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Redhawk Caldera i'm going off the rails. - Printable Version

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i'm going off the rails. - Finley - April 17, 2015

o well hi there I heard you wanted freds :3

Since her sister had joined the Caldera, she'd be unusually absent from the territory.  Fin had noticed it for a while, but then that fact had sort of drifted by the wayside as her seasonal restlessness had set in.  There had been far too many other things dominating her attention over the past week.  That day was no exception, for Finley was hellbent on relieving her insatiable distress once and for all.  The only reason @Tiger entered the chaotic fury of her mind was for the simple fact that Fin kinda sorta crashed right into her on her blind dash towards disaster.

It took a moment for the Blackthorns to untangle themselves from each other, but once Fin was free, she bounced immediately back up onto all fours and turned towards her sibling.  The shock of their collision was quick to disappear from her features as she recognized her littermate and a devious grin replaced it.  "Tiger!" she barked with a swift wag of her tail, "You okay?  Yeah?  You're good?  COME ON!!"  And with that, Fin was off again, making a beeline towards the plains that stretched between the Caldera and Lake Rodney.

RE: i'm going off the rails. - Tiger - April 17, 2015

Finley literally knocked into her. Maybe Tiger should've been more attentive to her surroundings, but she was scrutinizing a slithering garden snake that moved slowly, veeeryyy slowly... Tiger was about to pounce on it, thinking the harmless critter would taste yummy, when she was on the floor in seconds. "THE FU-" she hollered, but a grin came upon her own features when she noticed who it was. Forgiven. Tiger sprang to her own fours and at Finley's question, Tiger huffed, "Well, the Caldera is fortunately going to host only Perry's litter this year, if ya know what I mean!!!" Tiger hardly trusted her insatiable self to be trusted around the company of men, namely that handsome glass of chocolate milk she couldn't get enough of. Thinking herself brilliant for her course of action, she missed the fact that her words might have been unheard. Finley was gone in two shakes of the tail.

Tiger was after her quickly, "NO TIGER CUBS THIS SPRING," she hollered to give Finley, making the long story short... and as her sister ran, Tiger lashed at a hindleg to trip her up as she often did to her as a cub, because Tiger could sometimes be a loving bully, who aimed to sit on her siblings with her weight and cover them in kisses to get her way. Given this was a tactic Finley had likely forgotten in her time away, Tiger grinned, thinking her success imminent... but, if not, she'd continue to move with her sister, to try again later.

RE: i'm going off the rails. - Finley - April 26, 2015

Fin was quick to spring off again the moment the words had left her lips, but it seemed rather apparent that Tiger was not as quick with the uptake.  The beta slowed slightly and spun to look at her sister for about three and a half seconds - sharing with her a bewildered and confused look all the while - before rolling her eyes quite dramatically and continuing to tear off across the flatlands.  This time, Fin was certain she could hear Tiger's paws slapping the ground in her wake, and also shouting something at her as well.

Fin flung another bewildered look over her shoulder at Tiger as she ran, but was quick to refocus her attention on the path ahead.  She'd been stalking the herd for weeks now and they hadn't left the area yet - a fact for which Fin was eternally grateful.  She had just begun to play through her mind exactly what she was going to do with them when she suddenly felt a paw entangling itself with her back legs.  Before she knew it, she felt herself stumbling and crashing into the ground, shoulder first.  It was an accident that was all too familiar to her, and thus she cried out an angry "TIGER!" as she fell.

RE: i'm going off the rails. - Tiger - May 12, 2015

Her success was a great one, by Tigers standards, and she let out a high-pitched, shrieking laugh, "Y'SNOOZE Y'LOSE!!!" Which was certainly true. Tiger went into an all-out sprint, eyes wide and tongue moving to slap the side of her face. Tiger ran in the same direction Finley had, head bobbing, tail wagging, looking not at all streamlined due to her laughter. It caused her to shake in her normally steady gait, and for tears to blind her.

She blinked them away, but that did nothing for her, really. Just made things more difficult, which somehow made her laugh even harder. Tiger listened for her bouncing Frog, sure that her sister would be coming to her with vengeance in mind.

RE: i'm going off the rails. - Finley - May 14, 2015

Though her shoulder was stinging where she'd smashed into the ground (which was NOT as soft as the grass seemed to suggest it was, might I add), Finley scrambled swiftly back up onto her paws so that she could tear off after her sister.  Though she was smaller than her still petite sister, Finley had no problem picking a fight with her.  While Colt had often been her preferred sparring partner, the sisters had had plenty of their own battles.  And apparently, even after three years, they were still ready to have yet another.

It took the platinum Blackthorn all of 45 seconds to catch back up to her far paler sister.  Tiger's black spine weaved in front of her like a snake, her tail flapping about just inches before her muzzle.  It was a low blow, she knew it.  It would have been way out of bounds for any other competitor (except for Colt - that bastard deserved whatever shit he got), but for Tiger...  With a sudden burst of energy, Fin leaped forward and snapped her jaws around her sister's tail.  The least that could be said for the move was that she at least didn't immediately attempt to slam on the brakes.  She slowed drastically yes, but intended for it to be a gradual stop instead of a stop-right-now-oops-Tiger-your-tail-popped-off stop.

RE: i'm going off the rails. - Tiger - May 15, 2015

Tiger had been laughing, up until the very minute she felt the Frog clamp those jaws around her tail. At that point, Tiger let out a shrieking bellow that sent birds in trees flying out of the vicinity: "FROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGGGGGGGG!" (think, AAAALVIIIINNN). Frog slowed, and Tiger, ever the hasty moron to take care of shit, Tiger herself went to an abrupt stop so Finley would ram straight into her caboose. Ideally, it'd mean she let go. Not ideally, she'd hold on for dear life in shock.

The last scenario would suck, hard, but Tiger grit her teeth, knowing that as soon as Finley flopped, so would she... and ready to go with the motions, the literal motions and movements, to get her tail out of this situation.

RE: i'm going off the rails. - Finley - May 16, 2015

The abrupt cessation of Tiger's laughter elicited a toothy grin from Finley, which only grew when the girl cried out her name furiously.  Unfortunately, Fin's triumph was quite short-lived, for no sooner had she felt it than Tiger was making an unexpected and abrupt stop.  Were it not for the fact that Finley was already slowing down, she would most certainly have gone flying over her sister's spine.  As it was, Fin instead just slammed right into Tiger's rump, successfully losing both her balance and her grip on her sister's tail as she bounced backwards and fell onto the ground with a loud outcry of "FUCK!!"

RE: i'm going off the rails. - Tiger - May 21, 2015

The release of her tail led to a sigh of relief and she whips around to fully face her dear little sis. Right in front of her she did a little victory shimmy, but then launched at the dazed sibling, hoping to catch her in a hug. It was good to see her sister, really good; Tiger loved her lots, and hadn't shown it. She wasn't super affectionate, but sometimes could be. "You fucking fucker," she says as she attempts to smother the frog in an affectionate embrace, cackling again.

RE: i'm going off the rails. - Finley - May 24, 2015

Upon landing, Fin immediately began to wriggle back to her feet.  She hadn't even been able to move a single centimeter before she was suddenly being smothered by a wild Tiger.  As much as the beta loved her sister to pieces and was just as thrilled that they were reunited, she was not overly adoring of her at the moment.  Instead, she rather wanted to bite her nose off, which just so happened to be what she was attempting to do.  Between bites though, she did manage to shout a brilliant retort: "YOU'RE the fucking fucker!!"

All she'd wanted to do was risk her life by taunting some buffalo with her gullible sister, had that really been so much to ask?

RE: i'm going off the rails. - Tiger - May 28, 2015

Finley landed a few good ones, but not enough to deter her. "Copy-frog," she sneers before removing herself, since it was clear Fin wouldn't have any of it, FIIIIIIIIINEEEEE her glare seethed. "What're the plans?" She graciously asks, willing to participate. Tiger was down for all the things always; spontaneous and cool and wild and stuff. She'd never grown out of her yearling days.

RE: i'm going off the rails. - Finley - May 30, 2015

Fin growled at the accusation that she was copying her sister's words.  That and she wasn't very fond of the fact that Tiger had once again referred to her as Frog.  Gah, damn her and her springy childhood legs!  And also damn Tiger - Fin had clearly not gotten her bashed in the head enough as kids to make her forget that stupid nickname.

Fin nipped at her sister's shoulder as she finally relented and stepped away, allowing her to roll back onto her stomach.  The pair glared at each other for a few seconds before Tiger broke the quiet and happily asked what it was they would be up to that day.  Immediately, Fin forgot her irritation and gave the girl a devilish grin.  "There's a herd of buffalo I've been tracking a few miles from here and I want to eat the biggest one," she informed her with a mischievous twitch of her tail, "You in?"  The question at the end was obviously rhetorical as Fin was already standing and trotting off with Tiger close at her heels, ready to wreak some havoc on enemies more than twice their size.