Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain None Shall Pass - Printable Version

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None Shall Pass - Nishu Inte - May 01, 2015

While the meeting between Rain and the Alpha continued Nishu decided to guard the area to keep any wolves away. It would be wrong to say he wasn't sent away and made his own choice. The situation forced him to move and to leave Rain on her own. Although she wasn't far he was still a bit worried about her. He wanted to know what was going on but that wasn't what his goal was. He must protect Rain but also have faith in her. He'll make sure no one comes through until Rain has finished discussing with the Alpha.

Nishu started the first lap on the circle surround the meeting. This was starting at the half circle that was a bit into the pack territory. he would have to be on his highest guard and make sure to halt anyone who approaches even if they are pack members of this territory. So he walked steadily while being on high alert. He knew it was wiser to not start any fights and first try to explain why he is here. But if he is forced to, he will act and hold the line. He couldn't allow Rain to be outnumberedwhile she was on her own.

RE: None Shall Pass - Ryuu - May 01, 2015

There was a wolf walking through the territory. Ryuu stared dumbfounded at the dark grey male who passed feet away from her. She knew she should confront the male. That was paw law. But she didn't want to. What if he was hostile? What if he was looking for a fight? She wouldn't be able to fight him. She would only run away in fear. Ryuu watched him for a few moments. Maybe she needed to go get someone? But then what if he left before she came back? She could always call for someone, but what if there was no one near? Then the trespasser would know she was here. The best option would be to call for someone because either way she had to confront this stranger. 

Muzzle up Ryuu howled for anyone within hearing range. Then eyes darting around, she searched for a place to hide. There! To the left was a bush. Ryuu hunkered down beneath it, her gaze landing back on the trespasser. What will he do? Maybe he will run? She held in a breath. Hopefully someone would come.

RE: None Shall Pass - Chaska - May 01, 2015

hope you don't mind me dropping in

Chaska was on patrol when he heard a howl come from nearby. And if he understood correctly, it was a howl for aid. He rushed over to the source of the howl, but once he arrived, he didn't see anyone belonging to his pack. Instead, he saw a light grey wolf strolling about, and this wolf did not belong. But what he found odd was that it looked as if he was patrolling something himself. He cautiously approached until he was just a few paces from the trespasser, grunting to get the wolf's attention.

"What business do you have in our territory?" he asked, curious as to why this wolf would be across the border. He readied his stance, just in case it tried anything that would threaten him. Hopefully, the wolf who had issued the call earlier was nearby.

RE: None Shall Pass - Nishu Inte - May 02, 2015

Stay alert, search for threats, stay alert, search for threats. His eyes scanned the surrounding but somehow his eyes didn't catch the female until after she howled. How come he didn't see her? He just didn't understand how that was possible. But after watching her hide in panic he understood why. She just wasn't a threat. Due to her little act Nishu wasn't going to be able to patrol around anymore. It looked like he was going to have to hold here and stop those who try to get pass him. He stood there just watching the bush that wolf was hiding behind of. What should he do with this one? The best would be to just leave her alone.

Shortly after another wolf showed up. Another pack member but this time it was a male which didn't seem to be a coward compared to the female. Now there was a possible threat here which meant it was time to hold his position and keep these wolves here.

"I am simply guarding the meeting that is taking place with your Alpha." He said as he looked straight into the male's eyes. Nishu kept his head high but made sure to show no signs of hostility. "As long as you can respect the privacy of the meeting you'll have no problems from me. Please understand I'm not here to cause problems but if you wish to keep an eye on me then you may. I'll just ask that you do not pass this point until the meeting is finished." He said loud and clear. Then he sat down to show that he didn't count on a fight. He hoped that these wolves wouldn't try anything. Atleast until Rain and the Alpha was done.

RE: None Shall Pass - Chaska - May 02, 2015

The trespasser held his head high and gave his answer to Chaska's question. He frowned, being skeptical at first, but it did in a way explain why he could smell the alpha's scent not too far off. When the other wolf sat, so did he.

"I'll believe you, for now. But I will not be leaving. I'm going to be staying right here to keep my eye on you." He stared at the wolf, and then he remembered what brought him here. He had a quick look around to find the wolf who had howled, yet found no sign of them. Perhaps this wolf knew.

"Would you happen to know if there was another of my pack around here?" he asked, cocking his head a little to the side.

RE: None Shall Pass - Ryuu - May 07, 2015

At her pack mate's question, Ryuu removed herself from her hiding place. "He-Here," she stuttered quietly, looking from one wolf to another. She wondered if she should leave and let her pack mate handle this, but then that wouldn't be right. She wasn't much for backup, but at least they would outnumber the intruder. She felt a bit embarrassed that she didn't know the name of the wolf who answered her call. Though the only wolves in the pack she really knew was FitzDutiful, Bindi, and Raissa. Socilization did not come easy for her. She scuffed a paw on the ground, looking down.  

RE: None Shall Pass - Nishu Inte - May 07, 2015

"The one who alerted everyone? She is right over there." He said calmly looking at her direction. Why was she hiding? Nishu wasn't planning on attacking. All he needed to do was keep them away from the meeting until it was over. The simple fact that she was cowarding was bothering Nishu. He didn't want to be feared. "Look miss, I'm here to defend not attack. There is no need for you to hide."

Then he looked back to the other wolf and remained in place. What was he really doing here? He wanted to protect Rain but ended up getting more attention then what was wanted. He couldn't think of things that could have happend. He was suppose to focus on his task. He sat there like a high standing statue. Every once in a while he would turn to look at the hiding wolf. He wanted her to come out and face him.

RE: None Shall Pass - Chaska - May 08, 2015

[size=x-small]Chaska turned his head to the small voice behind him to find the silver-cream wolfess he had seen only once. He did not know her name, and was sure that it was the same case with her and his own name.[/size]

[size=x-small]He eyed her curiously. Why had she been hiding? Sure, the wolf seemed intimidating, but why did hide. She must have known that when she called out for help, he would have heard, and it seemed he did, for he knew where she had hid. Though now it did not matter. He was grateful to have backup now. Having another of his pack by his side made him feel safer, and his muscles relaxed slightly, but he still remained vigilant.[/size]
[size=x-small]"What is this meeting for?" he asked the grey wolf, still wanting some answers on the alpha's whereabouts. Hopefully he was in no trouble, or he would make this wolf pay.[/size]

RE: None Shall Pass - Ryuu - May 12, 2015

Ryuu didn't like that this wolf thought he could be on pack lands just because he was guarding a meeting. It didn't seem right, but she held her tongue. Her pack mate questioned the intruder asking what the meeting was for. She was also curious to know despite the fact that she thought her pack mate should run him off. Icy eyes watch with sparks of curiosity. Why was there a meeting going on between her alpha and a stranger? It didn't really make since unless another pack was asking for help. But then again why would another pack seek help? Didn't packs usually take care of things within their own boarders? Unless they were desperate maybe?  

RE: None Shall Pass - Nishu Inte - May 12, 2015

Guess it would be best to explain the situation. That would atleast keep them from going to go figure it out on their own. "I believe the goal was to see what kind of pack this was as well as seeking a teacher who could teach my master to be a healer." He stated firmly. It was all he could think of at the moment, he was more focused on keeping an eye on the two wolves before him.

"I assure you we have no hostile intentions." He added. In fact he was trying to keep things peaceful he didn't want to endanger Rain while she was on her own. It was his job to keep threats away no matter how little they were. He would always stand between them no matter the odds he is up against. Still it would bother him to see cowards. He never understood how that trait even continues to exist. Maybe bravery was something that was learnt.

RE: None Shall Pass - Chaska - May 14, 2015

Chaska thought over the answer given. A part of him didn't believe it, but the other part trusted the outsider. In the end, he sided with side that trusted. 
"Very well. I do not have hostile intentions, either. I'd rather talk my way out of fighting." He managed a smile, hoping to get on the outsider's good side and avoid a fight. But he would remain on guard, and wait here for the meeting to finish.

RE: None Shall Pass - Ryuu - May 20, 2015

Ryuu stuck behind her pack-mate, eyeing the intruder with curiosity and fear. She wasn't sure if she believed that he had no hostile intentions. He was an outsider, but there was nothing she could do about it. She was too nervous to speak up, and not brave enough to fight. Though she wanted to ask him what a 'master' was to him. To her, it had a terrifying meaning behind it. Master was the word the two-legs had described themselves as. Though she has not been in the Teekon Wild's for long, she has never spotted a two-leg in the area so he couldn't be talking about one of those horrifying creatures. 

She wishes that the grey male would just leave, it was an insult even allowing him on the territory. How could FitzDutiful allow this? Even if there was a meeting going on, wouldn't he just have his own pack guard it? There were no healers in this pack either, so he should just send away the one he is speaking with. Though telling them that they had no healer was a bad idea, or even giving hint to that.

RE: None Shall Pass - Nishu Inte - May 22, 2015

After analyzing each wolf he encountered he figured that this pack wasn't exactly a warrior pack as he first thought. That female wouldn't be here if it was the case. So then what kind of pack was this? He started thinking to himself. Perhaps they were more like a family pack. Defensive but likely welcoming as long as it was a loner. Which could explain the cowardly type being here. And to support the idea of family the male said he'd perfer talking things out than fighting. Nishu thought talking needed to be backed with fighting, or else it was best to keep that mouth shut.

"Fighting is necessary to give your words a stronger meaning. If you can not show the strength of will then words become meaningless. I believe fighting is just as important as trading words." Just seeing how the female was hiding behind the male made Nishu add a little more. "A special connection can strengthen both wills, wouldn't you two agree." He said as he eyed them both. Nishu did believe connections made one stronger. Made him think of the connection he has with Rain. She was special, he had to make sure she was happy and protected, Simply because she deserved it. Nothing would keep him from doing his best for her.

RE: None Shall Pass - Chaska - May 23, 2015

At the silver wolf's words, Chaska growled disagreeably. He believed that fighting only led to more fighting, and talking stopped fighting altogether. He knew that personally, though sometimes, you were forced to fight. So instead, he would not argue, but still stated what he believed. 

"Fighting is not always the way. But each to his own." He wondered if his pack mate believed the same as him, or was more of a fighter. Then again, it was quite obvious in her behavior that she may have been neither a fighter or a talker. He still trusted her to back him up, but would she be able to? Casting a sideways glance towards her, he decided that she would get help if they were forced into a fight. Even if it meant he had to take on this outsider alone, which would not go well for Chaska. He could tell that this wolf was powerful, and he would stand little chance against it.

The question asked after, he could agree on. The stronger a connection, the more trust you can put into others. And trust was an important part in packs. He nodded, finally finding something that they both agreed on.

RE: None Shall Pass - Ryuu - June 12, 2015

Her pack mate glanced at her, Ryuu moved to stand closer to him. She didn't have anything to say to either one of the wolves. Though she feels that she should confront the one on her territory. What made it okay for him to have crossed their boarders? The question of FitzDutiful allowing this went through her mind again. It just didn't seem acceptable. Should she go and seek out the alpha? She scuffed a paw against the ground, but her head lifted as a familiar howl reached her ears. She recognized the howl, but she wasn't sure from where. Were they calling for this stranger? It would make sense, that howl did not strike her as one from the pack.

RE: None Shall Pass - Nishu Inte - June 14, 2015

His ears twitched at the sound that was calling him. The meeting was over so it was time for him to return to Rain. He kinda wondered what they talked about, maybe he'll find out later. He looked at the two wolves, the male didn't seem to agree much about fighting. He must be unexperienced. Nishu had already been in a battle for his life. There was no way that words would have solved anything, there wasn't even time to say anything. He could still remember it well. The pack he was part of ambushed him the moment he met Rain. Ankyra Sound, he'll never forget them.

"I believe the meeting is over." But before going he wanted to say one thing. "Sometimes fighting is the only way. I've been attacked before and there was no way to avoid it. Atleast here I don't have to fight to protect my master. But if you avoid fighting you'll never improve enough for when it really counts. Maybe one day we could spar to see what you are really ready for. Anyway I'll be going now."

He bowed with just his head then started walking off to Rain's position. This pack wasn't dangerous to his eyes, they did seem like wolves who wish to live peacefully. The Sound on the other paw were quite dangerous. He wondered what they were up to this moment. Although it's been a long time since he heard anything about them he was very prepared to fight against them again.

RE: None Shall Pass - Chaska - June 14, 2015

Chaska felt relief when the wolf announced that the meeting was over. That meant that he would finally leave. But he didn't without saying one last thing. And once again, he disagreed, but he also agreed. If an argument could not be settled with words, then you must use teeth and claws.

"In some cases, you are right. Where words fail, teeth and claws work best." Chaska was intrigued by the wolf's suggestion. "Perhaps we shall, if we ever meet again. Maybe we can teach each other a few things. You teach me a few things about fighting, and I teach you a bit on talking your way out. Both skills are useful. Until next time" he finished as the wolf began to walk away. He then turned to his pack mate. 

"Let's get going. But slowly, to make sure Fitz comes back." The grey wolf slowly turned away from the border, glancing back from the corner of his eye.

RE: None Shall Pass - Ryuu - June 18, 2015

Ryuu nodded as her pack mate said for them to get going. With one last glance in the direction that the stranger was headed, she turned and walked away. Who's howl was that? Why did she recognize it? Ryuu would have loved to have gone and investigated, but as usual she did not have the courage to go looking. It will be hard to fit into a pack again. A bit of courage was needed to fight off intruders. If her pack mate had not shown up, it would have been up to her to confront the stranger by herself.