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Big Salmon Lake bed bugs - Printable Version

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bed bugs - Khalifa - April 27, 2015

He vigorously pounded the back of his ear with his hind leg. Either he was going to settle that nuisance of an itch or he was gonna tear his tear off, but there would be a resolution to this problem. This small upset had been the only thing delaying Khalifa’s travels today otherwise the yearling had made good time on working his way towards the mountain range. There was no real rhyme or reason as to why he set that mark as a goal line, so there was no actual hurry to be there in a set amount of time. Bad news to whatever was nibbling at his lobes.

The quick tireless movement cause several things to tumble off his pelt, days of dirt shaking off in impressive clouds of dust and a few twigs untangling from the various knots that had gathered. Another knock against his noggin caused him to pause—he swore he felt a small bump. He didn’t really have the reach to investigate though. Beside the lake’s shore the young male tumbled down into the mud slamming into his back and scratching his skull against the soft dirt hoping to make some progress.

“Come on ya’ little bastard.”

RE: bed bugs - Nanuk - May 14, 2015

This was lonely and <3<3<3 Mind if we bring it to present day?

@Khalifa @Khalifa @Khalifa @Khalifa @Khalifa @Khalifa

Stupid tags... 

@jaguara @Jaguara @Jaguara

Her trek out here was not for nothing, learning the lay of the lands around the Spine to make sure she knew what was where. It was a good tactic and in the event that something crazy happened, she would have the knowledge to handle it adequately. With the discovery of a lake within their borders, the personal discovery of a lake out here was not the least bit excited. Though she could swim, Kroc hated water and only submerged herself very, very rarely. 

Her thoughts diverged, turning to the commotion of another stumbling down into the dirt, giving the great bear of a wolf pause. Gold eyes settled on the similarly colored animal, ears pitching forward as she watched his foolishness. For now, she said nothing, her gears turning slowly for the moment. Words would come, likely prickled with nastiness, but they would happen nonetheless.