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Fairspell Meadow saffron's curse [m] - Printable Version

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saffron's curse [m] - Lasher - April 25, 2015

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: graphic sex

he ranged far from his home; the little ones were swiftly growing, and despite their dwindling numbers, the plateau remained a strong emblem. the lap of soft grasses at his pawpads, and burn of the sun through his dark pelt -- these were reminders that he was alive, and well. not long and he would see another year, and age would be added to his frame.

but he welcomed it, and presently he stopped upon the cusp of a lovely meadow. his murkwater eyes took in its details, and lasher sat himself down to admire it for some time.

RE: saffron's curse - Luke - May 01, 2015

Luke's exploration might have taken him further north past the mountain ranges, either by crossing them or skirting around the edge, had he not committed himself to Harlyn's upcoming pack. Knowing, or perhaps just hoping, that the founding of her dream would not be too far in the future, he made a point to keep himself accessible to her summons. Thus remained in the southern wilds, but he would not be bored. There were still many pieces of the area he had not seen, and on this day he made to view them, giving a wide berth to the dark wood he had been warned of.

It seemed two things occurred simultaneously: the blue-nosed wolf glimpsed the meadow and his nose breathed in the scent of a familiar wolf: Lasher, the quiet male with whom he had followed a kingly elk on its final walk. Immediately, his tail began to sway, pleased by the prospect of another chat with an established companion. He did not need to travel far to see his dark friend, surveying the meadow spread before his paws. "Lasher! Taltos!" Luke called both his friend's names as he bounded toward him, smiling broadly. "Are you stalking another old elk?" he asked playfully, knowing very well there was no elk this time.

RE: saffron's curse - Lasher - May 01, 2015

pleasantly disturbed from his ponderings, lasher stood to wave his plume and touch his nose briefly to that of luke's, if the other allowed. "hello, friend," he murmured, grinning at the pale wolf's jest. "not today. i fear my prey is of a more stationary variety," he joked in kind, gesturing to the lovely expanse of meadow stretching before them. 

inviting luke to accompany him, the earthen servant set off to find its midst, muzzle dipping among the various nodding heads of bluebell and wildflower. "how have you fared?" he inquired, pausing in the sea of verdant grasses, the blades of which shuddered in an unseen, small wind to meet his companion's eyes. 

RE: saffron's curse - Luke - May 02, 2015

Luke eagerly leaned in to touch noses with Lasher, so welcoming of physical contact was he. "Oh I see," Luke said as he forward so that he might gaze upon the peaceful meadow when Lasher gestured to it. The grasses and colorful heads of flowers swayed in the gentle breeze. "It's lovely," he declared, grinning, as he and his and dark companion strolled.

The blue-nosed wolf sniffed deeply, audibly, at each different flower they passed, finding the various scents utterly pleasing. But he was a playful sort, and soon he nipped a large blue flower from its stem and proceeded to toss it into the air and catch it, over and over. Luke would likely never tire of these games, for he was a pup at heart. "I've been splendid," he grinned as he caught the flower between his teeth and turned his silver gaze to Lasher. "How about yourself? Did you ever try your teeth on an antler?" he asked.

RE: saffron's curse - Lasher - May 02, 2015

pleased that the other had accepted of his gesture, lasher watched delightedly the antics of his fellow, beaming at the irony that the blue marked creature would choose a bloom of a similar color for the touch of his teeth. "yes," he answered, remembering the last breaths of that finely antlered creature at their first meeting. "i must say, it is as pleasing as you claimed." 

afraid to linger long upon the silverfish leap of luke's eyes, taltos presently glanced to the horizon. words failed him for a moment, as they had during their first interlude -- he swiftly found himself no less enamoured of luke's corporeal loveliness and charming demeanour. "i find myself strolling far these days. wandering."

RE: saffron's curse - Luke - May 03, 2015

Luke's waving tail increased in cadence when Lasher told him that he had tried the antler, and had found it as delightful as Luke said it would be. It was unlikely his companion would become as antler-obsessed as he could be, but there was a specific pleasure he gained from being able to share a favorite thing with another and have them enjoy it too. "Glad to hear!" he beamed.

The blue-nosed wolf's gaze followed Lasher's, casting out across the meadow to where the world seemed to end, and an ear flicked toward his friend when he spoke. "Yeah?" he said, giving the other male a gentle glance. "Why's that?" he asked, softly. Some had wanderlust in their blood, others wandered when restless, perhaps troubled with emotion. Luke, already fond of the eloquent fellow, was concerned, wondering if something was bothering him.

RE: saffron's curse - Lasher - May 03, 2015

he should have expected luke's interest, his soft ears preening forth; lasher did not feel as if it would be right to fill the azure-marked wolf's head with his own lamentations, but the breathy small sigh that broke unbidden from his lips spoke all. "i am troubled these days," he said carefully. with both the goings-on of the plateau and his own personal demons, though he would not tell a loner of the former, not matter how charismatic the other was. to guard was his role as beta.

"i like to look at beautiful things when my heart rings with hurt," he said softly, at length, his eyes traveling gently o'er the meadow, a wan smile upon his lips.

RE: saffron's curse - Luke - May 04, 2015

Lasher confirmed Luke's suspicions, and the blue-nosed wolf shifted his mouth. His eyes moved from his companion to scan the meadow as the other spoke again. He, too, found comfort in beautiful things not only when he was bothered, which thankfully was not often these days, but when he was content as well. The old saying about taking time to stop and smell the roses was sage advice, it did the mind and soul an indescribable goodness.

"I am the same, and I like to sing, and dance too," Luke commented softly. The white wolf had no concept of endorphins but he knew by experience that singing and dancing also elevated his mood, lending an energy to him that could not come from sustenance alone. "But if you need an ear," he continued, once more looking to his companion, his eyes holding on the side of Lasher's earthen face, "I've got two." A warm smile alighted on his lips, and gently his tail swayed.

RE: saffron's curse - Lasher - May 06, 2015

singing and dancing. "i would like to see you flit about like a woodland sprite," lasher joked past his heavy heart. luke's extension of pair of ears to listen was warmly received, though taltos did not feel as though he should trouble his new friend with melancholy words. instead, he stretched and gave luke a vaguely tantalizing gaze, one that trailed off to behold the bobbing heads of the flowers roundabout them.

"what other sorts of things do you like to do?" he inquired, extending his muzzle to lip the ragged edge of one interestingly purple wildflower, vivid in its understated beauty.

RE: saffron's curse - Luke - May 07, 2015

Luke grinned devilishly at his dark companion's words. Although it was said in jest, such a comment he could not let pass. That the blue-nosed wolf said he liked to sing and dance was a bit understated, he loved to do those things for himself and loved to do them more for others, sharing with them his energy, that it may be contagious in the best possible way. But he would wait, as Lasher stretched himself and regarded him with a gaze that for the moment, transfixed Luke, who found himself gazing back until his friend's eyes moved to the flowers around them.

"Fishing!" he exclaimed brightly. "And swimming. Oh, I am also something of a..." he trailed off, giving an exaggerated look around as he leaned down to whisper his 'secret' into his companion's ear. "...thief." Luke broke off chuckling for a moment or two, before elaborating on this passtime of his. "I get a kick out of swiping things from other predators." He looked to Lasher. "What about you?"

RE: saffron's curse - Lasher - May 08, 2015

luke's breath ruffled the fur of his ear and lasher smirked at the playfulness with which his companion comported himself. "a thief. i have not heard that before," he rejoined, meeting the white wolf's bright eyes. "what brought you into the profession?" presently thirst overtook him; he invited luke to accompany him in the direction where a bright ribbon sparkled in the distance. 

"i am afraid i am rather boring compared to you and your illustrious pursuits," he jested again; the jokes grew easier to him each passing moment. it was the company, he decided; the blue pointed creature had a way of distraction about him. 

RE: saffron's curse - Luke - May 08, 2015

"Ah," said Luke, sporting a rather satisfied grin. "I guess that makes me special." He beamed, tail thumping and his head giving a sort of smug side to side shake, although it was all exaggerated, genuine playfulness. That was not to say there was not some degree of pride in his talent, for there was, he knew he was skillful at his game.

"Started as a game," he said as the pair strolled toward the stream in the distance, reflecting on his childhood when this inclination toward thieving first began. "I was little, and I just saw a chance for a bit of fun. I started with my siblings and packmates and I got scolded for that," he laughed. "But then I realized I could swipe things weasels and coyotes, and I eventually moved up to bears even. Anything. No one cared if I stole from them, and I was high on the thrill. So I kept doing it," he paused. "When I became a lone wolf, it was actually a handy skill to have on paw." He bobbed his head. There were a few meals he had at the expense of another creature's effort.

"You're not boring," Luke assured, sidestepping to bump his shoulder to Lasher's. "I enjoy your company," he smiled, the compliment sincerely meant. "I think I'm just weird," he laughed again.

RE: saffron's curse - Lasher - May 11, 2015

he grinned. "not all all. there is a dearth of interesting individuals in the world," he said simply. they approached the stream and he felt the coolness of the loam beneath his paws. refreshed by the mere touch, the man waded into the shallows, where the stream frolicked merrily o'ertop polished pebbles, its smooth surface broken only by the occasional leap of fish-fin. 

lowering his muzzle, taltos drew a few draughts of the water, and then thrust himself deeper into the stream, until it cascaded past his shoulders. the liquid was sunwarmed through, and he turned his face toward luke. "comfortable!" the man exulted, droplets trickling from chin and eartips.

RE: saffron's curse - Luke - May 11, 2015

Luke could feel the pull of the stream on him; it grasped one end of a string that wound around his heart, beckoning him forward, but he would not step past his companion's shoulder. There was a subtle change in his posture, a slight prance to his step as the pair approached, for water-loving excitement welled within him. He bent his head with Lasher, sniffing the surface of the water, breathing its cool freshness, before drawing a drink himself.

He was about to turn and ask the other man if he would join him for a swim, when the earthen wolf answered the question he had not the chance to ask. A broad grin spread across his face as he watched the curve of his companion's back sink beneath the stream, caught the shimmer of water on his ears and muzzle. Without a moment more of hesitation, Luke made a high, graceful leap, intentionally splashing as much as he could when he landed in the stream. He sent a wave toward Lasher, further drenching his already soaking companion.

The blue-nosed wolf frolic and rolled for a few minutes, thrusting his head fully in the water as he attempted to catch a glimpse of any fish stirred from their hiding by the sudden commotion. When he looked up, grinning like a fool, his eyes met Lasher's and his tail threw droplets everywhere as it wagged vigorously. "I think I was an otter in a past life," he laughed.

RE: saffron's curse - Lasher - May 13, 2015

he watched the lithe movements of luke's body as the man leapt into the water, and laughed aloud at the other's antic. his pale fur clung to the sinewed strength of his body, and lasher could well see how perhaps he had dreamt under another sky as an otter, or some other waterbeast. desire thrummed hotly within him, but again he stifled the sensation, and ducked his own muzzle beneath the water.

the sun cast a glissade of light across the water's surface, and lasher basked in its warmth for a moment, reveling in the flicker of enjoyment that pulsed in his veins. the water lapped idly at his shoulders, still buffeted by the ripples cast by luke's swimming, and he cast a contented glance at luke.

RE: saffron's curse - Luke - May 13, 2015

Luke swam at length, the touch of the stream along his body soothing to the water-loving wolf, who had often said he could spend all day submerged like this. He was aware of his dark furred companion soaking in the rays of the sun, and sensed that his earlier melancholy had given way to contentment in the moment. At this, the pale wolf smiled warmly, but he became suddenly rascally, and devilishness curled his lips as he stole toward Lasher.

He tried to be nonchalant as he stole toward his friend's hind end, pretended to be continuing his leisurely swim, but he knew that when the devil alighted on his lips it was hard to hide and so he tried to keep his mouth in the water. As Luke circled Lasher, he suddenly reached out and grasped his tail gently between his teeth. He gave a tug, and quickly darted for shore. He pranced onto the stream bank and spun to face the earthen male, dropping into a play bow. His hips swayed and his tail waved. An invitation to chase, to frolic and wrestle, had been issued.

RE: saffron's curse - Lasher - May 17, 2015

lasher watched half-lidded as luke approached, but his eyes went wide with the grip of the pale wolf's gentle tug. threshing against the pull of the water, the man lunged from its grasp laughingly, and shook himself on the bank before mirroring luke's pose with his own; falling into a play-bow, he hit the earth twice with his forepaws and leapt lightly at his companion, teeth sheathed carefully behind dark lips.

he aimed to butt luke gently against the shoulder, then dance away with careening, playful steps. eyes alight, lasher threw himself headlong into the game, tongue lolling joyously.

RE: saffron's curse - Luke - May 17, 2015

Invitation accepted! Luke slapped his paws on the soft earth as Lasher did, the entirety of his body giving a shudder of excitement. His muscles became poised with frisky tension, ready to spring and prance. He had not been sure if his companion would entertain such child-like behavior, for not many would oblige such carefree scuffling, but the earthen male was on board and Luke was overcome with delight. In fact, he was surprised by how fast Lasher leaped into it, butting against his shoulder and dancing away from him.

The blue-nosed wolf growled playfully as he bounded toward his companion, skirting just to the side as his teeth reached for a gentle nip on the other's ear.

RE: saffron's curse - Lasher - May 17, 2015

he laughed aloud and let luke's nip and the subsequent pressure of his body throw him to one side. intending to recover, he tossed himself in the other way at the pale wolf in a clumsy attack, but tripped for the first time in a long while over his own feet and down! in a welter of broken flowers and dark fur he went. 

teeth snapped goodnaturedly, aiming for the pale man's ruff to clutch and bring him down as well if possible, and delight danced in his eyes as he churned with flailing paws to trip luke as well.

RE: saffron's curse - Luke - May 18, 2015

His nip became a light hold on his companion's velvet ear for just a moment before the earthen body shifted, taking with it the ear that slipped freely from between Luke's gentle teeth. His eyes widened in amusement as he watched Lasher spring back at him, becoming tangled in his own paws. He went down, and had the blue-nosed wolf been inclined to, he probably could have called on his nimble body to dance him away from his companion's reach and tripping feet. But Lasher took Luke's soft white ruff in his jaws and pulled, his dark furred legs weaving between the lithe white ones that supported Luke, and down he went too.

The bright heads of flowers splayed around them as the white wolf half landed upon his companion, draped like a plush throw across Lasher's chest. He was not finished yet, and reached to grab one of his companion's feet with a silly, exaggerated growl. To any onlookers, the two grown males might have been a pair of overgrown, carefree pups.

RE: saffron's curse - Lasher - May 18, 2015

luke draped over him, a pale and silken decoration, and the blue-marked wolf's teeth reached for his paw. lasher rejoined with a protracted snarl of his own, one meant solely in jest, and let luke's jaws close about the roughened foot before he attempted to tug it free. his own teeth reached for one pallid ear, though he was gentle with his intentions.

suddenly acutely aware of the nearness of the other's body, despite their bandying, lasher paused to glance, to gauge luke's demeanour. however, it was but the space of one moment before he returned to the game, chuckling beneath his breath.

RE: saffron's curse - Luke - May 18, 2015


Lasher's foot was a prisoner in Luke's softly gnawing mouth for a short time before it was tugged free and Lasher captured his ear in return. Luke leaned back with the gentle pull, wriggling such that in that fleeting moment when his companion paused, he was able to flick his ear free. He was hardly aware of that pause, for he was consumed in the game, and only knew that he had reclaimed what belonged to him, that which was perked atop his head.

The blue-nosed wolf was powerfully affectionate and drawn to physical closeness. His desire for these things had not been helped on his lonesome travel, where a thirst for touch had mostly gone unquenched for over a year. Soon his ears lay back upon his skull as, lost in the enveloping scent and warmth of another, he caved to his need and shifted slightly to rub his muzzle against earthern male's throat. His playful growl ebbed into a soft rumble, akin to a purr.

The moment was brief, and Luke suddenly gathered his feet beneath him and stood, a pale paw on either side of Lasher's dark shoulders as he looked down upon his companion. His warm gaze took on a hint of burning, but he himself was frozen, tensed as though startled by his own loss of control.

RE: saffron's curse - Lasher - May 18, 2015


the sudden, unexpected touch of luke's muzzle against his throat caused lasher to freeze momentarily, and before he had collected himself, the pale wolf had gathered himself and stood with hot gaze sweeping down into taltos' own. the swamp colour of his own had brightened enough to bring the brief green swimming to the surface -- the earthen servant was quiet, was still, though his heart beat so wildly surely luke could hear it.

ever so slowly, and with the fear of rejection rampant in his mind, lasher turned his muzzle so that lips pressed against the pale wolf's ankle, just above the dewclaw. there he lingered for a series of ticking moments before his eyes traveled back to the blue gaze above him, and he thrummed with anticipation.

RE: saffron's curse - Luke - May 18, 2015

It was a weakness of sorts, that he could be so ensnared by this want - no, need - to touch and be touched, that sensible thoughts were so easily discarded as though they had no place at all in his mind. For there was a flicker of a thought, that perhaps he should not, but it died as quickly as it had begun like the the ember that had no breath and no tinder.

Lasher turned and pressed his mouth to his ankle. It was such a small touch, and yet it warmed the white wolf's frozen form, startled tension leaving him noticeably more relaxed as he softly expelled the breath he had been holding. Momentarily, his eyes closed, and when they reopened he found himself searching his companion's murkwater eyes.

He bent his head, nosing Lasher's ear before his muzzle brushed his cheek, pressing into it. He stayed here, breathing softly as his thinking mind tried to win out over his impulsive nature.

RE: saffron's curse - Lasher - May 18, 2015

for a long moment, taltos thought that luke would not reciprocate, but his fears were unfounded. luke lowered his muzzle, and pressed him in an embrace, one lasher returned with searching kisses, his lips trailing along what part of the pallid jaw he could reach. it had been quite some time since he had lain with another; blue willow and the passion lurking beneath her polite exterior sated his need for feminine attention ... but his body still called hungrily for the touch of a male.

he urged luke to cover him, to drape the warm white silk over his own dark form as he had before, his forelegs reaching up as far as was possible to run gently along the other's shoulders.