Wolf RPG
Blackfeather Woods i'll see this with my own eyes - Printable Version

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i'll see this with my own eyes - DeadLusa - April 24, 2015

 A tiny young fae has made a terrible mistake. She knew where she was. Her eyes watched the tiny version of herself walked into a familiar crowded garden. The barking had led her here. "No! Run away!" But this warning was just a whisper. A squeak. My body tries to run after.... me.... but is stuck in place.

 The pup's ears fold back as she barks and snarls widely at the canines, not knowing the strange animal coming from behind. He holds a heavy chain in one hand, lifting it over his head. I know what he's going to do. Before the pup could react, she is beaten in the head with that chained and dragged off into the darkness.

 Everything goes black.


   The dark star wakes up with a fright. Heart racing and head pounding. It felt like a giant branch fell onto her head. Blue eyes study the surroundings, scooting back into all the while. She has been having nightmares every night, and it embarrassing to wake up like a nervous wreck. A wet black nose lifted in the air. Luckily she didn't sense a presence, or so she thought. 

RE: i'll see this with my own eyes - Asbestos - April 24, 2015

'twas the night. The glorious, marvelous night. It was his element. His home. Asbestos winged his way through the evening air, snatching mosquitos and other peskies from the sky and making quite a meal of them. He chowed down as he flew, crunching on his snacks as he made himself at home in the air.

After a while, his wings tired and he lowered himself to a tree to take a break and enjoy the rest of the night. He curled into the bow of a oak and made himself a cozy little hammock out of leaves. He closed his eyes for a bit, napping until he suddenly heard a large scrambling noise beneath him. 

Opening one eye, he glanced over the edge and gave a quick echo of a squeak to see what all the commotion was about. A something, hmm? Asbestos, lifted himself from his leaf bed and lowered himself to the ground. "Minion!" he announced, landing nearby. "What ails you, minion!?"

RE: i'll see this with my own eyes - DeadLusa - April 24, 2015

  Her eyes widened as she saw a tiny little creature fly down out of nowhere. She scrambled up to her feet and stepped back. "What the....?" What was this thing. A bird? No, it had no feathers. And she knew what a real bird looked like. There where plenty always squawking all day and all night.

  Even when the little creature was ten times smaller than she was, it still made her uneasy. Never before had she seen any furry creature with wings before. Was it a demon or something? She squinted her eyes and examined and said, "Who are you? What are you?

RE: i'll see this with my own eyes - Asbestos - April 25, 2015

She seemed startled. Which made sense. Kind of. She'd been mostly dead moments ago, but now she seemed alive and well! "Wait a minute -- you’re not dead!" Hmm. Maybe she just needed a quick re-boot or something. Working overtime could wear a minion out. And a superior flyer like himself. Hence the nap. Maybe she was doing the same.

Nevertheless, he straightened himself out and bowed before her even as she was freaking out. "Allow me to introduce myself -- I am a myotis lucifugus steward flybat, but my friends call me Asbestos! Or they would, if any of them were still around. Or had existed in the first place! Oh -- I’ve got something for you!"

He ventured up into the sky, vanished into the branches and returned moments later with a very large acorn. He set it on the ground and pushed it towards her with his foot. It rolled towards her paws. "Here -- take this ACORN resuscitator."

RE: i'll see this with my own eyes - DeadLusa - April 25, 2015

  She blinked a few times as she introduced himself. The only things she could pick up was Asbestos, "bat", and the things after. Then the little "bat" went into the trees and bought back and acorn. She sniffed the nut and pushed it a bit closer with one paw. "Thank you."

 Her head cocked to one side. "Well, you seem pretty nice. You should at least have one friend."

RE: i'll see this with my own eyes - Asbestos - April 26, 2015

Asbestos nodded, pleased that she seemed to be taking to the acorn quite nicely. The little bat grinned for a moment, losing himself to his well earned pride before it suddenly dawned on him that he still had company. That's right! His minion was still here. And talking to him. He'd better pay attention.

Snapping out of it, he lifted his large ear and listened. Aww. She wanted to be his friend. He liked that idea. I'd been a long time since he'd had any friends.

He hopped up into the air and landed on her nape. Crawling up the back of her neck, he made herself at home on the flat of her head and sat there. Tiny thumbs hooked within her fur as he made her his perch. "Friends? I like friends. But I like minions better. So you will be my minion and I will be your master." He tapped at her head with his foot. "Onward minion! We must test your ability to walk short distances."