Wolf RPG
The Sunspire How do you do? - Printable Version

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How do you do? - Jace - April 20, 2015

Jace walked among the mountain range, his eyes taking in all around him. He was enjoying the day.  Spring was finally here, and he was having one heck of a time, getting his fur to leave. He felt heavy and cumbersome and hot, especially since the sun zoomed in on his dark fur. He realized today that he had yet to meet the elusive @Tytonidae that haunted these peaks. He knew she was Summer's girl, but he would like to meet her. Make sure he knew all that dwelled here.

So grasping a hare, and carrying it. He stood on top of one of the soft grassy hillocks. He lifted his nose to the sky and called out for her. Asking for a brief audience, just to introduce himself. Hopefully, she would have the time and if she didn't well then she didn't. It was that simple.

RE: How do you do? - RIP Tytonidae - April 30, 2015

An unfamiliar voice called for her, and Ty's head flopped to one side in a quizzical manner. It was not Summer, nor Amekaze. And actually, those were the only two wolves Tytonidae actually knew upon The Sunspire. Nevertheless, she felt compelled to answer with a quick, "I'll be there shortly!" howl, then kicked her heels into gear. Claws dug into the fresh spring earth, kicking up debris wherever she stepped.

She arrived panting, eyes bright emerald and pink tongue lolling from her mouth. The wolf that stood before her was tall and lean. A cursory glance to his eyes revealed that they were blue. His stance was that of a leader, and Tytonidae responded accordingly, showing appropriate submission. She had seen him before, no doubt, though they had not formally met. Ty wondered what had spurred him to call upon her. Perhaps there was some mission that needed to be dealt out.

RE: How do you do? - Jace - May 01, 2015

He heard the howl, and stayed stationary. Pushing the hare about, while he waited. He hoped she would like it. He didn't want to offend, when he was trying to just meet those that were under them. He heard her coming. And tilting his head, he looked the way he thought he heard her. Taking a deep breath, to completely get her scent, while quietly lifting his tail slightly. Not really paying attention.

Jace gave her a small smile, when she showed up. She was submissive enough, not that he expected that from many. In face few could say that he was far too lenient with that, the way Sumayl spoke to him. He had just walked away, when despite whether it was fair or unfair, could have ripped him a new one. He settled to his haunches and looked down. Then back up and spoke, quietly, I was recently told, that I needed to pay more attention to those in the ranks. So I am making it my mission over the next few weeks to meet everyone. I'm Jace Du'Andris, beta.

RE: How do you do? - RIP Tytonidae - May 16, 2015

Ty nodded when he explained why he had called her and promptly introduced himself. "I’m Tytonidae," she replied, then shuffled her feet. Beyond Summer, Ty knew nobody else at The Sunspire. She'd met Amekaze, but only briefly. The others that inhabited the mountain probably thought she was only a ghost, Jace included. Ty did her best not to scuttle away as quickly as she had come. She figured that Jace would want to talk about something or another. That was why he had summoned her here, right?

She opened her mouth to say something else, but her jaws clicked shut only a moment after. Ty couldn't figure out what she was supposed to do or say. So she just stood there awkwardly, waiting for Jace to lead the conversation or dismiss her. She hoped it was the latter, if only because moments like these were so painfully odd to her.

RE: How do you do? - Jace - May 17, 2015

He listened, and tilted his head. Hello Tytonidae. Do you go by anything other than that? It is a mouthful, not that I mind it. Jace could see she was as uncomfortable as he. She shuffled her feet and he looked down, expelling a quiet sigh, as he fought to think of what to say. He was woefully unsure how to speak to her, because he was not a social thing anyway.

Jace began to laugh then, and shook his head. I'm sorry, I just find this comical. It is clear we are both so uncomfortable we can barely stand it. I however find I really don't know what to say. I guess start with the basics yea? Do you like it here? Do you hold any trades or want any? He chuckled again and looked over at her with playful blue eyes for a moment, shaking his head again. This was ridiculous, but he would try and see it through. He was terrible at these interpersonal things.

RE: How do you do? - RIP Tytonidae - May 22, 2015

"Ty is ok," she replied, shuffling once more. Jace then let out a sudden laugh that made Tytonidae nearly jump out of her skin. Her own nervous laughter fell into the mix, though she didn't really see the humor in it. Was talking to leaders always this dreadful? She could not recall ever feeling this way around her father, but maybe that was exactly why it had never been strange: Peregrine was family.

The beta went on to ask several questions, and Tytonidae answered as well as she could. "I like it ok," she said, answering the first. "And I want to be a gamekeeper someday." It was slow going, but she would hold that title, one way or another. And when that day came, she would go to her father, and he would be proud of her. That was the plan, anyway.

RE: How do you do? - Jace - May 23, 2015

Ty, He tasted it, tried it out found it suited her. He nodded his head. That works, I like it. Jace chuckled even harder as she jumped. He hadn't meant to scare her. I'm sorry I didn't meant to scare you. I just kind of suck at this. Jace didn't think he was that awful to talk too all the time, but today he was definitely making it very clear he was terrible at social situations.

Jace's ears perked forward and he smiled. Really I am a Gamekeeper. I am also a warrior and warden, but I prefer gamekeeping. I can help if you want me too. Although, Summer maybe a better choice, since you know him better. But the offer is there. He smiled again, he would love to hunt again, with others. It was one of the many things, he missed most about Bazi.

RE: How do you do? - RIP Tytonidae - June 02, 2015

"Oh, um... okay." Another awkward reply. More awkward foot shuffling. Tytonidae was at a loss as to how she was supposed to react around anybody aside from Summer or her family. She tended to avoid them, but Jace had called specifically for her, so what was she to do? Ignoring his call would have been insubordination, and she certainly didn't want that. "Is there anything else?" she asked, wondering if that question was an inappropriate one to ask. "I mean, I can stay if you want," she clarified. But she'd much rather go back to the comfort of Summer.

RE: How do you do? - Jace - June 03, 2015

Jace wasn't really sure what to say. Clearly he wasn't making it any better. As a matter of fact, he believed he was making it much much worse. So he looked down for a minute and shuffled his own feet. He felt odd, as if he was a failing individual. he couldn't even get another wolf to talk to him. Maybe Sumayl was right, maybe he wasn't a very good leader, or wolf. Maybe he shouldn't be leading others, when he himself was so solitary. He looked up at her words and he smiled tightly, but shook his head. No it's okay I'm sorry to have bothered you. Have a good day, Tytonidae. Then he turned and began to walk away, he didn't want to force his presence upon another, when clearly she didn't want it.

RE: How do you do? - RIP Tytonidae - June 04, 2015

Tytonidae smiled awkwardly to the dismissal, taking her own leave just as soon as she was certain that it was safe and wise to do so. Three strides later, she shook her coat, trying to rid herself of whatever stress lingered. She was not sure that she would ever fit in here, nor what she could to do remedy the situation. As usual, she felt helpless, and would turn to Summer for comfort (if not advice as well).