Wolf RPG
Rising Sun Valley You're just like all of them - Printable Version

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You're just like all of them - Adlartok - May 13, 2015

Artok traveled the border on a regular basis, often staying near the front entrance. Unless Kove was there, then he stayed away from it. He hated the male, even more than he thought possible. Perhaps it was a mixture of jealousy and mistrust. After all he had just gotten settled with actually liking Miss. Scarlett then Kove was there. And then he had hurt her immediately, even if it wasn't unpurpose he had still done it, and Artok could not forgive that as Miss. Scarlett did. He sniffed at the nearby area, and froze the scent was there of @Nea . He growled softly, and without a backward glance he began to head towards where it was prominent.

She had left him just like everyone else, and he was tired of being left. She had a lot to answer for and he wanted to know all the answers and he wanted to know them now. Growling he continued and then he found it. She was near their home, but not right on it. He lifted his muzzle and howled, demanding her presence and he really didn't give a damn if she didn't like his demanding tone.

RE: You're just like all of them - Néa - May 13, 2015

Néa had barely moments to survey the beginnings of her own den, dug into the yielding but firm earth of the hillside when the demanding howl of a familiar wolf rose and undulated like furious waves to her thoughts.


This was not going to be a happy conversation. Still on edge from her emotional talk with Scarlett, her nerves were frayed and her sanity hanging on a thinner string than usual. She allowed her paws to meander their way to where she had been summoned, the demand clear in the sound grating against her and it drive her partially insane when she saw him again.

She'd liked him, to be honest. He could have been the reason she stayed. Could have been, should have been but it was too little, too late.

The sullen spectre of a ghost stood commanding at the entrance to the borders, stance tense and angry and yet none of it truly mattered anymore. She had betrayed him yes. But betrayal would become a two way street, depending on how this went.

RE: You're just like all of them - Adlartok - May 17, 2015

Artok stood stock still and waited. His tail hanging limply behind him. He couldn't quite understand why he was so upset by her departure, or why he wanted answers. There had been a time he wouldn't have cared. However, the broken shattered female that had stood before him, talking to him. She had touched a vulnerable part of the dark boy. Making him want to scream and rage and push her away, while at the same time protect her. It was a strange war between his innards.

If Artok had known she was going to leave, he would have fought to talk her out of it. He however had failed to see the change in her, her descent into madness. He had failed to see what he could fix, and that was probably the biggest blow to his ego. That he had failed her, someone he had sworn to protect. The light sparkled on his white highlights, while he stood still. Then she came to stand in front of him and though he wanted to snap at her, he also wanted to lick her face and clean her wounds. He however, stayed still.

Hello Nea, Miss. Scarlett told me you wished to speak with me? That you were sorry you had abandoned me. Though I appreciate the sentiment, I would have preferred it came from you, rather than through a third party. He cut his eye sat her, waiting and watching wary.

RE: You're just like all of them - Néa - May 19, 2015

He stood a few paces from her and he was just as he had been, scars still evident and that strangely confident tilt to his frame was so uniquely Adlartok that it rushed memories through her mind. She had missed him, as much as she had denied it and it was terrifying to know how much pain she had caused this loyal wolf. She had merely touched on his life before she had run again, running from everything.

The young wolf was tense, his eyes watching her warily and she supposed she deserved that now. Aye. I hadn't told her I was sorry, merely that I wanted to talk to you. I left too abruptly to even think of doing things rightly, let alone with decorum. I couldn't stay. I'm not sure how to explain it but I couldn't stay. I would've hurt someone, I was losing control and I... Didn't want to destroy what was here. I didn't want to hurt you, though I think I failed there.

RE: You're just like all of them - Adlartok - May 19, 2015

Artok waited, determined that he wouldn't leave until he had a satisfied answer. Even if he had to follow her around all day. He wasn't sure, why he needed such an answer from her. He also wasn't sure why it mattered so damn much. However, he knew it did, and he knew he needed it, to be peaceful with this situation.

Artok smirked strangely, a smile between exasperation and slight respect. Well you know Miss. Scarlett. She thinks the best of us, despite that we are clearly not good. Artok did not deny he was no angel. No he did not deny that at all, if anything he knew it and embraced it. He didn't care who he hurt mostly, or why. Only if he got what he wanted or what his family wanted in the end. Perhaps, it was a bit arrogant, or pushy, but he couldn't dwell on it long. It was the bane of youth, to be cocky and feel untouchable. Though he knew all to well, that even darkness could touch those young. For it had brushed upon him many times.

Artok looked at her again, I am going to be okay. Many have done much worse to me, and I survived. If that is all you do, I can only be so lucky. Next time Nea, talk to me though. It doesn't scare me, the thought of you attacking me. I think I could handle it, don't you? Otherwise, for what's its worth. It's good that you are home. That is all he said, he wasn't really sure what else to say. All he knew that the thought of her leaving made him sick inside.

RE: You're just like all of them - Néa - May 23, 2015

Néa hadn't truly realise how much she had missed that stupid smirk. It was strange and quirky and so uniquely Artok, that it was impossible to remind her of anyone else. She grinned in response and shook her head in mock consternation. "Yes, she's always seen the good in me. Not sure what she sees to be honest."

With a cautious glance to her... friend? Is that what they were? She wasn't sure but that fit well enough for her. She didn't trust herself... but he trusted her... right? She padded forward on cautious paws and sat her rump down just a little in front of him, a cheshire grin spread across her maw. "Don't worry, I won't be going anywhere anytime soon I don't think. I'm glad to be home, to be honest. I missed yo- this place. I really did."

RE: You're just like all of them - Adlartok - June 09, 2015

I'm really sorry I will be more active now

Artok nodded his head, she did always see the good. And he wasn't sure what she was either. I don't know, but I think I like that she does. Makes me feel like maybe i don't fail so bad at life. Then he grew quiet again. Wondering pensively on his adopted motherly figure, and how she could be so kind. When darkness and hatred had touched her so many times.

Artok didn't move forward, but he did settle to his own rear end in front of her too. His friend? She was the closest thing to it, so he might as well give her a cautionary title. He smirked again, What was that? you missed what now? He teased her gently, he had caught that slip of tongue and he wasn't going to let her forget it.