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Wapun Meadow Water Makes Fire - Printable Version

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Water Makes Fire - Kivi - April 29, 2015

Maybe @Zhavvi can pop in here? Open for anyone else to hop in as well!

Kivi was staying in the meadow, where it seemed many other Dotharan wolves were staying. The wolfess was not expecting to run into so many of her kind in one place, but she was grateful to have them around. They were a reminder of home, something the female missed. Kivi was keeping to herself so far, hunting and trying to regain her strength.

She was still pleased that she had beat Lavakho in battle, and a smirk appeared on her face as she remembered her victory. It was a great fight, one that gave her new scars to show off. A annoyed grumble came from Kivi as she stood from her resting spot, and started searching for others. She needed to meet more wolves and be a bit more social. She didn't want to be considered lazy.

RE: Water Makes Fire - Zaria - April 29, 2015

Since they both speak the Draconic Language can we just assume the speech is spoken in that tongue? #LazyMar

Zhavvi was once again bored. The young female was eager to explore some more but the Khal's daughter was under heavy protection from their warriors and guards. It was so unfair. Surely it was nice to know that her father cared. But it also made her really bored. What was there to do in this meadow? Nothing really. And she couldn't hang out with her uncle too much that is would grow suspicious. A soft sigh left her lips, but then her green eyes fell on another young lady. She was probably a generation older than her but that didn't matter Zhavvi wanted someone to converse with.

Her tail was lifted and she trotted up to the other female. "I have seen you around before but.. I have no clue who you really are," She spoke as an introduction. Her slender and light body stopping before the other female. Zhavvi didn't introduce herself. Everyone knew she was the Khal's daughter and if they didn't they were in for a feast, often Zhavvi would be sly enough to mess with them. Though today she was not in the mood to be cunning. The Khalas they had before was so big it was normal that she wouldn't know everyone, at least to Zhavvi. Plus when the Khalas still existed she was still very young. Her dad would loom over her and protect her with her life.

RE: Water Makes Fire - Kivi - April 29, 2015

Hehe sure :)

Kivi did not have to search for a wolf for very long as she was approached by a wolfess younger than herself. Unlike with Lavakho, Kivi did know who Zhavvi was as it was clear she was important. When the female said how she had seen Kivi around the older wolfess took it as a chance to introduce herself. "I am Kivi, daughter of Allayi" she said proudly. Unlike many other wolves Kivi did not say her father's name, but instead her adoptive mother's. She never knew he father and therefore would not consider herself his daughter.

"You are the Khal's daughter, correct" She asked making sure she was correct on who was who. So far Kivi had only seen this young wolfess around, making her wonder if they were the only female's in the entire Khalas. It didn't bother Kivi as she enjoyed the company of most male's, but she would need her girl time every now and then. At least she knew there was one other female she could talk to, but she would need to get to know Zhavvi first and make sure they actually got along.

RE: Water Makes Fire - Zaria - April 29, 2015

Thank you! <3

Zhavvi studied the female for a brief moment. The name she gave did not ring a bell to her, instantly Zhavvi thought that the female across from her was of non importance. She was far higher that the other female, nevertheless the girl across from her was not a slave and by the looks of it a worthy warrior. The green eyes of Zhavvi dominantly started up into hers. "Hello Kivi, daughter of Allayi," she greeted. "And you are correct." It was definitely some bonus points that this Kivi-girl knew who Zhavvi was. The vain princess liked to be recognized and be called beautiful.

The multi colored female stepped without shame or hesitation into the others personal space to give a nudge to her shoulder and sniff her out. "You seem alright. I heard you bested my uncle in a fight. He must not have liked that," Zhavvi then grinned. For her it was hilarious to hear that the mighty warrior lost from a woman. It gave her inspiration for her own being that she wanted to be a warrior princess. Zhavvi was vain but she didn't look away from a fight. On the contrary, she was usually scheming other wolves in their Khalas just for her entertainment. Although maybe it would be good to have an older female that could learn her some tip and tricks about fighting.

RE: Water Makes Fire - Kivi - April 30, 2015

Kivi gave a small bow when Zhavvi said hello to her, but did nothing more. She was not very good with greetings, and usually didn't get along very well with others whenever she opened her mouth. Besides, why say a kind greeting to someone you don't even know if you like. Kivi looked over the young female infront of her. She seemed well taken care of, and was almost always protected. Kivi came to the conclusion that Zhavvi was a spoiled brat, and was use to getting everything she wanted. However instead of speaking what was on her mind, Kivi decided it would be best to not upset the little princess, and just keep her mouth shut. 

Kivi grinned when she heard the younger wolfess speak of her defeating Lavakho. It was a victory that would hopefully send a message to all the male's in the Khalas, to not underestimate Kivi. "Indeed I did, and I believe your right, he probably did not like it at all" Kivi said with a grin. She wondered what the Khal would think of his brother being defeated, as ever time one of Kivi's sibling failed in battle she felt disappointed in them. Of course Kivi too had failures, and would lose at times, but when she did she took that failure and used it to make her a better warrior. 

RE: Water Makes Fire - Zaria - May 01, 2015

Zhavvi nodded courtly when the other female called Kivi bowed a bit to her. She liked that. Zhavvi was rather vain after all. And as some might think a spoiled brat. But the thing was she didn't want to be a spoiled brat. She wanted to be a warrior and fight. She wanted to be on the hunting team and kill bison. But, her father never allowed her to do anything. She grew bored easily and that boredom went from mischief to pure evilness to get her father's attention in the right way. She was not a silly little girl. She could fight for herself!

Zhavvi let out a giggle, which sounded almost cute. "I can imagine that! I wished I could have been there. It would have brought me much entertainment. I want to fight like a warrior and be useful to the pack but he doesn't even allow me to hunt.. I can only run along. Uncle Lavakho is better, he at least lets me try. Basically the point is that my father doesn't want to see me get hurt... I can't do anything," he complained to the female. Zhavvi wouldn't mind having rumors spread that she was unhappy maybe that would be the point to turn her father around.

RE: Water Makes Fire - Kivi - May 01, 2015

Kivi listened as the female in front of her complained about why she wants to hunt, and how her father lets her do nothing. For the first time ever, Kivi finally found a female that wasn't raised by Allayi who actually wanted to be a warrior. "I can train you to be a great warrior and huntress if you want" Kivi suggested and waited for the wolfess's response. She wondered if Zhavvi would be able to handle the physical, mental, and emotion pain it took to earn these trades.

"Have you talked to your father about wanting to hunt and fight, or have you just been waiting until he finally decides when you can do these things?" When Kivi was around Zhavvi's age she did not wait for Allayi's permission to go hunt her father down she just went and did it. However Kivi made sure to thank her mother for everything she did for her before going separate ways. It was a difficult thing to leave Allayi, but no one lives on this earth forever, so you should spend every moment on earth doing what you love most.

RE: Water Makes Fire - Zaria - May 01, 2015

Zhavvi's expression changed into that of a more grateful one and she instantly nodded. "I would appreciate that. Do know that you will go against my father's wishes. The one who is your Khal," she returned. Her father had been very clear about protecting her. She was only allowed to run along with hunt or watch. Same went for fighting. Her father would get her away from fights as soon as he found out she was present. She was contently follow by on of her slaves that would run and tell if she would do anything out of order. Now she had escaped them but there would be secret session needed.

"I do not wait. My father knows that i want to fight and yet he doesn't allow me to. Just like he doesn't allow me to find a mate. He is very traditional." That was something of dorthran customs. She would not allowed as a female to pick one who she loved. Her father would find a suitable mate for her and she would have to deal with it. Bare his young and be a good mate. Zhavvi wasn't sure she wanted that. She wanted to fight and pick her own male that was worth enough.

RE: Water Makes Fire - Kivi - May 01, 2015

Kivi gave a smile to the younger wolfess, when she said that she would be going against the Khal's wishes. "I was never good with following directions, besides you too will be going against your father and Khal's wishes." Kivi was never good with following directions or doing what she was told. Instead she just did what she wanted and if that meant being kicked out of somewhere, or being punished then so be it. She would not let someone bark orders at her and force her to do something. She would either do it because she wants to or not do it at all.

When Zhavvi said about how her father knows of her wishes, and how she is not allowed a mate, Kivi scrunched her nose. Kivi ignored the first part of her statement and focused more on the mate part. "I personally do not want a mate, just children" Kivi told Zhavvi and thought about what she just said. It may have sounded slighty cruel to some people not committing to just one person, but that was the way Kivi was raised. Actually it was not that Kivi didn't want a mate and somebody to love, it was just difficult finding a guy who could accept the fact that a female was stronger than them.

RE: Water Makes Fire - Zaria - May 02, 2015

Zhavvi had been trying to do anything to go agains there father, or well, she tried to go against her father's wishes but sometimes it was hard. This would be a nice start. If this female was willing to help her. And by the look of that it seemed like she was. Zhavvi agreed with the female in some way. She wasn't sure if she wanted children. She was basically still a child herself but she wouldn't mind to have a nice male that would please her and not be treating her like some child bringer.

"Well I believe there are more than enough will donors for you if you want that," Zhavvi returned with a hint of a chuckle. She knew damn well that some males rather had sex than starting a whole family. The slender girl then sat before Kivi. "So Kivi, daughter of Allayi," she spoke. "Do you want to train me in fighting?"

RE: Water Makes Fire - Kivi - May 02, 2015

Kivi gave smiled when Zhavvi said how there are plenty donors. "There may be less than you know" Kivi said with a shrug of her shoulders. Not many men were interested in Kivi, but honestly it did not bother the wolfess. It just meant that the few that were into her, were like the good sweet apples at the top of the tree and not the rotten ones on the ground.

When Zhavvi asked about wanting to train her, Kivi gave a huff. "Well if I didn't want to train you, then I wouldn't have offered" the pointed out. Kivi realised that she couldn't train Zhavvi in the meadow as it was to open and exposed. "We will need to find somewhere more hidden, so no one can spot us training" the female said and looked to see Zhavvi's response. Kivi would need to do a bit of exploring inorder to find a location suitable for theirs needs, unless the younger wolfess already knew of a safe area.

RE: Water Makes Fire - Zaria - May 03, 2015

You could totally could because teaching can also be a warrior thread for you! Just so you know! :D

Zhavvi wasn't really interested in having kids so she didn't know how many males would be willing to even father children to a female that wanted to raise them alone. Zhavvi's interest really was only on wanting to learn how to fight and be really good at it. She would be a warrior princess, she would slay everyone around her like an assassin. That was the vision Zhavvi liked to have in mind. Oh yes. She nodded politely when Kivi told her she would be training her.

"I appreciate it," she returned. "I agree on that. There are woods, south to these plains. Maybe that is something worth checking out." Zhavvi was eager to learn and it was clearly shown. Her green eyes lit up with the idea of having a fight, or at least learning how to do it. A grin appeared on her face. "Do you want to explore it together?"

RE: Water Makes Fire - Kivi - May 03, 2015

Yup! Lol I think it's going to be so much fun with Kivi teaching Zhavvi

Kivi listened as the younger female spoke of possibly training in the woods south of here. Unfortunately Rakharo had been there when he found Kivi so he knew of that location making it an unsafe area to train. Kivi turned to face the mountain that connected to the dark woods. "Your father found me in those woods, so it would be unsafe there. However maybe we could travel to the top of the mountain, and see if there are an other areas were we go train?" It was when Zhavvi said about exploring together did Kivi have to think for a moment.

It was clear the younger wolfess was exited to finally get to train, but with everyone watching and protecting her it would be difficult to get her away from everyone. "I would enjoying exploring with you, but it might be difficult getting you away from everyone." Kivi still needed to figure out a way to get Zhavvi away for training, if Zhavvi was gone any longer than the training session, others might become suspicious of what they are up to.

RE: Water Makes Fire - Zaria - May 04, 2015

Most definitely! I was thinking that 'The northstar Vale' could be their training spot for when they live in Hoshor Fields? :D

Zhavvi's face was obvious in showing dislike for the fact that Kivi had been found here by her father. That was a bit of a setback. Zhavvi was convinced they would find another good place to spar and learn how to fight. "How do you wish for me to call you Kivi?," she then asked. She would be her trainer and mentor. She might want to be called differently when they were together in private. There was the hint of respect Zhavvi learned but not gave often. Kivi gotten a bit of her respect for going against her father. After seeing her fight she might give her the full respect.

Zhavvi let out a soft sigh. "I understand. I will get back to our Khalas then so you have all the freedom to explore," Zhavvi returned and then looked over her shoulder to the way back. Kivi was right she should head back soon before her guard and any other slaves were going to look for her. Or worse even her father would join the search party.

RE: Water Makes Fire - Kivi - May 04, 2015

Sure, that location seems like a good place to train. I'll start us a thread at Northstar, and predate it when the Khalas are at Horsher Feilds if you want? Last post from me!

Kivi could tell that the younger wolfess was upset that they couldn't train in the forest. It woukd be a bit disappointing not being able to train close to the meadow, but it was safer to be far away. When Zhavvi asked what Kivi wanted to be called, she thought for a moment before answer the girl. "Just call me Kivi and in return I get to call you Zhavvi and not princess." Kivi couldn't really see herself being called anything but her name, so she wouldn't argue if Zhavvi refused to not be called a princess. 

It was also very clear that Zhavvi was not exactly enthusiastic about going back to her slaves, and father. "Your father said about searching for a home, when we find this home, that is when I will begin to train you." Kivi would search for places nearby just incase finding this home took longer than expected. Feeling she made herself clear when they would train, and having nothing else to say, Kivi turned and started heading to hunt, or maybe go for a run.

RE: Water Makes Fire - Zaria - May 04, 2015

Sure thing! I am not sure when we officially going to move! In that thread we should already refer to them being in a pack right? I will archive this! I'd love another thread!

Zhavvi instantly nodded. She was used to being called 'Princess' and she really liked that name but it was also nice to be called by her real name for once, plus it would be in private so that was only better. So she instantly agreed with it. It was clear on her face and with the nod she did with her head. "Okay. I understand. Thank you, Kivi. I look forward to it. In the meanwhile I will try and train myself," she returned. She then turned around and trotted back the Khalas. She look way more smitten than when she left.