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Ouroboros Spine deity forged architecture - Printable Version

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deity forged architecture - Echelon - April 20, 2015

Open for any OS wolf. :)

Thunder cracked open the sky overhead, though once again this did little to deter Echelon. She did not fear what the sky could hurdle at them, did not fear the torrents of rain as they came crashing down. Instead she wove her way through the thicket of forestry in the heart of the territory, almost looking for something. But not for shelter. What she was seeking was far from shelter in the slightest, as she hoped to encounter one of those wolves that made up the Spine for herself.

Even with Tonravik readily at the helm of the pack, the tension that remained was far from gone. It was a vague assumption that things would go smoothly, as for all Echelon knew things could go sideways in an instant. If the wolves fled from them, then so be it for she would gladly chase at their heels in glee. If they rallied behind them and began to adhere to the Tartok way, she would gladly assist them in bettering themselves. Whatever the outcome, she was prepared and justly, she sought out someone from that pack to integrate herself properly. Bonded with Tonravik as her aokkatti, she wanted them to know that they needed to respect her just as forward as they did their new alpha.

Whether or not any of them would take to her attempts was another story to be told.
agalloch — birth and death of the pillars of creation

RE: deity forged architecture - Sitri - April 21, 2015

Sitri heard the thunder, and he looked down, mumbling to himself. The voices in his head cackling with glee. It had been hard, and disheartening, but they had come back. They were there, like a tooth ache, never leaving. Over and over again, their voices reached and rolled through his head. death, and death, and hate and  hate and live and live. He had tried to let himself die, he had not eaten for days, but he had gotten bored. So here, he was looking about him, once again a stranger in a land he coveted.

There was a new leader, a new face for him to follow. To say he was unhappy about it would be a lie. He supposed if it got down to it, he could kill her just as he had with Ptarmigan. However, when Ptar had been here, she did not have loyal wolves already. This one she did, and he knew the first moment he even went after her, he would be accosted on all sides. Besides, he wasn't really a fan of killing, much rather preferring to just exist. However, Sitri would not be forced into submission either, perhaps he would show the proper respect sure, maybe he would even do something if she asked. But he was not about to play a slave anymore. He was tired of that life, tired of that world. You earned this son of medicine man. all the voices would say.

RE: deity forged architecture - Echelon - April 21, 2015

Yay, Sitri thread!  It's been a while. <3

As her luck would have it, the first wolf she encountered was none other than the scarred being that had been present at the meeting.  Her posture shifted as she spotted him, tail coiling skyward in a firm display that she was to be higher than he.  It was also just as much for show, as Echelon was meek in comparison to his size.  She would forever retain that appearance of youth, her growth stunted somewhere even though she had been far from the runt of her own litter.

With a chuff towards him as she approached, Echelon merely tested the waters for now, innately curious of how well she could be received in her own bold display.  She was the newcomer to this place, she was apart of the group that had come to seize the territory when it had been left behind for reasons that she did not care about.  It was Tartok's now, it belonged to them.  But whether or not this particular fellow would be accepting of that was beyond her ability to guess.  He either would or he wouldn't, and not to do so would not go well for him... and likewise, for her as well.

Whatever his past, Echelon made it clear that she did not care.  Her eyes did not linger over the mess of craters and old wounds, but focused on his face.  On his being.  In spite of his melancholy, she wanted to believe there was something formidable there, something that could be shaped and molded and built to suit the needs of Tartok better.  She wanted to appraise his worth and this was where it began, where collectively their future began.

RE: deity forged architecture - Sitri - April 22, 2015

I know right! <3 I had to slack off of him for awhile to catch up on school.

Sitri saw her tail raise, and though it rankled, he averted his gaze and lowered his shoulders. He couldn't lower his head too much lower than hers, she was such a tiny thing. He would have had to of, lay completely down. Sitri was used to this, he was a brute always had been. Bigger than all his littermates, and even his father. One of the favorable attributes the abusing queen had enjoyed. He had been able to completely circle her with his legs.

Sitri kept his gaze away, and he didn't speak, just waited. His patience long and deep. He knew very well that this happened, that others could come at any time and take over. He had seen it happen time and time again. Usually it was his own queen that did it, so it was not unusual to have it again.

Sitri raised his gaze once to look her in the eye, only to quickly avert again. He tilted his head and waited. speaking softly, Hello. I am Sitri.

RE: deity forged architecture - Echelon - April 23, 2015

He deferred and that was simply enough for her, for now. Echelon was pleased that he did not act up in presence because Tonravik was not there. Not that it mattered anyway to her; Tonravik would always be somewhere close by. If things were to go south now, Echelon knew her aokkatti would always be close by. And for a moment, she believed that he was willing to test that however crisply — the momentary glance to her gaze only earned him a flash of her teeth. Even in his submission, she would not relent.

Sitri, as he introduced himself, would perhaps make a proper wolf of Tartok in time.

Closing in the gap between them, Echelon invaded his personal space to examine him closely. Another unspoken test and one where she would not use her words to speak to him. She nudged a scarred flank as she circled past him lazily. Come, it suggested. If he would, she would utilize whatever skills he had in tandem with her own. There was much work left to be done in securing the Spine as their own and first and foremost, was tending to the ringlet of hillocks and valleys to ensure they had not been breached overnight.

RE: deity forged architecture - Sitri - April 24, 2015

Sitri had been high ranking and one of the many to hold his head high. Now he was the lowliest of the low, again. It was his own fault in a way, for he had lain about waiting to die. Sitri did not know how this was going to go. HE did not know how he would fare under this leadership, and with vicious hellions, again. He had lived amongst them once before, and he bore the scars to prove it. He sighed quietly, but moved in place for a moment. Trying to calm the nerves that ate at him.

Sitri's body went stiff as she came closer, he didn't move a muscle. If he could admit it, she made his fur quiver. He didn't like other's in his personal space, he had borne to many wounds because of it. So, was it so wrong that he waited for a hefty blow of paw, to glance across his brow? She simply nudged him and he flinched, averting his red gaze even more than it had been. He knew though her unspoken command. So with one swift nod, and a movement of fluid grace he followed beside her, waiting to see what she wished him to see.

RE: deity forged architecture - Echelon - April 24, 2015

He fell into step behind her and she set off at an even pace. Their path to the borders was not an overly long one by any means, but Echelon did not take her time in getting there. They needed to keep a close watch on those borders for whatever reasons, be it the return of the former keeper and leader, or vagrants looking for easy ways in and out. There was no room for failure and even less for disorganization. She knew Tonravik would see to it to be that way and in the same stroke, she would too. Part of that would be mobilizing the leisure souls that resided there. He had not left them when given the opportunity and so in a way, she presumed that he was committing himself to the cause.

As they approached the borders, Echelon cast a look back to his scarred features once more. "Fan out, mark where the scent grows weak." No room for complaint or waiting, it was here that they would begin. She pressed on away from him then, beginning the tasks that she had set out to do. It would go much quicker and easier with an extra body to add to the job.

RE: deity forged architecture - Sitri - May 08, 2015

Sitri did not find it hard to keep pace. He was actually fearful, that he would out stride her. However, he did alright, she was a tiny thing though. It was interesting for the brute to study her, out of the corner of his eye. Every so often, however he did not stare. Sitri was a loyal wolf, some could call him loyal to a fault. He supposed one day, it would be his downfall. But what was death really, other than a new adventure, or perhaps finally a new rest. A rest he had wanted and anticipated, even begged for. It however had never come to him, not on swift or slow wings. It did not heed his call. Perhaps he was even to lowly for the gods to cast their eye upon. What would they need a slave in heaven or hell for?

Sitri did not say much, but he did nod his head. He fanned away from her, and did not complain. He marked with paws, and scents and urine. Everywhere he felt was devoid of their scent marker he followed suit with his own. They already smelled of him, so mostly he was just remarking what he already had.

RE: deity forged architecture - Echelon - May 09, 2015

Feel free to wrap up this on your next post if you want, or we can keep going. I know you're busy so I don't want you to be overloaded! <3

She worked steadily and silent, attending to those borders without question as to whether or not they needed it. If not for the rash extent of their disrepair (barring of course, what little had been marked and where) she wouldn't have felt so badly about them. But that would change in time, as she knew. And though she held her own curiosities of Sitri and what his thoughts about them all were, for now his decision to stay and aid them appeased her and quelled any notion of unruliness. Casting a look back to spot him as they moved along, Echelon openly watched him for a moment, as though she could have sensed his melancholy from there. But she couldn't. And then as though nothing at all had interested her, she continued on.

RE: deity forged architecture - Sitri - May 13, 2015

[quote='Echelon' pid='111141' dateline='1431191644']
I will wrap but another one soon. School is just kicking me while i'm down this semester...mostly because it is math and I am terrible at math anyway. SO I have to do twice the work most have to do just to get half the work done.

Sitri admired that she did not ask him useless questions. Or fill the air with prattle. He was a silent monster mostly. He enjoyed silence, it did not hurt him, or cause problems. No it was just there, filling up the space with a gentle air. Sitri had thought of leaving, but he had seen no point. Though he cared for Cara, saw her as his friend, she was going to start a new life. And he didn't need to follow her. No he was happy staying here, somewhere he felt tied too. He followed behind her, and he would do so all night until she decided they were done for the day.