanuk - June 10, 2015

Her charge connected with his decrepit frame and yet it did not stop him from aiming his teeth at her muzzle. They caught, barely, but the tank jerked her head up at the last moment above his own so that it was a simple scrape. Without giving him a chance to regroup, Kroc struck out to grasp his neck and give him a hard shake, unforgiving of the old man and his folly. 

RE: take it to reality - Rhanno - June 11, 2015

His current HP is 9/20, made a mistake in the sparring pits >_>

He felt his teeth graze their mark, but only barely. The lack of blood split caused another rumble to reverberate from the man's throat, tail lashing as the other wolf reared her head up out of his reach. She then brought it back down, wrapping her solid jaws around the loose skin on his neck. Having no time to react, he roared as her teeth sunk in deeply, and then felt his frame being pulled partially into the air as she shook him like one would a hare.

Hind legs scrambling to find the ground again, Rhanno took advantage of his position and forced himself into her chest, aiming to knock her to the ground — knowing full well she would take him with her should her grip remain on his scruff.

RE: take it to reality - Nanuk - June 11, 2015

np np! <3

Her snarls were muffled in the thick of his fur as she whipped her head, and thus him, around. Even still, the sound was baleful, the fuel of rage the only accelerant she needed to continue this viciousness. The tank felt the old man's weight shift, leaning into her rather than away. Her current displacement of gravity did not allow for her to compensate so she met the ground hard and fast. 

Rolling with it, she took the fall and simply got to her feet to lunge at him in an attempt to bowl him over. She was stronger than this cripple and she would show him the consequences for bothering her when she'd told him to fuck off. Kroc would never say something like that for the hell of it, not to a stranger at least. 

RE: take it to reality - Rhanno - June 12, 2015

He felt the solid wall that was his opponent suddenly give way after he had pressed his weight onto it, and leapt back before she fell, feeling her teeth finally free his scruff. It ached, but the pain was minor and was nothing the ex-Khal wasn't used to. In fact, he was quite enjoying the fight. It had been an age since he had had a good, proper fight with a worthy wolf — and the female before him was definitely worthy. He actually respected the fact that she had a good chance of outright killing him if she so felt like it. Though, Rhanno was determined not to let her have that chance.

As she rolled to the ground, the man watched, happy he got at least one good hit in. His brief victory was short-lived, however, as she got to her feet and charged at him again. He made to move out of her way but was too slow, feeling her body collide into his own. Again, Rhanno was forced to the ground, his bones jarring as he hit the earth. With a growl, he issued a bite at her neck, attempting to grab at the flesh there.

RE: take it to reality - Nanuk - June 13, 2015

Woops. Didn't notice he was already on the ground LOL Ignore that part and just go by the going for his throat part?!

Her fell beneath her weight, becoming prone and vulnerable. It was just where she wanted him, though she was made to move to avoid the latch of his teeth against her neck. She did not want him anywhere near that area, sure that a cripple of his age would do whatever he could to prove his false prowess. Her own fangs flashed in the same manner, mimicking his movement to have a go at his throat. She would shake him there too, induce Shaken Baby Cripple Syndrome or something.

RE: take it to reality - Rhanno - June 16, 2015

Haha, no problem! And I think this is the last round? (though I think Kroc's a definite winner here...pls have mercy ;_;)

His jaws snapped closed with a sharp click and frustrated growl as he got ahold of nothing but thin air. The female was quick despite her bulk, swinging her head out of the way of his teeth. He was on his back, throat and belly exposed as she towered over him, and he was fully aware of her intentions as her canines flashed once more. Ducking his head, Rhanno made to protect the soft skin of the underside of his throat — one well-placed bite there and it would be all over. He hadn't travelled all this way with his annoying captive just to then be butchered by a disgruntled stranger.

He felt her hot breath against his fur as she snapped near him but — to his relief — missed. Seizing the brief opportunity, the man aimed to twist his hind legs underneath her stomach and shove upwards with all the force he had, no longer wishing to be in the precarious spot underneath her.

RE: take it to reality - Nanuk - June 16, 2015

Haha -pats Rhanno- Poor old man. ALSO YAY WE'RE SIBLINGS -spins-. Can she get him unconscious and leave before he wakes back up? Would that be okay?

He was done. She knew it and he knew it. What she didn't know was why he hadn't given in yet. No matter. She'd win and be done with this bullshit. She took a punch to the gut with a punctuated snarl, moving a paw to press in against his throat. Cut off the windpipe and he'd die a slow, painful death. That was her intention, anyway. Kroc was ready to be done with this old fool.

RE: take it to reality - Rhanno - June 23, 2015

YEEY I'M SO EXCITED! :D And yep that's fine, last post from me!

A Dotharan wasn't one to give up a fight — they were proud warriors. Though, perhaps their tendency to simply keep going until exhaustion was their downfall. Rhanno knew he was outmatched against the younger, stronger wolf (even if she was female) but he was stubborn and prideful, refusing to give in even as his kick scarcely budged her massive form.

There was a small inkling of worry in his eyes then, and he growled defensively as she placed a paw against his throat. It was better than teeth, at least, but she pressed down, restricting his breath. Rhanno made to awkwardly wrap his paws around her foreleg, scrabbling as he tried to alleviate the pressure.

However, he already felt light-headed, his breaths coming in quick gasps as he struggled for air. This damn ifak was going to kill him! Rhanno attempted one last feeble kick at her underside before his vision blurred and went dark, his struggling form suddenly falling limp underneath the woman as she cut off his airway.

RE: take it to reality - Nanuk - June 23, 2015

Fade here then!

He stilled, which was exactly what she wanted. If he hadn't, if he'd pushed her paw away, she'd have fallen on him with fangs this time. She'd have gone for the kill and it was as simple as that. With a snarl, Kroc still contemplated the death of this cripple and then decided that he was not worth her time. She snorted and turned away, moving off in another direction to find a body of water to kill her scent trail. She didn't want him finding her again.

Thread fade.