Wolf RPG
Rising Sun Valley death by flames - Printable Version

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death by flames - Azzaro - May 11, 2015

@Zhavvi  friendly spar

Azzaro had been hunting, having spotted a herd of deer near the meadow. He knew the chances of catching one with only a wolf were slim but he was determined to at least try, his father Drakhavo always took the risk, hell, a true Dotharan should always try, they went for the hard things, they were the strongest. So, being the determined boy he was, Azzaro decided to attempt to catch a fawn. It lingered at the edges, its wide, innocent brown eyes fixed on the deer in front of him. Stupid child, it would never make it to adulthood with those brains.

The dark furred Dotharan crouched and hid himself in the tall grass, his earthen coat blending in quite nicely with the grass but his bulky frame made it hard for him to stalk silently. It slowed him down, but ultimately, in the end he was close enough. Approaching downwind, Azzaro crept forward, a step at a time and then one of the sharper deers noticed him but it was too late.

The Dotharan had leaped forward, running as fast as he could towards the fawn, the deer herd began running too but the fawn was a bit slow, it gazed around in confusion and by then, Azzaro was already there. His gleaming alabaster fangs found the child's hind leg and broke it with a swift snap of his jaws, he dodged a blow that the mother deer sent him before charging in once more. This time, the dark furred warrior attacked the fawn on the other side where his mother was not protecting him and his fangs sank into the deer's warm flank, filling his jaws with blood.

It was almost over, Azzaro lunged once more, his teeth biting into the stupid child's neck and killing it almost instantly. He retreated then while the mother nosed over her calf's dead body, it took a while but the deer finally realised her child was dead and left. With a rare grin spreading over the wolf's maw, he crept forward and began feasting on his prize.

RE: death by flames - Zaria - May 14, 2015

Zhavvi's nose instantly picked up the sen of fresh meat. All her senses were on sharp since she was rather hungry after her training. Her limbs were getting less tired with all the extra training. She was glad. This was a more mild training for that she was grateful. Now the girl was hungry and out for a male. Her royal posture trotted towards the figure and the meal. She was the khal's daughter. He had to give her a piece, at least Zhavvi found that he should share the meal with her or just fully give it to her.

The slender girl approached the male that she had seen before but hadn't paid much interest in yet. Zhavvi glanced over him. "I'd like to have that," she pointed out, which was rather friendly of her to announce. Her tail curled up on her back and she raised her chin proudly. She would let the wolf know that she was definitely higher in rank than him. She was Rakharo's daughter after all. She was Zhavvi the warrior princess and if he wasn't willing to give it to her she would fight him for it.

RE: death by flames - Azzaro - May 17, 2015

he's still speaking their language but i'm too lazy lol

Azzaro tore through the thick hide of the deer until their was a hole in the still warm flank of the fawn, blood stained his muzzle crimson as well as the skin of the now dead child. He gulped down the rich liver of the prey, his sharp, gleaming alabaster fangs sank into a hind leg, powerful jaws clamped around it and tore it away from the body. His teeth made quick work of it and soon all the meat was stripped away from the bone. The Dotharan then turned back to his hard work when a scent, carried by the wind, drifted towards him.

Azzaro did nothing about it though, he continued eating, ignoring the presence of the girl as she closed in on him. If she made to attack, he would know, his senses as sharp as ever and his guard was up. It was only when she spoke his language did he lazily lift his head from his carcass and allowed his white eyes to drift over her. Her body language showed her rank, or what she thought was her rank. The Khal's daughter. He recognized her alright, but did not reply to her statement.

The dark Dotharan rose to his paws, a stoical mask placed carefully over his features. In his powerful jaws swung the bone of the hind leg, he threw it casually at her feet. "You can have that for now, if you prove yourself, you can have the rest," he motioned with his blood stained muzzle to the carcass.

Azzaro cocked his head, tail swaying in a friendly manner, though his stance was one ready for combat as well as a respectful one. He was willing to acknowledge her as the khalakki, therefore his posture was one of respect, but he would not hand his food over without a fight.

RE: death by flames - Zaria - May 18, 2015

Same. Haha

Zhavvi disliked being ignored. Her body soon thrummed of anger as the lower subordinate acknowledged her but didn't even reply to her! He should have moved out of the way and give her his fresh meal. Her tail curled dominantly on her back as she bared her teeth. She wasn't going to bluntly attack him as she did with the bigger male outside of their Khalas. This one would need to realize that she was far better than him and he would have to undergo her hateful stare.

Zhave let out a roar and then tried to sink her teeth into his flesh. Maybe she would make a meal out of him. She disliked how he showed respect now, she felt mocked and Zhavvi hated that. "I will fight you for it," she growled and bared her teeth, getting ready into a fighting position she learned from her trainer Kivi. Her info proved helpful so far. Zhavvi wanted to take this opportunity for the other to learn and to learn herself about fighting packmates. She had the right to, hoping her father was too busy. Still then he would probably punish Azzaro instead of her for 'trying to harm her.'

RE: death by flames - Azzaro - May 28, 2015

The female let out a pathetic roar and attempted to sink her teeth into his flesh, though brawny, the Dotharan was rather swift and moved easily out of the way. His guard was always up, even around his packmates, the only time it was ever slightly lowered was with his brother Raezho. "Go on," Azzaro goaded her, taunted her, trying to get her to attack first for it would be easier to win a fight and analyze the opponent if the other wolf attacked first.

Ears splayed backwards and flattened against his skull and he lowered his snout ever so slightly to protect his throat. Zhavvi might not aim to kill, but Azzaro was always cautious with fights. The Khalakki shifted into a combat stance but did not attack, well, it didn't really matter in the end, the agouti wolf would win.

Surging forward, Azzar charged and seemed to want to use his weight to know her over, but at the last second, he leaped and attempted to attack her right shoulder while kicking out his forelimbs hoping to unbalance her.

RE: death by flames - Zaria - May 28, 2015

Wouldn't we do like the dice thing if the attacks would hit or not?

Zhavvi was disgraced that the male wouldn't even offer her the food. She was the princess of all wolves. She bared her teeth, instantly not liking this male at all. He should treat her better. Even though the male maybe tired to respectful Zhavvi got the feeling he was trying less and less to be respectful towards her. He already prepared himself to be attacked well that is good because Zhavvi was tempted to injure him badly.

Once the male attacked her first she did all the things Kivi learned. She readied herself for the blow by tightening her muscles. She ground herself like she wasn't going to move. As a coincidence when the male moved to her right shoulder she jumped backwards, dodging away from the male. She flattened her ears and bared her teeth.

RE: death by flames - Azzaro - June 12, 2015

@Zhavvi We could simply RP this and roll the dice in the end to determine the winner? Its still friendly spar right?

Zhavvi might be the Khalakki of their Khalas, but she sure as hell was no princess of all wolves. Most natives inhabiting these lands were not Dotharan wolves, and he was sure that most of them were stronger than this daughter of Rakharo. Every wolf was defeatable, this child's father might be the Khal of their Khalas but he was not Khal of all the wolves. Besides, Zhavvi was only Khalakki because of her birth, she, in truth, was unworthy of the title. But that was merely his opinion.

Zhavvi jumped back, dodging his blow at the last moment. At least she had some fighting skills, though it wouldn't help much in the end. Deciding to go easy on her this time, his ears flattened against his proud crown and he dipped his snout to protect his throat as he charged at her once more, rearing up on hind legs at the last moment and attempting to kick her shoulders and make her lose her balance.

RE: death by flames - Zaria - June 15, 2015

Sure! :)

Zhavvi watched as the male dodged again. Damn him. The girl decided that she would let him push over. She went down so easy, almost flowing like water so the damage was rather minimal. Her body rolled over the ground before she jumped up again and instantly attacked his paws, wanting to make him even slower. She was a quick little female. She should have bathed her claws in poisons so the male would have more effort. Zhavvi didn't mind cheating.

Her brown body charged forward but instead of attacking she now dodged him and tried to bit him in his hindlegs.

RE: death by flames - Azzaro - June 29, 2015

Sorry for the late reply! @Zhavvi

Despite his brawny build, Azzaro was rather quick on his feet, albeit slower than those who only had speed and not strength. Nevertheless, it was impressive for such a burly wolf to be this quick on evading and dodging. Drakhavo, his father, had taught him the art of it and he had spent many days and nights practicing and practicing. Speed, he knew, was just as essential in a fight as strength was, even if many 'traditional' Dotharan wolves thought only pure brutal strength mattered.

Azzaro unbalanced Zhavvi with his paws easily — almost too easily — before placing a good amount of distance between them once more, thank Rhoa he had been quick and evaded the cunning blow the Khalakka aimed to bring down on him, to injure his paws. She was relentless though and charged forward and attempted to bite his hind legs, Azzaro allowed her teeth to graze him and for a few droplets of blood to leak out but quickly kicked out with both hind legs like a goat, hoping to bruise her pretty face really badly.

RE: death by flames - Zaria - July 17, 2015

Arg! I completely forgot this one! Let's wrap this up because it is an old thread.

Zhavvi was quick for another attack but she didn't expect Azzaro to kick back at her face like a prey would. She could only praise him for his excellent study on how their prey would behave when threatened. His paws hit her face which hurt far more than she expected it to hurt. She flattened her ears and bared her teeth but it hurt when she did that. Her face scrunched up, this was a technique she was going to practice herself, oh yes definitely. It was clear that her speed had not been enough for his brute strength. So she give him a respectful nod to show him that she accepted him to be the winner.

"You win. Thank you for showing a new defense method." With that she left him and his meal alone. She was still hungry but she would be disrespectful, and today she wasn't feeling like a cheater. She could still be bit of a scavenge and steal some of his food. Today she didn't and vanished within the tall grass. Her face hurting like hell.

Zhavvi Exits.