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Nova Peak sentiment is a chemical defect - Printable Version

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sentiment is a chemical defect - Arion - April 15, 2015

@Scimitar spar thread :)

Exploration was what the Acheron focused on for the time being, he wanted to explore the whole of Nova Peak and remember everything. If he planned to live as a member of this pack for the time being, he supposed remembering his pack's lands were essential in case for an attack. Or hunting, so he would know which places were best for hunting rabbits or hares. Where the fish usually swam in the streams. Where large four footed prey lived. The stallion's memory was exceptional, something he'd inherited from his dear father, Janus. Everyone could have a brilliant memory, to be honest, if they knew the correct technique.

Today, Arion found himself in a clearing in the middle of the forest, the scent of rabbits hung heavily in the air. A moment later his honey golden gaze found what his nose had found earlier, he heard their shuffling among the greens that carpeted the woods and saw the tips of their fur, contrasting heavily with the greens and browns of the forest. The stallion sneaked closer, making sure to step on nothing and make absolutely no noise, to be downwind of the prey.

He leaped, when he was close enough and though the rabbits try to run, their deaths were inevitable. Gleaming alabaster fangs found the neck of one rabbit and killed the animal almost instantly, the other one he caught with a lucky swipe of his paws, sending it stumbling by the side of a tree. Arion pounced with a catlike grace and ended the life of another. Lifting them both by their scruffs, he dropped them off by a cache and kicked dirt over it. The Greek had had a meal of fish and squirrel in the early afternoon and that was enough for him for the day.

Then Arion returned to the clearing, wondering if he should rest here or continue on his hunt. Or if there was something more interesting to do.

RE: sentiment is a chemical defect - Scimitar - April 15, 2015

His days were spent primarily at the side of his mate, aiding her in whatever her wants might be. Her attitude was perking up – as the days past, Bazi seemed more prepared and eager to meet their children.. while Scimitar, instead, felt ready to absolutely panic at the thought of it.
Having snuck away for a few stolen moments of serenity while Bazi had a nap, the cinnamon wolf had every intention of going to the borders. He hadn’t been as fulfilling in his duties to guard them as usual, and so it was not a surprise that during his trip there, he came upon a scent that he barely recognized.
Exhaustion overwhelmed him, but he shook it off, shifting his direction to seek out the other wolf. He came upon him quicker than he had anticipated, and his bright eyes regarded the other with a stoical mask. Giving a light nod of his muzzle, the Alpha took in the large wolf -- their meeting had been brief. “Arion," he greeted casually with a flick of his tail. "How are you settling in?"

RE: sentiment is a chemical defect - Arion - April 15, 2015

It was always his nose that alerted him of another first, so it did not come to a surprise to him that the scent of the Alpha Male came to him first rather than the sight of the large Frostfur. Arion shifted so his tall form was still in some ways lower than the Alpha, after all, he was one of the lowest ranking wolves in the pack, and he was pretty sure he was not going to rise up the ranks if he stood taller, or as tall as the leader. Thank Zeus Chiron had taught him some manners before he decided to set off on his own, because who knows what would have happened if he didn't. Probably exile from every pack he attempted to join.

Arion dipped his head respectfully to the cinnamon agouti before replying, "Settling in fine, Scimitar. Been checking out the pack grounds and hunting, for the time being at least." He hated patrolling, but perhaps it was inevitable for a pack wolf like himself. "Its a nice place to live, this Peak." Thanatos added, his socially inept mind searching for conversation topics, though in truth he was anxious to get his paws moving.

Damn it. He had left the poppy seeds back in his den.

RE: sentiment is a chemical defect - Scimitar - April 16, 2015

The swarthy male was quick to give him a small report of his thoughts -- something the Alpha could appreciate, given he was not much of a conversationalist. With a small nod, the Frostfur shifted his weight then, allowing his eyes to drift away from the man's features to study the scenery that lay before them -- a myriad of evergreens upon a sloping mountain that offered dazzling views. It wa srare he took in the beauty of nature, but it was hard not to.

"Good," he offered then, allowing his gaze to drift back to his pack mate. "We've only newly established ourselves here -- if you see anything suspicious.. let me know." They had yet to truly familiarize themselves with the land, and the dark agouti male was almost waiting for a more unpleasant surprise to spring upon them.. after all, Swiftcurrent Creek hadn't allowed them such peace for this long.

RE: sentiment is a chemical defect - Arion - April 17, 2015

"Got it," Arion replied with a dip of his head and a swish of his tail to his Alpha's statement of reporting anything suspicious to him. Though he wondered why anything suspicious would happen to this pack, could have some close hostile neighbours that were dangerous but so far on his journey to the Peak, he had seen nothing. Perhaps Nova Peak had rivalries with other packs, packs far away that sought to get rid of the Peak and its wolves. Or perhaps harboured a resentment to some of the wolves here and wanted to end their lives. Theories swamped his head but he quickly dismissed them, locking the ideas in a room in his mind place so he could check them out later.

"Do you have any trades?" The stallion asked politely, the male was built for brute force, fighting and the scars on his pelt showed he had gone through some brutal battles in his life. Perhaps if Scimitar had the trade of a warrior, they could spar, after all he'd forgotten the poppy seeds back in his den and if they kept talking, he was probably going to burst and mutter inappropriate and rude comments about his agouti leader.

Sparring helped his mind relax after all.

RE: sentiment is a chemical defect - Scimitar - April 17, 2015

Arion seemed intrigued to hear of any of his trades, and the regal shrugged his shoulders in response at first. “Warden and Warrior,” he mused, wondering if this would come as a shock to the newer Peak wolf. The scars that littered his body had only been received since his arrival to Swiftcurrent Creek, and his mind shifted back to his days at Neverwinter Forest.. Would his pack have seen the same fate if he had stayed there?
Missing his days in the forest had come to a closure. The Northwoods offered him the solace Neverwinter had.. and now that he and Bazi had finally found stable footing, he found himself thinking less and less of ‘what could have been’ there. “Are you looking to take on any trades yourself?” They were in need of skilled wolves of any talent, in honesty, and as his eyes skimmed over the male before him, he could only imagine the brute was a physical being, much like himself.

RE: sentiment is a chemical defect - Arion - April 20, 2015

His assumptions were right, Scimitar had gone for the roles that involved fighting, defending, violence. It was a good choice, it was what he was built for, combat. And from the scars the cinnamon agouti beared, it meant he was not a beginner to fighting, he must have had quite a few battles in his life. Experience was the best teacher. But you had to have brains to win, brute force and an empty head was just as unlikely to win as a scrawny wolf close to dying.

"Yes," Arion replied with a nod. "I'm currently going for warrior," he said and wondered perhaps Scimitar would like to train with him, much like he had done with Falwasi. But the other brute was just as stoic as himself and his first analysis got nothing on how his head worked. On his mentality. Arion decided to take the risk and ask. "Do you want to spar?"

RE: sentiment is a chemical defect - Scimitar - April 21, 2015

The question was one posed of casual nature – but it only stirred his thoughts to his last battle. Of course, Scimitar was never one to turn down a challenge, yet his own confidence had been greatly shaken when Bane had taken a decent chunk out of his ear.
These thoughts were not voiced to anyone – nor would they probably ever be. Instead, the large male gave a nod, determining that perhaps it would be good for him to engage in a friendly spar and pull himself from his mood.
He spoke no more – having never been one to speak often. Instead, his muzzle lowered, protecting his throat as his ears slid back – only hoping to keep them from being caught in teeth once more. His aqua eyes were trained upon the fellow warrior before him, and as custom, the Frostfur waited for his opponent to make the first move.

If the spar went well and Arion proved himself further, perhaps his own quiet vendetta against Blackfeather Woods would be fulfilled with another warrior on his side.

RE: sentiment is a chemical defect - Arion - May 26, 2015

They fought, teeth and claws flashing in the sunlight. Arion had to admit, Scimitar fought well, even with his burly and blundering build. His blows connected to the chocolate wolf's body and the aspiring warrior finally admitted to himself that he was out of practice, this fight was the message the gods sent to him, telling him to practice and train once more or he would not survive in these wilds.

Lose jaws clamped around his nape and forced his head towards the ground, of all things the Alpha could have done, he chose the most embarrassing one. Scimitar couldn't have bowled him over or shoved him onto the ground, he had to shove his face into the dirt and force submission. Pride kept him from relaxing and he struggled as best as he could but in the end, the agouti wolf won.

RE: sentiment is a chemical defect - Scimitar - May 31, 2015

The tactic was successful -- one that could not be ignored, given his opponent's foolish attempt to lunge forward to his limbs.. and placing his neck just above the towering Alpha. It was forceful enough to undo his opponent, and yet his ministrations were gentle, as he would not bring the swarthy male harm. Arion was a male that held much promise.. though it would hold no fruition for the Peak pack, in the end.

Scimitar did not loosen his grip fully until the male stopped his struggles -- the fight had been won, and while he did not fear the other male might lash out in a more serious manner, it was unimpressive to feel him thrashing.. much like a child throwing a temper tantrum at having lost.

Taking a step back, the cinnamon wolf regarded his companion without emotion, though he was not snide nor condescending in his actions. Instead, he gave a nod to the aspiring warrior. "You are a force to be reckoned with," he offered in ways of congratulations for such a fight.

RE: sentiment is a chemical defect - Arion - June 08, 2015

Stupid. Stupid. Did you forget what Father taught you? Arion cursed in his head, cursing himself for being such a fool, to give the agouti Alpha such a good opportunity to finish the spar, to finish him off. He should have remembered what Janus taught him, he should've watched out. At least this taught him that he was out of practice, the chocolate warrior was sure that with some training, he would be able to beat Scimitar with his eyes closed.

Shaking his swarthy coat, Arion straightened himself, licking the ruffled fur on his chest smooth once more before lifting his chocolate crown and regarded his opponent in an almost calculating manner though he dipped his head respectfully soon enough. "You too," he said with a brief smile. "And good luck." Good luck for what? He did not know, but something in his head told him to say it, a soft whisper from the shadows of his mind.

Arion would investigate that later, for now.....The stallion nodded respectfully at his Alpha, turned and silently trotted away.

RE: sentiment is a chemical defect - Scimitar - June 11, 2015

His opponent did not take loss gracefully, and thus became apparent when he told his Alpha ‘good luck.’ Scimitar did not respond to this – his eyes watched the other, who it would turn out, would leave them behind.. something Scimitar would only take further as a hard loss. There would be no regret from him, and turning, the large wolf lumbered in the direction to where his children rest, feeling calmed by his win and the chance to expel such energy and frustrations.
Within minutes, the curiosity of what Arion had meant had already abandoned him – he had beaten the male once, and he did not doubt he could do so again if required.