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Redtail Rise aquiver - Printable Version

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aquiver - Arion - May 06, 2015

Breaking into a sprint, he chased after the rabbit and finally caught it, breaking its neck easily with his jaws. Having decided that this morning's hunting was over, he deposited his catch to a nearby cache before finding the cave which he had made his den. Trotting into the cave, he made a beeline for one of the tunnels which eventually led to another cave/room, inside were altars he had made for his gods. By the altars for Zeus, Athena and Ares were prey to be sacrificed to the gods. Arion padded in, grasped a squirrel by its scruff and placed it on the war god's altar, thanking the god for his support in the fight he had with the female.

Then he took two rabbits and placed one each on Zeus and Athena's altar along with two fishes each, three was a sacred number in his religion after all. Each prey had a cut, for the blood to stain the altar, letting the gods know about the sacrifices. He would eat them later if they weren't rotten yet, if they were he would dispose of them. Arion believed it was alright for him to sacrifice some prey, after all, he did fill the caches each day for the pack before he even ate.

After eating a weasel for himself, the chocolate greek took a short nap and then left his den for the borders, ready to do some border patrol for the pack. Lifting a hind leg, he sprayed his scent before trotting forward once more.

RE: aquiver - Lacinia - May 07, 2015

There's been a time where Lacinia wondered if she was suppose to be doing something for the pack. Hunting, patroling, Those weren't task that really suited her. What made her hesitant was what the others would think of her if she remained on the lazy side where she does as she pleases. She thought about it. The way it worked seem like it was all trades. Do this and get that in return. Lacinia has always played by that game and that is how she intents to play in this pack. If she wants she could ask someone and then reward them.

She was laying there comfortably in the grass just at the border. The excuse she had in mind was that she was watching this point. She felt a little hungry and didn't really want to use her energy until something came up. So later Arion appeared, he must be patroling the borders.

Lacinia was laying down like a black crescent moon. She had spend some of her energy trying to keep her furs to look clean and smooth. She wondered if the male would notice her. Watching him with her fiery eyes she waited for a reaction from him. If he kept going she was definitely not going to be pleased and it would force her to get up to go after him. She had something she wanted him to do.

RE: aquiver - Arion - May 08, 2015

Arion was his own man, he was no other wolf's servant. Sure, he might currently be under the Alphaship of Saena and he might be serving her, but in his mind, he was serving the pack and it was only because he wanted to. If he did not want to do something, nothing would be able to force him to do it, not the great gods of Olympus or the demons from hell. Or maybe not, if Zeus wanted him to do something and was threatening him with a lightning bolt, then he would probably do what the god wanted him to do, in fact, if any of the gods threatened him, he would do whatever the hell they wanted. Simply because the results of refusing were terrible.

The chocolate greek paused in his steps, lifted a hind leg and sprayed his scent on the borders, effectively marking them as claimed land. Honey gaze scanned the terrain around him and alighted on a familiar form of Lacinia, or as she wanted him to call her, Aklaq. She lay there, as if she didn't have a care in the world. Her charcoal fur groomed to perfection, silky and smooth, she had spent time caring for her fur but did not seem to be doing anything for the pack.

Arion continued moving after he spotted her, though at a slower pace, his fiery gaze still focused firmly on her. "Aklaq," he said in his smooth baritone. "What are you doing?" She was doing absolutely nothing whatsoever, even he could answer that for her, but it was a polite gesture wasn't it?

RE: aquiver - Lacinia - May 08, 2015

She got the attention she wanted, allowing her to remain in place. But what he said wasn't what she wanted. He could have atleast say something about the way she looked. Taking care of herself made her feel clean and refresh but what made her feel even better about it would be other wolves reminding her how pretty she is. She was only disappointed but it wasn't enough to make her angry, so she didn't think about punishing him for that, not yet atleast.

Still she did need to say something about what she was doing. She thought for a moment. "Hello there mighty Arion. I'm feeling a bit hungry so I'm thinking where would be a likely place for me to find something to eat. I thought I'd save some energy this way since I didn't want to search randomly." She said softly. It was half true but her real goal was to have him hunt something for her. She wanted to know if her skills that she shown him had meaning so this would be a test to see where that went.

Lacinia watched him carefully. So what would it be? Would he want to hunt for her or would he leave her there so she would have to go get food on her own. As she stared at him she would blink slowly and smoothly, adding a little charm to her looks.

RE: aquiver - Arion - May 09, 2015

Arion was not currently in the mood to talk with her, sure, patrolling the borders were boring, but honestly he wasn't in the mood to converse with this weirdo lady. Her attitude was unlike many or perhaps even all the females he had met, and the chocolate greek was not sure if it was good or bad and truthfully he did not want to find out. He was currently in the mood to talk with someone more..normal, like Saena or Junior or even Reek, but obviously he had to receive an unwanted conversation with Lacinia.

It wasn't her fault, really, he supposed that she got him in this mood today, but with no one else to blame, he blamed it on her. In his head of course, gods know what would have happened if he yelled at her outright. Death and blood most probably, with the rage of Ares fueling his anger. He kept it locked in though, the years of keeping his emotions locked up finally coming to use.

When Lacinia or Aklaq spoke, the chocolate warrior paused in his steps, wanting to chastise her for calling him mighty but decided against it. Why waste his breath for something as meaningless as this? But Arion did speak when she spoke that she was feeling hungry and was thinking where would be a likely place for her to find something to eat. That apparently she wanted to save energy since she didn't want to search randomly.

The stallion scoffed and stopped abruptly in his steps, turning to her direction. His face was cold, brutal and with a harsh light to it, like a marble statue of Ares. And it did not help her case at all that she attempted to seduce him with her looks. "Look lady, I am not your servant and I will not find food for you just because you ask me to," he stared at her with icy eyes. "I'm pretty sure you know how to hunt and if you don't, I have no idea why Saena asked you to join in first place. Besides, you're saving enough energy just sitting there and doing absolutely nothing, Saena offered you a place, a home, the least you could do is serve it back."

The greek's tone was severe and harsh, with a rough edge to it but he grudgingly pointed his muzzle towards a cache. "There's a cache of food in there, warm carcasses that I recently caught." 

RE: aquiver - Lacinia - May 09, 2015

His response was much more disappointing then she imagined. He assumed that she was ordering him to get her something to eat but no where in her words meant that. What was he thinking? She admits to herself that she did want him to get food for her but that was something he was suppose to ask himself that. She's a little hungry so wouldn't he atleast think about offering something to her? It just show that this male was no gentleman and even worse he thought she commanded him to do it.

The whole thing made her angry. She was no longer comfortable where she was and no longer happy. She rose and directly faced him head on. She yelled in his face. "I said where would be a good place to hunt so I didn't have to waste effort searching! If I wasn't able to hunt I wouldn't be alive in the first place! Saena understood my abilities and so should you!" She looked at him dead in the eyes. She wanted him to be punished but knew fully well that she couldn't punish at this point.

She spoke her mind in a calmer tone. "You should be punished for believing I'd give nothing back. I will not take what you hunted. I'm stronger than that and if you continue acting this way I will not share my abilities with you, ever!, no matter what I am asked to do for you."

She continued to look at him angrily. She fully believes he was at fault and needed to be taught a lesson. She might not win in a fight but she will do her best to make him understand what he did wrong. Hopefully that will turn him into something to Lacinia's liking. Even if it takes a long period of time she will try since they are suppose to be packmates and she could not eliminate him.

RE: aquiver - Arion - May 11, 2015

Shouldn't Lacinia be 2 years old?

Arion wanted to smirk when she rose onto her paws and faced him, but resisted the urge and kept his harsh stoic mask securely on. It seems like Lacinia was not a wolf who could control her temper easily as his chastising had made her loose control of her lungs and yell in his face. Arion simply turned his head away, as if avoiding the saliva that was sure to fall upon him, silently mocking her. But he listened, tall brown ears pricked as she rebuked him. The dark female said she asked where would be a good place to hunt to she wouldn't waste her effort searching, that if she wasn't able to hunt she would not be alive in first place. Then Lacinia took it even further and said that Saena understood her abilities and so should he.

The greek turned towards her, his honey eyes mockingly warm. "Losing your temper so easily? Gods of Olympus. I thought you were better than that." That was true, he thought with all her show of pressure points, she could at least control her temper but no, no no no no no, apparently this girl could not. "What did you show Saena? Your pressure point techniques?" Arion wanted to add if she had his Alpha wrapped around her paw but decided not to, his words were biting enough already.

"I should be punished? I repeat, I am not your servant, your slave or your prisoner. I am equal and therefore you cannot punish me even if you wanted to. Your condescending attitude is unbelievable." The greek said, although his voice was now softer and gentler, slowly losing the icy feeling it once held. "Go and hunt then. Don't just lie down and wait for food to run to your paws. Show me what you can do, or are you the weak girl you proclaim yourself to be at our last meeting?" He taunted her, wishing for Aklaq to show what she could do, that she wasn't the arrogant ass she believed he was, to prove herself.

"I'm sorry for my attitude, I really am, but I find it hard to digest the fact that you seem to think of me as a servant."
The man returned her gaze, his eyes losing their ice. "Does it have to do with your past?"

RE: aquiver - Lacinia - May 12, 2015

Well it's 1.9 on year profile there isn't much difference :P but I can change it since it's been a while 

Arion only managed to make her frustration harder to deal with. She wouldn't have been able to hold that in it knowing she couldn't do anything about it. No plan came to mind that would lead him to be punished. Considering what she could do to him she was still in control of her temper. Yelling at him did make her feel much better that it allowed her to return to a more calming state.

After a deep breath she spoke in her usual tone. "You've asked for it, I find it unnecessary to control my temper towards you and I have no reason to tell you more of what I shared with the others." Lacinia was still angry with him so there was no way she would give him anything and that meant no information. "I may not be allowed to punish you but I am able to reward you as I see fit. Right now you are undeserving to me, I don't even want you as a servant." There was no way she would want him to even come close. She would never consider him as an equal. His skills and talents gives him a place but that place isn't the same as Lacinia's. A pack can only work if it uses a rank system, that is what makes a pack strong.

Still, Lacinia's goal remains the same. She wants Arion to do things for her. So to think about it for a moment she backed off but kept eye contact. "If you wish to know more about me then maybe you should consider doing something for me. Just think of it as being a trade partner instead of servant. You do things for me, I'll give you things in return. I don't give anything for free even if we are packmates and that includes information."

Then she turned her head to look away. "but if you would rather be left in the dark then by all means continue to make me angry to the point where I'll never talk to you again."

RE: aquiver - Arion - May 13, 2015

At least she didn't have a terrible temper, Arion would give her that but he wouldn't give her anything else. In his opinion, she was still an utter pain in his ass, in this moment at least, but as she was his packmate, he could not obliterate her immediately. "Alright, whatever you want," the stallion shrugged his shoulders as she spoke in her usual tone, no longer yelling and spitting in his face. Thank Zeus for that, he didn't need another bath in the river so soon after his last one.

"And what reward will you give me if I am deserving?" Arion asked in his normal tone, tilting his head slightly in a curious manner. "So you do have servants," the stallion said, but he did so in a less annoying manner. He did not need to get kicked out of the Rise so soon after his acceptance. "Do they willingly ask to serve you?" he asked, this time no longer teasing but with genuine curiosity. It had always been a fatal flaw of his, curiousity. A strength and a weakness.

Arion straightened himself and shook his silken chocolate coat as she backed away and gave him an offer. "What do you want me to do then?" Arion asked in an almost weary tone. "And if I do it, what will you give me in return?" If she could give him drugs, then, well, no thanks. After all he already had a pretty reliable supplier in the pack who went by the name of Reek.

Shifting into a respectful stance and dipping his head in an almost gentlemanly manner, "I don't mean to make you angry, its just," the Greek shook his head helplessly. "You caught me in a terrible mood."

RE: aquiver - Lacinia - May 13, 2015

Lacinia held her head high after hearing him apologize and making excuses. She felt a small sense of victory when Arion seemed to be willing to do something. It was too early to lighten up on him. He could still break from her grasp anytime. She needed to figure out a way to make sure he stays loyal but without forcing him. The best way would be to see what reactions he has based on what she does. It's clear that he was curious about her so she needed to play on that. Give a little to keep him coming but not enough to satisfy him, Hopefully this works.

Thanks to that her anger faded quickly. "Just this once I'll forgive you." She said as she approached him again but this time in a nicer manner. "I did have servants, quite loyal too. They were warriors strong and willing. After their battles it was I who they would come to." She paused for a moment and decided to stop there about that. "Lend me yourself when I need it and in return I may forfill your requests. Know that I can help you relax and recover your stamina quickly or perhaps you want information or if you want someone gone..." Then she suddenly stop and looked slowly away. Maybe she shouldn't have said all that and just let him figure it out.

Then turned back to him. "Anyway I can do many things for you but been sure to understand that I make the prices. So what do you say? Be my servant and you can have me satistfy your desires depending on how well you do." She then walked pass him. "Your choice is yes or no. If you decide no there will be no second chance of getting anything from me. Maybe I'll go hunt a bit to give you time to think. Be aware I can always try finding others to help me instead." It was completely his choice. If he says no then he was unworthy in the first place and isn't worth her time. She would just move on.

RE: aquiver - Arion - May 14, 2015

one more round?
Lacinia's moods seemed to shift very quickly, one minute she was boiling and was yelling and spitting in his face, the next she had calmed down, her features reverted to normal and said she forgave him. She reminded him of his stepmother when she was carrying children or in heat, but Arion did not mention that to the dark furred female, after all it would probably anger any female. At least that was what his sister told him, but then she was about as good with emotions as he was.

Aklaq approached him but this time without spitting saliva. She spoke, saying she did have loyal servants, that they were warriors, strong and willing. Apparently after their battles they would go to her. Would she lick their wounds clean? Massage them? Use her pressure point techniques to relax their tense muscles. "Why did they come to you after battle?" he asked her, curiosity overcoming the social etiquette he had once learnt.

His packmate wanted him to lend her himself when she needed it and in turn, Aklaq would fulfill his requests. She could help him relax and recover his stamina quickly, she could also give him information. Lacinia stopped however, when she reached the part about wanting someone gone. Obviously she was talking about murdering someone. He would not need that service. If Arion needed someone gone, he would dispatch of them himself, why have fighting skills if he couldn't use them to do what he wanted?

The chocolate warrior's trademark grin spread over his maw when Aklaq asked if he wished to be her servant. Crooked and mischievous, matched with a clever glint in his honey gaze. Arion turned around to gaze at her dark, yet beautiful features. "I will be your partner not your servant, that title does not...fit me very well." He blinked at her with mesmerizing eyes. "I will be your partner in front of other wolves, you will not call me servant or slave or any other similar title. But when we are alone, you may call me whatever you wish."

Why he agreed? Arion did not know, but something prompted him to agree.

The chocolate Greek moved forward swiftly, using his legendary speed to ghost himself towards her. "Perhaps we can be friends," he murmured softly in her ear, in a gentle tone before he took a few steps backwards once more.

RE: aquiver - Lacinia - May 14, 2015

Last post from me for this thread :P Does Arion have plans in mind involving Lacinia?

It was completely clear that curiousity was a weak point of his. This was something she could easily use but she would have to be very careful with the way she gives information. There were some things she shouldn't have said but it seemed like nothing bad came from it. She did refer that she would assassinate someone if he deserved that service. The idea didn't seem to shock him at all. Maybe he would really be a useful warroir after all.

Still she needed to make sure she had a tight grip on him and can't just tell him everything. "If you wish to find out all you have to do is serve me well, It's not really that difficult once you understand what I want. You'll have to figure it out on your own my dear Arion, that would show me if you are really capable of being my servant." She said to him in a sweet tone. The real question is would he really be someone she could count on. It was way to early to depend on him. The next goal would be have him dependant on her.

Lacinia understood that he didn't want to be called a servant, atleast not in front of the others. She was curious as to why that was but she didn't bother asking about it. She'll ask him later. "Alright, as long as you don't use my real name I won't call you a servant in front of the others. If there is a name or title you would prefer don't be afraid to ask me to call you by that name." She could atleast do that for him.

He approached and whispered in her ear, she kinda liked that feeling. She felt like teasing him back he backed off before she could attempt something. He wanted to be friends with her, to Lacinia that idea was weird. "Friends?" Her voice had a small tone of confusion. She faced him and looked at him in the eyes with her fiery ones. "I've never been friends with a male before." She chuckled and turned away. "I don't think it's possible even if you tried." Calling a male friend, those words just didn't seem like they fit together. She would rather call him a servant or an ally but friend just wasn't the word she would use to any male. There was no way she could trust one that far without having a tight grip on them.

"I should be going now before I get too hungry. See you later Arion." She said softly before padding off away with her lady like features showing their charm.

RE: aquiver - Arion - May 15, 2015

Curiosity was indeed a weak point for Arion. He had been told numerous times to be careful about this particular flaw of his. Even Krios, his most unlikable douche of an older brother told him to watch out. He remembered that day so clearly it might just as well have happened yesterday. It was the day when the Greek decided to leave Cerberus's Pavilion, his father and stepmother had said goodbye already, and so had his numerous siblings. The only one left was his dear older brother. Truthfully Arion did not expect him to say farewell and had decided to leave already.

Halfway through the entrance of the camp, the other Greek caught up with him and warned him about his fatal flaw, there had been genuine concern in his hard, unfeeling orange eyes, and so rare was that that he even caught the warrior off guard. A look of astonishment followed by an amused smirk touched his chocolate features, but was wiped away when Krios cuffed him and then abruptly hugged him. Talk about mood swings. But who was he to judge? Arion had a rivalry with Krios simply because they were too similar in many aspects.

The warrior was tempted to ask her why she did not want him to call her by her real name, Lacinia but decided not to, the severe, somber tone of his older brother ringing through his head at the moment. Though he wished to know her better, he did not trust her fully just yet. Arion nodded when she said if he wanted her to call him by any specific name, he could just tell her and not be afraid. Like hell he was scared of the slim girl.

The chocolate Greek was surprised she didn't explode when he whispered in her ear, she seemed to be one of those female wolves who hated males coming so close. Perhaps he had judged wrong.

A tone of confusion wrapped around her silky voice when she spoke, saying she had never been friends with a male before and that it was not possible even if he tried. "There's always a first time," the warrior grinned cockily, he had no doubt someday, whether it would be tomorrow or a thousand years later in Elysium, he would break through her dark exterior.

"Bye," Arion returned her farewell, honey gaze focused on her retreating form and sucked in a deep breath, wondering why he was so drawn to her. Perhaps it was the aura of mystery and quiet sadness that he felt surrounded her.