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Greatwater Lake Fonakeesi Vezhven - Printable Version

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Fonakeesi Vezhven - Rakharo - May 15, 2015

This one's for @Kivi set at night, rainy skies ;)

As the rain poured down, Rakharo decided to stop for the night under a thick copse of threes that would somewhat serve as shelter for a few hours. It wasn't great, but it would have to do. The Khalas had slowly suffered for many moons and Rakharo wanted to preserve their strength for what was to come. He had already scented wolf activity in the area, and although he wasn't sure if the rest of the group knew, he kept it to himself, not wanting curiosity pick his daughter or anyone of the wolves who had pledged themselves to him. It was risky losing members to more promising packs that had it all granted.

Rakharo didn't mind the rain washing him. It reminded him of home and his days as pup when the rains of spring brought life back to the dry grass. Rain was good as he saw it, even if it was annoying with such an intensity. He liked to walk under the rain, even more at night, so this day he did. He left the group behind and went out to see if the lake could surprise him.

RE: Fonakeesi Vezhven - Kivi - May 15, 2015

Kivi had been searching and searching, but no plains were found. Kivi was lucky to have found the Khalas when she did and had decided to keep close to the lake. She had spent many days away from her kind, as it was refreshing to meet new wolves. The female had been fishing all day and before she knew it the sky was dark and it started to rain. The last time Kivi ate a fish was on her travels to find her father and the meat tasted absolutely terrible to the wolfess. Unsuccessful in her attempt to catch something to eat, Kivi left the waters and went to the shore. Once on land she shook her pelt, but realised it did nothing as it was raining.

Her eyes fully adjusted to the darkness and she watched as the moonlight shone across the lake, and the stars twinkled in the water's reflection. Kivi sat and looked around to see the silhouette of a wolf in the distance. She couldn't tell who it was, but figured that they were part of the Khalas so the female began to approach them. Due to the rain it made it difficult to hear so instead of chuffing, Kivi let out a friendly bark to alert the wolf she was there.

RE: Fonakeesi Vezhven - Rakharo - May 15, 2015

THIS IS MY 50TH POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'D
OMG I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rakharo immediately snapped back to reality when a bark broke the -not so silent- silence he was walking on. He had been thinking about Awazzi, running her words over and over again in his mind. Maybe he had mistaken the omen and had gone the wrong way, or maybe her words didn't exactly mean that he should have left the homeland.

The barker was no one else than Kivi, the Fonakeesi Rakharo had taken in a few weeks ago. He recognized her with his eyes only, bvecause the rain made it difficult to get her scent properly. She had been away for a while, and Rakharo had started to think that maybe she had left them behind. He wouldn't have blamed her, but she hadn't ditched them, so there was no need to.

"Look who it is" Rakharo shouted obligated by the silencing noice of the rain. "I though you had abandoned us." he tried to pick his words right. He didn't want Kivi to think that he was insinuating that he thought Kivi would brake her bows, but it was open for interpretation.

RE: Fonakeesi Vezhven - Kivi - May 15, 2015

Eeepppp Yay!

When Kivi finally reached the figure infront of her she realised it was Khal Rakharo, and she gave a bow to show the proper respect. She silently wondered of he had figured out about her training Zhavvi, but she wouldn't dare ask or speak anything to do with the young wolfess. For once in her life, Kivi didn't want trouble with someone and Rakharo was lucky enough to be that person. His words did not suprise the female, as she couldn't blam him for think that. She had been gone for some time, but she certianly had not abandoned them.

"I was out looking for Bison, and plains" and she was about to mention the Spine alpha but went against it. She didn't need him knowing the trouble she got into and she simple wished that he wouldn't notice her wounds, and thanks to the darkness it was unlikely that he would. "I unfortunately haven't found anything so far, just mountains, valleys, forest, and damn deer." It was irritating constantly having to hunt the same animal, and it seemed deer was all Kivi was able to find in this area.

RE: Fonakeesi Vezhven - Rakharo - May 15, 2015

Luckily, or maybe unluckily fo r Kivi, Rakharo wasn't aware of either her training sessions with Zhavvi, nor her encounter with another pack leader. He wouldn't be pleased about either of those things, but it would make it more easy for him to lead if he ever got to know these kind of things. He trusted his wolves, a lot, but maybe that would one day be the doom of him.

Rakharo hadn't at all noticed Kivi's missing eartip, nor her battle wounds, the rain was too heavy and the night too dark for that. But he did notice that she, just like the rest of the group, was getting sick of the situation. No bison. No plains. Just a lot of useless shit.

"We will find it Kivi. For now we need to rest. We have worked too hard to find the promised land, and I'm getting a feel ing that we probably will have to do that for a while longer." he siad, trying not to let the pesimism out of his mouth. He needeed to be the strength of his people, and he was working hard not to break himself. "Come. Let's not worry about that right now. We need to look for shelter..." he instructed and turned around, motioning with his head for Kivi to follow.

"So.. Tell me... Have you met everyone else yet?" the Khal asked after a few paces ahead. He was curious about how she was getting along with the rest of the Khalas, she had been distant for a while, and he wanted to make sure his group woorked as.. Well.. A group...

RE: Fonakeesi Vezhven - Kivi - May 15, 2015

Kivi sighed as he said they would find the land they were searching for, and how he explained how they may have to deal with these deer and akward terrian for a little longer. Unlike many other Dotharan wolves, Kivi was use to the the terrian here. Her traveling experience actually was proving to be useful for once, but it was getting old now and she missed the flatland like at home. The wolfess followed after the male as he lead the way to search for shelter from the rain. When he asked if she had met everyone else, Kivi tried to remember everyone from the horde that she had come across.

"Well, I met your brother, your daughter and a young boy that seemed to have dried up blood across his face." She couldn't remember if the boy had said his name or not, but it didn't really matter to the wolfess as the young male didn't seem like anyone important. Kivi wondered if the Khal had heard about how she defeated his brother, because if he didn't she certainly wouldn't mind telling the story. As long as the topic was off of Zhavvi the wolfess was sure she would be just fine talking to the male.

RE: Fonakeesi Vezhven - Rakharo - May 15, 2015

The female's answer was somewhat kind of what Rakharo expected it to be. She had only met a few of the wolves from the Khalas, not all of them, and from the names she mentioned, Rakharo was most interested to know what the reaction of his relatives had been. Zoratto, as Kivi thought, wasn't yet as important to the Khal.

"You met my daughter?" The Khal asked, innocently ignoring the fact that Kivi didn't want the tpic to steer that way. If she had mentioned the encounter with Lavakho, and what had come of it, Rakharo would have been pretty interested in knowing the results, but it was up to her to bring it up now. He knew that Zhavvi's temper was a tough one, and it was a concern of his to know how she was treating his subordinates. "She's a sweet little thing isn't she?" Rakharo said adding a strong hint of irony to his voice.

RE: Fonakeesi Vezhven - Kivi - May 15, 2015

He just had to bring up Zhavvi didn't he? Kivi's face froze for a moment not know what to say, bjt she quickly made she to cover up her expression. She could still save this conversation, and all she needed to do was make it flow and act normal. He spoke of how Zhavvi was sweet, and the female realised she could work with this. "Yeah she is sweet I guess. Your brother however is not that sweet. We...ugh got into a little fight, but I taught him a lesson and totally kicked his ass." She couldn't help but have a smirk creep up on her face, even though it was dark and the male probably couldn't see her face that well.

That worked didn't it? It probably sounded extremely suspicious to the Khal, and Kivi wanted to have the ability to read minds so she could figure out what Rakharo was thinking. Her honey eyes searched for shelter, but it was difficult in the dark, and the rain didn't exactly help. Was there even a cave or something to take shelter from in this area?

RE: Fonakeesi Vezhven - Rakharo - May 15, 2015

The khal, just as Kivi suspected, thought that the sudden change in the conversation was a bit strange and suspicious, but besides not considering it that important, Rakharo's interest was picked up again when Kivi mentioned kicking his brother's arse. "Really?" the Khal asked as he turned around surprised that his brother, the best warrior he knew after himself, had been beaten by a femalesmaller wolf.

"I gotta tell you that I have never seen anyone beat my brother..." the Khal said, amused by the facts. "I suppose you're not only a good hunter then..." he said and kept laughing. He couldn't believe what he'd just been said, and he couldn't wait to rub it in Lavakho's face. And on the other hand, his own respect towards Kivi had grown, and it showed in the way he looked at her. She was a strong female, no one would be stupid enough to deny it.

RE: Fonakeesi Vezhven - Kivi - May 16, 2015

Kivi kept walking and searching for a shelter, when she heard the suprised voice of Rakharo. He was lucky that he didn't say anything about being suprised that a female beat his brother, or Kivi may have needed to teach him a lesson. As she continued to listen the female herself became a bit shocked. It seemed that she was the first wolf to ever defeat Lavakho that her Khal knows of. Interesting.

She smiled when he said that she is not only a good hunter. Of course she wasn't just a hunter, that wouldn't prove to be very useful for a pack being one thing. Kivi believed someone needed to be good at several trades in order to be valuable. "Yes, I am definitely much more than just a hunter" she said, but didn't tell him what else she was as he would learn that in time. As he laughed, Kivi felt that she got to see a bit of Rakharo that many didn't get to. She usually did not see a Khal laughing, so she figured this was a rare opportunity. "Have any others joined the Khalas while I was away" the female asked curiously, as she believed she should meet the wolves she would soon be in a pack with.

RE: Fonakeesi Vezhven - Rakharo - May 16, 2015

Gonna be a bit vague about wh's joined because there are some pledge threads in process that are supposed to have happened before this...

When Rakharo realized he was laughing in front of a subordinate, his face felt weird for a moment. That was something he didn't do often, and it had only ever happened with those he trusted the most and who had earned his full respect. Had Kivi gotten so far so soon?

"I look forward to see what other abilities you posess, Fonakeesi Vezhven..." the khal said with a bow. It was true, and he was starting to feel good about having accepted Kivi into his Khalas. He loved good investments. "Many have joined us. There are two brothers, Azzaro and Raezho, and there's also Zoratto just to mention a few..." he barked, proud of the way his Khalas was growing, and how it showed to be becoming a strong one. Azzaro was big and strong while Raezho was curious about plants and nature, and Zoratto, with his boldness and courage, was sure to become a golden warrior one day.

RE: Fonakeesi Vezhven - Kivi - May 16, 2015

Sounds good ;)

The female would be suprised if she knew that the Khal only showed this side to the ones he trusted or respected, and honestly she would probably feel a bit important too. Kivi was a glad to hear the Rakharo was looking forward to what other talents and abilities she has. When he bowed, Kivi raised an eyebrow. She knows she did something right when your her King bowed to her. She quite enjoyed being bowed to, and would have to remember to keep show off her skills if that's what it took to get some respect.

As he explained who had pledged their loyalties to him, Kivi was glad to hear there were a decent amount of wolves in the Khalas. In fact in was an excellent amount as this was not native lands to the Dotharan, and so it seemed Rakharo had gotten lucky with his amount of subordinates. Little did Kivi know but she had already met one of the three he mentioned, but she couldn't recognize any of their names. "I will have to meet some of these wolves before I set off to search for Bison." The wolfess looked to see the male's reaction. Kivi wondered if she was allowed to continue to explore or would he prefer her stay with the Khalas?

RE: Fonakeesi Vezhven - Rakharo - May 16, 2015

The rain was starting to clear out, and only a faint drizzle remained, making it easier for the Khal to comunicate. They had entered the copse of threes he'd chosen for his Khalas to spend the night, and he shook his pelt, deciding he was soaked enough.

"So you want to be a scout as well? Maybe you could be a Daheshakeesi for the Khalas as well as a Fonakeesi... And lets not forget about your fighting skills. You're also a Lajakeesi for what I see..." the Khal said, somewhat making his comment sound like a compliment. Kivi was going to be very useful for the Khalas, so Rakharo might as well make her feel comfortable in it.

RE: Fonakeesi Vezhven - Kivi - May 16, 2015

As the rain turned into a drizzle, Kivi flattened her ears on her head to cover up her bite mark. She would need to remember everytime she talked to Rakharo, it would need to be in the dark that way he couldn't see her properly. She was a terrible lier and didn't need him bring up the subject of wounds or injuries, so if that meant she had to look like and idiot with her ears pressed against her skull, then so be it.

When the Khal shook his pelt it reminded the female of the stranger she went swimming with in the cave. She needed to get that male out of her head, he was the enemy now. Kivi did indeed take his statements as a compliment and she felt proud to be valuable to the Khalas. However that would mean Rakharo would expect things from her, and every now and then Kivi enjoyed being lazy. "Indeed I am all those things, and I am proud to be them." She wouldn't want to be anyone else in the world, her life had its ups and downs, but overall it was good.

RE: Fonakeesi Vezhven - Rakharo - May 18, 2015

This will be my last post, thanks for the thread :D

Kivi sure was making herself a name among the Khalas. Rakharo expected to see her be an active part of the pack and he wouldn't take less, he wanted his followers to earn their places every day and with every action they made, and so far Kivi was doing a great job. However, if Rakharo ever found out that she had lied to him, she would see the concequences, and she would learn from them. A Khal who didn't know what his followers got themselves into was a Khal hwo would easily lose control of his pack, and Rakharo had no intentions of getting to that point.

"I look forward to the day you claim your trades to me. I will be grateful to honor you with each and every one of them if you prove you deserve it. Good night, Kivi." he said, and with a nod of his head he dismissed the huntress to find a warm place close to his daughter to spend the rest of the night.

RE: Fonakeesi Vezhven - Kivi - May 18, 2015

I'll archive

She had a serious face on when the Khal spoke of trades. She would prove to everyone one day that she was a wolf not to be messed with. She gave a quick smile to the male as he turned to leave, and she allowed her ears to rise into a normal position. A relieved sigh. And from the wolfess as she avoided talking about both Zhavvi and her scars. She hoped that they would find the plains soon, because then the golden Khal would be to busy with pack things to notice her. It would be the perfect opportunity to sneak away with Zhavvi so they could get some training done like she promised to the girl.

Kivi turned and found a decent tree to lay by that should shelt her from the drizzle that still fell from the heavens. A yawn came Kivi, and it was the last thing heard from her on that night before she collapsed from exhaustion.