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Ouroboros Spine Pebble chatter. - Printable Version

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Pebble chatter. - Loreley - May 02, 2015

Loreley wandered aimlessly and her gaze fixed...on her paws. She was completely obvious to her lack of observation of her surroundings and the consequences it might have if she was not careful.  She chewed on a stick that was poking out of one side of her jaw. With the hunger that had slowly built up in her stomach she had unconsciously picked it up hoping it would help. It was not. Loreley wasn't a very good hunter, she could barely catch a small rodent. Fish were easier. She had no idea how she had lasted before she had join a pack.

She hummed a she came to a stop, eyes still at the ground. Little did she know she had stopped within inches of hitting her head on a tree.

Loreley's thoughts swept over the faces of those of her pack mates. She hadn't make any good friends yet and was feeling glum about it. 'I bet its because trees run into me. No one wants a friend who the trees hate.' She spoke to a pebble at her toes. 'It's not my fault the leafy gits don't like me. I didn't do anything to them... I don't think I did. Oh no what if i have?!' Loreley was often troubled with her lack of memory and she was sure this would be another good thing to add to the list of 'things to try and remember.' 

She winched in frustration as she spat the stick from her mouth to replace it with the pebble.

RE: Pebble chatter. - Tonravik - May 03, 2015

The large leader moved throughout her territory, once again looking to get to know the place all the better. By now, the woman was short some wolves. Whoever had chosen to go was deemed insignificant by the leader, who was pleased by their leaving. Tonravik only cared for those who had decided to stay; and it was one of those very wolves the dark leader sought now. 

She remembered the meek wolf that had come and rallied with them, and looked now for her figure by following her nose. It was not long before she heard a voice, and her direction remained the same. It was not long at all before the woman was in her sights, and when Tonravik approached the other was alone. Her eyes panned to their surroundings, and she sniffed... but no one else was nearby but them. Perhaps it had been she who was hearing things. She slowly approached, making it no secret that she was coming to see the other.

RE: Pebble chatter. - Loreley - May 04, 2015

Loreley flinched at the sound of someone approaching. Looking up quickly she came face to face with the tree she had almost walked into. It startled her and she leaped back a few feet with a surprised yelp.

Loreley relaxed her body when she caught sight of who had approached. She spoke, her words muffled by the pebble still in her jaws, "Ton-vik!" She smile around the stone. She skipped over to the other placing the pebble at the wolfs feel like a prize she was happy to give. She sat before the larger wolf and giggled with joy. Her earlier hunger and glumness forgotten for now.

She took in the Tonravik's face, head turning at odd angles like a bird. "You are very beautiful!" she declared with glee.  

RE: Pebble chatter. - Tonravik - May 05, 2015

Tonravik watched as the other reacted to her approach, and her own thick plume waved, slapping her sides. The woman, as of late, was easily excited and riled up. Tensions had been high, but with the disloyal weeded out, Tonravik had become 1% more pleasant than she had been days ago. Her legacy would not begin with loiterers... and they were gone. The ex-leader had done her work for her, and while that did not minimize her disdain and disgust toward the lot of them, she was thankful for it.

She watched as the other came toward her, depositing a pebble at her paws. It was unimpressive, with little to set it apart from any other rubble in this place. She eyed it skeptically, and lapped absently at it to rid it of the saliva Loreley had placed on it, replacing it with her own. Tonravik did not really appreciate trinkets such as this, not understanding the use except for its place in the world. A pebble was a pebble. It was a piece of the Spine, her Spine. For that, it was worth something, and she nosed it, watching it roll toward a collection of other pebbles.

She felt the others eyes and watched her in her peripherals, but it was not long before the other spoke again. Tonravik only knew of the word "beautiful" when it applied to battle and victory; but in others, and in places, she could not see how others somehow could. She shifted to nose Loreley's shoulder, an invitation of sorts for the other to follow. The bear of a woman had work to do, and more caches to find and store things in.

RE: Pebble chatter. - Loreley - May 05, 2015

Loreley was pleased that the other had shown some interest in the pebble. Most dismissed her gifts completely. Sure she didn't think like most folk but she hopped some would see the world like her eyes did. Loreley could find beauty in everything, she often studied every detail of things that caught her eye. Simple things like leaves and stones, no two ever the same.

Loreley sniffed softly back at the larger wolf, tail wagging. She was happy, most didn't like her at such a closeness. Often she forgot that other wolves liked personal space, so she had stopped touching others after a few angry snaps at her throat.

She was glad she had chosen such a strong leader even though Tonravik's presence sometimes made her uneasy. Loreley felt unworthy compared to the others in the pack. They where strong and fierce. He eyes saddened at the though of being a burden. She had begun to doubt her place, she didn't want others to suffer because of her incompetence. She let out a sigh at the thought and dropped her head.  

RE: Pebble chatter. - Tonravik - May 05, 2015

Tonravik noted that the other hadn't made a move to follow her, and while normally she would have kept going, Loreley was a wolf she did not yet know too well, and was a wolf that she did want to know. Few had the "privilege" to earn Tonravik's curiosity, but Loreley had. The wolf had been here during Cara's rule, and had decided to stay. So the large, bear of a wolf turned, smelling the odd emotion. Tonravik lifted her lip, confused, but shook out her furs and stiffly trotted back toward Loreley. 

Sadness was something Tonravik did not comprehend. Given the fact she was not emotional, there was a lot she could not comprehend in others. If a wolf could carry their weight, they were not useless to the alpha, and so Tonravik let out a low chuff, inviting Loreley again along with her to get some work done. Tonravik had no qualms in showing Loreley what she expected. The pale one might be timid and think herself weak now, but Tonravik was here to strengthen the pack and its inhabitants. Loreley was a part of that, and Tonravik stonily looked to her, tail twitching idly at her hocks. Would she come? 

RE: Pebble chatter. - Loreley - May 28, 2015

Sorry I've been away! 

Loreley's features softened when Tonravik moved back towards her. Yes this was a good caring leader and she would do her best to be strong for the other. She stepped into pace by Tonravik's side at her beckoning, though keeping a little behind. 

She kept her awe struck eyes on Tonravik as they walked. Hardily blinking and keeping no attention to where she placed her paws causing trip and awkward hops for keep from falling; but never letting her eyes leave the other wolf. 

RE: Pebble chatter. - Tonravik - June 02, 2015

totally okay! PS your PM'ing is disabled so I couldn't PM you to remind you of the mandatory pack meeting! here :D Response is due the 6th! Welcome baaack

Loreley was not the first to be awed by Tonravik, and this would not be the first time she was oblivious to it. Tonravik heard the falls and the stumbles, and there were so many she stopped. She turns to Loreley, assessing her. She could see no injuries. Then again, she was no medic.

"Are you hurt," comes her monotone, moving to circle the other and sniff her out further. It did not sound like a limp, but what other reason would the other hop and fall the way she had? Her investigation was shortlived. There was no blood or old cuts to see, and her dark eyes lifted to the face of Loreley, searching.

RE: Pebble chatter. - Loreley - June 02, 2015

Oh sorry! that's funny I didn't change it.. oh well I think I've sorted it. :)

Confused at the question Loreley turned her head lopsided so her ears point out to the side. Her confused expression grew as Tonravik circled her.

Loreley switched her head to the opposite side, "I'm not hurt?" She sounded deeply concerned looking her alpha up an down. "Are you?" Maybe Tonravik was asking because she had felt something Loreley hadn't. Loreley gently sniffed at the other. 'Every thing is fine...' she thought. 

"Is something wrong?"

RE: Pebble chatter. - Tonravik - June 02, 2015


The other informed her she was not hurt. Tonravik shook her head to the question, an answer to both. The consistent falling... it reminded Tonravik of Echelon when she was overexcited. Perhaps that was the case. Her ears twitched and she shrugged it off, turning to be on the move on again. She listened for Loreley, moving along.

She wanted to guard the territory, and be sure that all knew better than to pass their markings. Tonravik began again, pawing and nosing both at the earth and marking whatever stone she felt she needed to. Whoever led this place once would soon be forgotten in their entirety. Whatever the Spine had been beneath the other wolf that had ruled this place was nothing to the leader, who would make it her own.