Wolf RPG
Neverwinter Forest Guardian - Printable Version

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Guardian - Chaska - April 14, 2015

The orders were simple. Let no one pass, unless it is for very good reason. And the grey wolf knew how to follow orders well. He had first patrolled the inner boundary of the Silvertip Mountain pack, then proceeded onto the outer boundary. So far, he hadn't come across anything except for a few stray birds and critters that ran across the forest floor. But even though this was the case, he felt bored, and wished something would come along to make his day.

RE: Guardian - Nanuk - April 14, 2015

Excuse this monstrosity please. First time I've rp'd wolves in a long time.

Packs. The grey creature had avoided them for so long that just being near one's territory sent an electric thrill down her spine. She had no place in them, and hadn't for a long while, traveling where she would in search of her long lost, not-quite-intelligent sibling. She had a feeling he'd ended up in a ditch somewhere but who knew. He likely wasn't here and she would pass through like a leaf on the wind. 

Or would have if some pup hadn't wandered into her line of sight. Gold eyes focused on him, quietly judging his age. Quite obviously, the runt was of the pack here, and therefore, needed to be avoided. Her direction adjusted and Kroc angled away from him, intent on putting distance between them. She was no potential threat to this one and would not have any accidents or mishaps that he had fall on her head. That was just asking for an early grave.

RE: Guardian - Chaska - April 14, 2015

that's okay. I'm actually new to this

Chaska was about to continue on when he caught sight of movement, not too far off. There, through the foliage of the forest floor, he saw a grey wolf. He thought about approaching it, but then he noticed it moving away, so decided against it, for it did not seem to be a threat. But he would now be much more alert, just in case it came into his sights again.

RE: Guardian - Nanuk - April 14, 2015

That was the thing about forests. You could see something one moment and then lose it the next. Truly headed away, Kroc had to readjust her direction when she caught an unfavorable scent upwind. Great. Turning back towards the runt, she found herself venturing back towards the pack boundaries. She felt her lip curl at the thought, a mental note scrawled across her mind to keep at the very edge, if not farther than that. 

Just as expected, there was the kid again. Briefly, the scarred wolf wondered if he was the curious type, then amended that thought. All kids were curious. The extent of this one's remained to be seen.

RE: Guardian - Chaska - April 15, 2015

He hadn't been that long before the large, hulking wolf came into his view once more, and once again, was close to the border. This time, he was going to get some answers on why. 

He approached the large lupine, but kept his distance, his wary eyes watching for any sign of aggressive behavior.

"Why do you linger so close to our border?" he asked the wolf before him, standing ready for anything.

RE: Guardian - Nanuk - April 15, 2015

She pointedly didn't look his way, obviously not intent on stopping or lingering near the borders. She wasn't a fool; Packs were territorial. A loner on their turf wasn't acceptable, not even to a pup. However, a loner passing by shouldn't have been a problem. Plus it wasn't like she was slowing down to spy or eyeball anything on their land, but you try explaining that to a kid. It wouldn't get her anywhere, so she didn't even try. 

Kroc had expected the question, at the very least. An ear flickered as her gaze fell on him, considering him for a moment as she pulled to a stop. "There's something that reeks over there and I didn't really feel like walking towards it." Sensitive nose and all that, right? "And I'm not lingering. I'm walking. Get someone to teach you the difference, pipsqueak." He was, after all, much smaller than she was, which made the name valid in her eyes, which rolled as she posed a question of her own. "Am I free to go yet, O Mighty Guardian?" The thought of perhaps dialing back the sarcasm crossed her mind, unsure whether this brat would actually understand it, but the words were already out of her mouth. Oh well. No helping it now.

RE: Guardian - Chaska - April 15, 2015

Chaska felt the sudden urge ti chase the large wolf away, but that would only end badly fr him. She looked tough, and even though he could handle himself in battle and stand his ground, it would most likely be the death of him. So instead, he let loose a low growl aimed at her. 

"If you wish to leave, then you may. But if you do not... well, I advise that you do. So, what will it be?" he asked. If she was not going to leave, then he would have to call on some help.

RE: Guardian - Nanuk - April 16, 2015

If she'd had eyebrows, they would have climbed up her face as the brat so boldly told her to go. See, this was the problem with pack brats; they always thought that they were better than everyone else, age and stage be damned. "Respect your elders" was such a crock of shit that just the thought made her laugh out loud. That was obviously something parents told their little parasites to give them another reason to listen to them and their alpha. Just wait until the kids figured it out and then come up with another excuse, right?

Gold eyes narrowed slightly, the antagonist in her rising to the challenge. "If I dont, what? You're gonna bite my ankle with your baby teeth?" Kroc laughed again, her own sharp teeth flashing purposefully at him. She still had every intention of leaving, but pushing then kid's buttons was fun. Besides, he could have left her alone. Let her walk away instead of stopping her. She hadn't exactly been trespassing when he'd started his preemptive questions. 

RE: Guardian - Chaska - April 16, 2015

He had to admit, this wolf was getting on his nerves. But he did not wish to be involved in a fight. And he would avoid it, if it was possible. 

"No. I don't want to fight, so I will only ask again. Now, will you please leave. You can back up a bit, if you wish. Just as long as you stay a reasonable distance from the border. Are we clear, or must I get someone with more authority to come and tell you?" he asked, hoping she would take the threat seriously.

RE: Guardian - Nanuk - April 16, 2015

Curious. Where most brats jumped at the chance to showcase how 'tough' they were, this one just asked her to leave. Again. Maybe he wasn't hopeless or mentally challenged. Maybe. She could see in his posture and the arrangement of his fur that she was getting under his skin. 

A roll of her eyes and she considered him again, her teeth hidden once more. "I never wanted to come this close anyway. There's an odd smell over there," She tossed her head in the direction she spoke of. "You should watch for the way others hold themselves. That's a good indication of what they're looking to do. I was initially wanting to move away from you, not come closer." 

Her tail flicked, her wisdom passed on to the runt. There. Her good deed for the year was done. Turning away, once more, Kroc intended to vacate the area, leaving the brat to do what he wanted to. He wasn't her kid and thus, wasn't her problem. 

I think that's the end there, if you like! Thanks so much for the thread! :D

RE: Guardian - Chaska - April 16, 2015

No problem. It was fun while it was going.

Once the large, grey wolf had admitted she was going to leave, Chaska cracked a satisfied smile. As the wolf turned, so did he, intending to continue his patrol. Even though this wolf had gotten a bit on his nerves, he still showed kindness.

"I wish you luck in the world" he said with his back turned, just turning his head so he could glimpse the wolf behind him. "Perhaps, we shall meet again. But that may be a long time away." And with that, he continued on, but not without looking back one last time, just to be sure.