Wolf RPG
Nova Peak Aw, These Pretzels Suck! - Printable Version

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Aw, These Pretzels Suck! - Iqniq - April 28, 2015

He was going to get it, that rabbit. It was his. He'd spotted it, snuck up on it, and almost had it before it decided to dart away like a bat out of hell. Just his luck. Kero chased after it, speeding through the forest and undergrowth until that tawny creature decided it would be a good decision to bolt up the side of a mountain. Now shit. Running uphill was not an easy task, but if the thing tripped, fell, broke its neck, and landed in his jaws, there was no way Kero would complain. Then again, he'd chased it this far, so why the hell not? It had to get tired soon.

He kept going. He chased that sucker right up a hill until it trapped itself in a corner between two rocks that were far larger than it could leap. Lucky for Kero, that made for a quick kill and he swiped up the rabbit between his jaws and put an end to this game. Dinner was served. Finally.

Between the smell of blood fresh upon the air and his own hunger, Kero didn't realize he'd trampled upon the outskirts of packlands during his pursuit. Thinking nothing of it, he settled with his back against the rocks that had helped him win over this meal and began to tear into rabbit's hide. Delicious. Every bite. Could use a dash of something... but he wasn't sure what and wasn't about to go looking for it after he'd run a half-marathon trying to catch this thing. Nope. He was gonna enjoy it, take a nap, and be on his way. But right now? Hells to the yeah. Dinner.

RE: Aw, These Pretzels Suck! - Kaskara - April 30, 2015

I'm totes listening to the new Avengers soundtrack. Excuse me if this gets weird. XD

Life was predictable upon the mountain, something that she was grateful for. Before their move, it seemed every day was a struggle for their survival, that someone would come battering down their door, looking to steal something from them. The tension that had coiled her shoulders then had relaxed somewhat now that the demand upon her had lessened. Not that she relaxed in her vigilant patrol of the borders; she simply did not fear running into harassing strangers upon them anymore.

But today was different. The scent of newly killed rabbit and a strange wolf wafted toward her. With a growl, she stalked forward, looking for the culprit. Large warrior that she was, Kaskara loomed out over the eating wolf, finally finding the culprit. Without a word, she let her shadow fall across him while her warning growl rose from her throat.

RE: Aw, These Pretzels Suck! - Iqniq - April 30, 2015

Oh fun! Is it any good?

Every bite was a dream. Or maybe it just felt like he was in one. Food was few and far between and what meals he did have were smaller than what they could have been had he decided to partake in a pack. Larger prey was certainly more filling than the slim pickings something like a rabbit or bird offered. Nevertheless, he was more than happy for his good fortune and was content to chomp away in peace.

Or would be peace.

He was in the middle of sucking out the marrow from the rabbit's femur when a shadow rolled across him. Strange. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, but now..? Oh shit. A she-wolf with a particularly sharp smile and a song that was not such a happy tune. Apparently he had a knack for upsetting women. This was starting to become a trend. #pissedheroffagain

"Well, hello there," he said nonchalantly, glancing upwards at her as she growled. "If that's your stomach I hear, you're more than welcome to have a bite."

RE: Aw, These Pretzels Suck! - Kaskara - May 03, 2015

Yes! And so was the movie. :D

It seemed to take the idiot quite a long time to realize she was standing above him, growling. When he looked up at her without battling so much as an eyelash, he offered her a bite. She snarled, lifting her lip to show her sharp canines in warning. Instead of replying to something so inane, she ignored it for a moment longer, watching him carefully, every muscle of her body poised to chase him off.

"Are you aware these lands are claimed?" Any wolf with half a nostril could tell, but perhaps his nostrils were plugged with his own stench. Kas watched him, her silver guard hairs raised along her spine. Her ears were slicked against her head, her tail held high behind her hips. This wolf was perilously close to making a wrong step. "And you're hunting game that does not belong to you, lone wolf."

RE: Aw, These Pretzels Suck! - Iqniq - May 03, 2015

The bones and carcass of the rabbit went forgotten. It seemed as though he wouldn't be eating much more than he'd already managed. This woman was certain he was in the way, or someplace he shouldn't be, or number of combination of things he either didn't care to understand. He'd eat up and be on his way regardless. Of course, she didn't know that. It also appeared as though she was just doing her job.

"I do now," he mentioned, rolling his tongue around his chops to clean off his face. The scent of dead rabbit was currently overpowering the scent of pack which suggested he was somewhere around the fringes of pack bounds. Not too close to the heart of this place, but definitely too close for comfort.

As for the rabbit he'd been eating? "Actually no. This rabbit only happened upon your lands towards the end of the chase. It'd be a shame to let it go to waste simple because it 'was on base'." A tag reference, but it got the point across. Territories we just fine lines of smell designed for other wolves, not rabbits.

RE: Aw, These Pretzels Suck! - Kaskara - May 04, 2015

He wasn't slow to respond, which was good for him. Kas watched him carefully discard the rabbit and lick his mouth clean, and ponder her statement about the rabbit. She hadn't meant that it belonged to them because he killed it on her territory, but that didn't matter. What mattered was the indisputable fact that he was hunting too close to their territory now and he'd better scram.

She hopped down off the rocks above him and turned to face him, her shoulders set against the fury that was beginning to boil in her veins. "Unless you want to face me, I'd suggest you start moving on." She circled enough to allow him room to exit. If he wanted to take the rabbit, she wouldn't stop him. But he had better do it soon. A thought formed in her head, one that she wondered if she should voice now that she'd asked him to leave.

After a moment, she decided she might as well. "That is, of course, you're not looking for a place to live. Hunters are always valuable to any pack." She studied him carefully, wondering how he'd take that turn of events.

RE: Aw, These Pretzels Suck! - Iqniq - May 04, 2015

Hmm. She was still a ball of teeth and fangs. It wasn't altogether an unattractive look, but Kero was tiring of it quickly. He understood she'd get physical if he prolonged this for much longer. He wasn't doing any harm, but he knew this game well. Their lands. Their space. It didn't get shared unless there was business between packs that required a brief visitation period or unless a lone wolf was looking for a new home. All other matters were distinctly off-limits, which, unfortunately for him, included finishing the rest of this meal.

All the same, he remained seated. She hopped off her perch and turned to face him. He was certain, if he stood, she'd feel further threatened. He was male. He was larger. Stronger. That meant, she'd have to work harder to maintain her authority if he rose, even if he didn't intend it as a challenge. Laying down it was.

"As much as I love the feel of a woman's teeth upon my fur, unless our rough and tumble will end with a good fuck, I'd rather not." His words were crass, but at least they were straight forward. She shifted, allowing him the space to leave. Kero sat up, watching her visage carefully enough to watch the thoughts form within her head. She was debating something. He slowed, reclining into a seated position while he waited for her to decide.

She made quick work of the question. It caused a smirk to settle on his maw. Of course. What pack wouldn't throw in a little plug even if they had started all bite-y and growl-y. Kero dipped his head, lifting a hind paw to scratch at the back of an ear as he contemplated his response. He set that foot back on the ground and looked to her.

"That's it?" he said, wondering if she was going to elaborate. "You just want more hunters? No, 'This pack is amazing, you should join,'s or false flattery or any kind of speech to convince me why this is the pack where I should settle down?"

RE: Aw, These Pretzels Suck! - Kaskara - May 04, 2015

Kaskara watched his every move, from the flick of his ear to the foot he scratched said ear with. She was glad he was paying attention to her, not only to her words but her presence, and remained low to the ground. He was smart. Even if he had other things currently going against him, she would recognize that at least. However, his next words were crass. A good fuck, huh? She wasn't an innocent maiden, but she didn't go around screwing anyone. That was now reserved for someone special, someone who...no, she wouldn't think about that now.

The only reaction to his crassness was the tiniest raise of a brow. The warrior remained standing, watching him carefully, but still with enough room for him to slip past if he wanted. However, he remained after her offer, and she wondered if that meant well. He asked if that was it, as if she would give some grand speech or wax eloquent on the merits of her pack. Kaskara was proud of the wolves with whom she lived and the territory that housed them, but she wasn't one to speak over-long about anything. "Yes, that's it. The merits of my pack are just as good as any. We value loyalty, honesty, and strength, among other things. If you're interested, I could tell you more. If not, I'll save my breath."

RE: Aw, These Pretzels Suck! - Iqniq - May 04, 2015

His words gave her pause. There was something about what he'd said that distracted her. She lifted a wolven brow, but said nothing of it, giving him no leeway or leverage with which into further spin words in whatever fashion he so chose. Smart. She was certainly one of the more chatty females he'd encountered which, given her limited number of choice words, was saying something. Not a lot of chatty Cathy's in these parts. Lucky for them, he could fill the air just as easily.

And keep it casual. Non-threatening. Non-agressive. He gave her no reason to attack save that he was lingering too long. Then again, she'd officially given him permission to hang out for a while longer. This offer of a home and pack warranted a conversation, if she was willing to give it. So far it was more of a "join now or leave" which didn't really strike his fancy as he kind of liked to know what he was getting into before he signed his life away. 

"I'm in the market for a pack," he revealed, looking towards her. "Haven't found the right fit quite yet." Without moving his gaze, he put a paw over the carcass of the rabbit and pulled it closer to him. "You do your pack a disservice if you compare it to the rest. All are different. Each unique." He didn't have to run into all the packs of the valley to know that was true. "If this is just as good as any, why do you stay?"

RE: Aw, These Pretzels Suck! - Kaskara - May 05, 2015

"I did not say my pack was the same, only that its merits are." He asked why she remained, pulling the rabbit toward him. Her gaze flickered downward at the carcass, but she said nothing. She wasn't angry that he was eating it, only where he was eating it; he could have the rabbit. "I stay because my family is here, blood and bond. I stay because I cannot imagine living anywhere else." Sure, she had lived in the creek territory, but it had not been their true home. Kaskara was beginning to feel that this peak, Nova Peak, and its ridge and Northwoods were closer to her true home than even Dal Riata.

But this stranger didn't need to know that. She had said as much, with fewer words, earlier. Kaskara understood his sentiment, though. What made them different? Probably not much, except that siblings lead the pack, and they valued honor and loyalty. Strength, intelligence, cunning, and love were among the others. "There are other more unique packs within these lands. I know of one that is full of women, who belittle men and think too highly of themselves." She did not know that Ankyra Sound had disbanded, only that they existed. "There is another that worships the Norse gods and lives by that code. And yet another that values treachery and torture and sly cunning against other packs." Kaskara wasn't painting a very good picture of the valley, but it was the best she could do, knowing little of the newer packs to arise.

"This pack, Nova Peak, isn't all that different from others. But we are tight-knit, a family, and we will fight for them, even if they're in the wrong." After all, that's what family was for, right?

RE: Aw, These Pretzels Suck! - Iqniq - May 05, 2015

Kero shook his head. He'd been around this valley long enough to know not every pack's merits were the same. Hell, he'd been warned about Blackfeather more times than he wanted to admit. If they were enough to strike a chord with a number of loners in the valley, there was something going on with that pack that held very different values than the rest. Maybe she wasn't aware of them.

Ears at the attention, he listened to her elaborate. Bonds of family and blood. Ahh. That would do it. Or should. He'd only recently left the pack of his birth behind to explore these new wilds. Those bonds for him were questionable at best as they were currently severed. He held no connections here nor anywhere in these lands. Not yet. His loyalties were as fleeting as the wind.

She chose a different approach, contradicting her earlier statement as she went on to describe a number of different values. She spoke of three different packs, each with different goals and motivations and merits that made them tick. She went on, comparing her own pack to those she listed. Family. Loyalty if only for the sake of family, even if they were in the wrong. 

It was that last part that gave Kerosene pause. He watched her carefully, saying nothing as he contemplated his own opinion on the subject. What did he think? "Where is the humility if one will not acknowledge their own faults?" There was forgiveness in family yes, but fighting for something fundamentally wrong simply because they were loved spoke of stubbornness and pride. "Why fight for something you know is false?"

RE: Aw, These Pretzels Suck! - Kaskara - May 11, 2015

Looks like I was too late! :( Enjoy OS tho. :D

Kaskara was sure he was deliberately misunderstanding her. "You misunderstand." She hadn't said no one acknowledged their faults here. In fact, it was the opposite: Scimitar knew he was stubborn; Bazi knew she made rash decisions; Kieran knew his weakness was in his past; Falwasi knew that she was anti-social; Kaskara knew she did not deal with emotions well. It was simply that they would fight for someone, like Star, even if what they had done was wrong. That was pack. That was family. Protect your own.

"We do not condone our members' rash actions. But if those actions bring trouble upon them, we help. It is the way of pack." Kas was sure he wouldn't understand. He seemed a tried and true lone wolf, and no matter what she said, he would not join them. "Of course their actions are dealt with accordingly. Since we settled here, we have not had any problems. From anyone." Kas looked at him as if with warning: We had better not have problems with you.

RE: Aw, These Pretzels Suck! - Iqniq - May 11, 2015

Aww! <3 Thank you for the thread anyways! NP was definitely a front runner. Feel free to archive after reading!

She was quick to correct his thinking and quicker to elaborate on what had gotten lost in translation. It seemed this pack was of decent merit and something of a family affair. As most were. Kero nodded, taking the words at face value if only because opinions were so often slanted. If he had any interest in discovering the truth behind those words, he'd likely have to join this pack and discover for himself what their loyalties looked like. 

Her final words were weighted. He'd caught them. While he was distracted enough to run onto the fringes of pack territory, he was not so stupid to ignore the fact that his time was up. Kerosene lifted fully, rising onto all fours as he turned his gaze in the direction from which he'd came. He'd try to exit by the same path so as to give this pack the illusion of safety. He would not wander from that course nor push his luck any further. 

"I appreciate your humoring me," he said, pawing the rabbit at his toes. "This pack suits you." He lowered his head above the half eaten corpse and paused. "Another time, perhaps, but for now I'll get out of your hair." He scooped up the rabbit and was on his way.