Wolf RPG
Wapun Meadow Snow In Spring - Printable Version

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Snow In Spring - Kivi - April 26, 2015

Kivi had left the dark forest and made her way to a open meadow. The wolfess bent down to smell one of the flowers. She had always enjoyed the smell of flowers. They were relaxing, and helped Kivi remember the good memories, and not the bad. The female flopped down on her side and then rolled to her back to look up at the sky. A smile formed on her face as she remembered how she and her mother use to watch the clouds pass by.

Kivi kept looking up at the sky, and stuck a paw out to block the sun. It was a rare sight to see the wolfess in such a good mood. However when she thought about her mother, she couldn't help but feel happy. A yawn escaped the female, as it seemed Kivi was always tired these days. The wolfess ignored her surroundings, and just wanted to enjoy this peaceful moment as she was reminded of home.

RE: Snow In Spring - Lavakho - April 26, 2015

Spar thread? We can both use it for the warrior trade!

     The Khalas was growing in number, day by day.  Has-beens and refugees of Rhaesh Dahaan had all converged into a powerful mass of savages, bounding their way westward with confidence in the hopes to find a claim to sustain them.  A proper pack needed numbers, however, Lavakho wasn't exactly keen on the whole ordeal.  Although, he understood that the Khalas would need to grow to survive, the new recruits had essentially taken his brother, Rakharo, away from him as he devoted his time to leadership.  To say the least, Lavakho missed him, or at least the tight familial unit that the trio had became... however, his absence certainly made it easier to keep his affair with Zhavvi under wraps.

     The warm, spring sun beat down on the quiet warrior's back as he wandered away from the makeshift camp in the valley, in the hopes to find some game.  Lavakho had spent most of his time hunting as the Khalas grew.  Being a man of few words, it allowed him to have an excuse to not socialize with the newbies... which he had still refused to talk to, even after weeks of wandering together.  Only family had that privilege, if you could call it one.

He prowled through the meadow with a hurried pace, twitching nose pressed to the ground in order to pick up the trail of any passing animal to track.  But there was nothing.  Nothing but the aroma of the flowers.  Lavakho lifted his head from the dirt to look across the meadow.  One of Rakharo's newbies stood several yards away.  The quiet warrior cursed under his breath, she was far too close to avoid at this point.  Lavakho approached the female with his tail held high and proud, he was brother of the Khal and all.  He gave the female a quick and deep grunt as greeting, opting against wordy introductions.

RE: Snow In Spring - Kivi - April 28, 2015


Kivi was interrupted by a greeting from a male. His grunt in Kivi's mind made him sound like a grumpy old man who hasn't had sex for awhile. Poor guy. The female unusually kept her mouth shut instead of voicing her opinion on his greeting like she normally would. She wasn't in the best physical condition and didn't feel like being squashed by the stranger. Instead she stood to face the male and gave a nod as her greeting. He seemed to be important or at least acted like her was due to his tail being raised so high.

For a moment Kivi wondered if he was a Dotharan wolf, and so she decided to test him. "Re wux Dotharan?" she asked while raising an eyebrow curiously. If he didn't speak her language, it wouldn't really matter as the wolfess had learned how to speak English and several other languages on her travels. Kivi assumed many wolves in this area spoke English, and so it wouldn't suprised her if he couldn't understand what she was saying. She kept quiet while waiting for his reaction, silently hoping he was a Dotharan wolf.  

RE: Snow In Spring - Lavakho - April 28, 2015

Vakho's a total asshole :p

    How insulting. She may have nodded in greeting to his arrival, but the warrior did not expect such pleasantries. No, he expected complete display of submission to his display of authority.  Lavakho pinned his ears forward and raised his hackles in aggravation as he imposed over the outsider that his brother had allowed in to his Khalas.  This bitch would roll, like it or not.  The warrior was not one to be tested, and this female was already trying his patience.

     "Tir ti gewj hefoc wux tepoha ti ocuirtor ve,"  he snarled at the new member of the khalas with proud indignation.   Lavakho had conducted his action on the fringe of the pack while he avoided most social interaction... however, what wolf wouldn't know the brother of the Khal?  Even if the two had never spoken... Lavakho's name was on a need to know basis, at least to him.  "Lavakho ki Drojharkosi,"  he snarled in a long drawl as he demanded the respect he believed he deserved.  "Ithsasy ki Rakharo. Wux geou vataka."

RE: Snow In Spring - Kivi - April 28, 2015

That's ok! Kivi is too.

When he said that she should not act like she had not seen him around Kivi smirked. "Si tir ti xikin ptaual ekess nomenes svaust re ti jathila" Kivi said and raised her tail to match the male's. He was a nobody to the wolfess, and she would not waste her time with a nobody. She only focused on those who held power, and to her, this male held no such thing.

When he said his name, Kivi tried to recall if she had every's heard it before, but could not remember if she had. She had more important things to focus on, than some name that meant nothing to her. It was when Lavakho mentioned Rakharo, did Kivi have her full attention on the male. Did he really expect her to bow just because he was related to the Khal? "Si tir ti doege svaust wux re related ekess, wux tepoha authot ehis ekess earn sia tekilek vur zyak si geou ti vataka" Kivi spat at the male.

RE: Snow In Spring - Lavakho - April 28, 2015

Ugh, crap post is crap... I'm exhausted, excuse the mess.  Ill make a sparring pits thread and edit the link in to here! Link here http://wolf-rpg.com/showthread.php?tid=9077&pid=109100#pid109100

     Oh no, she didn't... commence sassy z-snap.  

     This bitch. Who the hell did this little girl think she was?  Back in Rhaesh Dahaan, outsiders had died for lesser insults to Lavakho's pride.  His inflated ego pushed him further into aggravation and anger at the indignant female's attitude. "Nurnao, fanol," he snarled, barring his teeth in an aggressive display.  He would have to teach her the true meaning of respect.

     A female challenging his authority was almost laughable to the slightly dim male.  It was a sad attempt on her behalf.  If it was a display of brute force that she wanted, then that was what she would get.  Lavakho pulled himself back away from the female to give her a glance over and to prepare to strike.   With a sly smirk, he lowered his shoulders and charged at the female, attempting to pin her down.

RE: Snow In Spring - Kivi - April 28, 2015

Out of nowhere the male lunged at her and before you knew it a fight started. After several attack and dodges Kivi had defeated her opponent. The female stood proudly after winning against a large male like Lavakho even when she wasn't even in the best condition. Yet again a male had underestimated her and now she proved what she was capable of. Kivi smiled at the male satisfied with her winning.

However the female would not walk away without a few scars. Some wolves may not like wounds, but Kivi saw them as trophies. It would prove in the future that she was a warrior with experience, and if you mess with her don't expect to get away without a beating. After catching her breath Kivi spoke to the male. "Wux slathalina algbo, shar si still ultrinninana" the female said with a smirk.

RE: Snow In Spring - Lavakho - May 01, 2015

     Perhaps Rakharo was right, Lavakho was getting fat.  The fight dragged out far longer than Lavakho had wanted it to, causing him to become winded and lazy.  The little speedster however, had continued her offensive completely unfazed, landing a few critical blows to the young warrior's body and pride.  He sank into the dirt, unable to continue.  Lavakho's face flushed with horror, he had been bested... and by a girl.  If his brother, Rakharo, heard about this, he'd never let him live it down.

    "Ioth vobit," he murmured in a surprised daze between panted breaths.  Lavakho was angry, sure.  But any wolf who could fight like that would have, no, deserved a place in their Khalas.  Kivi had certainly proved her worth through combat. "Si shilta ocuir kii sia isthasy origato wux confn mrith udoka. Wux geou qe di xihuuli."  Lavakho shot the other a terse smile, Any wolf who could pin Lavakho deserved a shred of respect.

RE: Snow In Spring - Kivi - May 02, 2015

Kivi smiled satisfied with what she had done. This usually is how it went with Kivi fighting male's and winning. They are shocked at first and then show her the respect she deserves. It was one of those things that you could keep repeating and never get bored with. Fighting was exiting and gave you an adrenaline rush. Kivi was positive the one day Lavakho would want to fight her again and try and prove that he could beat her. It seemed all male's thought it was embarrassing to lose against a girl, and some even saw it being shameful if you lost.

"Si mi saeuth wux siofme batobot" Kivi said when Lavakho spoke of how she was of worth. Kivi was sure she would be valued in the Khalas. It was not Rakharo, Lavakho had to fear but instead the female that had just beat him. Kivi would not let Lavakho forget this fight no matter how hard he would try.

RE: Snow In Spring - Lavakho - May 13, 2015

Sorry for the delay, I've fallen so behind with Reek.  Lavakho needs some too. Fade out?

The defeated warrior picked himself up from the ground and shook his pelt to clear the dust and the dirt from the fray.  Although he matched Kivi's smile with one of his own, he quietly vowed to never let this happen again.  He had become lazy, complacent.  It was time to become the warrior that he had once been before.  The warrior that had once been feared throughout Rhaesh Dahaan.  After the war concluded, Lavakho went soft... and this was the firm kick in the pants that he needed.

"Tir ti itrewic lotoc," whispered Lavakho, drawing near to give his competitor a playful nudge with his muzzle.  After pulling away, Lavakho turned to walk away and return to the rest of the Khalas.  

RE: Snow In Spring - Kivi - May 15, 2015

Kivi smirked as the male spoke and then walked away. The female actually seemed to enjoy this side of the male after the fight, and she realised maybe he just needed to be taught a lesson. He seemed like a decent guy in the end, and so the wolfess was sure that she was seeing the true side of hime now. With the male gone and out of sight, Kivi began to search for a place to stay the night. She was finally going to be able to get a good night sleep and the female couldn't wait for the darkness.