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Witch's Marsh Born With the Fate of Dying For Someone - Printable Version

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Born With the Fate of Dying For Someone - Alastor - April 18, 2015

For Outrider trade, maybe? c: Doesn't have to be, though.

Since having both the Beta and Senator title placed upon him, the Greek had not left the territory. Instead, he'd worked to honor the titles, to make sure his leader would not regret bestowing the upon him. He'd worked on his hunting skills and even greeted a wolf at the borders who'd been looking to join. It still felt odd to him, but he'd slowly started to get use to it. Growing use to and comfortable with being promoted had become something similar to an acquired taste. It didn't seem entirely right at first, but over the passing of days, he'd gotten settled in to it, and started focusing his attention on what he could do to better and help out the pack. One thing kept popping up, repeating in his mind over and over again like a broken record, and that was the need for new members. The boy had said he would work towards the Outrider trade, and while that meant being a diplomat, it also meant going out and recruiting wolves with potential to join the pack. He had not departed right away despite this, however, because he'd wished to momentarily pin all of his attention on what was happening within the pack with the current members. Finally, though, after nearly the hundredth time of his thoughts reminding him, the young Greek left the Bypass.

Alastor had started off by taking a path that had grown rather familiar to him, but instead of continuing on down the path he'd taken to reach the ridge once before, he went somewhere else. His legs stopped him before he could reach the wetlands, landing him in a place he would probably someday learn to be called Witch's Marsh. As he entered the strange land, he was uncertain of how he felt about it at first, but after a bit deemed it safe to go through. The boy did his best to walk only on the most solid parts of the ground he could find, not wanting to sink into the water and risk messing up the golden dye on his forelimbs. Eventually, it would be inevitable, he could tell, but as long as he could prevent it he would work to do so.

The argent wolf was not too sure just what type of wolves, or other creatures, he would find within the strange terrain, but surely there would be someone he could attempt to recruit. He hoped so, anyways. There was never a guarantee to such things, but Alastor did not focus on that. Instead, he was optimistic about it. If he couldn't come across someone in the marsh, then he would continue on to somewhere else and try again. He would repeat the process numerous times, most likely, or at least until he was able to return to the Bypass with at least a possibility in mind. For now, however, he needn't worry about that. The boy didn't know what was in store for him, so while he'd already planned ahead of different scenarios, he also told himself to simply live in the now and let himself be surprised. Who knew what an unfamiliar bit of land could bring out.

RE: Born With the Fate of Dying For Someone - Kenneth - April 23, 2015

@Alastor this thread seems lonely :)

[Image: vvNquMD.png]

kennethThe ebony prince had only been in Blackfeather Woods for a few days when wanderlust drew him out of his packlands and into nowhere once more. He did not know these lands, and so it was his paws which led him to his destination, wherever that was, and not his mind. The exiled boy knew though, that these wilds were not like his natal pack, these were green and soft land. Not that he minded, but the black bastard scorned those who had never experienced the harshness of life, of the winters. Not only the season winter, but the chapter of life, the chapter of life that was winter and not summer. That was harsh, cruel and merciless. Kenneth Gloom had gone through the phase the moment he emerged from his mother's womb, dressed in a coat of midnight obsidian. 

kennethOh how his parents fawned over his twin brother, the perfect little boy. Everything about him screamed the 'perfect heir to the northern throne' to his parents, with sleek silvery white arctic fur, a pretty boy face, and he was the oldest of the litter. Kenneth, on the other side was scorned and teased for his ebony coat, given the last name of Gloom even though he was a true born child of the king and queen. He remembered thinking, did his parents even think about how their genes might have made him? How it wasn't his fault he was born dark furred, but their fault? Their family's fault? No, born a black boy and immediately all the blame and tease and scorn was placed on him, the one who did not even want to be abnormal in the northern lands, but was born this way.

kennethBesides, they were still the same inside. The same crimson blood ran through their veins.

kennethWithout batting an eye, the exiled prince strode into the wetlands and promptly, his paws sank into the water. He did not mind, they could be washed later, for now the ebony wolf would see what he could find in this place. Fierce eyes of pure snow spotted a form, a wolf, draped in a coat of blacks, greys and white. Ken was downwind of the stranger, so he knew the wolf could not possibly know he was here. Taking advantage of that, the Gloom trotted forward, using the skill of sneaking up on others and hopefully would be able to startle the green boy when he spoke "Boo!" right behind him. An easy smile found its way onto the dark prince's lips, hoping at least, perhaps to make a new friend.

RE: Born With the Fate of Dying For Someone - Alastor - April 26, 2015


The journey into the marsh was proving to have not been one of the boy's brightest ideas. The ground was strange and the weeds that grew up throughout it quite bothersome. Still, despite coming to view it as a bad idea, he didn't turn back around and leave. He wanted to continue to learn about the place, as well as what might lie on the other side of it. For future journeys, he wished to know if it would be able to be used as a shortcut, or if he would need to make sure to avoid it. If he just so happened to get a bit messy while doing so, well, he would chalk it up to being the price of knowledge. Thoughts like that helped keep his mind on track, and also allowed him to work on committing the path he was taking through the place to memory—as was a normal thing for the Greek. It seemed, however, that he would not be given the opportunity to finish his trip up quickly, as was made clear when a voice sounded behind him.

With the wind working against him, and his mind momentarily preoccupied, Alastor had possessed no possible way of knowing that another wolf was approaching him. The voice, a simple 'boo', had actually been enough to startle him. So much, even, that he whirled right around with his ears pulled back, ignoring the fact that he had moved into a less solid portion of the earth, in order to face the owner of the voice. He was met with something he'd never expected to see, which brought his ears back up almost instantly. The other male's coat was as dark as the night's sky, but his eyes as pale as a fresh blanket of snow. It was an interesting sight to him, having never seen such a combination, or white eyes in general. The yearling blinked after a moment of staring, then moved his gaze to focus on another portion of the darker wolf's face. “It is not very kind to go around trying to frighten strangers,” Alastor stated, completely forgetting the possibilities that could come from meeting a stranger. For all he knew, the other could be a dangerous killer, and then there he was, practically reprimanding him calmly.

RE: Born With the Fate of Dying For Someone - Kenneth - April 27, 2015

A grin spread across Kenneth's maw when the stranger whirled around, obviously startled by the way his ears flattened. "That worked didn't it?" he chuckled to himself, bright eyes of fresh snow meeting the glacier blue eyes of the stranger. The other man seemed speechless for a moment, that was the usual, after all, you don't see much white eyes around in Teekon Wilds, or anywhere else to be honest. The black prince took the moment of silence to study the greek, the greyscale man was covered in shades of blacks, whites and greys with frankly...striking eyes of icy glacier-like blue.

Kenneth offered the male a crooked, rather mischievous smile when the other wolf spoke, "Apologies, my friend. But I ain't known for being kind and well, you should have seen your face when you turned around." He made an exaggerated look of surprise before grinning at the other wolf again, hoping he hadn't angered the other male. This time, it really wasn't deception, but was trying to find another friend, ally in these unknown wilds. "I'm sorry if I upset you though," the bastard said with an apologetic smile. If the yearling was really upset, then he hoped he apologized early enough for a forgiveness.

Then he decided to move on to another subject and shot the other wolf a charismatic smile, "You got a pair of nice eyes there," the Gloom said, quite unabashedly.

RE: Born With the Fate of Dying For Someone - Alastor - April 27, 2015

The boy hadn't quite yet decided what to make of the stranger. He seemed laid back, something close to the exact opposite of Alastor more often than not, and also rather childish. After all, no mature adult would go around startling strangers... would they? Maybe that was how things worked, though. Despite having been within the Wilds for a decent bit of time now, the Greek was still working on figuring out what was what with the other wolves of the area. When an exaggerated version of the expression he'd made appeared on the face of the dark male, he was once again left without words. Some might glare, get annoyed at such things, but he found himself unable to. All he could do was watch the other with a look of shock on his own face. For a moment, the argent male was reminded of his friend, Aesop, but the way the new lupine acted, but such a connected was soon forcefully erased from his mind. The cream-coated man had never startled him, truly, nor had he really made fun of him—unless it was equally amusing for both sides, of course. “You should work on being kind, then,” the yearling returned, having finally been able to find his words once more.

What further shocked the boy was the apology that was given. It seemed strange for a wolf who had literally just mentioned not being known for being kind to apologize, especially to someone he did not know. Had kindness not been such a huge part of the boy's personality, her probably would have assumed he was being set up. That the dark male with the bright eyes was just trying to lure him into a sense of false security, before going on to poke fun at him once more. Luckily, Alastor was not such a wolf to even consider such things, and would prefer finding the good in others, rather than the bad. “I accept your apology,” he said, offering up a small smile. Said smile was soon accompanied by a slow wag of his tail upon receiving a compliment on his eyes. “Thank you,” the Greek boy voiced, smiling a bit more. It was always nice to receive compliments, even if the dark wolf was unknown to him. “You have very interesting eyes, too. I have never seen anyone with such a color for their eyes, but they look very nice.” Never had he met a wolf with white eyes, nor anything else, for that matter. It seemed like quite a unique trait, and also appeared to suit the male rather well. It was like viewing the moon on a night where darkness covered everything else, except instead of one there were two.

RE: Born With the Fate of Dying For Someone - Kenneth - April 28, 2015

The prince decided he liked this stranger, even though he did not even know the other wolf's name. There was something about him that drew the white eyed bastard to him, but that something was not something the northerner knew. It seems that Kenneth was leaving the boy speechless for the yearling did not speak or reprimand him like he had the moment before on the exaggerated expression he had done, but simply stared at him with those eyes. When the greyscale wolf finally spoke, the Gloom offered him a laidback smile, "Well, since you asked me so nicely," the man laughed, a chuckle that seemed to warm the air. "I'll try to."

The Borealem was glad when the yearling smiled, he managed to break through that shocked exterior Alastor had when he first scared the boy! If Kenneth had a computer and could type, he would have typed a hundred smileys then. He also took it as a good sign that Alastor did not run away in fear or some other emotion when he complimented his eyes, not only did the greek smile even more, but complimented him in return. Having only known insults on his appearance since he was a pup, Kenneth was not used to hearing good things about them which almost..just almost made him look at his hopefully newfound friend in astonishment. He caught himself just in time though.

The exiled prince laughed and grinned at the boy, "Thanks a lot, man, thats the first time someone has complimented me on how I look. My family kicked me out because I wasn't the perfect white arctic prince they wanted me to be," all that was said in a carefree, laidback tone, he did not want to bring a seriousness and solemness into this conversation yet. "But I'm glad they did that, or I never would have been free of their stupid opinions, or found wolves like you who how I look," he winked at the boy. "Just kidding."

Kenneth did not really care how he was acting around Alastor, he was like this whenever he felt like it and even though others might think he was flirting (which perhaps he was), their opinions did not mean one fuck to the black prince.

"The name's Kenneth, whats yours?"

RE: Born With the Fate of Dying For Someone - Alastor - May 02, 2015

Alastor was glad to hear the other agree to working on his kindness. It was always good to know someone would at least try to be kind, even after stating they were not moments prior. He was beginning to appreciate the fact that the dark being had come across him, even if the start of their meeting had not been ideal—for the Greek, anyways. It seemed as everything was going nicely, now. It was just a matter of getting through the way he'd been approached, and then he'd been able to see that the stranger was not so bad a wolf. Possibly even a good wolf, but the boy had yet to figure that out. He'd only just met him, and though he was relatively quick at things like that, he was no miracle worker. “I'm glad that you will at least try to,” he told him, words as sincere as ever. Lying was not something he was capable of doing, nor was it something he liked. His opinion of his potentially new friend rose greatly when he spoke once more, too, for he seemed to be speaking the truth.

The traces of a frown started to appear on the boy's face as he listened to what the other had to say. He found it unfair for him to have been treated badly, as well as kicked out, over something as superficial as his appearance. The faint frown was wiped away soon after it appeared, however, as he took note of the other male's tone. He didn't seem like he was upset about it. It was more like he didn't care, but then it was revealed that he was actually glad he'd been banished. To Alastor, that seemed like a strange thing to be glad about, but he could understand the reasoning behind it. Leaving a place to live your life how you wanted to was a better thing to do than stay in a place with those who wished only to put you down. “I apologize if I offend you by saying so, but your family must have been fools,” he stated. "They should not done what they did just because you weren't born resembling snow." Even if the situation had been come to terms with, that didn't make it anymore okay. It was still a terrible thing to have happened, but he soon forgot that train of thought when something was added in. Alastor drew his head back slightly, his expression becoming something close to embarrassment and nervousness, until the wink and a 'just kidding' came into play. Then, he forced his features to revert back to what they'd previously been, but a trace of the momentary look still remained.

He gave a small dip of his cranium, as he often did when greeting someone, then returned his eyes to the face of the wolf he now knew to be called Kenneth. “It is nice to meet you, Kenneth,” the boy said, giving a small smile. “I am Alastor Vranas.”

RE: Born With the Fate of Dying For Someone - Kenneth - May 12, 2015

Kenneth observed the greyscale male, he seemed to be one of those wolves who were gentle and kind, serious and quite honestly, rather boring. He liked the fact that the other pack wolf did not seem to know how to mask his emotions, frowns, surprised glances, everything was expressed in his features. Kenneth was a wolf who liked to hide his emotions behind an impassive, stoic exterior, having gone through a bad childhood where as a black boy, he would be the subject of bullies even if he was a prince. Ken could show them no weaknesses, he had to remain strong, to them at least, and there came his skills with hiding emotions.

A warm laugh rumbled from the exiled prince, bright snowy eyes twinkled in amusement at the other wolf's sincere words. He had not met such a sincere wolf in the whole of his life and was delighted that there were some good wolves in this world. "It seems you are a much better wolf than I am," he said warmly, gazing at the fellow pack wolf. If only his natal packs had wolves like this greyscale man to keep him sane, perhaps his father would have realised that it wasn't his fault he was born with an obsidian coat, or maybe he could have had a companion. After all, loneliness was all he knew when he was a child, with Keithen, the heir to the throne and the perfect prince having his ass licked at.

"You do not offend me, my friend," Kenneth offered the youth a smile. "I agree 100% with what you're saying." It wasn't his fault he was born resembling night instead of snow. In fact, if it was anyone's fault, it was his mother and his father. They created him didn't they? 

Yes, this wolf showed his emotions on his face alright. For Alastor's features contorted into one of embarrassment and nervousness when Kenneth said the part about meeting wolves who liked how he looked. God, the yearling was cute alright. "Relax, man," the exiled prince chuckled. "Nice to meet you to, Alastor." The ebony figure drifted forward and bumped the fellow wolf's shoulder in a friendly manner.

RE: Born With the Fate of Dying For Someone - Alastor - June 12, 2015

Never had Alastor been able to hide away the emotions he'd feel. Even as a young child, he'd been incapable of doing it. While his brother was able to hide any emotions behind an immature pout, the icy eyed boy could not. His emotions would show through no matter the situation. They were not always on the same scale appearance was, as sometimes he could limit a smile or frown to a simple twitch at the corners of his mouth, but to anyone who wasn't blind, they were always noticeable. Never had he needed to, either. The land from which he'd come was a nice one, very understanding and accepting—certainly nothing like the darker wolf's background. Even with the humans' dogs, his emotions were not looked down upon. They were accepted, as they should be, and allowed the 'cousins' to better understand one another every now and again. The emotion of surprise showed across his face once more when they other mentioned him being a better wolf, and then his head shook in a dismissive manner. “Not necessarily,” he returned, slowing the movements of his head before finally stopping it and looking to the other again. “Who's to say what is seen as being better and what is not?” Having been raised as an equal to his siblings, and as such towards the rest of his birth pack as well, the Greek could not view himself as being better than anyone. Yes, some could be cruel and others kind, but who is better is all a matter of perspective—or so he believed.

For example, when he'd stated that the other's family were fools, someone could have very easily deemed him as being a 'lesser' being for that comment alone, whereas the other male simply agreed with him. Everything was a matter of perspective. “It is a relief to know I didn't offend you,” he noted, having hoped he wouldn't the second the comments had formed in his mind. Not many would take such a thing lightly, even if they were against their family, so he was glad that the Northerner wasn't one to act in such a manner. He seemed reasonable, and nothing like you would expect from someone who'd grown up as the black sheep of their family. Every time he spoke, he further showed that the way one was brought up did not always effect how they acted as an adult. Alastor tried to make himself relax some, but did not really succeed. The boy could not settle his nerves, nor could he relax his posture, even when he tried so desperately to. His body simply didn't want to comply with the commands his mind was giving it. It worsened, too, when the other made contact with his shoulder. Though the bump was a friendly one, and he'd experienced before, he was still not quite use to the sudden contact. The motion had not been carried out where he was born, and he was not adjusting to it as quickly as he wished.

In an attempt to clear away his nerves and slight rigidness, the argent boy tried to start up a conversation. One that would veer more away from the other's past, as he believed it couldn't be easy to speak up, and more towards something casual. “What brought you to this area?” he inquired then, uncertain what else he could ask. The other had shared quite a bit of himself already, which left Alastor unsure how to proceed.