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Phantom Hollow belladonna whiskey - Printable Version

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belladonna whiskey - Jaguara - April 30, 2015

She wasn’t a healer per say, but botany was very much in Jaguara’s immediate interests. Though her adventuring was quite slow she needed to scope the land and find what exactly it held as far as materials went. Plants her mother had taught her in the swamp were nonexistent in these northern lands, and she would simply have to learn how to continue to practice her craft with what she’d been given. Somethings though, were just common wherever you went, and so she was very much relieved to pluck a mouthful of blackberry leaves from the mesh of the dark hollow.

She'd been skeptical at first, nearly deciding to jot straight clear of the ominous the hollow once she'd broken from the Heartwood, but it would seem her final decision held results. Still some plants remained a mystery to her, and others she wouldn't touch with ten foot pole. What you worked with often had to do with what you practiced, so she imagined a dark mage would have a field day in the hollow. But Jag was far from radical. Inspired by the blackberry leaves she carried she imagined what good she could do with them--but of course, mostly good for herself. Renewed spring in her trot the young she-wolf began to retrace her steps through the dark cover of trees, hoping to make it back to the Moonspear in good time. 

RE: belladonna whiskey - Redwood - April 30, 2015

  He had taken himself upriver, and now his paws sunk into the muddy earth bellow. An amber gaze flickered this way and that, studying the surroundings with a bit of fascination. But still, it had reminded him of the dark woods were he was kept as prisoner. Than a slave. But luckily he had escaped with the help of the only kindhearted wolves he knew there. He was quick to go up to the lake, carve in his new wound on his body, and meet someone new. The new wound had made his body ache, but he didn't really mind. The boy had inflicted so much pain on his own body, he couldn't really feel pain anymore.

 His eyes gazed over to a pelt rippling from afar. As curious as he was, he went towards the shape, unafraid. The figure morphed into a wolf as he got closer. She seemed to be plucking berries off a bush. His paws were soundless as he crept up from behind. He stood behind the girl studying her movement. "Hey there miss."

RE: belladonna whiskey - Jaguara - April 30, 2015

Consumed by her own train of thought Jaguara was pliably surprised by his sudden presence, both bi-colored eyes sliding and landing square on the male. The moment it took her to place the leaves down at her feet was the time she used to study him. Young, couldn’t be more a year older than herself if they weren’t the same age, and very much roguish. The wounds spoke for themselves, abundant and alarming, but seeing as Jaguara had nothing to protect (doubting very much that he’d want the blackberry scraps) she held herself with common neutrality. 

“Hello.” She answered simply, her head tilting inquisitively, “Do you need help?” Predominantly assuming that he could use some type of assistance treating his wounds (they seemed to be going at a slow pace as far as healing went), and if not that there were other possibilities. He could have been lost, and easy thing to be when considering the settings, or looking for casual conversation, something she was not entirely oppose to as well.