Wolf RPG
Sleepy Fox Hollow Heart Surrounded By Thorns - Printable Version

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Heart Surrounded By Thorns - Kivi - May 03, 2015

Kivi was adventuring everywhere now. Everyday she would see a new area, and would be reminded of how much she loves exploring. There was something about wandering around, and finding amazing areas that made traveling around worth it. Kivi had seen places others dreamed to see. She had met so many different wolves it was difficult to find someone entertaining.

Today Kivi was exploring a new part of the wilds she currently called home. A valley type place hidden between two mountains was where the female was currently admiring. She was glad to be away from that meadow full of flowers, as it was to much of a happy place. Kivi didn't like very cheerful places nor did she like the creepy and frightening areas. Instead the wolfess like the flat boring areas that reminded her of home. The way Kivi saw it was that if something looks boring, it just means no one has discovered the secrets hidden within.  

RE: Heart Surrounded By Thorns - Ryker - May 03, 2015

Ryker had been all over the place lately. He had spent some time up in the mountains, then down by the ocean, now he was in a valley between the two huge mountains. It was quite a gorgeous place. Quiet and peaceful. Something Ryker had missed. Perhaps here would allow him to have some alone time once again.  He had met a wide variety of people this past couple of weeks in the wilds.

He must have thought to soon because out of the corner of his eye. He spotted a small female wolf. She had mixed colored fur but she seemed like despite her small frame she could hold up her end of a fight. He decided one more wolf couldn't hurt. He trotted over to wear the female stood. "Hello," he greeted with a soft smile.

He decided best not take an overly sassy approach this time as he had with Kero. This wolf might actually attack him. That was something Ryker wanted to avoid if he could.

RE: Heart Surrounded By Thorns - Kivi - May 04, 2015

Something had moved in the corner of Kivi's eye, and the wolfess turned to face a male she did not know. He greeted her politely, and so she assumed he would not try and attack her. If he did it would be his mistake, and Kivi wouldn't really mind fighting him, as it was just more practice. However the female's stomach didn't not agree with fighting today. A rumble came from Kivi's stomach and the wolfess yelled at her stomach in her head.

She had been hunting small game for the past few days after she took down that deer calf, but she wanted another large meal. "You hungry" she asked the stranger, but honestly didn't care. She could easily take down another deer calf by herself, but she figured she would be nice and asked if the male wanted to join her. The more wolves that joined her, the better chance at getting a successful meal, and that's all that mattered.

RE: Heart Surrounded By Thorns - Ryker - May 04, 2015

Ryker padded closer to the wolfess. He hadn't put much thought into feeding himself lately. The occasional rabbit here and there but nothing major. He was hungry, now that he though about it. "Yes actually I am. Got an idea?" he asked with a tilt to his head. He wasn't too good at hunting larger meals but it wouldn't hurt to get some practice.

"Just a warning, I've never hunted anything much bigger than a rabbit, I was never taught how to hunt larger game," he stated giving the pale coated wolfess fair warning. He'd always wanted to try something like deer but was never really given the opportunity. He shifted on his paws. He wondered what it could be this time. Probably disappointment. It couldn't be nervousness because he wasn't at all nervous around this wolf. Perhaps because of her size. Despite that he was sure she could fight. Still though.

RE: Heart Surrounded By Thorns - Kivi - May 04, 2015

It seemed the male was hungry and Kivi smiled at him. Whe he said that he hadn't hunted anything larger than a rabbit before the wolfess spjust shrugged her shoulders. "Well today is a great day to learn how to hunt larger prey." She wouldn't make fun of him, but she wondered how he was surviving by himself by just hunting small game.

Kivi lifted her head and tried to catch the scent of any possible prey. She looked at the stranger and smiled. "Today on the menu we have foxes or deer, take your pick." Personally Kivi would like to go for the deer, but as the male did say he had never hunted anything large she wondered if they should go for the foxes. However it was totally up to the male, as the wolfess would be satisfied with either.