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Blacktail Deer Plateau There's a ship without a name there - Printable Version

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There's a ship without a name there - Osprey - April 26, 2015

ooc: @Blue willow - if you don't mind I will play as if Osprey has stopped by before to get some healing plants.

A little over two weeks had passed, since Osprey had given birth and, even though sometimes she would still feel very sad, she did not cry anymore. Time from time she would revisit the scene in her dreams and would wonder, what the kids were doing on the other side of the veil, feeling regrets that there was no way for her to find out and see, how they were doing. Yet somehow - the idea that her mom was there for them, while she could not be - was comforting. Whenever she thought of March Owl dealing with the little rascals, she couldn't keep herself from smiling. All would be well in the end.

It was a long time since she hand her friend had had a girl's time only, therefore this day felt as good as any other to go and seek out the healer and take her out in the world. Thinking about all of the possibilities of what they could do together, she padded through the forest in the direction of Willow's home, hoping that she would be lucky to kidnap her. When she arrived in the vicinity of the den, she slowed her step and announced her presence with a low, summoning woof.

RE: There's a ship without a name there - Blue Willow - April 27, 2015

Blue had been melancholy lately, a deep sadness seemed to have permeated the air around the plateau. And she was not unaffected. With Saena's leaving and then the rank challenge of Koda and Dante and then the four little lives that never got to live. Yes she was definitely having a hard time. She was taking joy where she could get it, stolen moments with Lasher and play dates with her children. She had even seen Osprey come and go, though her friends grief was paramount. That too affected blue willow.

Blue heard the quiet wuff and with a small shifting of her self, she stepped into view. She offered Osprey a smile, and a brief nudge to her shoulder. Hello Osprey! How can I help you today? Then Blue waited quietly, wondering where her children were this day, if they were out and about with their father or on their own. She worried for them constantly. But she could always find them and they knew the rules very well.

RE: There's a ship without a name there - Osprey - April 28, 2015

Blue approached immediately and Osprey was beyond glad to see her - her tail wagged, she smiled at her sincerely and closed the distance between them with few leaps. Still beaming she let her gaze go up and down, to get the general idea of how her friend was doing and what her mood was, then she looked past her to the den mouth, wondering, whether kids were around or not. Only a little later did she realize that they were quite grown up and more on their own now. Which also made her understand, how much she had missed in her absence.

"Want it or not - I am stealing you today," she stated playfully, looking briefly Blue willow in the eyes and taking a pose that clearly told that "no" was not an option. "Either you come on your own accord or..." she let the ending of the sentence hang in the air.

RE: There's a ship without a name there - Blue Willow - April 29, 2015

Blue was taken back by her friends exuberance. She was glad to see it however, but also very wary. What if her friend was hiding her feelings again. Though she returned the greeting and wagged her own tail, even leaving a soft lick on her friends cheek. She still studied her face for a moment, worried, but oh so glad to see her. She saw her look past her to the den, but the pups were all about and out.

Blue Willow laughed outloud and shook her head. Well I guess that means I have no choice. Blue motioned for her to lead the way, falling into step beside her. Where are we going?

RE: There's a ship without a name there - Osprey - May 08, 2015

Osprey was not hiding any emotions. She was happy, she was cheerful, her heart was filled with childish and innocent joy. She had put aside her constant worry for the things that had not yet happened in future or regrets for all the things she had not done in the past. Osprey embraced today. Yes, she was a bit more emotional than usual and - yes - there were moments, when happiness was overshadowed by grief and pain. Her mind was still seeking all the different ways of coping with the loss and, how to move on. The good news was - it got better with every passing day. And connecting with other people was definitely the right way to go.

"Great, let's go!" Osprey was happy that her friend had been so quick to agree and that her kids were not babies that required constant attention all the time anymore. "I have no idea," she shrugged, thus admitting, what a failure of a kidnapper she was. Her main goal had been to get Blue willow out of the den, therefore she had not put much thought into, what was she going to do after that. "What would you like to do?"

RE: There's a ship without a name there - Blue Willow - May 17, 2015

Blue was happy to see her friend happier than she had been. Perhaps, Osprey needed to lost something, and be as low as she could be, to realize that there was greater happiness and good in the world. Blue had learned long ago, that you couldn't change a lot of things. So it was best to just do your best and let your emotions take you every now and again. She never would do so in front of others, but when she was alone. Surely she would let those emotions go.

Blue chuckled at Osprey's exuberance and excitement. She followed behind her, and laughed outright when she said she had no idea what they were going to do. It made her day to have such an adventurous and imaginative friend. Blue frowned in thought, I don't know. Let's just see where the day takes us?

RE: There's a ship without a name there - Osprey - May 18, 2015

"Excellent. Let's be two ghosts then," Osprey suggested, remembering their conversation a very long time ago, when they had discussed the possibility of fetching each other in the afterlife and scare everyone out of their pants here on Earth. Now the idea seemed more appealing than ever.

"So - this means that we need two things - we have to practice the ghostly stuff and then find someone to practice this at," she stopped briefly in her path, thinking for a bit with brow furrowed and then she smiled. "The first things first - Blue, take your time and think of the most horrible noise you can get out of yourself," she advised, stepping aside, drawing in a deep breath, then releasing it and wiggling her butt a bit to get prepared.

"Something like this - AWOH-ah-hoh-o-ha-ha-rh-arghhhhhh..." she yelled on top of her lungs, but then something got in her throat and the maginifcent performance was interrupted by a coughing spell.  Inbetween retching and trying to clear her pharynx, she looked up at Blue with watery eyes and croaked: "Just like that. Your turn."

RE: There's a ship without a name there - Blue Willow - May 28, 2015

Blue chuckled, unsure exactly how to be a ghost. She too remembered their conversation from so longago. She had enjoyed it then, and imagined though she was far to grown up to do this. She would enjoy it anyway. Okay. She was about to ask how to be ghost, because wasn't very sure. However, Osprey beat her too it.

Blue choked on a laugh when she saw her friend wiggling her butt, and howling out. Blue was momentarily concerned that Osprey began to choke and cough. But she soon seemed fine enough. I would say you followed a bug. She tittered softly, then frowned trying to think of a sound to make.

She sniffed and lifted her maw she let out a soft AWoh.ah.... Then laughing quietly to herself she got louder, Awwwooooo......ahhhhhh.....hohhhhhhh. SHe looked down when she was done, slightly embarrassed, but having a lot of fun. LIke that. She smiled and laughed again.

RE: There's a ship without a name there - Osprey - June 07, 2015

ooc: I am sorry that I have not been on top of my activity recently, but this is not going to change in the near future, therefore would it be possible for us to finish this thread within next two weeks?

Quite honestly Blue's performance was nowhere as expressive as Osprey's had been, but since she was a good friend, she played along - drew her ears back, squinted her eyes and scrunched her nose, as if she was hearing something ear-piercing and horrible. At the same time her mind tried to decide, which was worse - dying from fear or laughter - because, if they were going to do ghostly deeds together, then either of the options were possible. Could one die both out of fear and fun? This seemed to be unlikely.

"The next most important thing - is a story, why are we ghosts? And - even more important - how did we get our names?" she tossed the next piece of thread of their game for Blue willow to think about. "Blue willow and Osprey is out of question, of course. It must be something cool... AND scary. Or funny?" she mused out loud.

RE: There's a ship without a name there - Blue Willow - June 22, 2015

Blue thought she did pretty good all things considered. She of course didn't do as well as Osprey, but she had done okay. Blue had to chuckle at Osprey's face, it was funny and it made her love her friend all the more. 

Blue thought about it and then spoke Well I think if we are ghosts we want scary since we are trying to scare everyone. But funny would be nice too, we could slay our friends with laughter. She chuckled softly at the thought of Lasher or Dante falling over from laughing to hard. It was a heart warming thought, and image.