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Ouroboros Spine rendezvous - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Ouroboros Spine rendezvous (/showthread.php?tid=9208)

rendezvous - Tonravik - May 07, 2015

An IC Behind the Scenes. Meant for quick character interactions at the Spine's rendezvous point, _____. This is for your character to make announcements via howl, that all of the Spine will hear; brief interactions are also acceptable when establishing what your character is doing (i.e. character a is patrolling, character b passes through; character b notes the patrolling character and heads toward them... which would lead into a separate thread). You can allude to this thread in your posts as they occur, and also allude to present events as they occur here, this thread fluid in current time. Utilize tags if necessary! Short, brief, to the point posts acceptable (i.e. wolf a's voice joins the chorus of howls). DOUBLE-POSTS ALLOWED.
@Kodiak @Echelon @Kroc @Wyvern @Sinaaq @Ivev @Loreley @Sitri @Alusia @Ivitaruk @Salamander @Kerosene @Kerosene

With the pack having succeeded in their second hunt, Tonravik again slept off her fullness, lingering relatively near to the fallen animal. The pack had eaten their fill and Tonravik rose, looking at the beast before throwing up her head and howling loudly, rallying her wolves together to alert whatever wolves (or predators) nearby that the Spine was strong, and once more, present.

The strong survived, the strong thrived. Under her leadership, Tonravik would see this place grow into its full potential, and her howl continued, listening for the notes of her pack mates.

RE: rendezvous - Tonravik - May 07, 2015

Noting something in the corner of her eye as she sings, Tonravik quiets to see the approach of a group of coyotes that had loitered here in the quiet period before her rise. It was clear they were hungry, and desperate to try their hand at obtaining their prey, whatever the risk. It made them stupid, but it also made them a threat. Tonravik throws up a howl again, summoning whatever wolves were nearby to aid her in exterminating the vermin.

RE: rendezvous - Kodiak - May 07, 2015

Kodiak was quick to throw his powerful voice into the air, joining with his Alpha and packmates, singing of the pack's strength. He was a newcomer, but he felt and acted as though he had been here for much longer, and he was ready to protect and defend the pack and tend to it with every ounce of his strength.

RE: rendezvous - Iqniq - May 08, 2015

What was seen could not be unseen. There, imposed upon his vision was the lone tree on which he could imagine others stood, still hidden beneath the misty veil at the lake's center. There was something beneath that fog, he knew. It would just be a matter of testing these waters and swimming the distance that needed to be swum. An obstacle. A moat of circumstance. Surely some other brave knight would wish to accompany him. Kero threw back his head and howled an invitation.

RE: rendezvous - Tonravik - May 13, 2015

Tonravik stood bloodied at the borders, and proud. The scuffle had been quick and the other had run off, but the leader would not let the other off so easily now that her patience had been tested. First she howls of her victory, then a warning, and a clear command to those of the Spine. If you see her hear or near, finish her. Tonravik then moves to find a stream and tend to her injuries.

RE: rendezvous - Nanuk - May 19, 2015

Her wounds did not allow her to give chase to the Plains Wolf much farther than a few meters and in the end, Kroc's pace broke, skidding to a stop on three legs instead of four, her shoulder bleeding freely down the leg the tucked up against her body. Her head thrown back, she howled, calling to the wolves of the Spine to give chase when she could not, to run that bitch out of their territory.

Edit!: @sinaaq @ivitaruk @salamander @sitri @syn (And absent Spiners @Echelon @Loreley as well though there's no penalty for not joining in, per Steph <3)

RE: rendezvous - Tonravik - May 19, 2015

Tonravik summons pack to her, pack meeting.

RE: rendezvous - RIP Salamander - May 20, 2015

A familiar howl spreads from the distant southlands, recognizable to a few Oroboros wolves as Salamander, once a recruit. (I have pneumonia so I'm really sorry I haven't been around! If you want to assume Sal went on a mission or something, feel free. Or if anything else fits, PM me and let me know! I'll try to login again in a couple days. Sorry for dying.)

RE: rendezvous - Iqniq - May 31, 2015

Weather watching. For anyone pursuing the Naturalist trade.

Lifting his head, Kero released a howl, seeking a second opinion on the angry clouds above. He pressed on, moving towards the summits of the spine with the hopes someone might join him there.

RE: rendezvous - Tonravik - June 11, 2015

Tonravik howled before departing to the Plains with her mate, @Kerosene, to notify the pack of her brief departure and of their newest addition to leadership, @Kroc. The howl is long and insists that they follow Krocs lead until their return, Kroc standing in as alpha in their stead. 

RE: rendezvous - Nanuk - June 29, 2015

@Tonravik @Kerosene @Salamander @Echelon @Tatsuya (Didn't tag any of the others because they're still joining, etc.


Kroc's head tilted, letting out a howl for all of the Spine to hear, inviting any around closer to aid them in their hunt-and-destroy mission. A skulk of foxes is lurking around the spine and need to be run out so they pose no threat to the coming pups.

RE: rendezvous - Tonravik - June 29, 2015

...Tonravik threw her head up and howled to inform the pack of what had occurred this day: one has disobeyed me, and they have died. Eloquently put. Given that Syn was on the borders, she would leave her to the scavengers... and kill them, too, once the Omega was nothing but scraps...

RE: rendezvous - Iqniq - July 10, 2015

This Packtivity still needs a few participants. Any takers? Remember! +20 EXP for participating. :] @Echelon @Arverk @Tatsuya @Salamander @Aegeus

He howled from the top of the ridge, signaling for his pack mates to rally. They would need a team for this one. Felling a bison was no easy task and they'd have to work long and hard to wear one out. Staring towards the horizon, he caught sight of a dark mass moving across the kelly green fields. No doubt, that was the herd they were looking for. He lingered for a moment longer, watching from a distance before he descended the ridge and headed in the direction of the fields.

RE: rendezvous - Nanuk - August 05, 2015

Arverk is missing. This will also be a thread to use for founding as they will be patrolling, looking for him.  @Echelon @Aegeus @Kingumut @Alkha

With a huff, the polar bear examined he scene again before issuing another howl, this one to the still settling pack. Arverk is missing. Blood. Possible attack. That was enough to go off of. If others were going to join them, they needed to do so now because the Beta would not wait long.