Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau Take me to the docks - Printable Version

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Take me to the docks - Osprey - April 26, 2015

ooc: @Eilidh - I am sorry it has taken so long.

With Koda, Kesuk and Saena leaving and some less known pack members disappearing, the plateau had become a quiet place to be, yet Osprey saw it as an improvement in a way. Less turmoil, less drama - being surrounded by people she knew and who cared about her, made her feel safe and a lot happier than it had been for weeks. Her good spirits had also something to do with the weather outside that was getting warmer and more enjoyable with every passing day. And the fact that she had someone to return to and wait for at the end of every day. Life had regained meaning and she was looking at the future without any fear.

Though strenuous physical activities were still something she could not deal with in her state, she had regained some of her strength and been able to hunt small game for herself. Today too she had finished her meal that had consisted of a rabbit and some fresh green grass, and was now lying in the sunlight, gnawing on a leftover femur from a long since deceased deer and having a good time. While sometimes doing nothing was excruciatingly boring, now the knowledge that you did not have to be anywhere and did not have to do anything was quite pleasant.

RE: Take me to the docks - Eilidh - May 14, 2015

Eilidh was not one to sit idly and do nothing, at least when it wasn't her nap time. Today she had vowed to explore a bit more, with her mother's permission, of course. The little princess flounced as she walked, swinging her tail this way and that, enjoying the warming sun that hit her creamy coat. The world was good and right. Casmir had caught a bug earlier and Eilidh had praised him rightfully. That was the order of things and she was happy to have been there.

Soon her childish musings were brought to an abrupt halt when she saw a wolf nearby, one with a grey coat that she had seen and smelled before. Her name, though...her name escaped her. Eilidh smiled and bounced forward, keeping a respectful distance from the woman. "Hello." It was a short word, a greeting fit for an older wolf, perhaps, but she had always been a bit mature for her age. Her green eyes studied the woman, the bone between her paws, and wondered. "You kill that yourself?"

RE: Take me to the docks - Osprey - May 15, 2015

The nutritive value of such a bone was very little, because, whatever of the good stuff it had once had, was either decayed or eaten by someone else. Therefore chewing on the bone was more like an activity that did not require much thinking, therefore her mind was free to engage itself with other matters. Such as lining up some creative sketches in order to make a new story.

She had managed to reach the end, where bone marrow had once been and therefore the bone was spongy and easy to destroy, when she caught sight of Blue willow's daughter coming her way. She was a bit surprised to see, how much the girl had grown ever since their last encounter - a bit more like wolf and not a fluffy ball with four feet, tumbling and rolling through life more than actually walking.

"Hey," she returned the greeting with a friendly wag of her tail and then glanced down at the bone, pondering, whether she had helped to bring this deer down or not. From the object alone it was hard to tell. Plus, there had been plenty of deer and plenty of kills. "Nope, but someone else definitely did a long time ago."

RE: Take me to the docks - Eilidh - May 19, 2015

Eilidh nodded at the woman's hello. She remembered the woman, but couldn't place her name. Eil listened carefully to her words, to the fact that while she hadn't killed this particular deer, someone had. She nodded and smiled, coming a few steps closer. "Wha's your name again? I'm Eilidh." She pronounced it carefully for her, Aye-lee. It was easy to pronounce once you heard it, but harder to know if you just saw it spelled. But good thing for wolves, they didn't know how to spell!

"D'you know any cool things? Like star-gazin' or plants or anytin'?" While it might have been considered rude to ask in such a way, Eilidh was a curious child. She wanted to know everything! And if this woman could teach her something, she wasn't going to say no.

RE: Take me to the docks - Osprey - June 07, 2015

ooc: I am sorry I have not been the most active player recently, but since it is not going to change in the near future, I would like to cut down the number of threads I have. Would it be possible to finish this within next two weeks?

"My name is Osprey," the gray she-wolf was happy to answer and, even though it seemed odd that the girl had lived here long enough to know everyone around, she reminded herself that during their first meeting no formal introductions were made.

When asked about "cool things", Osprey looked down at the bone between her paws and regarded it thoughtfully for a while. She must be really plain and boring, because at the moment she considered that this particular activity - chewing - was the most exciting thing in the world. Apparently not to someone, who was going through the phase of getting first real teeth. "What else do you consider cool?" she decided to go for the most diplomatic answer, curious to know more about, what Eilidh's idea about "interesting" was.

RE: Take me to the docks - Eilidh - June 10, 2015

<3 Yes, I can reply quickly!

"Hi, Osprey." Eilidh smiled at the woman, obviously much older than herself, and stored the name, face, and scent into her mind-vault. "Nice ta meet ya." Then the woman turned the table on her by not answering her question directly. Usually Eilidh got cross when that happened, but instead Osprey asked her a question, one to elaborate. She decided that was probably an okay way to answer her, and forged ahead.

"I like bugs an' sticks an' lookin' at the sky. My momma knows about plants and stuff. I don't know...I like everythin'!" Eilidh wagged her tail and smiled, hoping the woman would finally give up some info. It was life or death here, people! She needed to know!

RE: Take me to the docks - Osprey - June 21, 2015

ooc:  I have not been quick at all and, since I don't have much time left anyway, this will be my last post. Thank you for the thread!

The girl had a lot of interests already and the fact that she had not yet got bored of the world and still found it an exciting place to be in, was great. Osprey sensed her curiosity and impatience to know more about the older wolf, therefore she replied: " I am a hunter, story-teller and adventurer." She did not mention her dragon-hunting adventures with Charon or games she had played with other members of the pack - from experience young people at this age found them lame.

She was about to say something else, when a howl raised in the distance. There was a tone of urgency in it. "I think we should go and see, what has happened," she waited for the girl to start moving and she followed.

RE: Take me to the docks - Eilidh - June 21, 2015

Eilidh wanted to know more from Osprey, but it was not to be. A howl rose in the distance and the older woman cut the conversation short. Eilidh perked at the sound, and nodded at Osprey's suggestion. They should check that out, and the girl moved to follow her sort-of aunt toward the noise.