Wolf RPG
Bearclaw Valley Admire my belly! - Printable Version

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Admire my belly! - Scarlett - May 12, 2015

Scarlett trotted through the maple forest on her way to Kove. They didn't really have their alone time at the den because Raziel was there recovering form his wounds. Scarlett was looking forward to some cuddle time with Kove. She felt a need to be close to him for some reason. Maybe it were the hormones that made her sentimental, and rather hungry, but Kove was number one in comforting her. She was also starting to show hints of a rounding belly. After her week of being in heat they hadn't really talked about what happened. Scarlett still had to blush when she thought about the things she said to him.

Once agains he felt flustered. Scarlett had found a spot against the steep rock wall that was covered with mosses and soft leaves. It was the perfect spot to lay down which she often did. Some of the sun would seep through and it was more covered than the open fields they had. Scarlett was keen on meeting Kove there. She also had to tell him that she was carrying his young. She was certain now, especially since because of her small frame she was already showing a bit. She was so proud of her little belly, which she hoped would soon be a bigger belly.

RE: Admire my belly! - Kove - May 15, 2015

In the end, Kove hadn't stayed at the end of the tunnel. He'd been interested in it, and had told himself he would visit it again as soon as he was able, but his subconscious had reminded him he needed to think for more than just himself. He hadn't been a lone wolf in quite some time now, and the fact that he was an alpha made him realize he needed to eliminate the loner mentality from his ind entirely—or at least do a damn good job at hiding it, since there was no telling if he would ever need it in the future. He'd put the effort into doing than when he'd turned himself around and left the tunnel the way he'd come, rather than continuing on through the area it emptied into. The Inuit had a pack to look out for, and a lover to protect. As much as he wouldn't to, he just couldn't leave for long periods of time so soon after one of his pack mates had been attacked. He needed to stay behind and make sure everyone was kept safe, because he doubted Adlartok could do it. Sure, he would look out for Scarlett, but even when it came to her, he was still a child and the older wolf deemed him incapable of protecting even himself.

Kove shook his head clean of such thoughts, knowing well he shouldn't harbor any negative feelings or thoughts towards one of his pack members, especially when he was looking to meet up the woman who saw herself as the mother of the boy. He made his way through the valley, following after the scent of the albino—which was no easy task given the fact that her scent was everywhere. After a moment, however, it became easy. He had once lived in a snow-filled region, where scents were never constant. Lucky for him, her scent wasn't gone, and one he'd recalled the way of going about things from his home land, he was able to locate the newest of the scents and followed it. It didn't take long to locate her, which he was thankful for, and the ghost greeted his equally pale lover with a soft nudge to the side of her face with his nose. “Hey,” he voiced, giving her a smile as usual. “Haven't seen you around in awhile.” It wasn't that he hadn't wished to see her, because he had, but the care of Raziel was more important at the moment.

RE: Admire my belly! - Scarlett - May 15, 2015

Scarlett was sure that they had a meeting here so she patiently waited, eventually she sat down felling tired. Then once again she felt the pressure on her lower abdomen. She sighed softly and then rushed into the bushes to pee once more. How could she pee so much all the time?! She didn't understand. The female was glad to see that her lover wasn't there yet so she sat down again on the mossy bed. She looked around feeling utterly at home in the valley. The forest giving a nice green glow over her. Her red eyed popping even more with the green surrounding her. Eventually she laid down, since even sitting was hurting her back a bit. Who knew that carrying babies wasn't that comfortable.

Her tail instantly patted the ground when she saw Kove approach. "Hey," she greeted in return. "Hmm. True. Raziel took up some time. But. I figured we could spend sometime today," Scarlett spoke. She pulled herself up once more, hoping that Kove would see her belly and the start of her swollen teats. Normally they were only small nubs but now they were definitely bigger. Scarlett gave him a few kisses over his cheek. Scarlett knew her mate could be a bit oblivious from time to time, so it was rather difficult to keep the news to herself. Her small size made her show already. Maybe Kove would only see it when she would lay on her back and show her belly to him.

"I have a surprise for you!," she couldn't help it. Her excitement just exploded. Her tail was wagging so fast it was almost a blur of white. Scarlett laid down and then rolled over on her back. Now it was very clear to see that there was a swelling in her belly where she normally was so slender. "Look!," she let out excitedly.

RE: Admire my belly! - Kove - May 17, 2015

The male was not surprised to hear that Raziel had taken up some of her time that day. It was necessary, after all. "Of course," he commented, though his voice was not bitter like one might expect. He kept the same tone as before, but with a slight bit of relief in his undertone. Surprisingly, the Inuit had started to enjoy the time away from the den and Scarlett. It gave him the opportunity to explore and see new things on his own, which was something he enjoyed very much. The ghost knew he needed to meet up with his lover every now and again, but nothing forced him to return to the den where the injured Roman laid healing. Even once the silver wolf was well and patched up, the decision on whether or not the pale being would return to the den when the night came around had yet to be decided. There was a higher chance he would take to sleeping within the tunnel, or maybe on the miniature island at the center of the river. That is, until the woman rolled over and started showing off her enlarged stomach. The realization dawned on him as soon as he saw it, and he took a small step back out of shock.

In all honesty, Kove should have expected that his lover would end up pregnant, but there was never a guarantee that would happen. The sight sunk in quickly, and he ended up taking a step forward, lowering himself so he was laying on his own stomach as he did so. The wolf pressed his nose to her underside gently, curious about it, as well as the little lifeforms that would be growing within her. It seemed like they were growing too quickly, but then again, what did he know? Chances are, though, it just seemed that way since Scarlett was usually such a small creature. His head tilted slightly a he pulled it back, moving his gaze from the her exposed underside to her face. He didn't know what to say, how he should respond. After a moment, though, words started to come to him. "How much longer, do you think?" he inquired, wishing to know when his children would be born. He hadn't imagined he'd be a father for quite some time, but everything had changed so quickly, including that thought. Now, his lover was pregnant with his children, and he couldn't be more excited—even if his features portrayed feelings of shock, still, rather than excitement.

RE: Admire my belly! - Scarlett - May 17, 2015

Hormonal mess xD tsk.

Scarlett's tail went crazy when she was laying on her back. She was excited for Kove's reaction but he didn't react as she expected him to react. He seemed shocked? Was it shock because he didn't expect it? Was he shocked because he didn't meant to knock her up? Scarlett instantly grew worried and watched Kove approach. His nose against her belly felt nice though, yet still there was no excitement. Only a inquiry of then they would be there like it was some sort of business deal. Scarlett was quick to roll over and sit across from him. She couldn't help herself, since it were probably the hormones, but her red eyes filled with tears.

"Why aren't you happy?," she asked, clearly upset. She stood up so she could physically put her tail a bit between her legs. She was afraid. Afraid of doing this alone. She was so excited for her babies, she was especially proud to carry Kove's babies but he didn't seem pleased about it. He was only shocked. She looked down at her paws. "I thought you wanted pups too. I am half way, one more moon," she spoke as the naturalist that she was, that was the way she told time. Slowly a sniffle fell from her lips, along with a few tears. Even though her eyes were watery she was wary of Kove coming closer. "Don't touch me!," she let out.

RE: Admire my belly! - Kove - May 17, 2015

The male brought himself up from off his stomach and then sat down as he watched the movements of the albino, noticing how she sat across from him, rather than coming closer. It confused him, as his features most likely betrayed, and he was only cast further into the abyss of confusion when he saw tears start to form in her eyes. He didn't know what was wrong, but was certain he hadn't done anything wrong. He hadn't hurt her but touching her stomach, had he? No, that was absurd. He'd witnessed such actions before, and never had the female reacted in the same manner as Scarlett did. Besides, he had a right to be close to his children, even if they weren't yet born. Her reasoning was soon made apparent to him, however, as her words hit him. Not happy? How could he not be happy? They were going to be parents soon, there would be little wolves running around in the valley before they knew it. He was beyond happy, but the initial shock of the news had staked it's claim on his features. "What are you talking about?" he inquired, actually slightly hurt that she would even consider him being unhappy over learning he would be a father. "I am both happy and excited." Having only witnessed mated couples who were expecting from afar, he didn't know that the growing pups would be messing with her emotions and making her hormones go all out of whack.

"Of course I want pups, too!" Kove exclaimed, essentially hiding his earlier, and current, hurt. They'd spoken of it before, they'd told one another of how they would enjoy starting a family, and yet she was trying to make it seem as if he didn't want anything to do with them. Everyone reacts to learning they'll be a parent differently, and the Inuit man's reaction just so happened to be one of shock. It was something he couldn't help, and felt she shouldn't hold something against him that he couldn't change. All he needed was a moment for it to sink in, for him to really understand what was happening, but she hadn't given him that moment. So, despite her telling him to keep away, he moved closer to her without hesitation. "We talked about it, remember? Both of us said how we felt about starting a family, and neither of us were against it. Why would you think that's changed?" Kove was genuinely curious, as well as a bit upset.

RE: Admire my belly! - Scarlett - May 17, 2015

Scarlett looked at Kove and kept on sniffling. Now the female couldn't stop anymore. It seemed like she was mistaken. Kove did want the babies, which made her smile to her tears. And her tail sway a bit more. She then rushed forward and nestled herself against him. "I'm sorry," she blubbered between her soft sobs. "You didn't look happy. I thought the worst," she admitted in a soft tone.

Her big teary red eyes look up with such guilt that one could barely stay mad at her. She buried her nose into his fur. Kove always smelled so nice. She wished she smelled as nice as him. But now she was pregnant she realized how different she scented at times. "I remember talking about it. I am so excited for our babies, Kove," she whispered. "I'm just a bit hormonal or something. I feel so many things and emotions. And there is so much pee. So much!," she started to babble. "I'm hungry," she then realized.

She gave him a lick under his jaw. "Forgive me?," she whispered, ears falling to the side. "I am just a bit... sensitive," she stated. A bit was ... maybe not the right word.