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Nova Peak shantaram - Printable Version

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shantaram - Falwasi - April 15, 2015


It had taken Falwasi a while to pull herself out of the midst of solo exploration — but she wouldn't have been able to without the Alpha's interaction. Following the pack howl, the tawny wolf had detached herself from socializing — in a good way. Reconnoitring was her sort of a happy trip, but while she was swimming she didn't happen to equally delve into meeting new recruits. 

Nova Peak felt like everyday to the wolf; her Creek buddies were still around, like Scimitar, Bazi and Kaskara, but she could however smell the fresh scents of newcomers, whom she was expected to make introductions. She had already met Jericho, a friendly gent she and Bazi had accepted at the border, but other than that her memoir of Peak faces was more or less incomplete.

A light drizzle drifted in the breeze, tickling the hairs on Falwasi though she didn't seem to care. Her summer coat was growing out, and the golden colors of her pelt were becoming all the more enhanced and shimmery with the sunlight, matching her copper eyes. These eyes looked through the featherweight rain damned by the lost sun, seeking another wolf or maybe even a prey animal.

RE: shantaram - Arion - April 15, 2015

Arion was never someone who loved to socialize with others, in fact you could classify him as anti social. He was not an amiable wolf, nor was he outgoing and he was not pleasant around company, distant, aloof, dispassionate, cold and calculating described him better. Around people, he was tactlessly straightforward despite his strategic mind. Deceptive and manipulative, sometimes Arion chooses to be around others to learn their weaknesses and then use them to manipulate them to help him in some manner should anything arise. But it was not blackmail. It was simply using everything he knew.

The stallion could not keep out of everyone's way forever, one way or another, someone would find him, or he would find someone. It was only thanks to his adoptive brother, Chiron, that he had some ideas of what others felt and some manners that made him acceptable among the ranks of wolves. If Arion did happen to meet someone, then at least he had his memory of Chiron's lessons to guide him, it helped when he met Bazi and he was sure it would help when he met another.

The Acheron had been in the middle of trotting mindlessly through Nova Peak when he felt the light droplets of rain pepper his chocolate coat. It did not bother Arion though, for it was only a drizzle, and not a storm made from Zeus's anger. He was deep in his thoughts when his nose alerted his head of another presence nearby.

RE: shantaram - Falwasi - April 15, 2015

Location at the base of the eastern side of the mountain where there are no trees? Pping your location

Her now even more moist nose twitched at the scent of another nearby; an unfamiliar one, but familiar enough to know it belonged to one of the Peak wolves. The rain had stopped by then, leaving Falwasi's pelt in a short-lived dampness. Clouds now conquered the sky and she could see the sun filtering (or at least trying to) through the nebula.

As Falwasi neared the location of the source, she parted the lesser forest, entering a hilly area with no trees approaching the Northwood. There she could see a dark figure at the cap of the hill, trotting briskly with an appearance of deep captivation. The long-legged wolf rose up the slopey highland swiftly and halted at a respectable distance from the stranger.

The male had a figure that could be likened to Falwasi's, though he was taller and more muscular. He wore a coat similar to Kaskara's — deep browns peppered with silver hairs in certain areas. His orbs were a deep gold, striking and contrasting against his dark fur, and one flaw burdened the bridge of his muzzle, making Falwasi aware of her own. She dipped her crown toward the male with an airy chuff. "Falwasi," she introduced, awaiting his name in return.

RE: shantaram - Arion - April 16, 2015

Okay :)

Arion's first thoughts was to move discreetly away from his incoming company, by the scent it was a female and to him, females were much harder to communicate with because they were usually sensitive to what he mindlessly said. But perhaps this one was different, he hoped she would be, because if not, both of them would be furious and angry by the end of this encounter. Because even though Chiron had taught him much, it wasn't enough to blend in completely, to seem like a socially okay wolf.

Keen golden eyes spotted the form of his company, light furred than himself and obviously been caught in the drizzle too. She was tall, but shorter than himself. Slender and packed with lean muscle, with a seemingly agouti pelt, lithe. The other Peak wolf moved up the highland swiftly and stopped a good distance away from the stallion, her eyes were a vibrant copper and above one of her eye lay a small scar. Much like the one on his own muzzle.

His company spoke, stating her name as Falwasi simply and awaited for his own introduction. Arion could not help but think that this pack seemed to be filled with stoical anti social wolves like Scimitar and Falwasi with some exceptions like Bazi. Or perhaps that was just what he saw as a new member of the Peak. Shifting his weight, the Acheron dipped his head towards the higher ranking wolf, "Arion." He said, "I was accepted some days ago."

RE: shantaram - Falwasi - April 16, 2015

Innerly allayed, the male did well to introduce himself. When he set forth that he'd been endorsed a few days ago, Falwasi could not help but allow her mind to mull over the idea of Bazi patrolling. It seemed there had been a lot of newcomers lately, and one day she would plant herself upon one that was not scouting solidarity, and with her being pregnant, it didn't appear the finest idea. As much as the aspiring warrior supported independence and equality, this didn't seem the appropriate time to start a protest.

Falwasi didn't need to look over the male again; one quick glance over his body showed that he was most likely fitted as a warrior, but one could never be too sure. He could have been a caretaker, or a chronicler.. the mentality of big wolves didn't always fit their body.

"What do you do?" she asked anyway. She would normally wait around and find out in a less extroverted way, but seeing as she needed to do some work, she popped the question.

RE: shantaram - Arion - April 16, 2015

The female, it seemed was not one of words, much like himself. Silence hung through the air for a brief moment, Arion was waiting for Falwasi to say something because he honestly did not know what to say, himself. For a second, the stallion almost thought the female was waiting for him to speak and had began to search through his head for a conversation topic. Luckily, that was not needed for Falwasi spoke, uttering four words that formed a single question. There were lots of potential meanings to the question but Arion knew that she was probably asking for what he could do. If he was a warrior or a healer or a caretaker etc.

"I fight," the Greek spoke, flashing the copper eyed female a thin smile. "For most of the time, at least. You could say I am a warrior. I can hunt too, but don't most of us know how to? I studied poisons too. Lets just say I am no healer or caretaker." Arion concluded with a tilt of his head, fierce golden eyes touching Falwasi's copper ones for a moment before he averted them respectfully. Was he supposed to ask her something now? How bothersome to use his mind for useless things like talking. Couldn't they do something more productive?

That was when the idea sprouted in his head.

The stallion straightened himself, "Wanna spar?" he said with a coy smile, shifting his paws into a combative stance.

RE: shantaram - Falwasi - April 16, 2015

Alrighty! Here's the link for readers: http://wolf-rpg.com/showthread.php?tid=8864&action=lastpost

So he was a warrior. A jack of all trades — almost. Falwasi's ears fluttered at his mention of the study of poison, and she made a cerebral reminder to enquire about that later. She also made a mental admonition not to accept any of his fare unless she'd seen him drag it down.

Their surroundings were beginning to divulge themselves with a quickening pace at the advent of the sun behind the clouds. Pink hues and soft oranges peeled behind the dense array of nebula, only to diminish and be recouped with an airy emptiness in a few hours. That only meant they should have to enjoy the mere moments that they had with the colors, who in turn would soon be on their way to Nevermind.

"Wanna spar?" Arion shifted into a contentious position as the grizzled she-wolf observed him. It would be a good way to pinpoint his strengths and weaknesses, and to exercise her own. Whilst she moved her weight to her haunches, the words she spoke screamed challenge, but her tone remained plainly collected. "Let's see what you can do."

RE: shantaram - Arion - April 17, 2015

Conclude at 10 posts? Mild PP on end of the fight, I can edit if you mind. :)

A twinkle flitted across his golden eyes for a brief second when she spoke, answering to his challenge. Sparring/fighting helped his mind a lot. Hunting and exploring did little to take his mind off things, he resorted to poppy seeds almost every time. Sometimes he even tried Morning Glory and Nutmeg, or whatever herb he could find that he recognized and knew would be useful in taking his mind of things. It probably wasn't good for his health, but Arion honestly did not care, for if he did nothing to quiet his mind, it would tear itself to pieces and that wasn't something he wanted.

The fight soon began after the two of them shifted into a combative stance, a look of intense concentration found its way onto the stallion's face as his mind began forming all sorts of strategies and tactics that would give him a good chance of winning. But first he needed to see her fight, analyze her and find her weaknesses. Then Arion would adapt to her fighting style, using the most effective moves to target her weakness.

Falwasi made the first move, darting around him to nip at his heels, the stallion sidestepped easily, with the grace of a panther and immediately dove into attacking, trying to goad her into showing him her moves, therefore letting him determine her weakness. The stallion was careful to be gentle though, breaking skin and letting blood flow was not something the Alphas probably wanted from a friendly spar. His opponent was agile, and if he had been a wolf like Scimitar, he would probably have lost already, but he wasn't and he matched her step by step.

Nothing mattered to him then, but the fight and once he found flaws in her defense, he dove in and more than often his attack was successful, he made sure to keep his defense secured as well, because a shitty defense would mean an easy defeat. Arion admired her fighting style, and concluded she was a good opponent, and worth sparring with. The fight ended when she attempted to dodge his charging attack and failed, using his weight, he slammed against her and knocked her not too gently onto the ground, with him above her. "I think we've seen what I can do," he said, flashing her a smile and rising onto his paws. "Are you hurt?" That last blow was pretty heavy after all.

RE: shantaram - Falwasi - April 17, 2015

Thanks for the thread <3

The slender she-wolf held her breath as her body slammed against the hard ground, a wave of achey pain sweeping through her body. Arion stood above her wearing a smile she wanted to slap off his smug face. She shot him an accusing look, but relaxed her features once he backed away from hanging above her, and stood up herself. Falwasi shook the loose grass from her feathery pelt, dirt clinging in some areas credited to the drizzle. "No," she said, and meant it.

Her moment of pain ebbed away quickly as she stood up and gave her coat a good shake. She didn't care so much about losing; she didn't like to fight, and that was as simple as it gets. Fighting was a survival skill, and surviving was what she did best. Falwasi would fight when she thought necessary, but it was always good to practice.

"I'm sure Nova Peak will benefit from you," she said, dipping her head. Arion was strong and agile; versatile to any opponent. She targeted this when they were dancing — he was the perfect warrior. Without another word, Falwasi wagged her tail, turned around and loped into the woods.

RE: shantaram - Arion - April 20, 2015

Arion offered her a nod when she replied she wasn't hurt, he did not need to get a reputation of hurting others in friendly training sparring. And he did not need the Alphas storming down the Peak to yell at him because he had injured one of their veterans and most valuable members. At least he assumed that Falwasi was a veteran of the pack, he couldn't actually know. But she had a high rank and had the air of someone who had been a member for quite a long time.

He dipped his head when she complimented him, saying that the Peak would benefit from him. Sad that he probably wasn't going to stay long, it was boring here, no battles or wars to fight.