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Redhawk Caldera Your sugar, yes please - Printable Version

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Your sugar, yes please - Elwood - April 13, 2015

o hey

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Kerflomple/sexytimes ;)

Over the last few days, Elwood had only seen @Finley a handful of times -- which, to some couples, might have been normal. But these two had been essentially attached at the hip for the last two months, and he felt a little odd being away from her. He chalked it up to spring fever; she was an outrider, after all, and he knew that when the weather warmed up, she would want to resume her duties. But that didn't stop him from missing her.

So he paused on the cusp of the caldera's highest reaches, its lake at his back as he perched on the ridge. A light breeze ruffled his fur as he tilted his head back and called for Finley, his voice reverberating across the rocky surfaces until being swallowed up by the trees below. As the sound faded, his tail lashed the air and he turned, navigating the uneven terrain to a flatter area where he could stand more comfortably.

RE: Your sugar, yes please - Finley - April 15, 2015

Grumpy Finley is an extremely difficult creature.  She was irritable, easily frustrated, restless and even more rash and crass than usual.  They were an explosive bundle of emotions that lead her to spend those fitful days mostly away from the Caldera, as though she were trying to protect her loved ones from herself.  Such wasn't actually the case, however; her motives were far less altruistic.  Her fleeing the packlands was more due to her desire to sate her restless turmoil, not to avoid inflicting it upon the rest of the pack.

Fin fully intended on making another run for it that day when Elwood's call reeled her back in.  Guilt swam in her belly for how she'd been away from him the past few days.  The pair had been in a constant state of "honeymooning" it seemed since they'd gotten together and somewhere in her clouded mind, Fin knew that he must be worrying about this new distance of hers.  As much as she loved him and knew she must be hurting him with her ...let's call it a fever - with her fever, the Blackthorn was loathe to answer his call.  Didn't he know she wanted to do other stuff?  Not listen to him whine about how he missed her and crap??

She's a meany head, but El wanted her, so he gets her!

Fin stalked up to her friendboy with flattened ears and obvious tension in her petite frame.  Her gaze was neutral as she set it upon him, which truly was a testament to how much she loved him that the sight of him didn't make her scowl as the sight of most things did lately.  "Hiiiii," she said after a moment, making no move to erase the remaining several feet of distance she had left between them.

RE: Your sugar, yes please - Elwood - April 15, 2015

It wasn't long before Finley came into view, but Elwood could tell immediately that something was off. Her posture was stiff and he could all but see the tension radiating off of her; despite that, however, there was no anger in her expression as she came to a halt a few feet away. Instead, she regarded him with a calm and detached air, and made no move to close the gap between them.

He looked at her for a long moment, his ears twitching uncertainly. Quickly, he tried to remember everything he had done over the past week -- had he stepped out of line? Had he acted inappropriately? Nothing came to his mind, so he flashed her a tentative smile, taking a step towards her as he spoke.

"Hey, you," he said -- he had thought of calling her Frog, but quickly decided against it before the name could cross his lips. "What have you been up to?" Such a question was normally rhetorical, as they were both aware of each other's whereabouts on almost a constant basis, but he really didn't know what she had been doing for the last few days. Worry began to nibble at the pit of his belly.

RE: Your sugar, yes please - Finley - April 15, 2015

Elwood's regard of her was somewhat wary, which instantly sent another spasm of guilt across her chest, followed quickly by the pricklings of annoyance.  She wasn't some sort of wild beast that couldn't control her emotions and was about to rip his head off for no reason, so why did he treat her like one?  Or so Fin's thoughts went, meanwhile all of us reading know perfectly well that she was completely capable of that and have our fingers crossed for Elwood's survival.

"Oh, you know..." Fin replied nonchalantly, "This and that."  Her gaze drifted down towards the ground, watching her own paw as she brushed it across the blades of grass at her feet.  She did so for a moment or two before peeking back at Elwood.  "I like you," she told him after a moment.  Her resolve against him was very quickly fading and being replaced by the usual feelings of affection she had for her beloved Twig.

RE: Your sugar, yes please - Elwood - April 16, 2015

Finley seemed to soften under Elwood's gaze, though she provided an indirect response to his question that failed to fill in any of the blanks. It only bothered him a little bit, but he brushed aside the annoyance; even as he cleared his mind, she was drawing her paw shyly through the grass, proclaiming that she liked him. This caused a slow smile to pull at his lips, and he took another step towards her, though there was still a wolf's length between them.

"I like you too," he replied, tilting his head as he fixed her with his sharp golden gaze. His tail gave a predatory lash behind him; in that moment, there was suddenly something drawing him to her, though he couldn't say what. Perhaps it was her enigmatic demeanor and the fact that he didn't know where she had been or what she had been doing -- rather than irritating or worrying him, he found himself strangely enticed.

He took a deep breath and felt electrified, though he still refrained from moving closer to her. No, he would leave it up to her -- he kind of liked this little game of cat and mouse as he expectantly waited for her next action or comment.

RE: Your sugar, yes please - Finley - April 16, 2015

Elwood answered her quiet confession with one of his own.  Fin could feel her heart throbbing in her chest as the words.  They were so simply and so... not at all true to the real depths of their feelings for each other.  And yet, the Blackthorn suddenly felt such an intense pull to him.  One that obviously was reciprocated.

While Elwood continued to play the coy game, making it obvious that he was leaving it up to her to come to him, Finley was deciding on what game it was she intended to play.  Though she had started the game on the tone Elwood had taken, the fever boiling in her blood certainly wasn't going to allow her to play a similar hand.

So, without further ado, Finley sprang at him with a heated growl.  Her intent wasn't to hurt him at all, but to just get as near to him as possible.  The moment their bodies collided, the beta went to work, running her nose and tongue all along whatever part of him she could reach, growling eagerly, though clearly with affection.

RE: Your sugar, yes please - Elwood - April 18, 2015

There was only a moment of hesitation before Finley threw herself at him and he reacted gleefully, accepting the tackle as gracefully as possible. He let her knock him off his feet and then succumbed to her attack, laughing as her mouth and tongue tickled him all over -- particularly his cheeks and throat.

As soon as he was given the opportunity, he began to return the ministrations, his tail thumping the ground as he rolled over onto his stomach and propped himself up on his elbows. He almost felt drunk, so dizzying was his sudden desire for her, and he soon took to his feet once more. Standing over her, he nosed gently at the soft fur on her chest, a rumbling growl accompanying the touch.

RE: Your sugar, yes please - Finley - April 25, 2015

It seemed that whatever fever Fin had been infected with, it was highly contagious for Elwood was soon returning her ministrations just as eagerly as she.  Fin couldn't control the growl that rumbled from her chest as his tongue slipped across her across.  It was a sound of need and of hunger that fueled her voice.  It was uncontrollable, insatiable, and would have been completely unnerving were it not for the fact that she had lost herself entirely in the moment.

Finley needed no encouragement when Elwood stood over her.  While the touches he placed upon her chest were nice and all, she was ready for the big show.  Fin rolled quickly over onto her belly and stood as well, pressing her spine against his stomach and chest.  She swept her tail quickly to the side while twisting her neck to caress his throat with her tongue, her growls mingling with gentle whines, almost begging him to kerflomple the flomple out of her.

RE: Your sugar, yes please - Elwood - April 27, 2015

It wasn't long before Finley flipped over and took to her paws, causing Elwood to take a step back. He remained close to her, however, his chest very nearly pressed against her hindquarters. All it took was the quick movement of her tail to the side accompanied by the higher pitch of her voice -- with a whine of his own, Elwood let instinct take over and mounted her swiftly.

Balancing on his back paws, he wrapped his forelegs around her hips, feeling the familiar fire in the pit of his belly as they connected. His growls turned to lusty groans as he began to thrust, his normally sharp senses dulling as he was consumed by a love-induced fog.

A short while later, when both Elwood and Finley seemed to be satisfied by the level and intensity of their kerflompling, he eased back off of her. His forepaws hit the ground and he moved forward to stand alongside her, running his snout down the length of her body and then slipping his head beneath her chin with an affectionate rumble.

RE: Your sugar, yes please - Finley - April 29, 2015

Though Elwood wasted little time proceeding once she had stood, Fin's growls of eager excitement turned to those of impatience as he pulled himself up onto her and assumed the position. With an almost aggressive nip at his arm as he straddled her, she pressed himself eagerly against him. When the rocking began, she was already lost in the moment and her desperate need for him.

It was likely the most physical intercourse they'd ever had as Fin met each thrust with a backwards push of her own. Again and again their bodies collided while made no attempt at stifling the vocalization of her pleasure. When finally they parted (after several quiet minutes of remaining pressed together), Fin slid onto her belly beside her lover with barely a breath to spare in her lungs. Her exhaustion was so complete that she barely had the strength to lift her head for Elwood to slip his head beneath hers. She laid there simply trying to catch her breath for a while before whispering ever so quietly in his ear, "I want you again..."

RE: Your sugar, yes please - Elwood - April 29, 2015

Elwood took a moment to try to catch his breath, feeling Finley's heartbeat thrumming from within her chest as he pressed against her. He would have been content to remain in that very position --affectionately entwined with her -- but her whispered words reached his ears and brought them to attention. Slowly, he withdrew his head, leaning back just enough to look at her with an expression of feigned incredulity.

"Do you, now?" he purled, his voice low and thick. Her simple request was enough to boil his blood once more, and it was with more gusto and force that he turned and began to snap at her stomach and flank with his teeth. He followed the feminine curve of her belly, making his way back towards her hindquarters before stepping away and putting some distance between them.

The air seemed cold without her heat right next to him, but he took a few long strides before looking back over his shoulder at her. "Let's have a change of scenery," he suggested, and then began to descend the slope, intending to build the anticipation before they coupled once more.

RE: Your sugar, yes please - Finley - April 29, 2015

Fin felt her blood boiling as Elwood responded to her confession, each part of her body bursting into flames as he explored it with his muzzle.  She shut her eyes against the wave of lust that threatened to drown her. She had no words to share in response to his, only throaty rumbles that seemed to come from the pit of her stomach. She stared at him as though in a panic when he moved away, narrowing her eyes when he suggested they move elsewhere.

In a second, Fin was in all fours, darting after him, she leapt right into his path and spun to face him, a growl in her throat. "Now" she insisted, a flare of dominance in her tine that faded just as quickly as it came when she dissolved to pleading again, "Please, Twig.. I need you."

RE: Your sugar, yes please - Elwood - April 29, 2015

She caught up with him so quickly that he was surprised, especially when she positioned herself in front of him and slammed on the brakes. He did the same, his haunches sinking down as he slid to a halt. There was something different in her voice -- something demanding and raw, something that he couldn't argue with. He couldn't deny that he liked it, though.

So there, out in the open, he prowled around her and positioned himself to take her once more. If possible, this time it was more feverish than the last, and it left him completely breathless and feeling weak in the knees as he separated from her. Slowly, Elwood lowered himself to the ground and then rolled unceremoniously onto his side, squeezing his eyes shut and admiring the stars that danced against the darkness of his eyelids. "Wow," he murmured between pants.

RE: Your sugar, yes please - Finley - April 29, 2015

It seemed her tone could not be argued with for Elwood wasted no time positioning himself behind her to begin thrusting against her once more. Fin once again released whatever inhibitions she may have had and thrust backwards against him with each feverish push of his hips. When finally their coupling came to a close, the Blackthorn sank to her belly along with her lover, rolling so that her spine was pressed against the curve of his stomach.

Words failed her as she fought to steady her breath beside him. To be honest, that fire in her belly was igniting yet again, but her muscles were twitching from the exertion if their former antics, and so she simply scotched even nearer to him and heaved a happy sigh.

RE: Your sugar, yes please - Elwood - April 29, 2015

Finley, too, seemed to be satisfied, for she heaved a sigh and then cuddled close to Elwood. He threw a foreleg over her shoulder, effectively ensuring that they were properly spooning, and the only movement of his body was the rise and fall of his ribcage and the gentle thumping of his tail against the ground.

"Happy now?" he murmured in a teasing voice, his muzzle pouring the words directly into her ear as a smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. Their love life had always been, well, feisty -- but she had taken it to another level on this particular day.

RE: Your sugar, yes please - Finley - April 30, 2015

Fin felt her eyelids falling as she laid pressed against her lover. When he spoke quietly in her ear, part of her wanted to giggle girlishly and say something witty and sexy in response. That's not what happened, though.

She stayed quiet for a moment, though her mind was a whirl of thoughts. Suddenly she felt odd... like she was out of place, like a Tolkien book in the library on a shelf with a non-fiction book by Darwin. Fin fidgeted uncomfortably for a moment before she pulled herself up onto all fours and took a few steps away from him. She paused to give her coat a shook before turning back towards him. "I'm gonna head out for a couple days, there's a herd of buffalo I've been keeping an eye on and they're kinda falling off my radar," she said, not looking at him, "I just wanna figure out where they went and then i'll be back." It sounded like a reasonable enough lie to Fin, she only hoped he wouldn't see through it. Or worse, try to come along.

RE: Your sugar, yes please - Elwood - May 01, 2015

The moment between them was peaceful -- romantic, even. And that should have been a red flag to Elwood, but instead he lost himself momentarily. He simply allowed himself to enjoy Finley's presence next to him, the soft sound of her breathing and the gentle thrumming of her heart. Suddenly, she pushed herself to her feet, and he looked quizzically up at her, his forepaws still encircling the empty space she had previously occupied.

At first, he thought she was continuing their game, and he smirked as she padded away from him. But when she turned back, her expression was serious, and she spoke as though they were completing a business transaction. Leave for a few days? Buffalo? Really? That was what was on her mind?

Elwood frowned, but he didn't try to argue or persuade her otherwise. Instead, he gave her a long, solemn look, then nodded his head. "Okay. Well...be careful," he said, the words sounding a bit wooden. He paused, then added in a much warmer tone, "I love you."

He was starting to think that he would never fully understand Finley Blackthorn.

RE: Your sugar, yes please - Finley - May 06, 2015

She could tell that there was curiosity in his voice with a hint of trepidation and melancholy.  Guilt twisted in her stomach, only sharpened tenfold when he added those three words that used to make her blood pound.  Somehow, the sentiment made her feel more horrible than ever.  The response rose to her throat automatically, but it tasted so strongly of bile that she swallowed it back.  She flashed him a smile instead before turning and darting off again, desperate to get as far away from him as possible.  And then, even further, for what she really needed was to outrun the terrible thoughts that were coursing through her confused head.

RE: Your sugar, yes please - Elwood - May 06, 2015

And with that, she was gone.

She gave him little more than a smile before racing away as though a predator was nipping at her heels. In her wake, she left Elwood standing with his brow furrowed and his tail limp between his legs. Her behavior was odd, but then again, when was Finley ever really normal? It was a good thing that this was Elwood's first relationship and that he didn't have anything to compare it to, otherwise he might've realized just how...weird it was.

With a huff, he finally turned away -- long after Finley's silhouette was nothing more than a speck on the horizon -- and retreated into the heart of the caldera, his mind and heart swirling with confusion.