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Blackfoot Forest When the darkness falls. - Printable Version

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When the darkness falls. - Zaria - May 03, 2015

Zhavvi always wondered about these woods and why other wolves liked to live in it. The moment she set foot in the dark forest the young Dorthan felt uneasy. She liked the open fields where she had an over view of everything. Her small and slender body trotted through the woods, showing none of the thing she was feeling. This warrior princess wouldn't let others know her fear. This was also going to be one of the meeting spots with Kivi. The girl would learn Zhavvi how to fight, which the young girl wanted to learn so badly now.

A soft hum came from her throat as she chose to follow a random path. She was exploring after all. The slender girl had sunk out of camp to head out on her own. She was convinced that her father was once again clueless. Zhavvi had made several escapes last week. One where she met Kivi and the other was hunting with her uncle. And well doing more than hunting. She still didn't feel guilty at all for having that type of relationship with him.

RE: When the darkness falls. - Rakharo - May 03, 2015

Rakharo, against Zhavvi's thoughts, wasn't completely stupid.
He knew that Zhavvi, his own daughter was adventurous just as he had been in his youth, and he hadn't left her out of sight from the moment he set foot outside Rhaesh Dahaan. Well, mostly.
He was clueless about his daughter's affair with his own brother, and if he had known it maybe Lavakho would have been alive for so long. But that was a story for another time.

Zhavvi had escaped the Khalas' camp once again, but Rakharo was a tracker of the best sort, and it wasn't hard to follow her scent to the forest where he met Kivi for the first time. Blackfoot Forest was an incredible place. It covered the sky which was awkward, and the trees were soo thickly accumulated that it would be hard for a Rhoa to go through. A trap of some sort. And for as much as Rakharo admired it, he didn't feel comfortable in there.
He needed to get his daughter out quickly.

"Zhavvi!" the Khal howled lowly. He hadn't caught up with her yet but he knew he was close enough for low howl to be enough. "We're moving, Khalakki. I want you back right now." Rakharo had decided it was enough of the damn flowers, and he was moving his Khalas forward, the way they had walked since their departure. West.

RE: When the darkness falls. - Zaria - May 04, 2015

Zhavvi stiffened into place when she heard her father's howl. She was almost tempted to make a run for it but as much as she liked her own life she couldn't abandon her father. As much as he was annoying, she also loved him deeply and she know how's heart would break if she would leave. The slender girl, correction, the beautiful slender girl trotted from out of the shadows to her father in the most casual manner. "We are?," she asked with a curious expression. She was just starting to settle here. Her father should make up his mind.

The girl gave her father a respectful lick under her jaw. "Does that mean we are getting closer to the bison? What did the scouts say? Can I be a scout? I am exploring on my own anyways," Zhavvi spoke, once again firing all these questions. She was also going to surprise her father by secretly training to be a warrior. She would be the best assassin ever. She would show him how well she could take care of herself.

RE: When the darkness falls. - Rakharo - May 07, 2015

Rakharo awaited for his precious daughter to come to him when he called, and soon enough, the girl came out of the shadows, walking casually like she hadn't done anything wrong. She was the most manupuylative bitch Rakharo had ever known, but he was used to that attitude by now, and he loved his daughter, flaws and all, so he didn't even mention the fact that he had already told her to stay close in case the Khalas had to move.

"Slow down, Zhavvi. My brain might explode if you ask one more single question..." her father said and snorted aftwerards. A lame dad-joke she'd say. "The scouts haven't found anything close enough, Khalakki. We need to keep moving or we're going to lose our way." he explained, just before lick-kissing his daughter's forehead. "I know we're close, I feel it in my bones. The Dosh Khaleen said we would find a place, and I won't settle for this useless meadow." and then, he looked again into Zhavvi's green eyes.
"Scouts are very important for a Khalas. But they do risk a lot by splitting from the group..." he said, suggesting that maybe his daughter wasn't ready to be a scout. Rakharo had a big issue with his only daughter growing up. She was ambitious and adventurous, attributes that he would have probably encouraged in his children if they hadn't all died on the hands of his own father. The world was a cruel place, no one knew that better than Rakharo, and he didn't want to risk his shiny treasure or expose her to the dangers he so deeply feared.

Some would call him paranoid.
He called himself protective.

RE: When the darkness falls. - Zaria - May 14, 2015

Zhavvi quirked up her lips. "If you head explodes will I become Khaleesi?," she grinned. It was clear that Zhavvi wasn't really meaning that. She didn't want to get the throne in that way. She would defeat her father one day and then she would be the mighty Khaleesi. For now Zhavvi was still keen on being a follower and learn form her father but if her father was making her do things that she would dislike she might go in protest and fight him for it. Hopefully he would be surprised by her fighting skills. First she needed to train hard.

"You are worried that I can't handle myself alone," the girl spoke bitterly. "I love you, father. But you need to calm down. I am an adult now. You can't keep me as your pretty sidekick being useless. I want to contribute to the Khalas. I want to be a warrior," she returned proudly. And Rakharo was not going to keep her from doing that. Zhavvi was a rebel in that department and she wasn't going to let her father tell her what to do. Only sometimes. To make him believe he was still in control of her.

RE: When the darkness falls. - Rakharo - May 15, 2015

His daughter's joke had make Rakharo slightly concerned about Zhavvi's ambitions, but he had found it amusing anyway, he knew his daughter very well. Or at least he thought he did.

The golden Khal chuckled, his deep, warm voice rumbling as a smile lit up his stern face. That was a scene not many got to see. "And who told you that you were the next in line?" he joked back, "I would bet on Lavakho a hundred times before..."

Zhavvi's eagerness to become a warrior was starting to make Rakharo angry. Not because he didn't think his daughter could get one day to become a firce and amazing warrior, but because he was starting to feel that he would no longer be able to control her very soon, and frustration was starting to kick in. Why did she have to be so much alike him?

Rakharo growled in warning, he hadn't liked the way his daughter was talking to him. "And what makes you think that you can handle yourself alone? What makes you think you're so strong? Huh? You think that because you took Zoratto under your command you can do anything without asking ME for permission? Oh yeah... I know very well what you're doing Zhavvi, and I am not happy at all with it. You're still my daughter and MY subordinate, and you will take MY orders." he finished with a step forward and his tail rised to the air, reassuring his dominance. "Now get back to the group. We're moving now." he finished, and then turned around, disregarding completely what his daughter's response might be at all.

If you mind me assuming he knows about Zhavvi and Zoratto please let me know. I'm sure I can make this post work without that part :P

RE: When the darkness falls. - Zaria - May 16, 2015

Nah it fine! I think the sex with Lavakho and training with Kivi is worse enough as a secret xD

Zhavvi was not amused by that. Surely her uncle was more skilled than her but she wanted that crown one day. He would also have to better herself to become a fierce warrior and strategist like her uncle. Yet, the female was sure that she had her uncle in her grip. He was a puddle of goo if she would flirt with him. "He would be merely a good advisor," she returned to her father without any hesitation, not stating why she would think that. Such things need to be kept secret. If only her father would know, then he would never make Lavakho his successor.

Zhavvi flickered her tail as she held it high. "And I am taking your orders, Daddy," she spoke calmly, instantly obeying her father by going home towards the group. Only the sly little thing walked under her father's chin so her high carried tail would caress over his throat, like you could see a cat do. The tail brushing past her father's throat could be seen as a whole different sign. Especially when Zhavvi looked over her shoulder with almost an evil smirk. It had only been there for mere seconds but it had been there. Not that she would ever kill her dad. She did love him in her own weird ways but if misfortune would come upon him Zhavvi was the one that would wear the pants.

"Zoratto is a mere plaything. How can you disagree with that? He is also my bodyguard. Even though he is rather soft hearted and useless it is one more body between me and an attacker," she shrugged, having no mercy towards the young male that swore to protect her. Her father was almost like an engine if he started roaring he would never stop growling. "Daddy, just so you know, the more you growl to me the less intimidating it becomes," she spoke so sweetly it was sure to sting. Zhavvi had played the 'daddy's-good-girl'-part but she was sick of it. She was going to be herself, and her dad would know what Zhavvi wanted. She did act a lot like him, which was maybe because they sometimes clashed.

This bitch

RE: When the darkness falls. - Rakharo - May 16, 2015

The moment Zhavvi passed by him wih her tail rised was the moment Rakharo decided he'd had enough, and that his daughter had gone unscathed for too long. She was a spoiled little brat who needed a stronger hand to reprehend her behavior, and no one would be in better position than Rakharo to do so.

With a snarl, the golden father leaped forward to take Zhavvi down by her scruff, being delicate enough not to pierce her skin, but sharp enough to reassure his position and dominance. Even children needed to be reminded from time to time who's the one in charge, and the time for Zhavvi to know it had come. Rakharo pushed down with full strength, and when she was on the floor, the Khal let go off his grip to pose over her as the one true alpha. Maybe that would show her that when he said something he meant it, and even the Khalakki herself had to obey the alpha's orders and pay respect.

This is what Rakharo is doing... I'm not sure if I was clear enough :P

RE: When the darkness falls. - Zaria - May 17, 2015

Zhavvi didn't really expect her father to discipline her like he just did. She let out a yelp in shock when she was dragged down by her father and held in place under him. He was more than clear what he wanted to say. The green eyed female bared her teeth nevertheless for a brief moment to tell her father she didn't appreciate what he just did but then she deflated and then turned her head away ears flattening. She did submit to her father. She was certain he wouldn't hurt her if she would go on but she wasn't willing to try it.

She had to clench her jaw since she had to bit back so many comments. She was really starting to rebel against her father but still she wasn't ready for him just yet. She needed more training. Though the young male was fed up with listening to her overprotective dad. She was not going to tell him though. Zhavvi was certain the male was pretty knowledgable about her slight rebellion. Not all of it though. She wisely kept quiet and was planning on doing something else.

RE: When the darkness falls. - Rakharo - May 18, 2015

Last post from me! :D
This shit is getting HOT!

After Zhavvi's full submission, Rakharo moved his body away from on top of her, givine her space to get up and follow him back to the group. He didn't regret having done that, Zhavvi had earned that herself, but he would probably see his actions retaliated in the future as something evil brewed up in his daughter's perverted mind. He had no idea of what Zhavvi had gotten herself into, nor how treacherous she had been to him, and as long as he ignored it it would keep growing.

Rakharo left the scene with steady and proud moves, making clear even further that he was the one in charge and that his daughter wwould follow without question. He would find out about her affairs with Lavakho one day, and that would be the day his image of both Zhavvi and Lavakho would change completely.

It would be a sad day.

It would be a bloody day.

RE: When the darkness falls. - Zaria - May 18, 2015

I couldn't help it XD

Once her father got off her Zhavvi was quick to get back on her feet. Oh so her father thought he was the winner? Walking away so proudly. Zhavvi squinted her eyes. You shouldn't turn your back to little girls, daddy, she thought. Her green jobs flickered curiously and then she sped away in another direction of the forest. Even though this would probably get her into more trouble Zhavvi was keen on drawing her own path. She was too angry at her dad to obey him now. She would follow him later, or at the back of the Khalas.

Even though she promised she wouldn't leave, and that promises was tying her to the Khalas, she was close to ditching that promise. She disliked how much she was on a leash with her dad. She would need to get her focus on something else before her lively spirit would make her do something she would regret later on. She might needed to expand her skill set with being more than a warrior. A silent killer.