Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain The Missing Piece - Printable Version

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The Missing Piece - Bindi - April 28, 2015

Bindi traveled to the top of the mountain where she let Raissa attack her. Maybe she could find her ear, but the midnight wolfess doubted that would happen. Her ear was long gone and it would never grow back, now all Bindi had to do was accept that. She never really cared about her looks, but that was because she never had scars or damage done to her. Now in the obsidian girl's eyes, her appearance was horrible. She would stand out in a crowd, and if it was hard to make friends when she looked normal it would be even worse now.

Bindi gave a sigh as she passed the area where she lost her ear. She wanted to go to the very peak of the mountain and look over the great wilderness. She reached the very top of Silvertip and took in the view. One miss placement of her foot and Bindi could go tumbling down the mountain. She watched were she stepped making sure not to fall. One day she would bring the pups up here and let them witness the beautiful sight. Their kingdom.

RE: The Missing Piece - FitzDutiful - May 01, 2015

FitzDutiful saw Bindi pass by his den and stuck his head out to see which direction she was going in. Making sure that Raissa was okay in looking after the pups, he followed her from a distance. As he winded up the mountain side behind her (and a fair distance too, he was following more by scent than sight) he wondered where she was going. Eventually he came across the view, catching up to her.

"Wow, what a view..." he breathed as he made his way beside her. He'd been quite loud in his walking so not to startle his beta. It had been a long time since the two of them had had any time alone. Smiling he looked at her, admiring her looks. Even though she wasn't pristine, FitzDutiful found it did nothing but add to her beauty. It was just a shame that it was a constant reminder of the thing he couldn't forget. Raissa did that.

RE: The Missing Piece - Bindi - May 03, 2015

Bindi heard the sound of someone walking behind her and she knew exactly who it was when she heard Fitz's voice. She admired the wilderness for a few moments before facing her pale Alpha. "You want to play a game" the obsidian girl asked a smile on her face. She figured that they needed to have a little fun with all these serious situations going on around them. It would be a simple game, but hopefully it would be fun and something new. 

Bindi turned back to watch the view as a group of bird flew through the air. The midnight wolfess wondered what it would be like to fly. To feel the air flow through her fur, and be higher above the rest of the world. Bindi was sure flying was an experience to die for, and was envious of the birds that got to enjoy soaring through the air everyday.

RE: The Missing Piece - FitzDutiful - May 07, 2015

Did he want to play a game? FitzDutiful thought about it. It had been too long since he had played a game. It seemed as though it was a long time ago when he had wandered the borders with Elwood - the last time he had felt free and unburdened. Even then he had been slightly burdened but, times change. He knew that all too well.

"Sure," he said, a smile starting to light his face. He was starting to decide that he would no longer avoid being around his beta. It was time to start letting things develop as they would in all aspects of his life. Only he could let himself be unburdened by the burden of burdens. "What kind of game?"

RE: The Missing Piece - Bindi - May 17, 2015

She smiled when he agreed to play her game. It was simple, but the midnight wolfess belived they would truly both have fun and learn more about each other. "It's easy, I ask you a question and you have to answer it. Then you ask me a question and I'll answer until we get to 21 questions in total." The dark female waited to see his reaction or if he had anything to say before speaking again.

She turned to face the pale male as she thought of her question. "Ok, my question is....do you have any siblings?" Bindi realised she didn't know that much Fitz, but this was her chance to learn more about him and she would snag the opportunity. She patiently waited for his answer and was already starting to wonder what his question for her would be.

RE: The Missing Piece - FitzDutiful - May 26, 2015

21 questions eh? It didn't particularly sound like a game to him but he wasn't about to turn down this opportunity to get to know more about his beta. She asked her first question and he answered almost immediately.

"I do, I have two sisters. I don't know their names and barely remember them but my father assured me they exist." He thought about what he wanted to know about Bindi. He wanted to know a lot but some of it was just too personal. He wanted to know if she liked anyone but didn't want the answer in case it came to be him. That was too awkward for right now.

"What do you want for the immediate future?" He wanted to know what plans she had for herself. She was pretty much as high as she could go ranking wise so what else drove her forwards?