Wolf RPG
Wapun Meadow they say dead men sing no songs - Printable Version

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they say dead men sing no songs - Caspian - April 29, 2015

For @Lavakho     :D

A wide grin spread across the viking boy's maw when he arrived at a meadow, it was a beautiful place, dotted with wildflowers, blinded his eyes with bright colors and touched his nose with exotic scents. The Scandinavian had seen many wonders throughout his whole life and though he had undoubtedly seen better views that this meadow, he never stopped appreciating things like this. Caspian inhaled slowly, the scent of prey was strong but the small animals were safe from this wolf for now, right now, the viking only wished to explore and perhaps meet some of his kind.

He was a social creature at heart.

Grinning at nothing in particular, the wanderer trotted into the meadow, it was not claimed land as far as he was concerned and therefore he was free to walk around as he pleased. So, the Ironfrost walked through the wildflowers until he reached the middle of the territory, striking blue eyes alighted on a small running creek. "Þetta eru mjúk lendir." The words of ancient norse flowed off his tongue like a gentle caress.