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Blackfeather Woods With Change Comes Warnings - Printable Version

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With Change Comes Warnings - Grimnir - April 22, 2015

Note(for timeline so I don't forget-lol- and for the benefit of the readers): The thread connected to this one was created after the pack meeting (The Wild Hunt) @Lusa  @Meldresi  

With his head held high, Grim summons Meldresi to announce that Lusa is his. They had mated the night before and now it is time to make their pairing official. How will the alpha react to this? Will she be surprised? Grim paces as he waits for her to answer his call. How did he want Meldresi to react to the announcement? Did he really care? He imagines that the alpha will not say much of anything other than accepting the knowledge. He will make sure to give her a warning as well. One that she may not agree with, but that he thinks must be settled.  Grim lifts his lip in a snarl at the thought. He will make the warning as clear as possible.

He will expect to have pups with his little killer sometime this year as well, but he will keep that to himself for now. Not that the pack won't notice the scent of pups on her once she is pregnant. Grim thinks about having pups with the wolf who has his heart and feels elated. He imagines the little images of himself and his mate running around causing trouble and laughs to himself. He will teach his children to kill, what it means to kill, and the glory of killing. He will also instill a loyalty deep within them. He has learned the meaning of a pack and will protect that with his life.

RE: With Change Comes Warnings - DeadLusa - April 23, 2015

Guessing this is the day after "our quite drama" PM me if I'm wrong :D

  The dark star woke up and streched out her tired limbs. Her mind suddenly bounced back to Grim. Ocean blue eyes looked over to her side to see a empty spot where the man has slept the day before. She mumbled empty words to wake herself up, but a call shot her awake instantly. It was Grimnir's howl, but what did he want? The girl knew it was most likely Meldresi he had called for, but decided to go investigate anyway.

  Her mind told her to take her time, but her legs said otherwise. She found herself dashing through the forest and somewhat willing to see her lover once more before she did her daily duties. Her body had collided with the man's from the speed she was going. Blue optics stared down unto him, tail wagging. She didn't bother getting up, but only stayed there enjoying the warmth of his body. And she didn't intend to stand until Meldresi would come.

  "What's this all about Grim?" she whispered. "Something wrong?"

RE: With Change Comes Warnings - Grimnir - May 21, 2015

Lusa came to him when he had called for Meldresi. He looks to her with a smile and love in his eyes. His large head shakes side to side. "No, my Lusa. Nothing is wrong. I am calling Meldresi to announce our mating." He wonders what her reaction to that information would be. Will she be happy? Will she reject it? A bit of worry nags at him. Even if she doesn't wish it, Grim will make it so. But he doesn't wish to see her upset. This is something that needs to be done for the sake of the others within the pack. If any wolf puts a paw on his little killer, they will be attacked. But will Meldresi accept them? He will still make it clear, but if he attacked anyone, if the alpha rejects them, then he could be ran from the pack. That is not something he would want to risk.

RE: With Change Comes Warnings - Meldresi - May 22, 2015

Sorry for taking literally a month to answer. ; n ;

Meldresi rose from her den, her head poked out curiously as she identified the howl. Grimnir. What in Sithis' name was he calling her for? The Night Queen slipped out of the den, careful not to wake her children before she turned towards the sound and ran towards the howl. To Grimnir. She hoped she was not being lured into some sort of trap.

But she was surprised, however, when Lusa was sitting nearby the tan wolf, very close to him. Her tail was wagging and she looked up at his muzzle with adoration in her eyes. She had suspected that the two were growing close but now she finally realized what exactly she had been called for. "What is it, Grimnir?" She wanted to hear these words from his mouth.

RE: With Change Comes Warnings - DeadLusa - May 27, 2015

 She nuzzled his muzzle as he spoke his words. To have a mate would be new to her, but it was worth it to be Grimnir's mate. She wanted to stay with him as long as she lived, but wothout being a mated pair she couldn't do that. He could run off with some other girl, which worried her. 

 As she saw Meldresi come into view, she slid off of Grim, letting him stand up. Her legs seemed to be shaking in anticipation,  but they weren't. 

RE: With Change Comes Warnings - Grimnir - May 29, 2015

His little killer nuzzled him before he stood as Meldresi walked up to them. She asked him what he wanted. "We are making it official. Lusa is my mate and we also seek permission to bear pups." He stood his ground, defiant if she decided to refuse them. Inside, he was afraid she would refuse them. He wants everything for Lusa and if that meant having pups against the alpha's will, then so be it. He would rather Meldresi give them permission though. He doesn't wish to be banished from Blackfeather Woods, nor does he want anything to happen to his little killer or their pups. This was a suspenseful moment for him. Grim kept his eyes down and his head lowered, hoping that some form of submission will work in his favor. "I also have something else to add whether you accept us or not, Alpha." It wasn't a threat, but a warning. He will wait for her to answer his first claim though. 

RE: With Change Comes Warnings - Meldresi - June 11, 2015

You two have every right to hate me. DX

Meldresi did not like the way Grimnir was posturing himself towards her; defiant, indignant. If he was asking for something, then he should at least show some humility to her, to curry towards her favor. But, Lusa looked genuinely in love with the tan wolf; she could not see what Lusa saw in him, but whatever it was, it made her love for him strong. Meldresi met Grimnir's orange eyes with every ounce of dominance a smaller female could muster, then met Lusa's eyes. "I will allow it." The pack needed the extra numbers, and having pups in the pack would bind Grimnir fully to it. She would rather have that than an enemy that knew them well. "Say what you want to say, Grimnir."

RE: With Change Comes Warnings - DeadLusa - June 11, 2015

  She wasn't so sure what Grimnir wanted to add, which made her curious. What did he want to ask of Meldresi? But it didn't worry her to much. All she worried about was Meldresi's decision.

 The alpha looked into Grimnir's eyes, then switched her gaze to her. 'I will allow it,' she told them. And her heart rate started dropping with releif. "Thank you Meldresi," she said firmly.

RE: With Change Comes Warnings - Grimnir - June 21, 2015

Grim nodded his head in relief as Meldresi gave them permission to have pups. A breath he didn't realize he had been holding released in a sigh. "And I thank you as well, Apha." He said after Lusa. Turning to his mate, Grim kissed her, and then nuzzled her neck fur. After the brief affection Grim gave voice to his warning, his posture defensive. "Let it be known that any wolf who dare touches Lusa shall be attacked. It is well within my right to protect my mate and my position by her side. If any threaten that, I will not hold back." It was on the line, he knew. But it was also something that needed to be said knowing that he would not be able to control his actions if ever he found any wolf hurting his Lusa. Would the Alpha understand? "I want to know that I will not be punished if such an occasion arises. I will warn everyone in the pack if need be. " How would this go over? He was feeling tense. Nervous. It showed in the crease of his forehead; the slight back position of his ears.

RE: With Change Comes Warnings - Meldresi - August 05, 2015

The brief show of affection between the two was enough for Meldresi to relax a little. Lusa was not being forced, or manipulated into a union with Grimnir, or even the reverse; the feeling was mutual. Good. Meldresi would not tolerate one-sided unions. Not amongst the pack, at least.

The Night Queen glared slightly at Grimnir, warning him down. "Merely touching Lusa is a little much." Pack wolves touched each other on many occasions since they lived in such close proximity. She couldn't have Grimnir attacking another packmate just because they brushed past her. "If anyone threatens or attacks Lusa without good reason, you have my permission to attack, but not kill." She stressed the words harshly, despite Grimnir's good intentions. "And if this ever occurs, one of you must call me. I will deal proper judgement."

With her blessing and warning dealt, Meldresi made to leave. Before she disappeared into the forest, she turned to Lusa and Grimnir and dipped her head. "Mephala and Sithis' blessings upon you both." She said before vanishing into the undergrowth.