Wolf RPG
Big Salmon Lake Take the pain away - Printable Version

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Take the pain away - Xander - April 24, 2015


After escaping the Spine wolves, Xander became to run again. His leg hurt, but running was a lot quicker than walking, and he wanted to be as far away from those three wolves as he possibly could. He feared that they may come after him, and he didn't feel like dieing today, so for now he dealt with the pain.

Soon he came to a lake, and the dark male bent down to get a gulp of water. After he finished taking a drink, he flopped down in the water to help him cool off from all the running, and help clean his wound. Small pants escaped him, as he rested in the water. He justed wanted the pain to stop, but it seemed it would never end.

RE: Take the pain away - Tiger - April 24, 2015

Tiger was herb hunting. Wanting to become a medic, she figured she could gather some herbs and figure out ways to identify them. The Caldera had some, but she knew it did not have them all. Alerting her leaders of her brief trip to explore for unique herbs the surrounding territories offered, Tiger was soon on her way... and then, began a headlong sprint to scout out all the plant life she could.

Presently, she had a mouthful of herbs in her mouth. None were poisonous or toxic, so that was a plus. That much she could identify. But smelling blood... she dropped the herbs and went to investigate it. Seeing a wolf go into the water with such a grotesque, open wound caused her jaw to drop. "HEY, NO! GET OUTTA THERE! You'll bleed out! And die!!!" Tiger failed rule one of medic practice: remain calm.

RE: Take the pain away - Xander - April 27, 2015

Xander was enjoying the water, when he was interrupted by a wolf. He wasn't exactly in the mood for another beating, but it seemed this wolf was trying to help him. When he heard the words, Xander quickly scrambled out of the lake and twisted himself so he could try and see the wound. "Is it bad? Am I dying" he asked while looking at the female who just told him to get out if the water. He had escaped from slavery and three wolves, he really didn't feel like dying now.

He looked toward Tiger worry clearly on his face. He thought water was suppose to help the wound, but he didn't know much about herbs so he put his trust in this stranger. "What am I supposed to do" he said and let out a whine. He didn't want to ask a stranger for help, but right now he wasn't going to argue if she offer to aid him.