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Bearclaw Valley Happy thoughts - Printable Version

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Happy thoughts - Scarlett - May 01, 2015

@Faith :D

Scarlett trotted from the waterfall into the fields, following the lazy river. She had been feeling rather strange lately and she was certain it was because of her first litter growing in her belly. The white queen couldn't be more content and happier. Scarlett was rather clueless about how horrible pregnancies could be but now for the time being the red eyed female was ecstatic to be a mother. She then realized she never went to Bearpaw Island, a small piece of land in their lazy shallow river.

The pale female then trotted through the water onto the island. Kove had told her about the new female that joined their pack. Scarlett had yet to meet her. Plus she wasn't sure if Kove had told her about Arthur. Scarlett checked out the island before exiting through the other side. She moved through the fields where they had the fun game of playing with the deer heart. It was a great game Kove invented. Scarlett sighed happily her mate was such an amazing wolf.

RE: Happy thoughts - Faith - May 05, 2015

sorry for my late and crap post. i haven't roleplayed wolves in a while. >.< 

Faith had been lounging in the fields as she observed the galloping deer herd grazing on the grass, as well as the birds soaring high in the azure sky and the way the foliage flowed in the light breeze. It was a tranquil scene which is what made the pale furred fae enjoy spending her free time there, especially when she was able to witness the beautiful scene where the sun begins it's trek into the sky, or when it sunk into it's deep slumber and was instead replaced by the moon and stars.

Ears twitching, Faith was soon aware of the presence of another creature, though it didn't appear to give off any sort of hostile aura, from what she could tell. Her head twisted around, an almost relieved feeling spread across her chest once she realised that it was only the Alpha, Scarlett. Faith actually had yet to encounter the higher ranked fae, though Kove had told her that she was sure to befriend her easily. Dipping her head in greeting and respect to the red eyed female, Faith arose from her lying position on the grassy ground. 

RE: Happy thoughts - Scarlett - May 06, 2015

It was far from crappy!

Scarlett realized the other female had noticed her and approached her in a friendly matter. Scarlett wasn't really a typical dominant alpha, she saw herself more as the mother of the pack. She didn't want too much violence or domination but just like a mother she could be strict and make her point clear. The red eyed female barked an hello with a friendly wag of her tail. "Hello Faith? Faith was it, right? Kove told me about you," she greeted her happily.

"It is so nice to meet you! Welcome to our home by the way, may it be your home soon too," she smiled and then plopped down. Her fur was still wet from her trip through the shallow river. She was getting tired more easily. "Pfff. I'm tired already," he chuckled. Scarlett was glad that she was sitting down.

RE: Happy thoughts - Faith - May 10, 2015

aith was rather surprised by the Alpha's cordialness, not excepting her superior to act in such a way. The fae was not used to such behaviour from such a high positioned wolf, thus didn't really know how to react. "Ah, yes. That's me." She offered a small smile to the red eyed beauty, especially since the female was being so incredibly welcoming to her. 

"Thank you." Faith too hoped that she would adjust well to her new home, after all she had been travelling on her own for many moons after her departure from Blackfeather Woods. The dark place had really not been a suitable home for the she-wolf, though she found comfort in having seen her old packmate, Kove, there. They hadn't really interacted much in the short duration in which she stayed there, but hopefully they would be able to do more so now that she was staying in his very own pack.

Faith perched down beside Scarlett, letting a small chuckle escape from her maw at the other female's remark. The pale furred fae herself was not too tired, though was feeling rather lethargic that day, which was odd since Faith could be a very high-spirited lupine. 

RE: Happy thoughts - Scarlett - May 12, 2015

Scarlett smiled when the other female have a smile to her. Smiling was so easy. Scarlett did it often knowing it would relax wolves a bit. Her tail was still waving behind her with eagerness. She liked to know more about this female. "So you have been a acquaintance of Kove. How did you two meet?," she asked curiously. The light colored female tipped her head a bit making her probably look even more adorable. The pale female hummed softly. She was not a typical alpha at all, as shown.

Scarlett's mind wondered for a moment to Raziel and then to her babies, and from her babies to Kove. her handsome mate. Scarlett wanted to lay down but she didn't trust the female that well yet. "I'm having pups," she returned, she couldn't help but share that piece of information. She liked to talk about babies, and youngsters. They were her thing. She was caretaker in the first place and the other two in 2nd place. For her young wolves were the ones she liked to mentor and help out.

RE: Happy thoughts - Faith - May 12, 2015

on mobile so sorry for any mistakes >.<

Ah, that question. Faith had been sure that Scarlett would inquire about it, though it didn't particularly bother her. "Ah well I was formerly in the same pack as him, the Moonlit Cave Pack." Faith hadn't actually been born into the pack, but rather stumbled upon it as a young pup. Thus she never knew her family, and just couldn't remember many details about them. But she found it alright as the Moonlit Cave Pack had been an equally welcoming and lovely family to her. "I didn't really talk to him much then, especially since he left so abruptly one day. But we were still good acquaintances." The female had stayed in the pack for over half of her life and had many friends there, including a wolf she could remember so well. Just as they became closer friends, she had decided to leave the pack and travel alone for a while, something which would help clear her mind and thoughts.

"I left there to travel for a while and then came across another pack; Blackfeather Woods." Her duration there had been much shorter than that in her original pack. The dark nature of the woods really didn't suit the she wolf, and so after a brief stay there she left once again. "I met Kove briefly there, but this time I left earlier than he did." In fact, Faith even knew that Kove had left the pack and started his own until she stumbled across the serene valley and wanted to finally settle down somewhere.

Well that was that for her answer. Faith wasn't sure how Scarlett would respond to pretty much her entire life history. She didn't dare to ask the Alpha the same question back, as that was a rather intrusive thing to do and she didn't want to poke and prod at her private, personal life. It was quite ironic how those thoughts crossed her mind when Scarlett announced her pregnancy, and was quite astonished at how she'd share such information to a new comer, a stranger.

The father was obviously Kove, there was no doubt about that. The pale furred lupine was happy for Scarlett. The pups were sure to be a lovely addition to the pack, and she couldn't wait for them to be born and soon running around camp, causing mischief as all pups do when they're young. "Congratulations!"  Faith couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy, having always wanted some pups to call her own. 

RE: Happy thoughts - Scarlett - May 13, 2015

Don't worry!

Scarlett was happy to listen to the girl's story. She'd like to know more about their new member after all. She was surprised to hear that they were both in the same pack. She wouldn't put Faith in Black Feather Woods, but that might also be the reason why she left. It was interesting to think that the pale girl might have a history there. But as she added then it was that she didn't stay long. "Interesting. Black Feather is indeed dark but the alpha female is one of my best friends, and Kove is also a Dark Brother."

She was glad that the female didn't have too rough of a past like Néa or some other wolves she met. Scarlett did have a rough path but she liked to think that she wasn't too severely damaged by her past. Then the "Thank you. I have been wanting to be a mother since forever," she beamed. And now she was finally becoming a mother thanks to Kove.

"I didn't have a a nice past at all actually. So hopefully I will make a difference for my own pups," she spoke positively. She was really believing that she would be different than her own mother.

RE: Happy thoughts - Faith - May 14, 2015

Faith found that to be quite astonishing. Though she never met the alpha female personally, she wouldn't have put adorable and benevolent Scarlett in Blackfeather Woods either. She'd however always been aware of the fact that Kove was a Dark Brother. It was quite astounding as back in the Moonlit Cave the brute never seemed to be of such disposition. It didn't matter to her though, that part of her life was over now.

"I'm sure you'll be a great mother." she offered. The female was sure that Scarlett would be a wonderful mother with her maternal and caring nature, nurturing the pups to become great wolves. Kove would certainly be a great father to the pups as well, so they needn't worry. Faith was slightly more curious about her past, but daren't poke her nose in businesses that didn't concern her.

RE: Happy thoughts - Scarlett - May 14, 2015

Scarlett looked down for a moment feeling a bit flustered, not that she could blush or anything but compliments were still a weird thing for her to experience. While she got over the insecurity that she didn't look like a monster, but that she was actually quite beautiful, compliments were still surreal to her. "Oh thank you. You are too kind. I hope so. At least I will never be like my own mother," Scarlett returned and then let her ears fall back. Only with the thought of her mother she felt nauseous enough to vomit at times. Maybe it were the hormones.

She then smiled a bit sadly. "I didn't have a nice childhood, or even, the first two years of my life weren't that fun to be really honest. My family made me out for a monster with my pure white fur and red eyes. They said I was some sort of demon. Which is probably why I am so nice now, because I never wanted to give them any reason to think that." Secretly Scarlett had a lot of pend up anger about that, but she rarely let that surface. It only happened once or so that she let it all out and it didn't work to her own befit at that time. "Anyways. My pups will never feel anything but loved."

RE: Happy thoughts - Faith - May 17, 2015

Faith noticed the sudden change of mood in Scarlett, feeling a bit concerned for the Alpha. If talking about her mother brought such a feeling to the wolf then perhaps it would be best for her not to speak about it. The female didn't want to trigger such unpleasant memories for her, especially if she did have such a horrid past.
Too late. Scarlett began to speak more about her past, which Faith listened to attentively. She didn't utter a word as the Alpha told the tale of her childhood. An incredibly tragic story at that. "That's terrible..." she murmured. She was thankful that her family never thought of her in such a way, both her biological family from what she could remember and the Moonlit Cave Pack. The lupine was slightly worried about any pent up emotions that Scarlett harboured, but she was sure that even if she did, Kove would be able to assist in any way. He was good at those kind of situations. 
Scarlett's last few words brought a small smile to the fae's face. "I'm sure of that. They'll be wonderful." Faith hadn't even noticed how long they'd been conversing for until the peered up and the sun had begun to sink into the horizon. "We should probably get back to camp..." she thought aloud. Well at least she would now. Faith was beginning to feel drowsy, and wanted to rest after the long conversation. The female stood up and gave another small bow of her head to the Alpha. "It was nice meeting you, Scarlett." And with that, Faith began trekking back to camp.

last post from me.

RE: Happy thoughts - Scarlett - May 17, 2015

Thank you! I will archive!

Scarlett didn't mind to talk about her past. But it did harvest some unpleasant memories. The red eyed girl shrugged briefly. "Well, it happened. It made me stronger," she returned. As an alpha she didn't want to appear weak. She was strong and survived many things that were thrown at her. Even a manic female of a wolf at Duskfire. She shivered a bit, hoping that she would never see that female again.

"You are right, let us return," she agreed. Scarlett walked with the other pale female, more comfortable in her presence. "Likewise Faith, see you around," she hummed and then went her own path back to the alpha den.