Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau Let's blow this popsicle stand! - Printable Version

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Let's blow this popsicle stand! - Koda - April 14, 2015

@Kesuk only, please :)

After leaving Dante lying in the dirt, Koda returned to the site of his den hoping to find his mate. He poked his head in and looked around, finding it quite empty. "Dammit," he growled, frustrated. They needed to get out of there, right now, before the pack discovered them.

He continued to search the surrounding woods. "Kesuk!" He called out, hoping she'd appear and he could convince her to leave with him.

RE: Let's blow this popsicle stand! - Kesuk - April 23, 2015

I feel awful about the wait :/

Kesuk had just left the den in search of a quick snack when she heard her mate's voice call out for her. His voice sounded angry, strained. She hoped he was okay and quickly reversed her trail and heading towards him. She found him searching the woods, a very 'pissed off' look on his handsome face.

Worried, she ran up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, is everything alright?" she asked, concern showing in her bright blue irises. 

RE: Let's blow this popsicle stand! - Koda - April 28, 2015

no worries, dear :) just glad to have you back

Kesuk emerged from the trees and dashed to his side, her sweet face fraught with concern for him. Koda licked her cheek in return, then buried his face in her soft neck fur and let himself get lost in her. He wanted to escape the reality of his situation, even for a moment, and live in a world where it was just the two of them and their love. But Koda knew he couldn't delay for much longer.

He pulled back from her, a hard expression on his face as he prepared to deliver the bad news. "No, we've gotta get out of here, right now," he said urgently. It wouldn't be long before Dante found help and sent someone after him.

RE: Let's blow this popsicle stand! - Kesuk - May 04, 2015

Kesuk was very confused at what was going on as he gave her a serious look and told her they had to leave. He was usually the more laid back of the pair so his urgency made her worry even more. What could be so bad that they had to leave right that moment? But his eyes showed her that it was now or never.

"Tell me on the way?" The way to where, she didn't, but what she did know was that she needed an explanation soon. But she would leave with him.

She broke out of his warm embrace and faced the direction of pack borders that led to the plains below the plateau, on the east side of the river. From there they could go anywhere but the southwest of the wilds with ease.

RE: Let's blow this popsicle stand! - Koda - May 24, 2015

Koda's injuries forced him to move at painfully slow pace, but the pair of wolves made good their escape (though no one was actually in pursuit of them). Once they'd put a comfortable buffer between themselves and the plateau, the gray wolf requested a short pause to catch his breath and drink from a nearby puddle. Then, once he'd gathered his composure, he recounted the events that had led up to this moment.

"Dante and I go into it about some shit I said to Saena," he admitted, still in disbelief that his careless comment carried such weighty consequences. "Things got heated, and then he fucking lunged at me. Did this to me." Koda said as he turned his injured shoulder toward Kesuk so she could see the damage.

"I fought back and beat the shit outta him, left im bleedin' in the dirt
," he continued, a little pride leaking into his voice as he spoke of his victory. "Gave him a few parting words and then I went to find you."

RE: Let's blow this popsicle stand! - Kesuk - May 25, 2015

When they were a good distance from the borders Koda stopped to catch his breath and get a quick drink, breathing heavy. She was so used to long distance running she didn't think about how it would effect him. She sat down and watched him, still oblivious to the large cut on his shoulder opposite her. When he was done drinking she listened carefully to his words, her ears twitching and her eyes widening.

When he finally came to the part where he "beat the shit outta him" her eyes narrowed slightly. Sure, she was planning to leave eventually, but she hoped it would be on a good note, not with an angry alpha on their heels. Why did he have to fuck everything up?

"Are you fucking serious? You couldn't just let it go, you had to beat up the fucking alpha? And now you're injured which will make traveling even harder!" She hissed. Sure she loved him, but he could be a fucking idiot 99% of the time.

Her eyes and voice softened as she looked at him a bit more. "God Koda, what am I going to do with you?" she said softly, moving around so she could look at his cut better.

RE: Let's blow this popsicle stand! - Koda - June 09, 2015

Koda noted the irritation in his mate's narrowed eyes and instantly knew he was about to catch shit. He shrank back slightly as Kesuk berated him for fighting with Dante. He had more or less expected this kind of reaction, and he knew he was getting what he deserved, but his delicate male ego was still bruised. Wasn't she even a little impressed that he'd won?

Kesuk turned her attention to his injury. "It's nothing to worry about, no big deal," he said of the gash on his shoulder. "But if you wanted to kiss it better, I'd be okay with that."