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Bearclaw Valley If you knew me you'd run me through - Printable Version

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If you knew me you'd run me through - Adlartok - May 04, 2015

Artok traversed the borders, looking for something anything to do. He made sure that there were no holes in the walls, that there was still just one entrance. He liked this work, he preferred his own solitary existence. He knew he would need to get his head out of his ass soon enough, and converse. However, he really didn't feel like it to be honest, he was so sick and tired of being friendly, or fake friendly. It set his teeth on edge, honestly the only one he could stand to be friendly with was Miss @Scarlett and even that was a struggle some days lately. Especially when she would talk about Kove, he honestly wanted to rip apart the male and watch him bleed out. He didn't like him, there was just something he innately disttrusted about him. Perhaps he would always be that way.

Even the female that had been near his age, had left and not returned. He was angry that he had liked her. She was just like all the others, leaving without a word. He snorted and continued his patrol irritation in his eyes.

RE: If you knew me you'd run me through - Scarlett - May 04, 2015

Scarlett had her own quiet place if she needed one. Behind the waterfall there was a cave. One had to be very careful not to slip into the water with the slippery stones behind it, but Scarlett was used to the glacier to walk on so she was quite skilled in slippery grounds under her paws. The female emerged from her spot, just to check if everything was still okay in there and none had claimed it his or her own. The female was about two weeks pregnant now. She often would look at her belly if you could already see her bulging belly but there was only a hint of it in the right angle and if she had wet fur. She was a small female after all, soon she would be fat enough to not even run properly.

Scarlett casually walked past the high walls which made her feel so comfortable and safe. When she smelled a fresh scent of Adlartok her tail wagged. Maybe it was good she hadn't seen the male in a lone time, with her in heat it wouldn't have been un to be at the den. She trotted after the scent and soon saw the young male. "Ad!," she called out with a bark. She was glad to see the male and that he was still here. She licked him over his cheek because she could, she was totally his mother Scarlett had decided a long time ago. Her scent was different, that was for sure.

RE: If you knew me you'd run me through - Adlartok - May 13, 2015

Artok knew that miss Scarlett stayed near the waterfall, but where he didn't know. He could just smell her there. He would travel by on his patrols, just to check and listen make sure she didn't need any help. Then he would continue on his way. Lately becoming rather despondent and staying away. He didn't really want to talk to anyone. He had even started looking for his own place to den down, actually preferring the outside to a cave. Because frankly, he was tired of listening to the sweet nothings, his caretaker and her idiot made. Also her smell had permeated the cave, driving him near drunk on forbidden desire, so he had stayed away, far far away.

Artok stopped moving at her call, and stood still. He turned to face her and she waited. He didn't wag his tail or anything, just stood still and waited. She gave him a lick, he nudged her and that was that. She smelled like something different now and he supposed it was the smell of incoming motherhood. He had half a mind to stay something biting and cruel about her and Kove, but however his affection for her stayed his tongue. So he said nothing, just gave her a small smile. What's up Miss Scarlett?

RE: If you knew me you'd run me through - Scarlett - May 13, 2015

Scarlett smile fell a bit. Ad was getting more and more stoic in his expressions. Scarlett reminded herself that she had a message from Néa and that she was going to be a mother. Her red eyes looked over Ad and then she sat down. "Well, you are going to be a brother," she exclaimed happily. The fae looked so ecstatic. "Isn't it great, Ad!" Her tail moved even quicker over the ground. She hadn't seen him in a long time. "Did you find a den for yourself? I haven't seen you around," she admitted looking a bit more gloomy. Her hormones are all over the place now with the pups brewing in her belly.

Scarlett then let out a soft puff because she was starting to feel the effects of being pregnant. "Oh and I ran into Néa. She isn't doing to well, mentally," she spoke more softly. "But, she lives close by to the border and I had to tell her that she is sorry for leaving so abruptly. She wouldn't mind if you would visit her," she explained. She was curious to know about his reaction about it.

RE: If you knew me you'd run me through - Adlartok - May 17, 2015

Artok saw her smile falter, and he sighed feeling badly. He leaned forward and licked the side of her face. To let her know that he was, okay. That he still loved her, in his own way. Artok stared at her for a minute, fighting to understand what she meant. How was he going to be a brother, then he dawned on him and he smiled quickly, Awesome That was all he said, he didn't really know what else to say. He did however, think of all the things he could teach little demons, of Scarletts. He didn't even count Kove in that equation, because he didn't give a shit about that man. He shrugged and looked down, Been sleeping outside, I like it better. IT also kept some of the nightmares at bay, when he knew he could wake up and just run. I'm sorry Miss. Scarlett. You forget that even if I am young I am still a man, and your scent was not exactly the best thing for me to be around. He was a matter of fact about it, it was simple biology really.

Artok's face grew grim, Nea, huh. He looked around him then down. I didn't protect her like i promised. I'll visit her, even if it's just to get some answers. Thank you for letting me know. Miss. Scarlett. HE sighed and looked around again then back at her. You excited?

RE: If you knew me you'd run me through - Scarlett - May 17, 2015

@Adlartok Are we going to finish this?

Scarlett looked at Adlartok when he seemed happy for her. His excuse though was rather weak. It had been weeks since she had been in heat but he could imagine that the young male would feel awkward sleeping in the alpha den. Especially with Raziel being there injured. It would only remind him of himself when he was so injured. She could imagine he didn't want to be there. "I can imagine being in a den for months. I am not blaming you, Ad. I just missed you that is all."

Scarlett had been afraid that he left. Even though she was certain he never would there could be a possibility. "You are welcome. I like it that you are willing to visit here. Hopefully you can spark a good reaction from her," she smiled hopefully. "She isn't doing well at all." The red eyed female then looked at Adlartok. "Excited? About the babies? YES! Super. You know how I like to mommy things. Bet you will be a great big brother Ad!"

RE: If you knew me you'd run me through - Adlartok - June 09, 2015

[quote='Scarlett' pid='112760' dateline='1431886026']
Yes I'm sorry 

It wasn't just the heat, but that had been the first thing that drove him from her den. The other was he hated Kove, just hated him. Would rather he fell off a cliff, than was near him. He didn't like the way he talked, or acted or how sickening he was with Miss. Scarlett. Artok just had a serious issue with the male, and he wasn't even sure what it stemmed from. I missed you too. That was the closest he could get to telling the truth, he thrust ears forward. Unsure what else to say about the den, so he fell silent.

I will search her out and try. He dropped the subject then anxious to move on away from Nea. And the impossible craziness she made him feel. He chuckled quietly.I don't know about great there, Miss. Scarlett. Only a mother can love this ugly mug. He wasn't sure how he could make the babies like him, or even if he knew how to act around them. What if he was like his uncle and tried to kill them? That thought made him sick to his stomach.

RE: If you knew me you'd run me through - Scarlett - June 10, 2015

Scarlett beamed when the one year old admitted that he missed her. She was still clueless of his hatred towards Kove. If only Adlartok would know what would happen in the future. Not that they could see in the future. Scarlett's eyes widened a bit when Adlartok spoke of himself as ugly. "AD! No that is not true. You are such a fine young man. Don't think otherwise. You might have a limp but that only shows that you are a survivor and a very strong male. That only makes you 10 times more handsome than any other male," Scarlett spoke, fully believing her own words.

Her red eyes looked so genuine. "And I bet you will be the best big brother for them. You won't be an uncle. A big brother," she decided. She hoped the pups would like him too. They would need other wolves around for their socialization.

RE: If you knew me you'd run me through - Adlartok - June 24, 2015

He averted his eyes, and shifted uncomfortably. Scarlett would never know of how much he really hated her mate. How much he would love to rip some fur out of that jerks hide, and force feed it to him right down the throat. And as the furture came along, he would just prove how much more of a screw up Ad already knew he was. Artok chuckled and licked her chin, the only way he knew how to say thanks. You say so Miss. Scarlett

Artok gave her a crooked grin. I can handle that as long as they don't like follow me all around and stuff. But when I'm around I'll help where i can. That was all he said, all that was needed he felt. He tilted his head and tilted an ear forward. How many you think are in there?

RE: If you knew me you'd run me through - Scarlett - June 25, 2015

Scarlett was pretty oblivious to the hatred towards her mate if it wasn't Raziel who disliked Kove then Adlartok had another opinion to hate him. Luckily for Scarlett she was rather clueless about all of that. She wouldn't understand why they hated her mate since she was blinded by love. The girl smiled at Adlartok. "Yes I think so," she spoke with a hum on her lips.

Scarlett chuckled cutely. "Well of course they are going to follow you around as their big brother. They will love you," She grinned happily. Scarlett thought about how many there were in her belly. She thought there were around two, max three. "Not sure. Two to three? I don't think I can carry more than that." Which was true, the female was very bloated. She let out a sigh and then smiled at Adlartok. "I'm sorry Ad. I'm tired. I'm going to retreat." Scarlett then bid him goodbye. Feeling bad to leave him so sudden but these little monsters made her overcome with sleep at any given moment.